Failure of His Policy With Liberals LONDON. Orl. I i. At Hit opening of what is generally doited a uii "unwanted election" an extraordinary attack up-I'remier Mardunald m Ihe New Statesman, the organ of the i " I The Itik'lit lion. William Lynn r II M' Li U . D n i j f ' Mackenzie King, premier or Can- bays He might Have been in rower Another. expects t .rnvc here V T t U L J r iJ tomorrow afternoon accompanied 2 ear or i wo u ne naa io-operaiea iy linn. J .11. King, minixler of public workfrllon. P. J. Cardiu; Hon. Hal MrOlvern ami Senator Andrew Hayden. They will be mot here by1 Hon. T. D. I'altullo. representing the government of Ilrltf Colundiia; the local mem. Irfiiif1ant 1-iiluir Parlv i. iiff.ifiliil :i Him rtnt-l Mifrtilfiimiil in.. ;ler. FrH Work; Colonel Me.Mor- ; tempt In lly !lhi year. PRFMIFRAN1) zanni may abandon 'night school is , , ir D m.,, c i ilhiili nnu , niruT th pamaha uvwr DDnrDccc Indian Hand Will Serenade TOKIO. Oct. II. Major Zanni Fifty Students Enrolled at Even- In in conference with Japanese Distinguished Visitor Expected dcial connection Willi Hie to Arrive Tomorrow After- round the world llight. II is just noon: Meet PbodIb Mon- ,v""" " " "" day In Classes of St. Paul's Lutheran Church 'ooi progress ; reported arros 'be Pacific SALARY INCREASL FOR NURSES IS PROPOSED House Committee Would Pay by S5 per Month on Completion of One Year's Satisfactory Service A report from uie House Coin- ward Midi School Five teacher are giving their services absolutely free of rut. (Jood progress is being made by I bo Kludenls and more are coming in. This show ' Ihe need , implying a serious m.s within Ihe ranks of the jwrty. !' PwWnl of the Liberal As- "'Hlce recommend.,. that' , a n ' , Tim nriii'iu iuiv li-ii.niu in Muni i.r -.fu ,i,n. eialinti. and other leadinir citl- ''' nure on the Maff of the; . . a m, ... .... VJfeMM .nan aixi loreign secretary. It says he lias been Ihe best ( t-i, e, retarv in the Ih.I oiinrler of u reolim loil.n. t.piiii..l " Iday the Premier .. i. i ii... r:i .i i..' ' . ... (other tiiimttem uHlt mvM (In. per ('i luiiigiiig the country in- ,r ftcteut "absurd political " aill'-nt . article complains of what 'in- MnedunaM's arinonr canity nuiI aloofness (if eiilleagUM. VANCOUVER GETTING READY FOR ELECTION Prince Rupert (ieneral llospiial; and l'f tfiven a salary increase of 5 month afliu one year of IIA.VD CONCERT. WESI HOI.MF rilE.TRE, lo-u.orrow night at 9 i- . ... it.. ... i 1 1 .. .. it . ! . . Premier Mackenzie King on RAILWAY OFHCIALS Government Comptroller General and Regional Treas ure cs Will Come In on Train and go South 25 TAXI BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hail, Ambulance with newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere t Anytime. dances, banquets and wedding Bland Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. parties. and Gth 8t. PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to Doslon Orill, Third Ave. MATT VIDEOS Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL ui. XIV., ai., NO, 240- ,v. ','",'') -",,, ' -"'.fry ' SA I L HDAY. v..t.M.r'. oiuuto.i use. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C., OCTOHER II, 1024. sirt s.t. im PRICE price FIVE FIVE CENTS CENTS. LABOR JOURNAL ATTACKS LABOR PREMIER PREMIER MACKENZIE KING SPEAKS AT EDMONTON; ARRIVES HERE SUNDAY British Labor Journal Attacks Macdonald for PARTY COMING His Arrival Here Tomorrow Undoubtedly Premier "King ha been greeted by many bands connection willi ie night school' during his public fareer but tomorrow afternoon, when he stips being conducted under Ihe au. 1 off the train from the East with hi parly, he will be serenaded pice of Ihe SI. Paul Lutheran, for the first time by an Indian band at least a Uritish Columbia Church. Kifly student ure eu-jone. This is what is being planned for his reception by mem-rolled ami most of Iheni are lak- bers of the Nishka tribe from the Naas Hiver who are in the in ubjccl pertaining lo Ihe rity today sixty ,trong to talk, business with him. learning of the language. They tor teveral years, the Nishka tribe has been taking various Raise inPe' ,w'c' a w,,,k n King Ed-' matters up with the federal government particularly with regard lo their land demands. They have not been able to obtain the satisfaction they desire. Henco ARRIVF HFRF TflnAY;,,""'r (,eci',i0 ' to Prince nfAlUlL nCIUj lUIJll Hlllierl .'in. I MUr-im M.oir- n(T:.lra 'personally with the Premier and nd, members of his executive who will also be here. . The land committee of the tribe which is here consists of thirty members representing var- V. V. Cope, roller pf the,ious places on the Naas River. jlMar,l of trade will wail then. '" rr.-m..,.-.,..aiin oi u.eiua.- ceri nana. Miiiecuon. i-rogram, 1 ........ on ... - - - - - - -t u .leoartn.ent flirt ri iiiciii ui of raiiv railways and H,.i-ri s...m. r vi un. u ....I .J. . . t 1 . t tlltl Ull MWli it Ail ta I II. tmaiiurr t I I nnliiiln fU-AHliicnj I mo in..-.,,. ioisine-K anairs. ji"" , , ' V . .....k ....uu . lr, rl,.-i u ; canals Tor the federal goven.-1 president of the committee c l,mel,e,m lakes lace at f the hospital board lasl night iPeas;,,,!, W ill,a, Tell and Mari- mnU OUiKWni James A. Yates.' n.eir legal counsellor A E. ()-half-pa-t twelve and is to be fol- and referred lo t.e com- lana. Fanlae. Cnductor-Fm , vmmX in.a!i,.rer of Ihe Cana-j.Meara of Victoria is exnecte,! a n . by a reception, at w1,iel. all '"-' : manager. Jounson nusf ! diall Xaljllal Railways. Moulreal,1 today from the south to assist If lie could ' . . ". whi nae an nppiruiiniy lo meei . and ami W. v. Le l,e H. 11. Rn.s im.s. " " " " " " ..r. r,rm. a h - vanity '..MM prejudice. I , , ,.- pumir tidini' tin iuwlMlity of there ., uilor men Tid lilinilf n. hl li in urntr niinllirl V l Vi'f il'l'l'll (. II II. 1 drvKcetl by the ' nr "'" - wanllMi are Mia Lf . ..article .wwr. ,m U.e ,IMe for the annual olue eleotioS' . l! , ,,,r r'"ri" M,Mwh3r ,hl m ... Ui.fenl Mac,lold-s re-,,err. Ye-lenlay Mayor W. R.l ' . . o-opet ale with LIIeriN.!()vrit amiounreil that he would! point, however, the New'f fn ,e field again as a candl-! I..., is imt riiniderfd in ii i-iirli-s to represent the view of la!'"ii'es. SHENANDOAH MAKES FLIGHT Dirigible Crosses American Continent Successfully, Arriving Last Night -AN IHEtiO, Ca, Oct II. I dirigilile, Shenandoih. sm- -fully completed a transcon- i 'at tliaht arming here from Ur A' tan Hr coast late last nighl. T-t'-re ha lic'ii a revival of in- - in au-liips of lale. SIGN TREATY ' WITH STATES Final Stane of Halibut Pact Ex pected lo qo Through About October 21 OTTAWA. Oct. II .The first ' aiy to be signed by a representative of Canada, which doc not bear alo Ihe signature of 'he Hiilish ambassador, will paJ HiimiihIi tin final singe when formal ratification of (he Pacific Hal. hut eonveulion is exchanged l Washington about October 21. Hon Erne! I.anointe. inliii- er of Justice, will uo lo the! I' tilled Stale eapllal lo exrhaiiKQ ratification. 4 BOARD OF TRADE LUNCHEON to RL Hon. Mackenzie King Will l.o Held in ELKS' HALL. 4, 12i30 MONDAY. Idate and prior lo that 1 . lay-1 ZANNI MAKES HOP i Left Jasper II wa learned at Ihe railway) office today Dial Premier Kingl lor. former proprietor of the . ,. , , , Peirk this mornins and- would . . .r iiMouer - W orld i and for several; , . . .. , . . arrive here by the regular , , , ' ' pas- leriuH mayor, had aniiooueetl he1 . . J ,. , . . . i nenger train tomorrow evening, would again offer hi emes to1.,.. . , , . ' I are travelling in two ., . ney spo- i i .1 i, he people in ilmt rapacity. .... . 11 y 1im (Canadian f'unn.liAn m ami limn t abiu The Premier's party will go south on Ihe Canadian destroyer KASt'.MHiAl RA. Japan. Oct. II, Patrician which is due in port. Major Zaun., the Argentine Mr. Stork left last nisht for round Ihe world flyer, arrived Prince (ieorge lo meet the Pre-i he rr 'hi morning from Kushl- mier s parly. He will return with jmuto. J' tomorrow night. Reform of Tariff and Railway to Peace River Country Both Promised by King at Edmonton EDMONTON. Oct II - Mclore an overflowing audience in1 Ihe Firsl Presbyterian Church last night Premier Mackenzie King gave his pledge thai Ihe Peace Mivcr country would be given a railway outlet lo (he Pacific roast as toon as liumuiily possible. The Premier promised reforms in Ihe tariff, which would relieve Ihe present duly on such implement and articles u are used in Ihe development of the country' great natural resources. HATCHERIES MAKE SUCCESSFUL IHUL OF SALMON EGGS More Collected In Fraser River Than Ever Before n History of Fishing OTTAWA, Oct. It. Most encouraging reports haVn been received by the department of marine and fisheries regarding the propcel for a bumper collect Ion of sockeye eggs for the hatcheries operated In Hrlllsh Columbia. In Ihe Fraser Hiver halcherles 3 1 .000.000 have been collected, the largest number yel. The prospecls In Owen Lake, l vers Inlet, are also very pio- 'ih: for year- pa-d HON. ANDREW HAYDON Senator who will arrive in llu: ...ii.. iKIng's parly. Mr. Haydon visited A fe'a I ure of Ihe run to ll.l Princo Rupert will. Premier KlngfJ lake this year Is Unit it was ap-i i"iv. was liomiuiou or-ig proximately two weeks earlier gaimer for Ihe Liberals at tlut'Ja . me it'WhatHom WvL Mackenzie 8 i I King Said When Campaigning Here Before Election of 1921 The following is a ipiolutiou from the Daily .Vews of October i, lltt't), Ihe day alter W. 1. Mackenzie King and his colleagues addressed an immense gallieriug iu the Weslholme Theatre, Prince Ilupert: "Was Ihe (i.T.P. policy h wise one? ask-d Mr. King. What was Sir Wilfrid's vision when the transcontinental railway was being planned, and his vision of this particular city? 'I know,' said Mr. King. 'It was of ships plying from this very harbor, crosing the Pacific wilh the products of lliis country, bringing back other commodities here, making this community one of the greatest marts in the world; of a railway running through a country as fertile as any in the world, wilh feeders running north and south, lapping Ihe resources of the province, mineral and timber, the great national wealth; a great community wilh ocean wharves, docks, repair yards, dry docks, round houses, hotels, railway stations and all Ihe sights and signs of a great world metropolis.' " 'And whal have you got today?' went on Mr. King. "A side line and not a main artery! The difference between the. Liberal and Conservative parlies.' " 'The Liberal parly has set out to build up the Dominion of Canada, advocated freer markets, naval defence and had built a national highway with a Pacific terminus. And Ihe Liberal parly is anxious In keep up Ihe work and lo fiu-ih tind carry through the plan, inlerVupled ten years ago. It is for you to hay whether you wish that work lo be accomplished or not. NVe can only do so much. We can go to Eastern Canada and ask for the support of the men in Ihe East, but unless you send us men committed to see thai Ihe program is carried out, our hands are tied. For the building up of Prince Huperl, Ihere is every reason for your support. The first thing we have lo do is to carry out the great policies of our dear leader, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and we win) have been trained by him, will see to it thai his every policy will be completed." I :: aasiimxas Krpte.03 via tmi c? t vi i. Trm us. mz ususb A Public Meeting! Will be Meld in the WESTHOLME THEATRE ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, AT 8 P.M. Speakers will tie, UKIUT HON. W. I MACKENZIE KINO, Premier of Canada. HON. I tit. J. IlA'IXO, Minister of Public Works. HON. P. J. CAUDIN, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. HON. HAL McOIVEHN. HON. ANDREW HAYDEN. HON. FRED-STORK. Member for Skeenn. -HON. T. I. PATTl'LI.O, Provincial Minister of Lands. Chairman -Col. S, P. McMordie. IS Hi u ai I regional them in their renrcsentation. treasurer. Winnipeg, will arrive To lend more etrect to their Un the city fmm the ' East by representations, the commflteo Itpeelal- eai4ffffehit to the regti-'hrongl vith tlicnflhc.'ircen- lar passenger train this aHer-jville concert band of Ihirty noon and will proceed south on pieces under the presidency of the steani.-r Prince Rupert. They! Peter Calder. management of are on a western lour. FISH ARRIVALS 'Canadians Got Best of Bidding this Morning 61,000 Pounds Marketed Canadian boals got the bel of the bidding for halibut catches )4iuu i iu.u ami it. .ni- American boat marketed 37.000 pounds and four Canadians. 21.- 000 pounds a total for the day of 51.000 pounds. Arrivals -nd sales were as follows: American SVyinour, 37,000 pounds, at 15.7c and 7e, to Ihe Canadian Fish A Cold Storaje Co. Canadian Imperieuse, 3,000 pounds, at 15.0c and "Jc, and Edward I.ipselt 8,000 pounds, at 16c and 8c, lo Ihe Canadian Fish Cold Stor age Co. Oibson, 5.000 pounds", at 16.1c and 7c, lo Ihe Pacific Fisheries. Ternan. 8,000 pounds, at 10.1m and 8c, to tho Hoolh Fisheries Canadian Co. HON DR. J. H. KING Johnson Russ and conductorship of Fred MacKay. The band, besides actively participating in Urn welcome to the Premier tomorrow, will 'give a concert in t lie evening. in the Weslholme Theatre. and may participate in Ihe public functions on Monday marking Ihe visit of the governmental party. at the Fish Exchange this """n-, jlng. Prices ranzed from I5.6cl BARITONE SINGER 1 g, Minister of Public Works who 2 1 will be here with ihe Premier ivv MAY VISIT RUPERT Frederick Taggart, the famous Scottish baritone, formerly of Vancouver and now making his headquarters in New York City, may be brought lo Prince Rupert for a recital in December or January if satisfactory arrangements with that end in view can be made. Mr. Taggart is now iu communication with the St. An drew's Society and tie has expressed his willingness to como hero in the course of a tour of Itrilish Columbia that he will make Ibis winter. Several years ago Mr. Taggart sang here under -Ihe auspices of Ihe Symphony orchestra and he made a very favorable impression then. There are many music lovers here who would be delighted to hear him again. The St. Andrew's Society is now drawing up its annual winter syllabus of lectures and social evenings. The prograin'of events will open with a social on October 21. Arrangements are also being made for the annual SI. Andrew's ball which will lake place on November 28. TOOK JEWELLERY TO DRAW ATTENTION TO NEEDY CIRCUMSTANCES VICTORIA, Oct. 11 John Wellington, who abstracted $1.-OUO worth of jeyellery from the windows of Mitchell . Duncan Ltd. with a view to attracting attention to his needy circumstances, was yesterday released on suspended sentence by Magistrate Jay In the police court. A tale of gcnu'iie digress was toid the court.