PAQE FOUR DRY -rrr- h ' THE DAILY NEWS Stpi-oay, .u,. t DDIMPIMP I TO C A TUrn Kv' I ofrwrra. Money Ty : : n i 1 rm i : ' r r VELL-t CUEtb JUL VTAY WEUL OODNICHT- VrA C.6C, TO CALL OODme IN THtt EVEJNIN" T'b DADDY- fM OlNC, TO . CM M tihhTH rt VsKE OON'T Orders nice to be, home With e Theatre, with i oonit know 1 woody want S TOU.FAMIUV- rTTT-nf &OeAMDTOA Ck JUWT WHAT TIME TO Aff lf, Tr On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Rates and information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safe. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Inauranoo and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, 9 U 6. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Ready to Wear $18.00 Laundry Office. 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 774. P.O. Hox 958 EDSON COAL Received few car9 of our Famous Edson Coal. From now on wo can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Oravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered dally. Prompt Early Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde 8treeL TV!- ft. " ViT rr W :' " i lll r'T rZ- rW I : I f p fJS TS J? y LIN -I J J ', mil I J P- n I I I C" '""' "thl crtoved BASEBALL BOXING LACROSSE DEFEAT CALLIES Stuart Shield Football Game Last Night Resulted In Score of 4, to 1 In a rapped game which was devoid of any outstanding features, the Sons of Canada last night pained another advantage in I lie Stuart Shield competition by defeating I lie Callies 4 to 1 in the. first gamo of the second half of the series. Tho Callies fielded only ten men but, with the grade in their favor, gave even compe tition to their opponents in, the first half, at the end of which the score was 2 to 1. The Sons of Canada had alto gether the best of things in I he second period and scored two more goals. Responsible for the Canadian goals were E. Warren and Si Erskine (two). The fourlli counter for the Canucks was made by S. Currlo Who miskieked. The one and only tally for "the Callies was rfltfispYpdby"- V. El Wiliiscroft. There was a fair sized crowd in attendance. Tom Jones refereed, A. Clap-perton and J. N. Kelly officiated on the side line?, and the learns look the field as- follows: Sons of Canada S. Gaw-thorne; George Mitchell and H. Meniies;. D. Balfour, V. Menzies and If. Astoria; A. Mitchell,-Mc-Dougall, S. Erskine, E. Warren and E. Smith. Callies R. Smitli; G. Cochrane; S. Currie, J. Sims and .J. Andrews; W. Hamilton, M. An drews, W. E. Wiliiscroft, J. Cambell and J. Harris. Stuart Shield standing to date follows: , S. of C 0. W. V. A. . . Callies . . S. of. E. 4 . 1 1 0 pi llllll!l(f; Clark kikhensm SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY SONS OF CANADA is. HERE AND EVERYWHERE 7 Sport Chat U,B0 LABOR ' - - An aniliillous pruogram has been arranged by the Trades and Labor Council for the Labor Day celebration and, if the weather is favorable, lots of fun is assured for both old anil young ami all the way between. There will be a wide variety of field sports, tug-of-war, the Gilhuly Cup football final between the Sons of Canada and the Great War Veterans and the day will be wound up with a danco in the Elks' Home under the joint auspices of the Labor Council and the Elks. The ser vices, of t ho First North B.C. Regiment have been eqgafjed lo enliven proceedings at the grounds, during the day. II is (be intention of the sports committee in charge of the cele bration' to make a specialty of novelty events for ladies and children lo o this end valuable prizes are being olTered in the ladies' nail driving contest, 'egg and-spoon race and married ladies' race. There will be a prize of $50 Jor Ihe tug-of.war between a city team captained by I. Laporle and a loam composed of members of the Halibut Fishermen's Union. A special chedufe of races or the, tiny ots lias been arranged and there will be. some inter-school evenls. Other novelty features in Ihe porls.'s program include a fat men s race, throwing the baseball, kicking the football, sack ace and ladies' thread Ihe needle race. A 9 10 prim is jjeing ouer-ed for the largest family on the grounds. The committees in charge of the celebration are as follows: Finance J, M. Campbell, F. Derry and J. J. LUUp. Refreshments II. Eraser, A. lludema, Gunnard Anderson. Ianee W. M. Brown, F. Derry an( .1. M. Campbell. Sports W M. Brown, C. Tay lor, Jack Ratchford, J. J. Oillis, J. Ulack, E. W. 1 ucker, J, Leach, WivlU Penny; W. F. Cameron, D. M. McLeod and J. II. Meagher. SWAM FORTY MILES IN COLD NORTH SEA HUSUMl, Germany, Aug. 30. Otto Kcriimerich, Germany's best known "deep sea" swjmfner, com pleted a swim recently from Hu sum, to Wik Island, 40 miles out in the North Sea, being" in Ihe water a little more Ihan 12 hours Kemmerich made Ihe voyage without companions in boats, as is the custom of n(osl lnng-dis- lance swimmers, and carried i watch and compass in, a water proof pocked affair which fillet In the back of his head. British Consols Cigarettes Package of 12 forl5t Same Price du " dor ) perpmoKe FOOTBALL TENNIS SWIMMING under auspices of Trades and Labor Council MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st. $500 IN PRIZES $500 FOOTBALL FIELD SPORTS TUG-OF.WAR Women's and Children's Novelty events of all kinds Admission to Grounds : Adults 25c. Children free DANCE IN ELKS HOME at 9 p.m. Westholme Orchestra Genls $1.00. Ladies 50c. LEAGUE BASEBALL American League Washington 5, .New York 1. Detroit 0-0, St. Louis 3-7. Philadelphia I, Boston 5. Chicago 4, Cleveland 5. National League Boston 0, Philadelphia 4. Cincinnati 4, Pillsburg 5. New York 1, Brooklyn 3. St. Louis 12, Chicago 5. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. Birmingham!?, Everlon 2. Burnley 0, Cardiff Cily 0. Bury 0, Manchester City 2. Leeds 1, Sunderland 1. Liverpool 2, Aston Villa 4. .Newcastle 1, Huddersfield 3. Notts Forest 0, Arsenal 2. Sheffield 2, Blackburn R. 3. rollenhanv3, Bolton o. West Bromwich 1, Notts C. 2. Division II. Blackpool 2, Clapton 0. Bradford: City I, FulhmJ.l. Chelsea 1, Coventry City 0. Crystal Palace 0, Wednesday 1 Derby C. 4, Hull City 0. Manchester U. 1, Leicester 0. Miildlesboro 2, Barnsley 0, Port Vale 1, Wolves 3. Southampton 0, Oldham 0. South Shields 0, Portsmouth 2. Slockporl 2, Stoke 0. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division I. Airdrieonians 3, Third Lanark 0 Ayr Uniled 3, Aberdeen 3. Cowdenbeath 1, St. Johnston 2. Dundee (5, Hearts 0. Falkirk 1, Celtic 2. Hamillon 1,'llaith Rovers 0. Morton 1, Partlck Thistles 0. Queen's Park 2, St. Mjrren 1. Rangers 1, Kilmarnock 1. 19 JSrlSt two more II in -ihe Jf pacIc v i I DAY SPORTS i 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adrtlmnt Taken for Le.. than BOc . - - - .- - WANTS t WANTED.- Woman to do housework by the ilay. Apply L. W. Patmore. tf WANTED. Companionable help for small family. Apply Ste. 11. McMortlie Apts. It WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prioes paid. Princo Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone 052. WANTED. Wagon with brake, in good condition, liox unnecessary. Price and particulars to S. C. Gordon, care Daily News Ofliee. LOST LOST. Hunch of keys on ring Tuesday morning. Finder please relurn to Smith & Mal-lett. 205 LOST. Pair of spectacles. Find er please phone 1 4. .OST. Ford rim and tire. Finder return to O. M. Arnott, Rupert Table Supply. 201 .OST. Black overcoat, silk faced and lined. Finder pleaso relurn to E. A. Wakefield. Howard. 201 FOR RENT OR RENT. Small house, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Red 023. 203 FOR RENT. Hoard and room in private family. Phone Black 217. 200 FOR RENT. Two large apart ments down town near Post OJTlce. Apply Stork's Hani-ware, tf FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rales and home com forts. tf FOR RENT F'our room, modern, heated aparl merits. Apply Smith ti Mallett, Ltd. tf MODERN Four Roomed Flat rent. Westcnhaver Bros. AUCTION SALES. for AUCTION SALE Saturday at 2 p.m., 725 Eraser Street. In eludes Gurney-Oxford rnnge, refrigerator, Sanitary couch, bed, trunks, bed linen, carpen ters tools, kitchen utensils, carpels, rugs, chairs, kilchen cabinet, crockery. Geo. Leek, Auctioneer. 204 Goods Bought. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 130 and Red 442 Keep. It Quiet I Your car Is as old as II sounds t GOODYEAR TIRES for Fords from S8.75 to $17.00 Renalrlnn, Vulcanising, Gas and Oil Modern Wrecking Equipment. KAIEN GARAGE Our Work Speaks for Itself. HIBERNIANS WON LONDON, Aug. 30 The Hiher. nians defeated Molhenvcll I lo l.i II... r I .... I .11. .1..:.... n ... iii int; mni uiYiniiMI, OCIIUIS league yesterday. FEMALE HELP WANTED STl 'N ( J 1 1 A I J iTlItS' SiX AM I NA'- lion for Hrilish Columbia Civil Service will be held on Saturday afternoon and evening, September 13, 1921. For application forms and further information apply Iti the nearest Government Agent or to W. H. Machines, Civil Service Commissioner, Victoria, H.C. BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at tho Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Odlce, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe, FOR SALE AND RENT. Six rooms, modern, 12.00 per mouth. Household furniture cnmplelo for sale at a bargain. Apply 210 Ninlh Ave. West. -Parkview Apt. 210 OR SALE. Two corner bds in best residential district, section six. ?250.00 and $200.00 respectively. M. M. Stephens. 20 i FOR SALE. Sixteen room room ing house and store; all furnished. Full sized basement with new hoi air furnace. Terms arranged. This building is right in front of the Dry Dock, 929 Ambrose Avenue, tf FOR SALE. Five acres on Law- son Harbor, Lewis Island; wilt; dwelling bouse, chicken house ami outhouses and large garden; prico very moderate. Apply Box 196 Daily News ofllce. - 203 FOR SALE Ford Runabout De livery; In good running order; $200.00 cash. Also several other good buys in used cars. S. E Parker, Ltd. tf FOR BALK Two used Ford en gines; suitable for conversion for marine use. $50.00 ench. S. K. Parker, Ltd. FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring Car; overhauled and in good condition; $250.00 cash. S. E. Parker, Ltd. FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Boats and Engines. Northern Exchange tf FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl turo Store. We Buy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 940. CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLF80N Graduate of the National Collego of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Blook Room 15. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 lo 8 Saturday afternoons nnd Sundays by nppointment. Phone Blue 85. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Oeorge. Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: BOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Acr"8s from Empress Hotel Mi lerdii iv i.iii rs, J. Talbot arrived on yen iti tl flllltlfliitl u limil fititit, ititui iiuuii i .fviii iiifiii Nevada ada City, City, California, California, (o lo spend spend ii i...- her .1... i in' Mrs Wcs III "Savage" Electric - - 5 Aaihen Hoover" Suction Cleaner "Monarch" Malleable Ranges "Hotpolnt" Electrical Goods "Valspar" Varnish and Enamals "Martln-Senouri' 100 Paint "Sanola' Bathroom "Kyanlze" Floor Enamel "Sunoco" Motor Oils , !! pjjpl CANADW SAILINGS TO EUllOPE' ifAKB KESERV.Tl' N FROM MONTRUW sour TO CHEBBOURO-SOUTMAWTOH-ANTWERP STl. 0 "'J sii.t. 1 7. on i ' 1 on. i . "'! - - v. TO BSLFT-l." Srpl. II. orl, n S-pi. '. Oft. . TO LIVERPOOL Sfpt. It.-Oct. I" Seel. Oft, ' Orl. 3. .11 TO CHERBOURO-SOUTHAWTOH- Sfpt. 10. Oil HI-Snt. H. Oi t. i hu. frW Jul TO LIVERPOOL rf Spt. IB. flit, if " TO BELFAST-OLAS00 0 Oft. t Apply o ArenM ertrywlim I 1 J.J. FORSTER. !;$ I I C.P.R. 8tition. VM4'. Telephone Seymour J6W, Cm, Pc Ky TIMBER SALE A6", . .n.l..rl Tinlr. w I I'-"1 MlnlMpr of l.tmlf " 1 ttm iiii ilay ir ii-i'i'"; liiirriiaxr if Lirrnrn a. t feel of snriire ami on an area alluslMl : ';" fri..vnl fif tllfih.r Hirllifr partn niai Vlifiirlji. II I! I'rl'nrn lliiprrl, IW' irlrl nilllfr. r, Sllllll"' nil"."'. X 0370. t ... f I'llme nuieri. 11 : 1 ,i. ' " rl timrfr SALE X 637?' , . ,rr,f;i r. Alll llllll, tiinlii.r. 1991. Ill t"e . ...,jne li" , u ,.t O.OI)I1j.''. - r. aiia atlJuliilna- Hi" '"2 Lwh l-s,S mirth ami f . (ir 'l".'1.- .tin Two (t) " -i -rrovl.lf.1 aoyor un aunioii I" iT!.n JiiaV ,n,hl,r of ler to lp ol'"'1'" ,hi t r ami irfaifd ma KiirllH-r partlr lr-..1"rMtrlc m nr.. Vlrtoria, t A -el.arge MM? . J poundkeeper. T ricetr1' winter vlKiling duughler dered lo pay b" 'l0-' .Iagi4r' . A. T. Bailey, Fifth Avenue cosls of H' coiii'l ly Jt. McClyinont this mornlnJ.