25 ' Halifax. , Waff Appointed to Post of Government Agent Succeeding Late T. W. Heme The announcement has been made in Victoria by lion. T. l) l'allullo of the appointment of his: secretary, Norman Wall, ,.J iriiv.riimejil agent at Prince Ruperl. succeeding the late T. W. .... 0..,.. . ... Heme who died cany tins summer. :ir. wan win arrive in tne .iw...ilv willi Mrs. Wall to take un his new nosition. I ' . . Ill' Jl Mr. Watt is wen Known uirougiioiii orwiern n.u. anu uie Yukon having resided for many years in Dawson, where he was once a member or the city council and the Yukon council. Hay-j iug visited Prince Rupert on inSuiy occasions as secretary to Mr. Paltullo: he also wen Mum'u,; here. His experience m proio- SEARCH FOR LIQUOR IN BRYAN'S CAR Bottles Found But They Contained Mineral Waters: Sheriff Congratulated (Special to Dally News) LONGVIEW, Washington, Sept. 15 When the car of William Jennings Bryan was searched yesterday by the sheriff en route through Cowlitz county, bottles were found aboard but the contents did not have the right kick to cause an arrest. When the car was stopped Bryan admitted he had bottled goods aboard but said that they ware mineral waters used by nlm on his electioneering tour through the west. The sheriff and Bryan en-Joyed a Volstedian drink together and the big politician and temperance advocate congratulated the sheriff on his watchfulness. Bryan is touring the west--em states In the Interests of the democratic candidates. STRIBLING KNOCKED OUT MILWAUKEE MAN, PORTLAND. Sept. 15 Sfrib-ling knocked out Mike Nesler of Milwaukee on Saturday night in the second of a scheduled twelve round bout. hartle7governor of washington state SEATTLE. Sept. 15. The un official count in the gubernatorial contest gives Hartley the vlclnptr nvdi l.i'minli liv -u iihi ' "'"'- RICH GOLD STRIKE ON STIKINE RIVER ATTRACTS MINERS (Special to Daily News) WHANG ELL, Sept. 15 Fifteen persons have engaged passage for a trip up thoSlikine Hiver to the new gold strike in Jiritish Columbia where a rich find was reported last week. j - .;. ... ., ... . . ,, i l t X II 111 .J II .' main i HE special Canadian National r trains, carrying the members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science were halted at Jasper, Alta., long enough for the visiting scientists to see some of the beauties of Canada's largest national park. The visitors were entertained at Jasper Fark Lodge and were also taken for President of Fair Well Satisfied BOSTON GRILL mm Large Upstair Dining Hall, ' J,,,''Jim. with newly laid dancing C l 1J;i: , . ' floor for hire. Suitable for Hnfmivrs at -. Mnyume. .... k dances, banquets and wed. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. ding parties. and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to Boston MATT VIDECK, Prop. drill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL. XIV., NO. 217. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MQNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1024 turdar'i Clrculillon 1,au. Strrrt Salra, S?3 PRICE FIVE CENTS. DEBT OF FRANCE IS ABOUT TO BE FUNDED CIVIL WAR IN CHINA CONTINUES BUT RAIN INTERFERES WITH OPERATION Proposal to Fund Debt of France to States Over Term of 67 Years Half the Amount of Payments to be Re'nvested in French Industrial Bonds, is Mellon Scheme. (Special in Daily News; WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. Commissioner Hurley, a member of the debt funding commission, mi Saturday .submitted the Mellon plan of payment of the French debt to the United Stales. It provides for extending the payments over a period of 07 years. Lnder Hie scheme, France is to pay to the United States $100,-000,000 und interest. If France uccepts the proposal, the United Stales will agree to reinvest half the amount so paid in French industrial bonds. FOUR KILLED I BY LIGHTNING! Oil Tank 8truck at Monterey, California, and Much Damage Result MONTEREY. Cat.. Sept. 15. Four soldiers of the thirteenth infantry were killed and many 1 person, most of them soldiers, injured while hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of properly including five homrs was damaged and the entire countryside niptiared late Sunday by a fire when lightning struck a 55,-000 gallon tank of oil 'here. MESSAGE SENT BY TELEGRAPH TO SICK MAN J. T. Phelan Aroused From Un consciousness by Tick of Instrument VANCOUVER, Sept. 15. J. T. Pliflan, supcdlntendent of the uvprnm.il Yukon Telegraph widem, who wus seriously ill for ome time, was aroused from a lale of unconsciousness by a DuHled call of the telegraph in- "Iniment sounding a personal call After futile attempts to iM'iii'lrate his unconsciousness eidie,uT i."" was auracicu ny me signm tlio operator sent a number of, cheery messages, which Mr.! I'lielan acknowledged by a nod of "e head, His condition is so serous thai, be is unable to speak. I ARGENTINE FLYER ! TA DiriCIP 111 mncc LKllM rALIMLi t His Advance Is Making Arrange cangements For Laying Supplies on Kurlle and Aleutian Islands VERY LITTLE GAME SECURED Opening of Season Did Not Show Very Good Bags For Sports-men Who Were Out Very little game was brought in last night for the opening of 1 lie season. The deer were at (he top of the mountains and the day being so quiet it was difficult getting near them. A few parties have gone out for several days and they probably will report heller luck than those who have arrived home. Most of the hunting records show two ducks, or one grouse, or one goose, or four or five leal, or "nothing in sight." ii... r.. .il i , ..t n... wiiu wnr iuii luuiri iui unciui and il was noon before some ofl them gol into the woods. Ducks were very scarce everywhere, but there .were a few geese flying although lliey were very wild. The remains of the laie James McKay, who died here last week, wijj 1)t, forwurded by Ihc H.C. Undertakers on (his afternoon's raj l0 Nine-Mile Hiver. Nova seHi where interment will lako. ,,act. ai w family home. Re- iniu,. .if lh.. licensed resirl in 'I'OKI, Sept. 15, Patrick Mur- cial gin eminent affairs will make l'I'y. advance mun for Pedro Zan-' hint well rilled to take up lhe. "'. 'lie Argentinean round the iniporlant duties connected with world flyer, is going ahead with the office or government agent I'luns fur the Higlit across the here. ''acifie. and is arranging for a Mr. Walt has a brother here, steamer to lay supplies on the' Oarnett Walt, local representa-K'lrtle and Aleutian Island route, live or the Mutual Lire Assurance anni last week had a new plane Go. 'livereil t0 i,m a Hanoi, French1 Since the death of Mr. Heme, '"do.China,. to replace lhe one A. M. Daies, chief clerk, has whu'ti was wrecked recently. 'been aotiug govern mtvil agent. BRITISH SCIENTISTS AT JASPER PARK Exhibition: Many People in City N 1 "Under the circumstances, I am well satisfied," stated Joe Greer, president of the Northern 13. G. Agricultural & Industrial i Association, this morning in speaking of the IV2 Exhibition,! the festivities m connection wjth which closed on Saturday. The attendance was much larger than last year and figures computed on Saturday indicated that -the gale receipts to the building alone had exceeded those recorded both at the building and sports' grounds in 1023. "The expenses were heavier this year, but I hope we will break even financially and we will be lucky if w'e' do, said Mr. Greer. On account of the weather, we practically lost three days' gale at the grounds. Had it not been for the rain, the gate at the exhibition building would undoubtedly have been even larger and we would have been assured of a good bal- anee on the right side of the ledger." "If course. Iherc were a great many more people in the city ! m,tn i iretuio luirs unu i ui tribute that fact entirely to (he early and effective advertising campaign that was instituted to , i ..i.. i umnuu puiuis, declared,, Mr. Greer. niuuu AMUR UUUUIU RflllfiHT U1 RY UAMf lll UD I1 ADTAIN tmtvuutu ,m inii WALTER JOHNSON WINNER ' The old steamer Amur, which .WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. wns seriously damged when she Waller Joliiison, the pitching ace stranded near the in'outh of the for. the Washington Club for the . Skeena Hiver last, winter, has past seventeen years, has .been been sold by the' underwriters selected as the winner of the, who took her over to Gapt. A. American League Irophy for Die, Benmist or Vancouver it is re-season. II erpwns liim as lhe ported in the south. The new player or the most valuable owner, it is stated, Intends- to team. Eddie Collin comes sec-' operate the vessel 1iV (he roast. . wi-. freighting service. 1 drives to Maligne Canyon and Mt. Edith Cavell. Photograph shows three members of the party standing before the totem pole at Jasper Station. Left to right, they are: Senator Faure (of France); Sir Charles' Farsons, inventor of the turbine engine, and Sir Robert Falconer, Chancellor of Toronto ' University. Association With Result of ATTEMPTED MURDER CHARGE AT JASPER . i Employee Tries to Kill Foreman' Who Has Discharged Him ' EDMONTON, Sept. 15 Charles P.riivi is nu'nilfiiiT lri.nl nl Siw kal(.,iewau jaiI on a char?e of .,.,, mill.1,1P llf i.u r.. ...... m... c.i.i. .... ii.i.:., i.:... n... i.i. ! t ... ii., ..i- i nun in iiic uai ii ui dui'trr jai&.. Smitli is here . . ',. . , ill the. hospital bejwlHWlpoiiNl until late. in p - tnVra In'1""' " uncv. .i tuuuu ii.D- li-miti.il fur vvnim.lu llp ,,a(.k caus,M, by , kuife According to evidence at the preliminary rial. ( at Jasper, Smith had sent Crovj to tlio pay office to get his money and said that he would no longer be re-n Hired. Soon the nuiu returned and creeping up behind Smith I plunged a knifo into his back! and neck. The victim shouted for help nod Crovi was soon overpowered and the wounds of Smith attended to. Both were sent here on th iext train. BIRTH " A daughter was born at Iho Prince Rupert General Hospital on September 11 to Mr. and Mrs. r.firoy Dullon, 833 Summit Ave. Downpour of Rain is Cause of Cessation Civil War in China I (Special to Dally News) I SHANGHAI, Sept. 15 The forces defending the city made I a slight gain against the invading Kiangsti forces at the week end, I when the latter were driven hack in the Changchow: sector. An-j other downpour of rain made a moYnss of the battlefields, caus-j ing cessation of the conflict. I Both sides are reinforcing as fast as possible and drawing upon the whole countryside. The Manchtirian forces are said to lie still advancing toward Pekin and a decisive engagement is i looked for in the near future. FLYERS REACH DAYTON, OHIO Make Five Hundred Mile Flight In Six Hours Forty-five Minutes j Special to Daily News) WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, The three round the world flyers hop-1 The Jasl hours spent by the ped off from' here bound1 for Ketchikan excursionists in the Dayton -Sat urdayMri -aNHear- at-Viiy.nnlSaturdayrnlght'.were'qulta niosphere. ,las joyous as the entire two day9' DAYTON, Sept. J 5 The pnite(iipITCeiij,lfr Following Mie constates round the world flyers ar-CP,t Und ,ance in the Fair Build-rived safely from, Iheir jump ofjjnp ami nokcr in .the Elks' 500 miles, making the flight in! Home. the vM,nr. weI. :.... a six hours a"nd 15 minutes. GATE RECEIPTS , FOR FAIR AWAY AHEAD OF 1923 I Admissions during the Exhibition Week to the Fair Huilding, including the Carnival Friday night and the concert and dance on Saturday, totalled 39 1 0 and to the sports grounds, 1212. Despite the unfavorable weather, these figures are botli higher than last year's which were respectively 3,271) and 1 120. The total gate receipts for t lie five days of the Fair-were $2,117.25 which is nearly $1,000 higher than last year's which were $1,-507.35. There were 2t4 paid admissions to the ball grounds on Saturday afternoon and 235 to the dance in the, evening. FLIGHT POSTPONED OF BIG ZEPPELIN Tfl IINITEn CTATCC!0" Hows: Mike t.oniadina vs. 1U UN11LU jlAlLJ.Ned Byrne; Dido Gurvich vs. (Special to Daily News) FHIEDIUCHSHAFEN, Oermpny, Sept. 15. i The transatlantic flight of the airship ZH 3 has , lone of the motors. The bbj Stales to be used by the govern. iiKuiu iui iiiiuai juiiiuncn. EXPLORE LAND ARCTIC CIRCLE WASHINGTON. Sept. 15. A possible aircraft expedition to i explore a million unknown I square miles between Point Bar- row and the North Pole may be made probably in May or June, said Capl. Robert Bartlett, commander of. lhe Culler Bear . in. a statement issued here. (VISITORS GIVEN GREAT0FF Last Hot s or Ketchikan Excursionist!, in City Were Joyous as Rest if Two Days Here rousinir send.nir when ii.ev em barked for home on t lie steamer Prince George at midnight. Ac- Ttcompanied by large forces of local Moose and Elks anil headed ,by the local band, (he large parly! paraded from the Elks" Home toj the steamer and were serenaded-: tut by the pipe band. There was much enthusiasm displayed and iiiMiui.iuii.7 iui iiu iiv iviiiaaiili people to coine. agaiu and the local people 1o return the Visits were voiced again and again. It; is safe to say that the trip of the Alaskans to Prince Rupert hasj, served to cement thefriendship between the Canadians and Amer icans of this part of the coast in a manner such as was never. done ltefore. The concert and dance in the Inhibition' Hall started t 8 o'- iclock. The Ketchikan city bana- gave tiie concert and music for the dance was played ly the Moose Saxophone Hand. Ben Self was master of ceremonies and there were about 250 people in. attendance. At Elks' Home Shortly after 10 o'clock, the' visitors proceeded to "the Elks Home for the smoker where Bea Self again presided. The pro-1 gram included boxing exhibitions" Tommy Eraser; Eddie Craggs of Anyox and Sharkey's Filipino of Ketchikan. J. McAleeuan refereed and all bouts were declared ilrnwii s!Wfif!io u.'pta mmln liv jlliyor Npw(ou an(1 Ben gc,f of ij,.snpA Hunfirl unit A WnlUlpint a1(J Lawrence Kubtey'of KetchU ;of lhe Mnoker cIllirisei, JamM Bacon, Charles Folsom, Harvey Eraser, George Waddell and others. Refreshments were serv. ed and the large attendance included ladies. ' EARTHQUAKE REPORTED VICTORIA OBSERVATORY VICTORIA, Sept. 15 of severe earthquakes -A series was re ported on Saturday by the Observatory at Gonzales Hill. They probably originated; jn the Phlr lipiues Islands. .