riince Rupert Woaeily News Friday, August &, isos BLACKWOOD on WSridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD ~ me : C — > ISusiness €F B FOfeS5long John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs, 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 2% Besner Block Phone Blue 442 ' PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER | DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Classified Rates Vlosure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- HANDY FOR SALE vious to publication. FOR ga ety nd. | 86D) sca af it i o ; ‘a Classified, 3 cents per word per! — : FOR SALE—7 cu. ft. Frig. Black imsertion; minimum charge 50 T i127?p (187p | Matt | C F p R RADIO DIAL | 1240 Kilocycies (Subject to Change) eaten atte ata teeta tee ee ete FRIDAY GENERAL CON Building a; TRA id Repair, ; kinds " SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608—3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 cents 411. Josephson Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards FOR SALE — Full of Thanks, Death Notices, trunk $50.00. Autom Funera! Notices, age and r and ma Bill Good Sports Engagement nnouncements i Apply suite 2, CBC News; Weather; Int $2.00 Alma Apts. after 6 a »| 6:00 “Car tw Special ; ROOFS a CHI OLL BURNER Advanced Part Scere ae Has Important Advantages PHONES; P.O. Box 1670 Display double price. An advanced part score has several important | advantages not the least of which is that it makes) > News Roun | ” . : yee “naturally”’—without | FOR RENT | FOR RENT quiet ce “ANNOUNCEMENTS Rebekah Bazaar Catholi Fall Bazaar, and 9 Housekeep iple. Red 89 g FOR RENT—Warehouse, 40 ft. x on First Ave. and Man- J | jay. Apply Standard) 9:45 Three Cities of Babylon jof > Shop (187) jreach FOR RENT—Room for two, with ore ist lunch packed Black 330 (186 FRED E. Down OPT¢ IMETRIgp Room 10 Stone Build Phone Blue 53 Open Friday Bye i: Seeemeeeee |it possible to open the bidding — | worrying about a possible rebid. It also has the disadvantage making slams harder to As soon as either partne n call which is enough for game, the bidding may hx dropped ab ae FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK | a || SAUNDERS BROS. i October 4 Oct South dealer Both sides vulnerable N-S 60 part score Nerth (Mrs. Reen) SK 8 3 HK 10 5 3 We Pour Ceinent For Less Phone Blue 939 lakes a | This edvertizement is net published ov dusplayed by | the Liquor Contral Board o by the Government ot Benish Columbia IO.D.E. Fall } Wer av. FOR RENT — Sleeping room.) A: be set up as Blue 433 (187) | 7:0 FOR RENT—Two 1 ment, private entrar rking couple 143 9th Ave. West. (190) | $1} ee HOUSE FOR RENT—With furni-| $32 ne te oo ire fe >. 741. 8th West. Im- Credit Women’s Breakfast mediately (189p) nee MAT TSON'S Presbyterian ber 27 PRECISION SAW FILING D—A J 3 ; ere & UPHOLSTE neither side has scored. For this Cc—Q 8 ' Lay Menem Sinagenes STiaiNg responding hand West East USED CARS 215—I1st Ave. W. Phone Blue 126. po4 has to alter his tactics some- (, °°), Soa 234—Srd Ave § what when his side has a par Phone 909 Prince Rupert, 3 Al CERTIFIED P.O. Box 72] 1951 Ford Fordor Lovely : tial D { Holding good fit in the ‘ . | South ’ green metallic. Heater, 2. visor, only 6,000 opener responder’s best (Mr miles $2350 action is to show that fit at s Mick Meeemroes Sct once instead of messing aroun} 7 “f eo and-room) 9:45 the. Wes suits of his own, Afte 1949 Plymouth Sedan—Smart Black 660 59 all, there can be put one fina! ddi i two-tone. Nice (188) | 10:00 asical Theatr | contract th est wth East family car $1575 Dust wus ais ee eee ca . If, in addition to a good fit H s : 1947 Hydramatic Olds— Wil- WANTED TO RENT 10:55 teport he strong oa pcreye tore ae - = : - at ‘ or edan— ed. Apply Box 458, Daily News TRUCK BARGAINS (187p) 1946 Fargo *\-Ton Panel— acs daa ances Very serviceable WANTED Oo — two h schcel dae tae unit . $795 nle of Phone Green 497 Music by Mozart 1946 Ford Sedan-Delivery— ARG 130 Tome TED Nice utility wagon... $675 WANTED TO RENT —Urgently| }3° 70 be aunmufited - reason the Ladie of the Meek) Royal Purple Bazaar QJi07 S942 274 H-—98 2 ‘is Q92 D-8 754 Women of the : Nov. 7 « J3wW43 suit “ Champion) HELEN’S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beuuty Culture in all its branches 204—4th Street Phone 655 H. G. HELGERY FOR RENT — Board LIMITED ~_ for Working PERSUNAL WE PAY cash for mowers, any size ford Electrical Bay. Phone With any man REAL ESTATE & [Noy Phone 96, Ev2nings jp or make holds a hand, h Vorks, Blue 391 $1325 should show this promptly by} ‘Lawyers Fade Out) si:i°*s2" cision had™be for a one no trump bid} | Ci i B hind eT a quite enough for two | n ities e | no trump He decided to risk bidding The lron Curtain nly heart, knowing Mrs. | i Eatiet Cant Keen wouid bid if she had any- |] with new cars in short supply required, unfurnished three- Olympic «Gemes By HUBERT HARRISON z at all and giving. the ad-|] ... suggest your careful con- vedroom house by RCMP fam- This Week" © vantage of finding out what ideration »f one of our quality ily Tw teen-age children 15 CBC New VIENNA (Reuters) Lawyer bid his partner | ail a r 7 Aa . o a. Phone RCMP, Prince Rupert. 3:25 Re are becoming extinct in_ the if oe ee ee Supersonic Waves Bob Parker Ltd. WANTED—Semi or furnished 2 Europe because there's nothing 3 room suite, apartment or left for them to battle over in Phone 93 . . ' Aid Germination And Plant Growth 210use. No children. Box 804 | court ; In Hungary, Rumania, Czecho- EDMONTON (CP)—Barley seeds and supersonic waves seem slovakia and Bulgaria, lawyers formed a wealthy and important combination, but the al SAIrs PROP- ‘ould pe a petent one i SALES PRO! with great political and power. |Now they are 1.428 ie : Fir PPET the experiments of George Obe ye a -essful QUALITY REPAIRS LING THE TAY For Downtrodden Heels tea and Wurn Soles Tailoring - Alter Box 774 Second Ave. sala ak and MAC es | ade-to-M 220 Sixth st SHOE HOSPITAL Mid-Day Melogies Program Resygne one ‘ a free would make } When Mrs. Keen not only re-| sponded but raised beyond the} game level, he was more than} glad to accept the invitation to] slam PORTRAITS Films Developed and PROMPT SERVI CHANDLER'S 8 216—4th Street Phone Green @ Prince Rupert Shippmg and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effi- clent Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd, for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY’S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60-and 68 ee For the MEAL that REFR » on to Mr. Abel opened the queen of | pades and the only problem | was to guess who had the queen | of diamonds. Of course, Mr. Champion didn’t guess at all. He made it certain | Winning the opening lead} with the ace of spades, he rat- | tled off three rounds of trumps, | three rounds of clubs then, played the king and another pade. Mr. Abel was in the lead o Train Sche STANDARD Tf Fer the East Daily except Sunday From the East— Daily except Monday class, social Cc ig e los out, and the survivors almost every vestige of er and importance SALESMEN WANTED This decline is primarily due to the property has been nationalized or taxed out of existence, fortunes have dis- appeared during currency re- forms, and no one has been left fact that nski prove sux Already - CA 7 na , out by Obelenski : } eo noes Lot 5¢ CK i of the Unive ty of Alberta’s| anything worth fighting about facing a hopeless situation 4 , plaat science department have to leave in their wills If he returned a spade, supe rsonic Hungary is typical Cone ee ruff “ one | to speed germina- Before the revolution hand while disc arding a dia- growth of plants played an important from the other. On the : CO Lae tee ee act. Sees FOR SA The “guinea pigs” for most of! Hungarian life. In every coun- iam i v alcoseel § ta ms Cc am! n'y Ww the 10 and ’ : Sat sc anid 4 the experiments so far have try town, there were dozens of a - Y ae ee : Commodore Cafe — Next to Imperial y seeds but there’s no|them and all seemed to find | Spread the hand ror six-odd. FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 20 Works. Apply says Obelenski, why the plenty of clients to fight for inj BROADWAY CAFE d DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW tests being carried 8 in a laboratory Mr.} offer a j 5 proven Waves McCormack can be Arthur, Ontari (187p) tion and made lawyers role in mond a hine | been bari Standard ° Ma- (187) Unfinished 3 bed- house, on two lots, full ience basement. Blue 621 (187p) (187) ‘ .|FOR SALE —Five room Write In- garage, 17 lots. Water front- ternatio sorrespondence age. Garden 150 x 300 feet. Schoo! 562, Prince Ru-| Fishing, hunting, church, yet pert or 1419 East 6th (188) school, post office, five min-|start has been-made. Oh us Sibos 2 os utes. On main road. Cheap.| ., : VICE E WORK WANTED P.| GERMAN DEVICE os “ilaan enous” WANTED — Odd jobs Blue 773, 1228 Park Ave. (188) ‘ j O ; : ha — eto |,” experiments he is using| The only escape was to join Chop Suey - Chow Mein The Relichi d plometrist or small WANTED an ultrasoni@/ enerator, im-/ the official “Federation of Law- | e Ketiabdie an ’ HELP WANTED-—FEMALE APPLICATIONS for being taken t we Th Ave. West. Exper reason the courts GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 FOR SALE almost any plant But it is no longer werth while room The linking of supersonic vi-| hiring a lawyer to fight over the brations and plants is an en-/ possession of something which tirely new field and the Rus- has been or is being absorbed sian-born scientist says the sur- into a state or co-operative farm. face has hardly been scratched Many iawyers in Budapest and although an encouraging, the bigger towns were liquidated | or deprived of the right to work! immediately after the revolution 405 chine Shop treatment couldn’t be applied to house, JOHN H. | WRATH Photo Finishi HEATING|| BULGER |) ™" ——— DEVELOPING, PRE leanin ENLARGING EXPOSURE ME AMATEUR SUPE repair work. Phone! — a ae ; ; en 6 pan, - 3:30 a.m, . 470 (191) WANTED — TOP MARKET ported from Germany and used yers” and become a member of open ° 8 Prompt Service } e widely in a type of medical one of the “Lawyers’ Co-opera- You Know John Bulger Ltd. : ; ; , PRICES PAID for scrap iron, CARS FOR SALE iteel, brass, sine: am a “deep massage” treatment for tives.” e SALE — 1$ Bot organizations brought | ALE h orga ons brought || HOLLYWOOD CAFE Phone 174 - j és Third Avenue < oe a8 ; ea $ a Repairs ‘and Alterations ad ja ae oyitatidngat their membprs upder the thumb ; | 806,000 a secohd.|of the party, They cotiid accept f? for Outside Orders Phone 133 4 n be. financed (187p) couver, B.C Phone PAcific| This speed can dsestibe imagined only work whieh was in the in-| HOR SALE—1947 Ford, good| ____"*#)| when one considers that the hu-| Unga glares Ome Dee condition. Blue 433 (188) |CASH for scrap brass, copper,|™4n ear can hear vibrations up, little te do. | to only about'16,000 a second. | All lawyers in the co-operatives | Popular Steamer ai - ; ~ -| batteries and radiators. Phone FOR SALE — 1947 Ford Tudor, Obelenski’s, method so far in have to march in the processions | p ° R { $1175. 215 Elizabett d 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West, eee ere City. (tf) | treating seeds yhas. been to soak| wearing black trousers, open | oP) | aw ee , 2 s,| shirts and no ties—to prove their —_— WANTED C — - them for periods up to 48 hours, ! s prov BOATS SOR SALE stroller in —s ee thus starting, iaés germination, loyalty to the proletariat idea FOR SALE—Halibut boat “Paul- Phone Black 710 (187) | Process, and “théy “applying the The basic principles of law SAILS FOR the V.” Leneth 46 ft.. beam 11] ~ —.______________ | vibrator to a. yessél of water in have been abandoned and the ft. 16 in. Fully equipped with|————ACCOUNTANTS _| which the seeaq7iie Se wnat maar avares te Vancouver halibut gear. Phone Black 183|PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income| The effect 48*seen in small for what are now regarded as Tax specialist. apd Intermediate Porta Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN 244 Miles to WEDNESDAY MIDNIGH4 Comfort and Service e after 5 (186p) | : 8. G. Furk,| plots of barléy growing in a political offenses. Shop lifting ere Stone Building. Red 593 (20m) |greenhouse. The plants growing; has become sabotage of the re- } OR SA JE - “li k } xj & 2 i» > £ t : oo from treated seed are an aver-/ 8!me, for example, since all the T elkwa, B-C, %.-Hydramatic|..éfonest grading.. Prompt pay- | humans sedan, A-S¢eenditien, For) ment: Made —Atlas. Tron a}. It sets yppsoun Phone Green 136 k swie. PfiGme Blue 631,, Metals Lt:.’250 Prior St. Van-|the rate ‘af ALA \ NNN \ (All Times Daylight vANCOUVE and VICT SUNDAY 85. Camosun § FRIDAY SS Coquitlam § ALICE ARM, srEw PORT ane ( ‘iday, Camosul, Pr OR NORTH a CHARLOTTE 1s July 30, Aus 13! 8S ‘Coquitiam, - FOR souTH \ RLOTIE ss Coquitlal July 23, Aug 6 and FRANK J. $6 prince Rupe *_. Smith & Elkins lid Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business Did it ever occur to you that you need distinctive printed matter for your particular business? VACATIONISTS! § H.P. inboard motor in good |s os are > / anee Mince to ~e condition, $235. At Wilford| age of six inches higher than] “political cases ar Poaahy Electric. Phone between 9 and/Re: Certificate of Title No. 21551-1/those not treated and already) d fe: i 4 “The aia ee 6, Blue 391. (187p) to Lot One (1), Block Thirty-|are headed out. Bere poonpar Fe lbp ne _ —— | six (36), Section One (1), Map| «yt ie diffic " ain sim-|} ae ere ere ree eee FOR SALE 928 It is difficult to explain sim | trial or hold in secret ones which : eg : | WHEREAS satisfactory proof of|Ply the biologicaleffect of the! need no lawyer for the defence FOR SALE—One 8” Red Deyil| loss of the above Certificate of Title} treatment, butjat best be ex- | 4 drum sander and 6” dise edger |isiued in the name of Jenn Gurvien| plained by sayin that the seed] rith abc q Or sa ~ | 2a : § P Tes wien? °& ste > - paper. 9400 00 ee a ee hereby given that I shall, at the | 48 shocked’ into faster develop Geen eran ot ake-|expiration of onc month from the|ment,” says Obelenski. _ bur , Terrace, on (189p) | date of te first publication ere: | CHANGES PRODUCED a : : jissue a rovisional Certificate of | Vs#‘sNumEs NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim-|Titte in leu of said lost Certificate, | ited, Distributors for: Mining,| unless in the meaniime valid ob- Sawmill. Logging and Con-|Jection be made to me in writing. tractors’ LAND REGISTRY ACT Even in the big politica) trials such as those of Archbishop Groesz and Cardinal Mindszenty, the lawyers for the defence were | selected by the prosecution and | pr. L. P. V. Johnson, profes-| everything they proposed to say |sor of genetics and plant breed- | had to be submitted for censor- Equipment. Enquir-|,. DATED at the Land Registry Of-jing, under whose supervision | Ship by the prosecution before les invited. Granville Island ic a ee ee fice, Prince Bupert, BO. this ist lthe experiments are being cars; ‘hey ald Ut CANADIAN Vancouver 1, B.C a. a lried out, says: “There’s some | peeennnne -— For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, BC. Type faces give you this outstanding distinctiveness— and these can be supplied by our modern printing depart- ment, CHA Dibb Printing Co. Rupert Fulton, ’ Just a Nice Day’s Drive Acting Deputy Registrar of Titles. | indication, FOR SALE—Four piece bedroom | suite. Apply rear of Canadian Legion, upstairs. (186p) | FOR SALE—Easy washing ma- | chine, good condition. Phone Black 511 (188p) FOR SALE — Kitchen cabinet. Phone Red 806. (188p) FO SALE—C melodie saxa- One seooter. 11% HP phone (will sell motor Red 767. (188p) FOR SALE—Complete furnish- ings for Nothing sold separately. Blue 631. (188p) FOR SALE—Cheap. One wick} burner, 6 hot water or steam radiators. Red 767. (191p) separately) | three room suite.| too, that mutations| grees at the University of Yugo- (198c) |or hereditary changes are pro-|slavia and Vienna. =| duced. In some instances, the| He won his Bachelor of Sci- BUTTONED BEETS jresulting plants have been al-|ence degree at the University of NATIONAL PARRSBORO, N.S. CP)—Gard-| most albinos.” | Alberta last year and is study- ner James John Phinney found a| Dr, Johnson feels the findings | ing for his Master’s degree. He tiny twin beet plant growing of the experiments could be put jspenine seven languages well and “ety ge oy ” an vag practical use first in the|NOw is learning Spanish. ) a nad pushed iis ag 0 es and oth- | roots through the button in the | tara sit saan a the pn jgarden of Mrs. John Spicer. | stage of development, it would} BUSY ROAD-BUILDERS GRANDE PRAIRIE, Alta. (CP)— ‘ jes eo cost far more than it would be) Plans for the biggest road pro- TOURIST BOOSTER worth to treat enough seed for|gram in the district's history | ee eee a barley crop. jhave been made by the county neces ph temp veone ao tae Obelenski’s career is no less | foune il, a than $150,000 has herst by providing Sunday shows | eerestng | Than ee : * om tae “i o ine ot cae of educational and scenic moving | ments he is conducting. Born |) a a a | pictures. Members of the coun- | 12 Moscow, he left Russia in| sears jc are donating their services | 1920 after the revolution sot| free for the project. has since gained agriculture de-| Try Daily News Wont Ads BLONDIE —Servies De Luxe Third Avenue ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS ] MTT