Saturday . August 3ft, 1 02 4. THE-DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE PREVENT FOREST FIRES -IT PAY, IF IT'S ON OR UNDER THE WATER WE DO IT. Diving, Dredging, Lightering Con I in? Ships, Heavy Rifling, Oencral Salvape Work. Pumping a Speciality VANCOUVER DREDGING AND SALVAGE CO. LTD. COW BAY. Phones: Green 259. Green 487. Record Month The "bundling" tof Canadian American schooners on Hie 1 I . . 1 II.. ..... r ki?tl OPOIS lias iieen i n iiIum: hi II2UIP! liailllUI IHI1HIIIK3 I ill" vi-i: llian foi several weeks past. Ow ing (0 'HP goon prices one rintr l.if haliliut at Ketchikan at lite hrnl of Hie week liy the fish buy.. rs for fold storage, nurpje? Intir American schooner sold 1 10 000 pounds of halibut nt rthe atlliern port early in the week hr iiiseuce of this landing lias, luyiiorc niatvrially reduced itlie I'Aiiip. nt halibut sold ,on illie Kal r li hxrhange. Last Bionlh s landings !nan .'a conil when the total halibut ii'lit here wa.,3,388,IOO while i.i uigust, IM3, 3,300,000 pounds bf halibut was shinned from Mncc Hifpert. Prices (hit week 'if both ianadlan and American first nn, second class landinvr pave clianj.inl very Ultle from Ihosp prevailing in (he previous juried. In fish buying circles i! nnlicioalhl thai haliliut land ings will be1 given a decided ini Unai76'Z PPius in f lo doming week with tne arrival of both I ho Canadiar and American fishing fleet r. r force. No untoward bannfimnc I have been Tennrtcil limine tin. period under review. . Fish Business From Monday to Friday Mil,. 300 pound- of halibut has been marketed on Hie Fish Exchange. Canadian were highi 15.1c and Kc :aud low at 13c. and 7c. Amer icans were high nt IS.ile and 7..rc and low at ll.0o and 5c. Arrivals were: American lirolhers. llc- liance. Itatnicr. 'Teddy .1.. Ta- torMif Sadio K., Senator, Republic, llrisk, Wabash, Preslm, For-luna, Hravo, Kasfern Point, Hadio, Young America, Ivanboe and (iroth. Canadian Point Mny, Hippo, Fisher, Tillie S., W. & V. P. Doreen, Swing, Iti,ngleader, .Mrr- nalire, M. M. ChMstopiier, Hose .''pit, liramlt, Alliance, Minnie v., II. and 11., Kobe, lligred II., Fannie F., Toodie am Viola. This week a large number of native launches have put into port, havinp concluded their river summer fishing activities, and conserjuenlly the city, particu larly the waterfront, has put on quite an animated appearance from a native standpoint. These power boat owners are lookinar very prosperous, which is a silent tribute to tin pood remuneration received at the canneries. Many of tliPin intend In stay over until after (he fair while others will provision and proceed to their respective homes reluming for title fair week. Hubert Ward, managing dir- UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Slllnr from rrince Ilupert. and Alert Biy, Tuaaday, 6 P.M. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanson Biy, Saturday, 10 A.M. for ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walaa Itland, Sunday, 8 P.M. or PORT SIMPSON and Nan Rltar Cannarlas, Friday A.M. Itt Ind A.tnut. i. Birnilay, Aatnt. Prlnca nupart, B O. 1 r 1 Jbr over 160 years HlllS &UNDERWO0D IONDON DRY GIN the gin You will askf or again $3.25 A BOTTLE 83 This advertisement Is not published or displayed ly Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government ot llritish Columbia. a I eclnr of the Ward F.lcctrlc Co., proceeded to Anyox on the steamer Prince nupert on Wednesday evening. Hubert, while in the smeller town, will Inspect one of the (iranby Co.'s scows as .re presentative of the marine iui- derwrilers, which went aground recently in firenville Channel. lo'bn Jtulger had a snag run into him while over at the Ball Lakes last week end in his coastal cruiser, resulting in ttie breaking of a window in the. observation cabin. The snap took Hie form of another boat which drift, ed into bis launch while moored nt the landing wharf, the bow of the visitor pushing itself through he window. I lie power boat lied I op, of Kilkatla, has been on the Ward ways this week undergoing re-caulking and a general overhaul. The Canadian schooner While Lilly, Cnpt. Hroderious, left purl early in the week on a cruise to the high spots to see what i d-u ing in the halibut line. Charlie Nelson, who is much in need of a complete change and rest, went along lit investigate the bad effect of sunshine resting too long on the decks and gear. - The Mate of the Birdie B. A little rhyming episode Ih llu life of the male on the schooner Hirdie II., with apologies to Wall. Mason. We're off: Tired of the land alid the nMsy life, and Sweethearts one-two three, be signed his name on lit? dotted line as mate of t lie Itirdio H. Joe was the skipper and en gineer, a skipper of note was he, he'd take a chance most on any thing, even males on Hie Ilirdic I). To fish for salmon and humpbacks loo the fishermen bit for the sea, Ihe sea was lougn and so was the male on the good Rhfji Hirdie II. The boat it rolled like a new stale bun, but tbo male stuck it out with glee, he stuck himself to the deck with glue, ilid the male of the Hirdie II. At the bailing of hooks the mate was there, and" he never wailed to see whether fish or a doughnut tailed off the line, be was male of the Hirdie H. They were fishing one day in the wallers cool, in a sea as calm a could be, when a humpback humped itself aboard, for Hie mate of the Hirilie H. The boat look a. list, the skipper a smoke. "Well, I'll be kicked," said he, when the humpback chirped "f don't like cake," to the male the Hirdie H. However, they fished and fished anil fished, till Ihe deckrail hit Ihe sea, "I'll tell you what we'll do right now," cried Ihe mate of the Hirdie II. "We've too much fish and nothing to eat, not even a bite for lea. We'll eat up the fisli to lighten the boat." Hrainy nialo of the Hirdie 11, ;. . . The power boat Towena, Capl. I. Field, returned from the Queen Charlotte Island early in Ibo week with a busied tailshaft. The I'owena was, tnken up on the Wanl ways yesterday i"orning for necessary repairs. 1 How to Get Lumbago It's all as simple as pulling salt fn a bad egg this gelling lumbago and It Just goes to show that a gas engine does, not start up the same way as an electrical washing machine. At least these are- the deductions of skipper Cross after an exhaustive study of how to nienil electrical wash ing machitiPs Prior to engaging in the lallef skilled occupation Hie skipper was in a ferfect state of health, and derived much lii'iii'fii from his abdominal ex water tub while screwdriver. working the valuable Airdale pup, look plact While in port this week the schooner Murineag, 'Capt. Jud Thurbcr, had an Atwater-Kenl ig nition system installed and added some new equipment in the way of gear, etc. native boat from the Xaas. weighted down witli good things to eat, swamped while moored in Cow Hay. A receding tide- pound. ed the bull on a rock with the result that, a holef 'made . ils ap pearance through which the saltchuck introduced itself to the interior.- At lowMifethe water was jiumped ouL -a ad. .necessary repairs, niade lg 4he.Jull In, per mit of 'ittr being' refli'UtPd. Swell Birthday. Party The waterfront was the scene of a swell parly on Thursday af ternoon. The party was given in honor of the birlhUnjs of Miss Margaret Glappcrton, little grand. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Clapperton, who is spending summer holidays, at the water front residence of her grand parents. ; The . ;aJler!ioon was pleasantly spent Irt"(hc playing of games and music after a de lightful party luncheon' hail been parlaken of. Upon a vote being taken as to which was Hie most delicious confection on the table an overwhelming niajprity was given in favor of ice-cream. fhose present included Misses ltandie anil I.aila Jacobsen, Miss Hetty Suiillison, MisS Kathleen Duncan and Miss Kathle Watson. Canadian Schooner .Hth'el June, Capt. (ieo, Hussell, has recently undergone ..interior remodelling al the .N. ;M.-McLean' yardfe.' ' f , ; After completing tfie. of a 30 h.p. FriscotHlandnird engine the Canadian -schooner K. I.ipselt is on the McLean ways undergoing painting 'and general retouching. -' - Shark Hunting The waterfront was thrown into a stato of commotion on Thursday morning when the skipper of the launch Maevo ap peared on Ihe scene in the early hours declaring that sharks had been sighted in Ihe harbor. So hurriedly had Alex, left Ihe house to engage In Ihe hunt that ho had inadvertently stuffed his pyjamas into his pocket in mistake for a handkercief. The gunners were ordered to their stations and the. Meave pulled out amidst deafen ing cheers raised by a singlo on ercises taken in conjunction with looker, who it appears had not a bolh-way flywheel. However, been nome mat evening, no nav-lt doesn't always pay to know all n presentiment that, solne- about machinery. The washing i I hing unusual was going io nap. machine at home beenmo unruly and infused to turn nut the. socks on schedule, hence the reason for the skipper being shanghaied infrt the electrical engineering business,, After many Irials and I ions, plus much heaving and shovitig, the darned washer 'started to wash while the lum-bago started in on the skipper. The secret Hervlco claim that pen that morning. We regret I o report lhal Capl. Freehurg t-at ,he Canadian schooner Hanaro .is laid up suffering wilh a severe chill, Canlno Trafldy The Princo lUipertnHoal house suffered a severe loss this week and J he naul icals employed Ihere the lumbago resulted from the, are keenly feeling their loss. Thn skipper keeping on foot in tin) death Of their pet nvimrny, and a" early in Ihe week they having been poisoned by some, misguided person. Hummy was a great favorite on the waterfront and the cause for the poisoning is unknown unless from the motive of some petty spile. However, the secret service have their ear to the ground for the culprit. Hoth were pedigree dogs and the properly of Capt. A. Swanson. The Somerville Cannery tender Awagi arrived in port on Wed nesday having on board W. J. Jefferson,' manager of the can nery, who fs irt t tic city on bust ness. Repairs to the boat are beinp carried out by Akerberg & Thomson II. L. Landrey, who has been employed in the fishery patrol service Ibis season aboard Ihe power boat Heron, reiurneo to port on Wednesday, his duties having terminated. It is pro bable that Mr. Landrey will take over secretaryship of the G.W.V. Association succeeding O, K. Lord recently resigned. - -- The power boat Wanderer hav ing on board Xcls Nelson, Nels Larson and Geo. Ness, who have been employed ih salvaging ore from the wreck of Ihe motorship Kennecott, arrived in port this week. The parly have been suc cessful in recovering between 250 and 200 Ions of ore from the wreck. It is. now lying at a point on the Queen Charlotte Islands awaiting transportation to Ihe Tacoma smelter. Reward Offered Having been given Ihe oppor tunity to borrow a small power boat Norman Moorehousc, the budding electrical Wizard, has been applying his few leisure hours in endeavoring to coat the engine into action but without success to dale. Norman, a very resourceful young man, has about come to the end of his tether as far as stunt to start her tip are concerned, and wears a gloomy expression reminding one of an old cat wilh coal oil in her milk. So eager is Norman to gel Ihe darned thing doing some thing that he is offering a stupendous reward to anyone who can make the 2V4 gnat power box of tricks get a move on. Here is a rhaneo for some rising gas manipulator, to make a name for hlmseir nnd incidentally a colos sal fee. Cecil Hartley, merchant of Vanderhnof, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train and is registered at the Prince Ilueprl Hotel. ' LAND ACT. Nollca ot Intention to Apply to Lata Land. in Uiiern Charlotte maim i.ami nismri, mM'oruiiiK iiisiriri ui rrim-r nuprri, n.i... anil HlumlP noar Tow 11111, Oralimn Island. TAKK MOTICK thdt I, Oeorife VV. r.r snst Cambrlrta-A Street. Vancouver. M.C., nrrupNtlort manufacturer. Intends to apply for permission to leasm the follow luar described lands! Comniencln at a pnt planted near the root of Tow Hill, east Hide, thence northerly to low water mark: thence westerly followlnir low Water mark so chains; tnence aoutneny inree chains: thence easterly 80 chains, to point or commencement ami containing id acres. more or less. OEOItOE V. DOWLINO. Applicant OAVK HUTTEN, Agent Date. June A, 1094. OS Lakelse Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Now open for service under management of Mrs. M. Raven. Ideal place to spend your summer holidays. Reasonable rates. Good home cooking, Comfortable rooms. Fishing, Roating, Ralhing in Lakelse Lake and Streams. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace TAXI Motors" Operating Taxi and Launch Service between Terrace and Lodge landing, assuring guests of quick, comfortable trip. Also operating taxi service to all parts of the valley For reservations and rates, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. Say! 1 POUND CAKE FROM YOUR GROCERS WHY NOT TRY AN ELECTRIC BAKE 7 Today t CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle September 3, 6, 16, 26 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway September 1, 12, 22 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Pince Rupert, B.C. BACK AGAIN! AND AT YOUR SERVICE. HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire Smith Block. "aim ip i'i i. j , i . iii.naijjM Phone 575.