to PAGE FOUR TE DAILY NEWS Tliuri1ajF, is,.,,,..,,,,,, Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange Make youn reservations for that Christmas visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Hates and.1, Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, 9 te 6. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Fr Special Appointments, St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Ready to War $18.00 Laundry Office. 820 Third Avenue, Prince Itupert, B.C. Phone 774. P.O. Box 958 EDSON COAL Rpccivcd few cars of our Famous Edson Coal. From now on wo can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 forquick delivery, Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phons 61. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde Street. BRINGING UP FATHER MOW LISTEN TO ME r-T( FHE. "XOONC LM5V ! WANT HOTHtN EOT lLECE.PROM COO AM VER LITTLE BASEBALL BOXING LACROSSE CLEARING TENNIS COURT $50,000 . MINE WAS FOUND While clearing for a tennis court for the employee at the Hell mine at Deaverdell in the Kettle ValHy district, a rich vein of silver ore was struck and a yield of $50,000 has been re covered. The ore ran i99 ounces of silver to the ton besides hav ing other values. 37,000 MILES IN AN EIGHT TON SCHOONER VICTOItlA. Sept. 18, Captain Thomas Drake, who has already covered 37,000 miles in the eight Ion auxiliary schooner Pilgrim, leaves here for Seattle today pre panSlory to starting on a cruise to the Atlantic. He desires In beat Captain Slocum's famous cruise of 17,000 miles. JAPANESE SHOW THRIFT TOKIO, Japan. Nearly 30, 000,000 persons, approximately half the population of Japan hav'o savings deposits with the Japanese postolllce, which fin courages thrill by means of an extensive deposit and transfer system. The total of these de posits at the end of July was 1, 133,818,177 yen. Judge F. Men. Young left on asl night's train for Smilliers to preside over County Court scs sions. SCOTCH FARMERS START WILL. TOO LEAive THAT CHILD ALONE - ""foil ARE o the Mobley Cup, emblematic of ea?u- championship, the Can- licks' club rooms will this winter e adorned with the (iilbuly Cup and Ihe Stuart Shield, The lat er trophy has been awarded to Hicm as high team after an in complete competition which, lowever, they had virtually cinched. The only other team gelling in the silverware Class was Ihe G.W.V.A. which won Ihe Dominion Day cup. The Callies an,j Sons of England will have o satisfy themselves with anti cipating better luck next lime. All in all, it was a .very success ful football season financially as well as from Ihe point of view of general interest. The outdoor sport in g season in Anyox has now been nraclic- illy brought to a close, and a very successful season it has been from all points of view says he Alice Arm Herald. The teams comprising the Dasrhall League have staged some wonderful games, and played good ball throughout the season in their struggle to sain possession of he coveted cup. The fans have had a good run for their monev iinu everybody is satisfied. The football teams have also been in he limelight, and Ihe game is proving more popular each year, AL.WXVb PICKING ON HER SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY HERE AND EVERYWHERE as is evidenced by the increasing crowds dial attend the games. The Tennis Club Is another or ganization that has had, perhaps, its mosi successful season in Ihe history of the camp, and Ihe courts have been well patronized, proving that the money expended on the improvement of the courls has been a good investment. GROWING SUGAR BEETS GLASGOW, Sept. 18. Tin llrst of a chain of factories to extract sugar from Scotch grown sugar beets has been opened a few miles north of Nottingham. The chain will extend from Kent through Nollingham and inlo Perthshire, the district in which sugar beet growing has been widely developed since the war. Oilier factories will be erected as soon as I lie beet production can be guaranteed. 5 japSP WELL, - SHE."b CQT FOOTBALL DENNIS SWIMMING YANKEES TAKE NARROW LEAD Won Double-Header Over Louis Yesterday and Replace Senators at Top In American League NEW YORK, Sept. 18. Dy winning both games of a double- header over St. Louis, I lie New York Yankees yesterday took a slight lead over Washington in t lie American League pennant race. In (he National League, where the Giants are seven points ahead of the Drooklyn, no games were played yesterday. Results of yesterday's Ameri can League games were as fol- ows : Washington 3, Cleveland 2. New York 7-9, St. Louis 3-8. Doslon 2, Chicago 3. Philadelphia 9, Detroit 8. Sport Chat s The local foolliall season Is now closed willi ihe Sons of Can. ada once again having demon. St. J fs rated I heir superiority. Cer. lainly the distribution of the trophies prove it for, in addition OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. Manchester City 2, Arsenal Leeds 1, Evert on 0. Newcastle 1, West Ham 1. NEW APPOINTMENTS TO RAILWAY BOARD Five More Directors For Canadian National Brings Number to Thirteen O'lTAWlA. Sept. 18. The government has announced that five new directors have been appointed to the board of directors of the C.N.Il. increasing the board to thirteen. They are Hobert II. McKay, Ofew Glasgow, N.S. J. Stewart Hayside, Montreal. Matthew Lodge, Muncton. Edward Drown, Winnipeg. James fijll Gardner, Drock-ville, Out. FELL INTO GEARS FIRST DAY AT WORK Death of Ole Olsen at Kelly's Camp, Lagoon Bay, Took Place First Day he Was on Job (Special to Daily News) SKIDEUATli, Sept. 18. 0e Olsen, donkey engineer at Kelly's camp at Lagom Day, met death recently from an accident. He had just received a signal to go ahead when he slipped and gol his ' arm caught between Ihe piston rod and the gears which mangled his arm and crushed his skull. Dr. Dleecker was wired for at once and the doctor crossed to Ihe camp in Capl. Wiggin's launch Ihe, Q.C. Doy, as quickly as possible but was unabln to save Olsen who died that evening. Mr. Olsen was a native of Norway and was 38 .years of age. The morning fie gol hurt was his first day at, work jji the camp. II is believed lie has relatives al Chicago. The body was brought to Queen Charlotte for burial. DUESSELDORF OVERCROWDED DUESSELDOI1I', Germany. The housing shorlage in this city shows few signs of improving. The municipality has on file the pames of more than 1,000 persons wanting 'accommodations, and during Ihe last three months il was aide to provide only 401 apartments WELL tHE CET3 FROM XCU " c ' i -rj FitTwif Siiwci I 0 "XOUVE STILL. COT By George McMai INEARL.X J mm COT AWAY hr-nr- - mm with IT (-PB i . ? tig Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leas than WANTED WANTED. Experienced folder. Apply Pioneer Laundry. 222 WANTED. Small safe. Apply ' Dox 205 Daily News Ollice. 221 WANTED. Used Monarch rango or one similar. Apply Dox 2QI. Daily News olllcn. 220 OENKRAL SERVANT Wanted. Mrs. O. Desner, 303 Fourth Avenue East. If WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Ilupert Exchange. Auctioneers. Phone 052. FOR RENT FOIl IlILNT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Diue 217 or 18. 4 10 .Sixth Avenue East. If OFFICE Ffill HUNT with mode living quarters. Wostenhavei Dros. tf FOIl DENT. Two large apartments down town near Post Otllce. Apply Stork's Hardware. II H)R RENT. Palmer llouse for cheap rates and home comforts. , If FOR RENT Four room, modern, heated apartments. Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. tf BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room al the Inlander centrally located, one hal block from Post onice, 831' Second Aven. Phone 137. tl AUCTION SALES. Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 130 and Red 442. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Niht Stand: nOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Acrrss from Empress Hotel BOAT REPAIRS FISHERMEN'. The close season will soon be here. You can go! your boals overhauled by contract or day work, at a moder ate price. Wo build anything up to 200 Ions. Marine ways. Call or write Eriksen Dros boat builders, North Vancouver, D.C. 222 King George recently review the greatest and most notable array of fighU'ng ships Great War. The royal yacht Victoria nnd Albert and the admiralty yacht Kticbntil . r.iizaneih, llesolution and Iloyal Sovereign. that lias been assembled sinco the ress are seen passing by the Queen FOR SALE FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. FOR SALE. Gas launch 'Xa-dine" 23 ft. x C. Easlhopo 4. Price $125. Cash $100, balance $50 iter month. Apply (. Doric. 219 Second Ave. Phonc-387 or lied 513. Can be seen at Yacht Club. 210 FOR SALE, furnished. Avenue. rooms and $2100.00. Rooming bouse. Apply i)2'J Ambrose tf FOIl SALE. Electric mixer for iec cream parlor. Apply, office, Table Supply. 220 FOR SALE. Pleasure boat Echo. Length 28 feet, beam 5 feet, powered with 8 Il.P. Wintou Six engine. Dnsch ignition, storage battery. Windshield, canopy lop and curtains, 2 auto seals. Sealing capacity for eight or len persons. Price $350.0ft. C. L. Heindel, Cold Storage. tf FOIl SALE. Old papers by the bundle. Daily News otllce. tf ROOMING HOUSE for Sale; cen tral location; steam heal: ehrqp rent; rooms always full; Owner. Wrile I'.x 202 Dally News. tf FOR 8ALE. New and used Machinery, Doals and Engines. Northern Exchange. tf FOR SALE HOUSES C rooms and bath, two lots, fine harbor view, $3,000.00, bath, cldse in j rooms and bath, good garden, $2200.00. 3 rooms, high ground, $750.00. Terms arranged for all. McCalTcry & Gibbons, Ltd; FURNITURE. New and lure Store. change Goods. Secondhand Furni- Wo Duy, Sell and Ex. New and Secondhand GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 616. CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of Iho National College of Chiropractic, Chicago Smith Block Room 15. Hours: 10 to 12. 2 to 5; 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Phono Dlue 85. Positively the flest that Money I 'can buy I ( GOODYEAR TIMES FOR FORDS S8.50 to $16.00 RIDE ON AIR Fit Your Ford With BALLOON TIRES and eliminate, the rattles. MODERN WRECKING EQUIP. MENT Service D"y and Night KAIEN GARAGE William Glyn and Frank Evans who will do six mouths al Okalla for supplying liquor lo Indians; Helen Waine, sentenced to six months for vagrancy, and David Munro, who got three nionlhs for assaulting a police olllcer, will hn taken south tonight in .custody of City Police Sergeant Dallcyi 80c MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and FrL days, closes al 3.15 Dm From the East Mondays, Thursdays and h. urdays, i p.m. To Vancouver- Mondays, mail closes at I0P1 Tuesdays, Mail closes at IfX Thursdays g ij Saturdays ... Saturdays jq ij C.P.R. Sept. ;i, 6 ami 16, From Vancouver-. Sundays ,. -,, p. i Mondays 3 Wednesdays Fridays G.P.Il. Sept. t a ! I? To Anyox, Alice Arm- .3 P.H. AJI. .3 PA Wednesdays .9 PA Sundays 7 PA From Anyox, Alice Arm- Tuesdays P.M. Thursdays P..M To Stewart and Premier- Sundays .. 7P..V. Fridays A.J.H. From Stewart and Pfmlr Saturdays PJt Tuesdays PA To Port Simpson-Sundays .7 PA Thursdays 10 PJL From Port Simpson Tuesdays Saturdays To Alaska Points Sept. 1 and T From Alaska Points Sept. 3, 0 nnd 16 .PA AA To Massett, Port cumenu, Buckley Bay Monday mad closes. -6.30 PA From Massett, Port wen""". Buckley Bay Wednesday mail due Xl To Skldegate, Q. c. wij South Island Points- Wednesdays, mail closes w From Skldegate, Q. c. wi - South Island Points-Saturdays, mail due To Naas River PoInU Simpson-Thursdays Cat A I'ci X- V(Thl SL (Uli Ave. A Fulton St 8th Avo. & Thompson .11 From Naas River Poll- aiuraays E3X COLLE0TI0 PA '.n 1.15 & Allin Ave. .... W 'II V'" 8t ... lllh Avc.'& Sherbmoke Ave ' - I Hit Ave. & Conrad St -v Clh Ave, Si Hays W)o Ave Clh Ave. Si Hays uovc Circle 8th Ave. & Cotton St. 5th Avo. Si McDrideSl. Pro. Gov. DIdgs. Prov. Gov. Wharf G.T.P. Wharf 2nd Ave. Si 2nd St. 3rd Ave. Si Fulton St ( 3rd Ave. Si filh l NOTICE 2.45 2.50 2.55 3.00 3.5 3.10 3.15 3.20 3.25 3.28 Advertisers are remind; ... . .. frir 0 0 0 8.H 1.9 m 1.55 9.8 9i 9.11 MS 9.20 9JS 93! ei tnai ;:', be " the " ' Lemenls should 1 Dally News "l-c ; ,. n 4 p.m. today to ensure, , serllon in tomorrow' , sue. Advertise in lh. Daily