Iscnlial that he should be kept Ped on what is going on in Kilsc.i, 13.000, lo Cold Storage al 13.00c and 7c ll,c worl'1- ,,avinir ,hi in III,Ml1' Pair Pair of .r Jacks. in.u u 8.000 imn and a ,,.1 1 1 he Canadian National Railway? Tramp, 13.500. to Allln Fisher-ies al 13.60c ami 7c. N A S.. 3,300. lo Allln Fisheries, at I3.50e and 7c. (.ape Spencer, 9.000. lo T eific Fisheries, at 13,50c and 7o. INDIANS LEAYE TO WORK IN ORCHARDS AT YAKIMA, WASH. A parly of nineteen native men a'il women from Port Simpson aNlhis afternoon oi the Prin. r,'"n Healrlce en route lo Yakima, ""lunglon, where they will be FnngtM fur the next three or four months picking apples and "ops, They were headed by J. Jjruilley and have Just finished iiMimg on ii Skeena River. Mr. Hrndley has ordi rs for seventy "''ners iiui, though more na- oes w ill Join the parly when I be l'rincess Ileattice calls al the oKeena, (hero will not be enough. is the Ihlr.l year that In. 'linns have gone south to work "i Hie orchards of Washington. 1 lio Princess Ileal rice arrived "'"a Iho Houth at 10 o'clock J"'8 morning, called at tin "'"ice Rupert cannery lo load 1,500 cases of salmon, and sailed her return south al 2.30 Ibis "'lei'iioon WITHDRAW FROM GERMANY ''HIS, Aug. 30 The economic w'uulrawul from t ho Huhr is be-Ruining lintiiedialely. In fact )"'''liininary 'steps are being Men today throughout the Huhr "ui wilhout an order for military V,lcualion which will be issue tomorrow. Troops will nol bo w'lhdrnwn until economic evac uaiion is nearly completed. has, among other details of arrangement placed a radio receiv ing sel on the private car Hen- frew, which will be occupied by Ihe Prince during His journey from .New London, Conn., norm lo Montreal and then west lo Calgary, Alta. Tills radio set will nol only receive Ihe usual irogram broadcast by Ihe sla- llons with which the radio tans .o familiar, it will be used for Ihe reception oi news mu- lelins specially selecieu as neing of interest lo His Itoyal High ness. These items will be culled from Ihe news of the world ami at specified Hours mey m .- broadcast from the broadcasting lat ions of Ihe Canadian .Miiionai Railways radio deparlmeni. me points from which I hey arc broadcast will iiepemi "i'" ....... In Wales is travelling at the lime. .......munis have lieen mane "",,rv i H..II I... ll... I',. mi. 1 11 II .MlllUIKII lliiil- iiy i in .....u. f,. ihe installation of a re reiving set at HP ranch while the Prince is .at his iitncn which .iiaiiinee from any lele- gnnd. olllce. He will he kept posl- n 1 . II... .lull I tt ... i mi iln ii la rs oi mi' " v means of Ibis radio sel. Al sped. ri.,i I.,.,,,- nf the day me unw adiau National llailways La gary radio slalion will hroaucast iih-m- ii ..l.ipl. w illCIUiie new Inle Presi.lenl llardmi? t l"'1 city. -ti. nmnl.ivineiit olllce today send 200 harves were asked to hands to SnsUutcliewnn. London. Hatlni eaoieu him i . , . . ... r ...ill 1, in eres eil io mh. hi in V III , inir sel lo be used llllll I iir i"-' ' ...iii I... .if Hie sui'Ci'-lieloi WIH I"- . 11.. type will, a loud speaker uu, iviin lis thai '.. i ' .i.,..i.,if the visit of the. 1 Aboard U.S.S. Hoxer in Arctic, Thursday. The Hoxer was today slamliiig by the Lady Kindersley with two launches and an Eskimo skin boat. The Kindersley is locked drifting in the ice field and was to have been abandoned. It is believed the Hoxer will soon be able to take aboard the nineteen men of the Kindersley and 1)00 tons of supplies she carries for the Hudson's Hay Co. and the Canadian Mounted Police at llershell Island. The Arctic or ban rrancisco ,vnose crew anauuoneu ner tins slipped from the close grasp of the ice into a little space ol open water and her cargo, too, is. given up for lost, l urs aboard Ihe Arctic and Kindersley are valued at .$300,000 for each boat. 'Ihe gasoline .schooner "Maid of Orleans' 'passed Hat ter Island on August 7. Fears are being fell for hpr safely. VANCOUVER, Aug. 30, Word received lale last night from. the Lady Kindersley indicates that she is making a desperate effort to free herself from the ice, which has held her since August The vessel has all sails set endeavor ice. A northwest ing. wind is blow. DR. MULLEN DIES AT HOSPITAL CONVENTION Was Head of tho Department of Cactorlology at tho University or B.C. VANCOUVER. Aug. 30. Dr. R. It. Mullen, 47 years of age, head of tho depaitnienl of bacteriology of the University of HrittslrCof- uiubia died suddenly nl Victoria yesterday while attending the hospital 'onvenlioii. SKIRMISHING GOES ON NEAR SHANGHAI TODAY SHANOIIAI, Aug. 30. -Reports of skirmishing In Jutiisau district where Ihe forces of Chi Shieb Yuan and I.u Hung llisiang are operating have been receiv WOMEN DELEGATES ILL AS RESULT OF PTOMAINE POISON WORCESTER, Ma'ss., Aug. 30. Over one hundred women dele, gales of Ihe American Legion auxiliary convention are suffer ing from ptomaine poisoning following a banquet Thursday. Ot llii.. tl I tit In. I. vl ti I'll i..l ,l,i..rm.' mill tin' riifci'i" i ii ii 1 1 1 in mi , ... . . ,i ii i i Inbreak through tho " ' ' , !00 required medical attention. PRINCE LUNCHES ed. Shanghai interests are usingi lional Hank wnrfarc. WITH PRESIDENT Given Groat Welcome on His Ar rival In Now York NEW YORK. Aug. 30. - Tho Prince of Wales left early Ihisl morning by special train fori Washington lo be the guest at luncheon of President Coolidge. It was a very informal affair only the members of Ihe president's family and his personal staff being present. The Prince on his arrival here was given one of .the most pretentious welcomes ever mcordeit a' .inofficial visitor. ROBBED BANK LOS ANOEI.ES. Aug. 30: Two gun bandits held up the. First Na iheir influence lo prevent npenPiihler and al Walls, lied tho assistant, and es- raped in an nulo with 0,000. TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. For rates, apply to Boston PRINCE RUPERT and 6th fit. Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL. XIV., NO. 205. PHINCE HLPEHT. H.G., SATl HDAY, AUGUST 30, ll)2i. Yesterday's Circulation, I ga Slrrrt Sales, 113 PRICE FIVE CENTS. EFFORT " "tii.iL FREE KINDERSLEY ' i nml i ' i i V II !! inn I II' m III I ll III! II II II V mMy'dJ Hock, ul Lake Mazinawe, Eastern Ontario where millions of dollars worth of silved bars were said lo have been discovered in a cave. It is a iacied place to the natives and on it are curious uiideciphered hieroglyphics in imperishable paint inscribed by an unknown people. Lady Kindersley is Making a Desperate Effort Get Free of Ice; Sails set Engine Running GREAT BRITAIN VERY PLEASED Adoption of Dawes Plu.. by Ger man Reichstag Is Heralded With Acclaim LONDON, Aug. 30. Adoption by Ihe Herman Reichstag of the bills required to. make the Dawes reparations plan operative re gislcred a great though hardly expected triumph which is hailed in Rritain as the complete opening of a new era of history of Europe's post-war policies. ', The event is heralded as a great Vic- lory inasmuch as it has been ob tained wilhout lessening Ihe friendship between Rritain and France. MISS NORA KENNY Elks' Candidate in the Carnival Queen contest. FROM Nels Thompson, Mrs. Anderson s brother, about three-quarters of mile away. During the night of August 24 I here came up a big wind and rain storm. The wind caught Ihe ladies tenl and ripped it in cape while crossing a steep snow- field. Her feet slipped out and away she went. She started to shout "save me." Mr. Thomp- :n. ...i f sun wiiii Kiriii Hiescuuv ui iinuu , .i!.,i;i . . , , , Hlll ItL snouted dig in your neeis ami Miss Mryllo with equal presence of mind dug in her heels, other wise she would probably be going yet. Close lo camp. was a beautiful glacier lake and the ladies being pioneers on the mountain were given the honor of naming thai tako and called it Peacock Lake Lots of goat, bear, whistlers, grouse and ptarmigan were seeu on the trip and everyone came hack to civilization with regrets. ALLEGED BAD MAN FROM OCEAN FALLS ARRIVES IN CITY a charge of wounding with intent lo evade lawful apprehension, was brought to Ihe city from Ocean Falls yesterday afternoon and immediately came before Judge Robeilson for election having been committed for trial by Sti pendiary Magistrate Hill of Ocean Falls. The case was remanded until next week and will then be taken by Judge Y'oung. Accused, in the meantime, is obtaining counsel. ICE HALIBUT SALES FOR AUGUST ARE LARGEST IN HISTORY OF PRINCE RUPERT Biggest Halibut Month in History of Port was Completed Here Today Sales Amounted to 3,842,500 Pounds Which was About Half a Million Over Those of July More fish was marketed here during the month of August than in ""I previous month in the history of the port. The total sales amounted to 3,8t2,r00 pounds, nml this would have been increased ImjI for the diversion of several large boats to Ketchikan during the week Tor cold storage purposes. July held the previous record with 3,:iHH,0U0 pounds. While u portion of the fish has been going into cold storage to be used during the close season, large shipments east have l.eeii made regularly. ,,,,,, T.uinv there were a large number of small boats in with i '"'"j - II catches, no fewer wvenlfeii craft selling 113,500 pounds. Three of Hie boats were American with 53,500 pounds.1 ?lfs were as follows: American Crescent, 11.500, to Pacific fisheries, at 16.60c ami c. Vesta, 12.000, to Cold Storage al 10.50c and He. Yukon. 30.000. to Itoyal Fish Co. at iBe and 5.50. Canadian I Klfl- ltlnirn I Mill: man - - - - - WIRELESS FOR PRINCE DURING HIS STAY AT RANCH AND ON JOURNEY Canadian National Fallways Putting. in Apparatus and 'VIII Send Bulletins MONTREAL, Aug. 30. 1 lat Hip Prince of Wales lakes a keen "".'". i, mi". 'Mrt"l . . .... , il .. . . . . i ii M. iii llio iiflTaiiv fir Hie Mali I r.i ll- llal.iv null: hiiii ," - - ' ' " ' ... . '. .1.1 II... nir.-iira KunifAK, 3,000, lo Mooth Fisheries,"""" ' , ,, nt I3.8()e and 7c. )of ' ' k"Wn; found well informed on (.ape Spear. 7.000. lo llooth nlwnyn Fisheries, at 13.50c and 7c. momentous subjects and does not Fish Co..'" probably think. Judging Nuba, 7,500. lo lloyal at t3.90c and 7c. l'r"ss remit d,cvo 0 1,11 h's Johanna, 10.000. lo Cold StorJ'ime lo polo, sleeplochasing, goir, age. al 13.50c ami 7c. swimming and dancing Even w t onnn i,. rv.i.i s5ir,.D nl when be Is on a holiday it is cs- 13.80c and 7.50c. Indian Treasure Hidden at Bon Echo Armed Vessel and Men Bound to Wrangell Island to Hold it for Russia says Col. B oonie SEATTLE, Aug. 30. Colonel Broome, advance officer for the MucLaren light, told a naval officer here that a vessel named the "lied Oslobcr" flying the Russian flag, carrying a company if in Tantry and armed with six pound canon was bound through Jie ice from Petrapavlovsk for Wrangell Island with orders to lake all the .inhabitants prisoners, seize all flipping anil establish the Russian ownership of the island. MOUNTAIN HIKE ! NEAR PACIFIC1 Windstorm Tears Tent and Ladies Caught in Rain During Night SLIP ON SNOWFIELD PACIFIC.. Aug. 3D. Mrs. M.. Anilei'soti and son Edward of MEDICAL MEN HAD MEETING Officers of Provincial Association Visiting City and Local So-slety Has Gathering The occasion being the visit lo the city of Dr. C. II. Vrooman, president of the H.C. Medical Association, Dr. J. M. Pearson, and Pacific, and Miss Mrytle Nelson l. J. r iclclier, executive secretary SI, Peters, Minn,, have just re- of the association, a (special .turned from a tweve days' .trip meeting was held by the Prince intp the mountains at the head- Huperl and District Medical So-uf Legate Creekv opposite Pacific, ciety in the St. Regis Cafe last amleilpi:artiujcorablciltae'.JlU5ht. Dr.- (. E.'Tremaync,, pre-Tiiey were camped at timber line sjdent of Ihe local branch, was at aboul 5,000 feet elevation and in the chair and all the doctors had as their nearest neighbor or tne city were present as well as f lie rollowing from the district: Dr. A. E. H. Bennett, Ocean Falls; Dr. William. Sagar, Port Simpson, and Dr. E. W. Ewart, Terrace. The proceedings opened with a dinner after which papers on Iwo pieces leaving the ladies out'dinical mailers were read by Dr. in the cold. They crawled under , rooman and Dr. Pearson, gen. the shady side of a boulder until eral discussion following, laylight and then hiked for brother Thompson's camp. Mr Thompson hearing the noise I bought "bear." When the ladies pulled open Ihe lent flap, Thomp son was standing in his shirt tail with an axe over his head ami decks cleared for action. fortunately there was no casual- ies. Everybody Slips a Little Miss Nelson had a narrow es MM. ..I - MANY TEACHERS FOR NORTHERN SCHOOLS Prince George Brought Large Number of Pedagogues Among Large Passenger List Many school teachers lo their various posts in tho after spending vacations a a ue visiting ineuicai men are i being shown aboul Ihe city today and will return south tonight. j Dr. C. A. Eggert is tho secretary J of the local society. i in tho south were aboard the steamer Prince George wln'ch ar rived in port at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Vancouver. There were also a good number of tourists aboard and the usuat number of local passengers so the vessel was pretty well filled ! up. i i i t SCHOLARSHIPS AT UNIVERSITY Lleut.-Governor Gives Substantial Sum For Students to go to French Institution VANCOUVER. Aug. 30. -Lieut- Joe MacDonald, facing trial on Governor Walter Nichot has made a gift of $18,000 to the University of Hriltsh Columbia to provide three scholarships annually for a period of five years to enable university students to pursue; their studies at French universities. Each scholarship is valued al $1,200. POST OFFICE CLOSES Monday being a holiday the post oftlce regislrallon and gen- MacDonald's trial is Ihe sequel oral delivery wickels will be open lo (he affray at Ocean Falls last fioni 0 to 11. One collodion will week when Provincial Constable ,he made from the street boxes Arthur Collins was beaten up. 'oh thai day coinmenohig at 2.13.