Vm 'II II make a YOUn BOOTH AT THE FAIR will lie unc of the prettiest there if il is dressed u-ilh HHNNISON CRKPK. We linve il in :i(J eolnrs and similes, and in many beautiful printed designs. 25c Per Fold, $2.50 Per Dozen. ii'" CREPE PAPER COSTUME fr a masquerade, perhaps, for a J'fiO' up P;'ganl -then are many oe-uswin-which repiire a gny crept' paper costume. Let us help you plan e- We iKeimlson's Costume Honk giving many suggestions and full instructions. Price 10c iSST tr r re Canadian National Railways Princ i Rupert DRYDO AND SHIPYARD Operating C.T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped Jo handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, '-house "Rupert Brand" Salmon. A few tins in the punlrv arc always handy. Slock, a supply on your boat Umt s a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR SALE Alaska Blue Fox Breeders IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR QUALITY STOCK BLUE FOXES COMMUNICATE WITH JACOB OTNESS Petersburg, Alaska Our Foxes Guaranteed to bo a Number One Stock. Advertise in "The Daily News" . . T,, r -l If '""'5 Mfc. PAPER THAT Gfclii -J" Local and Personal B.f Undertakers. Phono -il. Hayners, Undertakers. Phono 351. Chas. Halagno's School of Music will re-open for the fall lerm on September 2. Don't miss "The Covered Wagon," Hie most talked-of picture in the world. Tonight. Women of Mooseheart Legion Whist Drive and Dance, Tuesday Sept. 2, K.30 sharp. Westholme Orchestra. 207 - - Mrs. (ictirire Frizzell is sailinsc tonight on (ho Prince George foi ancouver. G K. Anderson of Anvox left on last night's train for Men! real on a holiday trip. Aid. and Mrs. G. V. Kvflt left on last night's train to spend the holiday week-end at Terrace. J. Fred Ritchie nailed for Slew art on the Prince George las evening. A. D. Pleas of Port Clement ft is sailing tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver. Miss Grace Uurlin is sailing lo- night hy the Prince George for Vancouver on a vacation trip She may go on to Saskatoon to visit her sister. Itev. anil Mrs. I'M win Moss of Mellakalla are sailing tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver and Victoria on a vacation trip. C. J. Uuantfc, C.N.R. master mechanic, who is in the city on ollicial business, sails tonight on Mir Prince George for Nancou ver. Miss Agnes Donaldson of the local school teaching stalT left on last night's train for Port Ks singlou where she will spend the holiday week-end. - Harold IHanloii. who Is to box here next mouth with Prick Skin ner of this city, will arrive from Hyder on the Prince George thi evening. .Miss F.rlainonde La Trace, who has been visiting for the past ten days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. I.a Trace, Fifth Avenue West, is returning lo Vancouver on the Prince George tonight. Mrs. Arthur Hrookshank and family are returning on the Prince Hupert on Monday !o re sume tneir resilience in t lie ciiy after having spent the past year in Lailysniilh, Vancouver Island. Mrs. W. J. Jefferson and family were passengers going south to Vancouver on the Venture which was in port this morning. They have been spending the summer at Somervllle where Mr. Jefferson is cannery manager. W. Fleet Robertson, provincial mineralogist, and Mrs. Robertson will be in the city from train lo boat I his afternoon on their re-turn lo Victoria after bavins (lent a holiday visit in Edmon ton. Dr. Charles II. Vrooinan and Dr. John M. Pearson, well known Vancouver surgeons, are visitors in the city today. They arrived yesterday aflernon on the sleam- r Prince George and will return Kills lAXi lies Aim MnunltHl. Moth. Bed Bus's. House Ants, etc. Harmfesa to humans and oolm.lt. Plesaot odos Wool stala wallpaper and fabric Eairtou.c Nodtrtordu.it. ( Ot- .SO SJ Os. .11.25 II Oj. ,7S 128 O.. 4.09 Mouth Sprayer FREE InproTed Hand Sprayer Sold by Grocers, DrDfgUts, De p artment Stores and Uardwara Dealers. Manufactured by W. K. Beatr & Co. Ltd. Vancouver. B. C. Developed at Mellon Irmtttuta of Industrial Research by Res Fel lowship. Money south on the same vessel tonight, i" 'erpsichore to inusig.furnished Dr. Vrooinan was formerly in y .m r.asson s orcnestra. Re charge of the Rotary clinic al.,fresh.nienls were: served during ancouver. lhe: evening under the direction of Mrs, Carroll. The' moonlight Dr. A. K. H. Dennett arrived, dances were a feature. L. J. from Ocean Falls on the Prince Marion acted as floor niahaaer. Seorgc yesterday afternoon. Arrangeincnls are how being - I made for a big dance on Labor James R. Mitchell returned1 on J Day. the Prince George yesterday af- , ternoou after spending several weeks holidaying in Hie south and will proceed on the next steamer to Auyox where lie has been appointed to the High School leaching staff. Miss Caroline Mitchell also returned from Vancouver yesterday. rfi7FMA YuU are r.ot ex pertinent. 1 n g w li e n you use it. ssssi thane's Ointment L- for Eczema anfl Skin Irritations. It relieves at once and gradually heals tho skin. Sumple box Dr. Cause's ointment Iree 11 you mention this paper and send vo. stamp for postn jt. eoo. a box I all dealers ur Kiluianann u.j j (h. Limit'!. Toroniw Walter iale. i-oUri registrar, is leaving tonighl for Vancouver on a holiday trip. Mrs. Gale and family are already in the south. : '" ' Nick Gurvich .accompanied by his daughter Amelia, left Van couver for California yesterday morning. They will go to San Jose to attend The wedding of Mr. Gurvich's niece. The Musie Classes of St. Joseph's Academy will re-open on September 2; the Commercial Class, September t5; and the Kin dergarten Septoniber 15. .Exhibit ion entries will not be received after September 5. City exhibits will nor be allowed lo enter the building ufler Sept. 8 The last of a long series of warn mgs. ' 200 K. C; McOUrtrle of Victoria was among Ihe visitors who passed through lo Stewart yesterday. II'1 is spending a holiday at the mining centre and incidentally will look al some of the mining properties. '- Returning to his headquarter in Kdmonlotii after an inspection trip to the vesl, V. J. Rooney. superintendent of nlauls fur the Canadian .National Telegraphs. arrived from Vancouver on the Prince George yesterday after noon and proceeded east by Irani. - Mis-. II. SI. G. I.ee and family returned on the Prince George yesterday afternoon from Cliilli- wack where they have been hoii dayiiig during the summer. Sister superior Juliana and Sister UtdiroysUi ot l)ie local convejil returned from the soulh on the Prince George yesterday iflernoon. ; ...-. .. Provincial Constable ami Mrs, I. Uarr arrived from' '.Vancouver oil fl5o Prince George', yesterday afternoon and proceeded by train 10 Hums Lake. Coiisfaiilo Can-brougjit north Joe tMacDonald who was committed for trial oh a charge of assaulting . Provincial Police Constable Arthur Collins at Ocean Falls. A very enjoyable , dance' was held in the Auditorium Jast nishl when some peoplo indulged USE STMONDS en: I SAWS Their teeth are of a toughness which makes them hold (heir keen cutting edge under every usage. SIMONDJ CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED V.NCOUVtR yONTKCAl, ST. JOHN, N a. WWsBWssBssI SPECIAL Jliss Kathleen llaslell arrived in Hie city from Vancouver on Ihe Prince (leorge yesterday afternoon. She is spending a few-days visiting ' willi old fricjids here before returning to Anyox to resume her school teaching duties. Church Notices ! Presbyterian Church Morning worship at It o'clock. Subject: "Stewardship." Kveuing service at-7.30. Subject: "Moral-ily vs. Helision." l'reacher: l(ev, II. H. (Irani, D.l). Sunday school will meet at 12.30. Salvation Army Wanted ? 100 Newcomers at Ihe Army Sunday School 2.30 p.m. All Children are welcome. Sand I ray classes for children from 2 0 years. (live your children a slnrl and we will endeavor lo teach them something (hat will help them through life. . Sunday service: II a.m. speaker Lieut. Gardner. 7.30 p.m. speaker, Oapt, Ilea. Subject: "Un clean. Public meetings every Wednesday, Thursday and Sa(u"r day, 8 p.m. I Health ! That priceless possession, most valued by those who have temporarily lost it, can be regained and retained by regularly taking 4X Cream Stout. It's an easy, pleasant, palatable way to encourage the system to extract the utmost nourishment from the food you eat. 4X Cream Stout is itself a valuable liquid food, prescribed and recommended by many physicians for invalids, convalescents, nursing mothers and all those whose physical condition requires gentle stimulation. It also appeals to thousands as the most acceptable meal-time drink makes them eat heartily and helps digestion. Drink 4X BREW CREAM STOUT Brewed and bottled in Vancouver at the model brewery renowned for cleanliness and perfect brewing. It contains the very finest of malt and British Columbia hops it has the body, strength and flavor that good judges prefer. You'll like it, too. It will do you a world of good. Try it! On sale at all Government Vendors VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. WHEN THE CHILDREN ARE TROUBLED WITH Summer Complaints GIVE THEM 'And you will be agreeably surprised to find out how quickly they will become relieved of their troubles. This preparation has been on the market for the past 80 years. Put up only by Tho T. ililburn' Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. amatco 3 PLY COTTON WOOD VENEER PANELS For panelling your rooms it rivals the most cosily hardwoods. Rejuvenate your Home Quickly aiul Permanently. Sole Agents Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Children's Shoes OF QUALITY SPECIALLY PRICED $4.05 Tan or Waek Calfskin, welled soles. Chums and Htirlhiits. Billion only. Sizes 11 to 1. Regular $0.00 and $0.50. $3.05 Tan or Black Calfskin. Welter soles. Button only. ' 8 to lOVi. Regular $i.75. 05c Child's Patent Leather Slippers. Patent Leather Boots mill Rubber Soled Slrap Slippers. Values lo $2.00 pair. ; : , Family Shoe Store