liurday, September 18, l2i. fsmmame' 1 YOU-WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert Brand" Phone 109. Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, " "Hupert Urand" Salmon. A few tins in the pantry arc always handy. Slock a supply on your boat that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cbld Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. STE4MSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and mid iiinliuU; points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, lu.OO p.m. FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN lor Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, cverx Monday. 18.00 p.m. For Skldegate and all pints south every Wednesday at '" ' 8.00 p.m. .' PASSEHQtn TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I . t'rin. v Hiit'iTl Sim m for I'KtV fi iiE'WOK.-Kll.MO.MTO.V. W1K-CUTEO, ill point, Etfrn Cinad. VwusA Slates. AOCNCY ALL OCEAN STEAWSHK" LINES. Oily Tloktt Offlc, 628 Third A, Print Ruptrt. rhon. 280. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY DENTIST Ol'I'ire Hour: rt m.mi.'!.i is p.m. Open Ku'iiings I Sp.-. i il Appointment Your La fx St U lance TO GET ONE OF THESE WEATHER PROPHETS This Coupon and 80c. Good for One $1.00 Weathui Houso Prophet I An Excellent Gift. ThiS'Uoupoii will iml rnpra" here .-ignin. If you haven't mailed, ur brought your coupon in cl. act .quickly for our supply will not lash ion.:, tier pri . bile they Insl, only SOc WJioii the wohIIp r i- fine, id two children will he "Hi, and .when rainy wemli. r i .u p: iiai'liing Ihc wilch will come -tinl. X to 2't hours ahi'ini nl (he rain or snow. The li.vgroincler will loll I'dvain'o we-Wher reports heller anil more reliuldy llinu general wcalm r reports. It also has Therinomele'r, Flk's Head, Mini's' etc. Mail orders lc extra T.or pin-king and postage. Canadian made heller "'an inipnrlcd. MES DRUG STORE Local and, .Personal j B.C. Undertakers. Phono 41. Towing and freighting. Tug Towena, 50 h.p., Capt. M. Clifton. hone Plue 100. Night phono -3. rni. tf Mrs. Field, Art Needlework Agent for real silk hosiery, 213 Second Ave. Phone 23. tf The (rain from (he East duo at 4 o'clock this afternoon is re ported on lime. J. K. Miller and T. Mason, customs inspectors, arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Prince George ycsler'day Mis Alice llogberg, wlio has been visiting in the city for the past week, returned on the Prince (ieorge to her homo in Alice Commander Lionel 11. Lindsay, R.X.R., examiner of masler and males, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince (Scnrge yesterday afternoon. He will be here for a few days examining candidalcs. Mrs. John l-'arnuhar of Van couver entertained at a house parly last week in honor of Miss May Pringlo of this cily who was her guest. Charles M. Rolslon, manager at Vancouver for the Imperial Oil, arrived in the cily from Ihc soulh on the Prince George yesterday afternoon and is regis. lered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. DAXCK in JJoston Hall, Se til ember 25 by Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.K. Admis sion $1.00. Dancing 9 p.m. sharp. Proceeds for Ridley Home-Fumi 22G The Hell Mine is owned by Duncan Mcintosh, a pioneer min ing man of the boundary coun try. Many former residents of (liven wood in Prince Rupert know him well. Mrs. 0. L. Youngman and daughter, who have been visiting in Portland for the past few mouths, returned home on I he Prince George yesterday afternoon. Mis Madeline Nelson, former, ly of Prince Rupert, who has been holidaying in Vancouver, has returned lo her home in Victoria. She is on the slalT of Ihe Hank of Montreal in that city. Major and Mrs. George T. Goad of Dorchester X.H., Col. de la 11. Giroiiard of Quebec, Col. and Mrs. YV. J. Mcl.cod of Prince Albert, Sask., ami Mr. and Mrs. William Meiglien of Sloney Mountain, Man., are members of a parly which is due here this week enroule from Jasper Park lo Vancouver. The charge against Charles Doane of supplying liquor to Indians was dismissed by .Nlagis-trale McClymonl in Ihe cily police court yesterday afternoon. The charge against Fred Hall of i-onniviiig lo simply was wilh- Rj drawn. Cily Solicitor K. F. Jones prosecuieii an, i. . raimore defended. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert C. M. Rolslon, W. Allen Dow. man, J. V. Xunii, J. llasletl, C. S. Rankin and Lionel 11. Lindsay, Vancouver; F. Xapier Denisnn and Mrs. T. W. Heme, Victoria; Kvelyn W. Haker, Masselt; It. P. HolTnian, Port land,. Ore.; Mrs. Morison, London, Kngland," Mr. and Mrs. II. Gunnarson, Hur-. i iK, Cat.; Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Gow, Fdmonton; J. II. McDiar-mid. Winnipeg; Harry McCouver, W. F. Minns and A. F.. Xoel, Hal-moral; T. Shackleton, Usk; A. M. Kipp, I'orl Kssinirlon. Central A. (Sonloii, Skidegate; K, M. Tanner and A. L. Fenniugs and son, Fdniunlon; D. Harr, St. Thomas, Out.; Miss Klsie Mac-Donald and Miss Mamie Mc-Xaney. Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. l'elers, Detroit. u EMOHBHUIDS Do not suffer another day wltd Itch inc. Illeedinff. or l'roiruair.g Pile or Hemorrhoids. No surelcal operation required. Dr. Chnno's Ointment will relieve you at once and afford lasting benefit. 60o n box .ill dealers, or Kdmanson, Hates & Co Limited, Toronto. Sampls box free- THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Before buying a rubber girdle see the new Nemolastit? Reducing Girdle created by the makers of Nemo Corset, to promote permanent and healthful figure reduction. Made of patented NEMO' LASTIK fabric. No rubber in contact with body or undergarmentt. Luitroui silk finish in delicate peach shade. Closed back, step-in type, four garters. Adjust' able and washable. Sizes for all figures. GUARANTEED NOT TO RIP OR TEAR Sold in Prince Rupert m by Jabour Hros. to 1 Good progress is being made, at the local dry dock on repairs to steamer Prince John 't he ioli will be done on Saturday it is exencted. and the vessel wilt resume her sailings to the Queen Charlotte Islands on Monday evening? Miss Josephine Halagno ar rived from Victoria yesterday af ternoon on tlio Prince Rupert and will spend a month hen) visiting witli her brother and sister-in-law, Miand Mrs. Chas Halagno, Fourth Avenue West. Arthur Manson, son of YVil liani Manson, formerly of. this city who has been spending the holidays at his home in ancou ver. has returned to McGill uni versily! to complete his medical course.' James llasletl, who1 left thi employ of lho Granby Co. anl weul south a few months ago returned, to Prince Rupert yes terday afternoon. He has not yet decided where ho wjll locale per manently. Albert Farrow, steamboat inspector, arrived from Vancouver yesterday afternoon: He is here lo Inake . an inspection of Ihe si earner Prince John which has been undergoing repairs at the local dry dock. Mrs. T. W. Heme arrived from Victoria on Ihe Prince Georgo yesterday afternoon accompanied by Mrs. Morison of London, Kng-land, the lale Mr. Heme's sister. They will spend a few days visit ing hcr(. and will return south by way of Jasper. FASHIONS & FOIBLES by Shirley Sharon 4 U O armTSTf-r ) 5386 There is nothing nrutr than the long blouse worn without a belt and x" 'posed," as the French say, over a narrow slip which also carries the brief sleeves. Ir one looks back over fashions that have come and gone, there are a number that stand out as being really beautiful regardless of time and change. Th,e bouffant robe de style, the high-waisted Directoire fashion, the classical simplicity of the tailored suit and to these one should, add the line of the tunic blouse worn over a narrower slip. Taris has just returned to this style, which was one of its most successful pre-war fashions. It is using it for frocks of satin crepe, satin, charmeuse and silk tripe. It is excessively smart Faliier flodfrey sailed on the Prince Prince George last night for Anyox. FOR SALK. Fumed oak Davenport. Cost $85. For quick sale' $15. Phone' Ulue 701. 222 St. Andrew's Society;. The regular monthly meeting will be held on Friday, September l'J, at 8 p.m The trial of diaries Ryan of Port Simpson charged with the theft of a gas engine is proceed ing in the provincial court this! afternoon. The Salvation Army here is asked for information In regard lo the whereabouts of James Xicoison, formerly an employee of Ihe (i.T.P. as engineer. Don't miss Salo of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear next to Frlzzell's butcher shop, Third Avenue. Auction sale Friday at 3 p.m. .. 221 T. J. Shenlon, inspector of mines, sailed last night for Anyox accompanying George Wilkin" son, chief inspector for the province who arrived from Victoria, - Mrs. G. Cahleronc and her daughter, Miss Sundae Calder-one, wiio were fair visitors in the city, returned lo Anyox on (lie Prince George last night. H. F. Dunning, manager of Ihe Buckley Itay mill, is making the round trip lo Anyox on the Prince George today and will go south on the same vessel tonight. , George Wilkinson, chief inspector of mines for Hrilish Columbia, arrived from Victoria on the Prince George yesterday af ternoon and went through lo Anyox. He is on a tour of in spection and will visit various mines in (he district. Miss Krma Erskine, who i taking nurses' training at Hie Vancouver General Hospital, ar rived yesterday afternoon on the Prince (ieorge and will spend a fortnight at Diglty Island visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Roherl Krskine. - -Miss Helen Randal, R.X., re gistrar of the Graduate Xurses' Association of II.U. and inspector of training schools, arrived yes terday afternoon on the Prince (ieorge from Vancouver and left hy train for Hazelton. She is ex. peeled hack in the city tomorrow evening. L. Jessen, district manager for Hoyle tiros., diamond drilling contractors, is in town from Stewart and will return north to morrow night. Mr. .lessen re ports that his company is now diamond drilling on the Premier, H.C. Silver and While Heather mines al Stewart and Ihe (iranhy a Anyox. The While Heather is being developed hy F. 0. Winkler lind a Victoria syndicate. FORMER LOCAL NURSE MARRIED IN SOUTH Miss Sally Ross, R.N. Became the Bride of Kent Robb of Trail on Tuesday Evening Friends of the bride in this cily will he interested lo learn of the wedding of Miss Sally Ross, R.X. of Vancouver and Kent Rohh of Trail which look place on Tuesday evening of this week al Ihe (liandview Baptist Church in Vancouver. Mrs. Robb was formerly on I lie graduate nursing slalT of the Prince Rupert (ieiierel Hospital. SURPRISE PARTY AND PRESENTATION TOOK PLACE LAST NIGHT Edward Balsler Given Signet Ring by Luther League Before Leavlna for Collene A surmise nartv took nlaco I. ..I I,. ,r t..t. I.M., I 1 1 i 1.. .. I I4I.-1 U1VIIMI, lift I.' I . 11 , 1 1 1II.-!1, son of Rev. P. li. Haisler on the occasion of his leaving lo con-l ' II..,. l.t., l. ,.!!.... ..I v;i. l'..l M11U( III." iiiini- ai laiuuii vjui- lege. The members of the Luther i League and the church choir ! gathered there and' during the evening presented Kdward with ,n signet ring,, the presentation being made by Miss Agnes Iver- sou on behalf of the League. Rev P. K. Haisler is not going 'timltli IntlUrlil hill will iilllAftiln there on Sunday as usflat. I Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. BURN Nanaimo Wellington Coal Our lump coal is double screened. Kvccy lump is a chunk of heat. TRY OUR NUT COAL FOR YOUR KITCHEN RANGE Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Ueauliful Uox. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. At Your Grocer's Select ELECTRIC BREAD S. J. McLeod, manager or thejthe natural crystallisation. Fx-Royal Hank here for Ihe past pertinents have been and are still three years, is being transferred!being made in cutting .with the to Monclon, X.H. and will leave object of imitating the "flaws" the cily about October 1 to take of the real stone. Ihey have been over his new duties. He will be succeeded here by F. K. Robertson of Vancouver. INDIGESTION relieved in two minutes with JO-TO Gas, acid, sour, burning stomach, alt quickly relieved with Jo-'lo. Ml Drug Stores. SYNTHETIC GEMS ARE TO BE USED SOON AT BIG SOCIETV EVENTS Imitation Stones Are More Perfect Even Than Real: Emerald Cannot bo Copied I.OXDOX, Sept. 18. Synthelic an'd imitation precious stones are to make their first appearance as dress ornaments at this season's Courts in London. Gowns will be extensively decorated wilh them', and chains, bracelets, etc., will be worn to mulch, they are fairly costly. and can; only be used for the most expensUe gowns. Synthetic stones wear like real stones, having the luslre, hril- slones have is, paradoxically, that they arv of "perfect water,'' while the real stono has "flaws," or little faults caused through sufficiently successful lo mislead the eye, but the microscope once more detects Ihc imitation. Colored Glass So fnr synthelic production of Ihe emerald, at present one of the most fashionable stones, has failed. The stones on the market lire tfilher real stones or ordinary colored glass, The diamond is as refractory as Ihc emerald in this respect; . fortunes have been spent in dying to produce artificial dianionMs, but the biggest ever created was less than o.e-hundredlh part of ono.earal. The diamond has, however, a rlyal which is its equal in brilliancy and lustre, Ihe synthetic while sapphire. The hardness of Ibis slone of course, less than lhal of the diamond; thai is why tl falls into the sapphire Mass. The two stones are' so alike if mixed' together nntl placed on tray or tabic that not evenSft Connoisseur could pick out Ihe real diamonds wilhout applying hardness tests. Easy Test There has been much misuso lately of the; tern) "synthetic," common glass (paste), slnnN being sold all over the country as .synthetic stones. The, test is fairly convincing and easy. Sharpen tli end of a ma I eh and the point in cold waler:n dropTif Ihe llancy, and hardness of n real iwaler will remain hanging tin Ihc sapphire. It will be difficult wen point. Xow; Jakty.a watch glass, for an expert to say if u slone is or any pleconf g(asV,; put it flat real or synthetic without exam- on (lie lahle, and transfer the .tiling it by means of the nijcm-Mrop from the matcl'i to the, glass. scope. the only fault these, It will immediately fall flfl. Hut do the same with a precious slone. and the drop ofwafer will remain, in a hiilbous shap'iN, like 'a dewdrop on a leaf. .i 1