Prince Rupert Daily News —_“fntxiaie"* "_|East Coast Fishermen D evelop Tuna Market Group Learns to Speak : ; 200 | (Continued from Page 3) brother, and R nald Hemmons| HALIFAX (€P) — Commercial} ancling pot for tuna,’ Each mi is dropped and scooped; in one haul, and often 200 Without Aid of Vocals ——— The bride’s bouquet was mon | fishing is fast becoming a/ September it is the scene of the} und fish amaret Oe sini’ ate ow > p bit 5 hich reach a coratior ed on the : by Miss Lucy Evan m or an a .nternational tuna tourna Pos yy seven boats draw the The bluefins, w Decorations used on the cake by Miss Lucy Evans. | Major indust ry fc ve . Shae « nd- rg . ° : — ‘ rset ace, wh the! weight of 1500 pounds, make CLEVELAND: (AP)—-People who have had Were the sar as those used on GUESTS ing group of Nova Scotia fisher- BIG U.S. DEMAND [st iller to the surface, here ett i tad Ree ee a vie + | men The “United States k h usually smother if it is full.) their annual trip to the Nova’ removed because of cancer formed the In i cherna’ eile eT ee a es ee ee vd At nearby St. Margaret’s Bay ees of ie ae it if the catch is meagre, then | Scotia coast, but nobody knows) i, of Laryngectomized Persons Saturday aak ai aUa re r c nt + - i 1s oi it . ’ 6 , y f / Mrs. Bre eo ib y .. — *!some 200 fishermen are busy sens n the “Margaret's © thrashing tuna are killed by}where they spawn. nee Al oo “On-!The tuna run has started and|C@¥emt in 7 taken for centuries, notably in : ,,,| Bay area are sent to Maine in| ‘ : ee rr oy have =a : ,,; Will continue until the middle efriverated - trueks Fubsteeat!- the run is heavy, 40 to/ the RapesOrrene the} Jack Scott of Toronto is a member of thy board of : n the couple | o¢ r. ee mg the coast send|50 large tuna have been caught! kept their secret | gers Of tha dull ae 1 Of ding e Prince Rupert for : He southward tors of th a ee one lifax exporter 0 Digby, wt . : 4 CaP ‘ eg ME 5 : a i here they Its purpose is to help rehabilitate other Vancouver, Vic-| we can take from 1,000,000 to % ? th their TT parsie ly Seattle. | 2,000,000 ds. The market is are shipped so aw ae wis N D E; / d\ All S d their vocal cords, Members sald about 1,500 the bride wore caaesen sty — Boston ew oors to XC U e oun represented in f the organization, lictiinees When és gate he 1949 catch of 868,000 ° navy blue dress topped with : Ten years ago, however, fish- . . a : Ff BC C t Se coat. Her navy blue hat! ermen regarded the battling | POUndS was er a but ea age Tom a ine oom was trimmed with heather bluefins as a nuisance. They Prices hav declinec ishermen rer req’ six e ; > > — the ; On their return the couple will | ripped up nets and ate tons of offered six ag a pound VICTORA @®—Nobody is going to hear what goes on at live at 337 Eighth Avenue East. | herring and mackerel thi ys - _S ane hi a _ 1 Credit Cabinet meetings. Legislative building carpen M-G-M TiVE8 the ——+——-- |. But during the war years,/C@" net geo Bras sweat busy measuring doors to the executive chamber, place a i Po Bivens os n ade | Galiy a isherman’s ¢ e (ERPS ESSERE when Japan’s tuna export trade awa se la” te thres-sneliead f meet for the cabinet in & great ney | to North ge Pie om, Can- ic A 1200 Double doors, which prevent any sound from escaping “a Feal- life story adian and Unite tates can- | ©8508 4 . sa a . a Saath irl «Tus re caught by t ure to be installed neries began looking to their Tuna are caug y a trap . : i ape oastal waters : land spi method. Few are On ry type doors have been there since 1898 coastai waters anc lier met . 5 nance showed they were harpooned The trap consists of undant Near Wedgeport, N.S... a regular herring or mackerel SCREEN FLASHES SL ide-tortured strip of water met set _ with one end open. ~ | have learned to speak by swallowing air 4, it forth as words ot Nelehing dramatic an For Saturday Selling AND WE DO MEAN SELLING! AT WALLACE’S, OF COURSE House Dresses Regular $2.39 - $2.75 - $3.25 alled Soldier's Rip was alr When tuna are caught, a spiller mous as the “world’s best; —heavy net with a six-inch x. Betty Hutton Released From Veterans Make Good House Paramount; Teams With Hubby roay « saturoay T — Builders siti Land a ] ny now moaeilh? spur oth of, this, we] aera San Sea OTH ’ Evenings :* oe A FAMOUS P course 7: 9: p.m. A F: 5 PLAYERS Thp OTTAWA @—Want a hor for about $6,000 apiece houses HOLLYWOOD (AP Look out Then there's television I'm $ Go out and build it oruat which the Central Mortgage and j Two Throw Rugs, rose pattern es. metal in walnut shade Se : , found the ruins of European | One Ruq—Green Kitchen Table; Medicine Cabinet § ' ga Ne penne at least 300 years| > Stair Carnet Empire Kitchen Range, Oil, white Rae ‘ge ts ee | Origin of © these settlements | ® Gate'ng table and 4 Dinette enamel a |Was unknown, he said, “but| é ‘ . 5 ‘ , It’s richer, robust, full-bodied... Chairs—Walnut (qood) Caufield Electric Washing |documentary evidence found on | ae ‘ : ‘ OC . ; q [ : |the spot shows ir futably they) blended to satisfy the taste of » China Cabinet—Walnut Machine ip yl og ‘ J ' ; were both Russian and literate.” British Columbians. Try it ..5 ® Congoleum Rug, 9 x 15 Two Bicycles, C.C.M., one new » , The Indians and Eskimos in the | you'll like Captain Morgan ®. Bedkunsratiit ® Oil Pump and Stand AND WE'VE THE FOOTWEAR... |areas also knew some Russian | Black Label Rum, ° words. ® Table, 34 x 60. two drawers. b Tools, pots and pon illow | ie sea 9 drawers, black eddies ie PONS, Pitows, That offers just the comfort every member of the | The broadcast blamed corrupt | a tain Mor an On ) 3, ; family looks to . . . plus smart styling, quality | administration for collapse of D g NOTE—The above is all quality merchandise and is in excellent condition workmanship and sensibly low prices, Russian settlements in North Mack Label | America } Thomas M. Christie THE AUCTIONEER | |_ “Eventually even Alaska was| RUM |sold by the Imperial (Russian) Fully Aged in Small Oak Casks Terms: Cash or Cheoues Phones: Blue 964, Blue 720 j |government, and the last Rits- | : OPEN FOR INSPECTION FRIDAY P.M. and SATURDAY A.M, | ashion Footwear stn naa onthe Amedenn rn ‘Continent were given away,”| THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS NOT PUBLISHED OR DISRLAYED 8Y re ath Lukovsky said | + BOARD OR BY THE GOVERNMENT OF BRIT! a