day, September 15, 1924. Phone 109. This Coupon and 80c. Good for One Si .00 Woather House, Prophet FOR SALE Alaska Blue Fox Breeders IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR QUALITY STOCK BLUE FOXES COMMUNICATE WITH JACOB OTNESS Petersburg, Alaska Our Foxes Guaranteed to be a Number One Stock. 3 ii in mini cmMwjrawKmm YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected bkeem 6 ockeye For picnics, "house "Rupert Brand" Salmon. A few tins i.i the pantry are always lianly. Slock a supply on your boat that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. STEAMSHIP SERVICE 1 S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA', SEATTLE and intermediate poiets each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Fridav, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every Monday. 8.00 p.m. For Skidegate and all ports south every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. i PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. niprh"lfi rr!nre MUP" '"' Pin fir HUNE GF."ltOE. EDMO.ITO.H, WIN- to, ill polntt EiM.-m ctnuU. iniu-i st.un. AOtNCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. on. w"F 9, TleUt Offle. 821 Third' A Prlnc nuetrt. Phen J60. Helgorson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY DENTIST Office Jlom-: i i.m. lo 0 p.m. Open Kvenintrs by Spei il Appointment Mil . - I -HnMBWHMM MMB.H.HHH..MHn I 1 ORMES DRUG ! Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phono 41. For Taxi, phone C5. 2IC Towing and freighting. Tug lowena, 50 h.p.. Cant. M. Clifton I'hone Blue 400. Night phono 23. The Baptist Ladies' Aid real tf Mrs. Field, Art Needlework. Agent for real silk hosiery, 213 fcecond Ave. Phone 23. tf . The steamer from the south is due today at 9.30 and the train will wait for her. J. Field Strang, manager of Sunnysidc cannery, returned from Vancouver on' the Cardena last night. - J. 0. SI een whjj has been to Hums Lake on a business trip, expected back on this after noon's train. J. Fred HilchieJ jr., sailed on the Cardena last night for Slew lart where ho hasj"a position at 1 1 lie Premier mine. tj if. S. Munroe, general manager of the Granby Co. passed through on the Cardena last nighUreturiir ing to Anyox from a business trip to Vancouver. Bert F. Smith, assistant manager of the Premier mine, arrived from Stewart Saturday night and is registered at the Prince Hu-pert Hotel, Rev. and Mrs. J. R. McCrim-iiion and family are arriving in Hie city on this afternoon's train from HUrns Lake and will sail on the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroule lo MonlreaL Mr. McCrimmon lias been in charge of the Union church at Hums Lake for the past five years and is moving on account of Mrs. McCrimtnon's health. They .have not decided yet where (hey will locale in the east. TEA AND SALE Baptist Ladles' Aid Realized $38.50 at Affair Held on Saturday Afternoon ized $38.50 at their lea and sale of hom' cocking and candy on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. J. I). Thurber was in charge, of the tea and was assisted by Mrs. Joseph Gay and Mrs. R. Howard. In clVrge of the home cooking table were Mrs. Frank Morris laud .Mrs. Berl Morgan and of the i candy tables, Mrs. Sid llaiubliu, tions. It relieves t onee and gradu ally Deals me turn, suinpie doi in. Chase's Ointment free If you mention this paper ana senu so, strnnp loriustage. sue. a Llml'-'l. Tomi 1 11111111111 ii I MM IIIIIHIBIIllWMIlBaMaWWWMBWaMWaWMmMMmBTin r Swamped With Orders The orders for Ibis weather prophet came in so fast and furious that our supply, which we thought sufficient, was completely gone after two days' selling We immediately wired for another shipment which has arrived. WEATHER' PROPHET Quaint Attractive Reliable v 80 Cents Mall orders 10o extra, for packing and postage hen the weather Is fine Ihe two eluldr.-n will be out. and when rainy weather is approaching the wiich will coino out from 8 la l hours nliead of rain or snow. Made in Cauda. For sale only b STORE I i iUIi I 'AIL. I fltiWa LIKELY A RECORD IN I PARENT-TEACHERS HUNTING THIS YEAR Reports Throughout Canada Indicate Renewed Interest In Game leaves this afternoon Mr. an, Mrs. V. J. McCutcheon! hiucolitli, . " , ' ..r, .'for home, uiu ll'tttlll Ull l ll in Ulllliiuun n train for the East on a month's holiday (rip. They will visit Toronto and possibly New York and Boston and plan on returning Via Seattle. MOXTllKAL, Sept. 15. There is every indication that the hunting season this year will create a new record as far as the num ber of hunters going into the woods is concerned; according to C. Poole, fish anj .game representatives of the -'Canadian National Railways, who has returned to Montreal after a trip through tho maritime, Quebec and Ontario, studying conditions in the forest along the lines of the sjslem. Mrv Poole is very pleased with the prospeeJs and stales that he has found outfitters and guides in the hunting regions of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia very enthusiastic and positive the rewards for sportsmen this year will be greater than they have been for many years. This belief is supported by what lias occurred in northern Quebec since the .opening the deer shooting season which opens earlier than in any of the other provinces. Outfitters along Ihe transcontinental.-.-section of the Canadian National Railways and those lines which tap the lakes St. John, Abitfbi and La Tuipie regions, are already entertaining so many hunters that they are having dilliculty in securing suilicient qualified guides to meet the demands. Stewart's dance orchestra, of R. liaird, inspector of municipalities, is expected on the boat tonight. AUTO ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT IN CITY P. S. Doolittie of Toronto Will Motor Beck to East by Way of States On Saturday P. Sj DooRlUe, president of the Canadian Auto mobile Association,' .was in the Pitt ill Mlrt Pnlll'wn t f n innn I in i ln 41... til., it ii i sHli'"ihcr 18 Smilhson. Mis Jean Hand and , llnflll'VO.l Miss Alejla McKinley. E GZEMA ex i r. g wjivD you use Dr. C'hase'a Oint ment for F.rtfmx fnd Skin Irrita ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS AT TERRACE Rev. W. J. Parsons Head Organization with Full List of Committees Working Under Him TKURACK, Sept. 15. Thc Terrace Kilsumkaluni Parent -Teachers' Association held, their annual meeting Thursday even ing. The meeting opened as us ual with the singing of "O Can ada." The minutes of the last monthly meeting and of t lie last annual meeting were read by Mrs. Sundal and adopted, Miss Dolib gave the teacher's report, which was adopted. The election of the following otlicers then took place. Hon. President, Mr. Grillin. Pre. Rev, YV. J. Parsons. First vicp-prcsident W. Bur net. Second Vicc-Pres. M. Hall. Sec. Miss Andrews. Treas. Miss Glover. following are convenlors of committees: Program Mrs. Sundal. Refreshment Mrs.. Little, v Terrace), Mrs. Moore (Kitsuni- galium). Membership l'red Hisiiop, Advertising Miss Dobb. AH the otlicers went in by ac clamation. G. A. Clothier, resident mining engineer, left on the Cardena last night for Stewart. j In the Letter Box MUSIC OF 102nd REGIMENT Kditor Daily News. 1 have the honor lo say that I have just received from England a cony of the "Lincolnshire Poacher," one of I he tw o tunes used by I lie famous 102nd BaU lalion, North Hrilish Coluni bians in France during I h e Great War. The other was "Our Director." Unfortunately, when the his tory of this gallant regiment was written, mention was not made of any of the music they used, ,' 1 ... " 1 ..and such Information may be inroiigii Canada. He west . came , ,, ..... . i,. hi, n-',,,ii .-, , ll)s' altogether if it is n.. made VancouveV Velum ng by I in k"W" n?- ?' tin u-nni ... v , I ,M? done quite well through tin ' Z,. C"" of excellent urdav ff a,,.! in your paper. ii. ei.,1.. I lie fust ollicer cominanding. auto through the States Mr. Doolitlh could not drive all across Canada by auto but had to ship his car from, Sault. S(e. Marie to I'nrt Arthur and also a short distance over the Hope Mountains in H.C. He tried to motor to Jasper Park from I'dmonlon bul gol only as far as Dalehursf. He is travelling in the interest of good roasts. NOTICE All accounts 'chargeable lo the Exhibition Hoard must be furnm! Lieut. Col. Jnlin YV. Warden, D.S.O., O.H.E. adopted "Our Director" as the' regimental maj-ch, but the second and last ollicer commanding, Lieut. Col, Fred Lister, CM.G., D.S.O., M.C., M.L.A., adoted another, I lie "Lin. colnshire Poacher" as the regi-menlal march. The former march, " Our Director," can be obtained in "record" form on Victor records. I understand the march was. written for the Columbia University by Sousa. II should be played Miss Bessie Derry, Miss Nesie u,f 1,uu W very slowly, and not. as is often done, ' in quick 1 time. It was used nr,,ln,i.,lUu ..1. :....!.! , u " ' ""J,l-U by the 102nd in Iheir long march I O- 1 1 - . . -. . i . ...... 1). Mr). HUNTER, Secretary. NOW SHOWING The Latest In LADIES' Coats Suits and Dresses At Moderate- Prices . HATSI HATS I HATS I Fall Showing of Stylish MILLINERY Inspection Cordially Invited BENT'S Third Avonue Opp. Jtank of Montreal. nuiii i p res ui i ne soninie in iimu when, as tired men carrying heavy fighting order weighting from sixly to seventy pounds. they trudged along Ihe muddv roads. It's beautiful yet sad strains bring back fond memories and a vision is revealed of that magnificent body of men winding their sinuous way in and out of the narrow French roads. What gaps arc today in the sections of fours there are few survi vors. Old English The "Lincolnshire Poacher" is an old English march, apparent ly impossible to obtain in any flll-lll nf lltlluin it, 1 II 11 1 . i., ,iii.-iv 111 UUI 11 13 n great march, .and, oh, how it' Idid ml ones feet off the ground; how it did lighten the load; sliort-n Ihe distance. ' The fine old battalion which ! never once failed lo accomplish jthe task set for it to do, which never permitted an enemy in its trenches save, as a prisoner a I record held by no oilier Canadian .unit is now perpetuated in your .city, and those who held it 'dear- jest look to the North Hrilish Col. umbinns lo keep ils reputation unsullied, and preserve its tradi. Hon. Don't forget t lie music. Wo are hoping lo have the "Lincolnshire Poacher" placed on phoiiograph records by the Vin- tor people I have the. honor lo be, .sir, Your obedient servant, J. S. MATTHEWS, 1 i' Major, Formerly commanding No.'3 Co., : I0.2n, Hattalion,A'North Held l .i. i. i i A t i nam PAGE THREE VICTROLA INSTRUMENTS if Console Models 11 From $145.00 up are made especially to re-? produce the marvellous variety of Viclor Records by the world's greatest artists, in twenty-one styles at from $37.50 up. Victrola Records and Instruments' are made specially . each for thcplher. This is essential for the supreme music produced only by the combination. All instruments sold on easy monthly, payments. Write or ask for catalogue. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. BURN Nanaimo Wellington Coal Our lump coal is double screened. Every lump is a chunk of heaL TRY OUR NUT COAL FOR YOUR KITCHEN RANGE Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of thc Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Ucaiitiful Box. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Shoe Bargains 53.05 Women's 17 eyelet Bouts, (lood quality Vict Kid, Medium Heel, sizes 3V4 to 7. Regular price $7.50. $3.85 and $4.05 ' "Chums" Welled Boots for Children. Can't be beat. Regular price $1.75 and $0.00. "Nule the clearing price." Agents for ONYX SHOES for Women. JUST ARRIVED FROM ENGLAND CELEBRATED "LOTUS" MEN'S SHOES."-Britaln's Best Shoe." Family Shoe Store Third Avenue.