Thursday, September 18, 1924. Twoj.Captains in One Boat Being an account i)f a trip lo the Kcstall River as recounted by Newton Piillen o( Victoria muter the noin de plume of .Marcus Unwell in the Victoria. Colonist. The next article of the; series appears soon. AftVjWSK WBATHRU CONDITIONS ' It seenls-'.iUfvssary to hreak something in every instalment This time it Vuslhe kettle. The wretched living opened a seam in the spoilt and Effused to act normally after that, hut there! were so many hospital -cases among our possessions now that wd were becoming calloused. ! The morning of the day following our arrival at .Muddy Creek We packed, up and proceeded on our way. It whs raining nr'im l)l'l)IIIljllLr proppmg uown III.. tile - ; " again, 11.. I I.. I.. 1)1..11 .. .. .UUM.. . F ill"-' i'V.-ti, IIM1IHI r yj e LAND ACT. Caailar Land Dlatrlct. niTontlnit dlslrfrt 'IT I'rljwe IAiiktI, mil yltiiiitp In Alllii l.akf, il,ui line half ii ilk' line ct "r Atlln Towumte. TAkK .VOtICK that Paul 1.. V.Ktni, of Allln, III Hip I'rovlni nf ,llrlllli Colum-lili. irriitllin JrVillf-r. lnlfniH to annlv for friiillni to imrrhj-l' the following-rtdiirrllH'rt land: Cominenrina- at a pout plantnl at the aipivr iiN-uir iiii.iiii:;i aiuj IMK Inland riilli'Wlriir tin- .U.'P of ri.iiiriipiiftiniiilt aiml Iwo aTPf inurn Mr irf. Vrt. 3rd. 0!M TAI L I.OI IS EttTiKHT. TIMBER SALE X 6370. TlM're l." be offered for tale at Public Annum, at hoon on the ltd day of Sep-lilnher, ISil, III the omre ot th Oil-irlrt Korenier. Siiilllierf. ll.C, the Licence X 3?0, to rut XO.Dub Jackpliie tied on an lira aaJolnliiK lliu Jivt ltt ibuuinUry of Lot C70t, flluau-d apiriiiiiptply 4 ',4 mile', north and east of livelier , Mke Station, hanne 1, Coast HUtrlrt. ' I Two it: yenrii will be m moval or tnnrieiu An, 'Provided anyiinn unanle to attend It annum In person n.ay Mibnilt a Healed ten der lo lie iipcncd at the hour of auction and treated aa one bid." further partlruuirtr the cmer i-ore let, Vlrto.-la. B.C.. or District l l-rlnce itutert. B.C. Allowed for re- Forerlet, TIMBER SALE X 6464. Scaled Trndera will Imi rerplveit bv the MliilUir nf I. anil- nm later than imon no the tth day of September, tt. fr tlie lurriMr H l.ieeuc Xf)l1, lu rill au.OI'S feci uf Spruce and :ii,6uo Jarki'lnc Tic , i.iia?. .'.71. i' i. I Three a vear u lit. be allowed fur re- . iiiovai or umber. furthrr lrllcular. uf the Chief Pure- icr, iirioria, n.;., l-rlnce jiuj. -rt, B.C or DlJlrttt Forester. NOTICE. ntlre l lien by xUrii . thai application will be niadn in Hie U'rllallve AsmhiIiI.y of the Prothtre of HrllMi Columbia al the nett SrMlon thereof fr au Ari "liwkliiK in,', ..imi.i u,r inn trimF oi penrrai property or tlw Presbyterian church In tiaii-aila, the .Methodist Church and the Con- maallonal Clmn-hes or Canada, in t'jp Iniled Church of Capaija: for the fyildlnl.i f t had on hoard, 'slept aild al- ii 1 1 Im 1 pc I a ,,f ...I:.., (lie lajler stream covered with ternaled priliiln.l in in whitecaps from Jhe wind, and a ism concerning Ihe wither, this, ngether jdllUi the rain, did Tll0 inmy of choos. nut irlve nromise. of a nlonsitnl 1 .. 1 . . . . : " . .' ... i iuhl-ii wane ancnoren in a ,np now,. tu ran u. er our ,r()ul s,,.pam ,,,,, nf)l nex slop, we Hrrried ahoul and. hut they were pood sardines and ' " 1 " "y sMon.WP 0n joyed Ihem. Looking in our uimuiiik umnr inr juiuuioii 01 halverv hox I . 1 . -. if ii'iii. 11.. ,' , ' suggested raisin Europe I'hc Other ,,r.M.. -..,. i ;, :nplalJI ja,,, "ncrtainly" with rover nf the b.fat , we remaino.1 1 forP,H, (.ihusiaSrn, hut when he there until fwvttolock in (he af- took a bile out of his suuare his niii....... ,c mi-iaiurivpyes fed in mini, n n Irw.l- nf infinite sorrow. Admittedly the raisin squares were " past the prime of life. Taking Photos JAen when the rain stopped and the wind died down late in the afternoon, the Other Captain instead of straightway continuing the journey, needs rnjist go hack up the Muddy River1 tp take plio smith imiiit i.r Hip Kinaii ikUihi known allographs. eventually reached i it - i . . on around; ' 'laii nun luriieu nown ronlynlnK!sl,'''arn TIlP sky v8 cIearinf? I and the snow-powdered peaks were showing tn advantage about us. The engine slopped at intervals. There was still half of our broken rudder fastened on the. stern, and we had tied if so that it would nol interfere with the propeller when we went astern. When I he Owen swerved suddenly and circled id spite of all the man at the steering sweep could do we discovered thai one of the ropes had. parted anil the rudder had come mil of align ment. We had the same trouble several times, bill eve i if Ihe launch had started a loe dance we would hardly have bee" surprised. Many Streams There were Trom twelve lo fifteen mountain streams in view at a lime, attr. at the river's edge, where one torrent plunged down a sleep hillside, there was a big smow cave through whichthe water roared. As we entered Ihe Falls Ilivcr, where we hail spent the first night of our trip, rain bepan to fall once more. We landed our baugage. anchored Ihe launch out. ereeled the lenl and cooked our upper as darkness was coming on. I had 'difficulty with 1 Ihe other Cnpjain because once j in a while duiMng the trip he " uu aii.ii.iiiiiii .limn oi iih' i i - propen.1 , . , i i i , roinrrriratlons eiilerlnt- the union of the Would persist in brushing Ills -'a mimic p. r.irni tlw rnited cnui-.n .. Canada, and ror' tin- holdtnir of the proiHi-y l(r i'oiurrevMiii' votlnir not to mirur inereln: Tor trw'lVustS relatiUK t" and cnngrpmlMnl pniperty: aiiwl liieralljr tor iho carrviMt of tlie said iinimr imi, ,.ffo.-t lilted at Victoria. UriJIsh Cnlutnbla. thH ih day of, .l 9(. CI.KAJIOftr. STHAHll. HI Lana-lfv Street. Victoria. ll.C. On tiehsp'fl the applicants. ii'.t ' hair. Ibis backsliding into the lap of civilization was a source of Himoyance to me, for I was ap-nroiicling the stake when I was ready lo enaw the bark off trees and sleep with only one pillow. II was still raining when we 43 CANADIAN SERVICf l7i iCJ rfT-o. Via the glorious SLLaivrence Route. Cunard-Canadian Route to Europe is absolutely THE unique in one reapect Montreal is the only "ocean port" in the world situated 900 miles from the sea, while Quebec is about 750 miles inland. Both ports are ned by the Cunard Line steamers. The mae-'nificent oll-burnine 20,000-ton ships, "CARMANIA and -CARONIA" sail from Quebec to Queenstown and Wver-pool 2- the popular "A" ships, - AN DAN I A," "ANTONIA and "AUSONIA" from Montreal to Plymouth, Cherbourg nd London. Cunar'd appointments, cuisine and service make your trip to Europe one of uninterrupted ' enjoyment, that will ever hold a treasured place in your memory of life's pleasures. And you are aisureo. this, whether you travel Cabin or Third Class. For rates and sailing dates, see the Cunard Agent in your town, or write to The Cunard Steam Ship Co., Limited 622 Hasting. St., W. . VANCOUVER, B.C. toy went to bed. "Don't hit the canvas," I. warned, striking my head against it as I pot out of my two sweaters; "11 will make the roof leak." " "I will try not lo," repljed the Other Captain, as he batted the ceilinp with his shoulder blades. It was still raininp when we pot up in the morning. After staying inside the lent until well on toward noon, wc went out in (hp eanoe to shift the Owen to a spot where she would rest oifthe mudflats at low tide as we wished lo nieiuj the rudder. We dis covered thai the launch had drop ped her anchor amt had come up stream as if seeking company. Repaired Rudder F.arly in the afternoon we went out lo where the boat was resting m, Hie bottom, slopped around ankle deep in mud, and succeeded in mtiking repairs to the rudder. Then we set about portaging the canoe, to a point above the fall, which, owing lo the river being swollen by the heavy rains, had Increased in magnificence since our last visit. After a great deal of hard labor we launched our craft in the stream above the big drop ready for a trip the following day. It rainen in uie evening and we made little progress with drying clothes. My cap had become loo water-logged lo wear. Advertise in the Hail" News tire.' district, The; Alberta government has already exlended and will shortly open n new section of railway from firande Prairie to Wembley, near the obi town of Lake Saskatoon, a distance of 10 or 15 miles. Proceeding in a westerly direction, this railway will reach to within a distance of 70 or 80 miles of Poucc Coupe and will open up a good Icrritory. Agricultural Situation lu the O ramie Prairie and Poure Coupe districts, there will be about fifty per cent crops this fall. : In the Fort. Sl,.John district dhe situation isvtiot so good nwlntr lo the lack of rain this summer and a' plague of grass hoppers. Many ranchers, as a result, are sending their cattle out In Alberla for disposal. What is described as the best ranch north or IMmonlon is that f Oundy & dimly of Toronto, 18 .. II. A r llnlltn or .'II nines n'luin u i-mn.u '.oupc. It is said that a quarter of million dollars has been spent on machinery and pedigreed cat- He at this rancn. Jiasi year n had 800 acres in grain. Within the last seven years a lot of land north or inuison s Hope has been opened up and some good places have been de veloped, Gold Mining Tiold dredging in the district! ms been relimiuished hut a diamond drilling outfit is working on Ihe Moberley Hiver flats four miles up the river from. Fort St. John. AlVove Hudson's Hope, United SUtesI cajiilal Ims beconm heavily interested in three large and well equipped diamond drill-j ing outfits which arc lesting various gold bearing bars on Ihe Peace Hiver. ! Fur Trading ! On account of the closing down of large areas 'in Iho Northwest territories into exclusive Indian trapping grounds, there has been rt great influx of trappers into tjie extreme norlhenslcrn portion of Hrilish Columbia, usually described as the Fort Nelson jJis-J THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE PLAYER'S PEACE RIVER PEOPLE WANT-TO BE LINKED UP WITH CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY AND COAST (Special to Daily News) POUCH COUPE, Peace Hiver, Hritish Columbia, Sept. 18. The recent visit lo the Peace Hiver Valley of Sir Henry Thorn-top, president of the Canadian National Hailways, has filled the people of the entire district with hope regarding the solution of transportation difficulies and, as a result, the settlers both in British-Columbia and Alberta are resolved lo stick firmly believ ing that some assistance will be given. They are confident that) Sir Henry Thornton is behind them and hope that an adequate railway service will be given Ihem by the Canadian National Hallways. Without exception the farnVers in the Peace Hiver Valley con sider tint I the logical shippin route for their grain is lo the Pacific Goast with the outlets at Prince Huperl or Vancouver or both points. What they are most concerned in is the linking up nf the Kdmpnton and Dunvcgan Ilailwjy with the Pacific Orcal Kaslern at or near Prince Oeorpe making a railway through Ihe of Fort St. John. Where seven years ago, Iliere was only one while man the Hudson Hay fac lor al Fort NTsoiVfoTiYt' In (he district, there are no' no less than .six trading posts ' In the territory operated by free traders. Twenty-five Schools There arc now about.-25 assisted schools in thi? Peace Hiver block whereas, ten years ago, there was only one. The niliitftnliniiol evolntn rt Tiff 1 1 all Valley hat will open up U. cn.., ,fl micU in atlvanWJ of that in Alberla, particularly as regards the inducements offered the opening of new schools. The roads in Hritish Columbia portion of Ihe disirict are in good shape and Ihe Alberta government is improving the road bo-iween flrandc Prairie and Pouce Coupe. New Tourist Route As a result of a visit paid to the! district this year by Mr. ... . ... A ; :tiamiei;len, wealthy .?an hrnneisco merchant, 4t is proposed lo open up a tourist route through Ihe valley between firamlc Prairie and Prince fieorpenexl yenr. The Inland waterway will bo used and the means of transportation will be over the roads and in canoes. Mr. Chamherlain was so impressed wjlh the scenic beauties of the district, that he decided on his return lo San Francisco to estab lish a lourist bureau in conjunc Hon willi the Canadian National Railways advertising tho district I This is Different from all other laxatives and relicla for Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The action of Nature's Remedy (Nt Tablela) it more natural and thorough. The effecta will ba a revela tion you will feel ao good. iSj""Ytt? Make the test You will appreciate this difference Vmmd For Ortr Thirty Yar$ Chips off the Old Block Nt JUNIORS Uttl Ntt Th aain N? In on-thlr4 dsra. iea, candy-coated. For children and odulti, a SOLD BY YOUR DRU6CI3T il I "Delightfully Cool and Sweet Smokinf AIRPLANE AT ' THE ISLANDS Lieut. Earl McLeod Will Return this Week to Vancouver to Take Charge of Station REMOVING SUMMER BASE Detachment Will Probably Re turn Next Summer During Fisheries Season Now thai Ihe salmon fishing season is prelty well over ana Ihe fine weather of summer has trict and lying 300 mjles norllri broken, the work hire of Ihe I wo Canadian Air Force flyinsr boats kvhich have been engased m patrol duties for the past two 'months is practically completed and preparations are being made tor returning lo headquarters at Jericho elJach, Vancouver. Lieut Jericho Heach, Vancouver. Lieut charge of Ihe local detachment. ill hop-oh" this week for Van couver having been called lo take temporary command at Jericho Hcach while Squadron Leader Karl Godfrey goes to Kingston lo lake a special course. Flying (Hllcer Hull will be remaining a little longer lo clear up the base at Seal Cove. All the equipment. ncluding the wireless, outfit, will be taken. south. It is expected that the detachment will be back gain next summer and the same aase win no useu. ti is ueciareu by Lieut. Mcl.eod to be very con. venienl and suitable fbr the use lo which il has been put. At Queen Charlottes Lieut McLeod returned here yesterday morning afler having pent three days on the Queen Charlotte Islands, on patrol. The flfght across Hecate Straits on Sunday lo Queen Charlolte City was made in anoui two nours willi no outstanding incident. On Monday, the north end of Ihe Is lands was patrolled, the distance of 10 miles by air from Queen Charlotte City to Watun Hiver being covered in forty minutes Tuesday, a flight was made as far south as the whaling station at Hose Harbor on the southern most tip of the Islands. Stops were made at Jedway, Lockeporl and Lagoon Hay ami the night was spent at Thurston Harbor. Leaking Radiator On the return flight from Thurston Harbor to Lagoon Hay Ihe trip was made with the handicap of a leaking radiator which necessitated a slop being made at Houilla Island for water This had been anticipated, how ever. Despite Ihe landing, the 120 miles across the straits was made in two hours. The trij was made hy way of Heaver Pas sage and Ogden Channel for it was wise to keep near tho course of shipping as far as possible. Fisheries Inspector Adam Mackie made the flight across on the HH and was also out on the patrols over the Islands but he returned from Thurston Harbor on the Marfisli reaching here late last evening. Harold McF.wcn. C.N.IL dlvi sion freight agent, returned from Ocean Falls on the Prince George yesterday afternoon, NAVY CUT CIGARETTES A little higher in price, but what a wonderful difference a few cents make. OSTRICHES ON WANE CAI'K TOWN, South Africa. The number of ostriches in South Africa has dropped from. 900,000 to 120,000. There is in conse quence fear of an ostrich feather shortage. BY APPOINTMENT PURVEYOR! TO ALWAYS A PATIENT I Dr. Jinks-jJrftippose you must have lost some of your patients by being in F.urone for so many months. Dr. Kent Yes, confound ill Ten or a dozen of them got. well. HIS MAJESTY UNO GEORGE V. WHISKY Thoroughly Matured in Oak Casks There is no necessity for anyone in Canada to buy immature whisky. The Canadian Government permits the bottling of whisky in Bond under its supervision and Guarantees the Age of whisky so bottled. Look for the Government Stamp on the capsule. Observe carefully the dale stated thereon. IT TELLS THE AGE DISTILLED AND tOTTLED BY Hiram Walker & Sons, Limited WALKERVILLE ONTARIO DUUllert of Ftnt WhUk.'" 'nc( 1858 Monlrtal. Qu. London, Eng. NwYork.U.S.A. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. W- This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. - . t Vacuum Bottles the Keep Contents Hot or Cold Use it to put Baby's Food in nt nights. Splendid Value, 75c. EMULSIFIED COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO A shampoo that 'gives the hair tcrne and vigor and easily cleanses the scalp. Regular price 0c. Special, 25c. ORMES LIMITED THE REXALL STORE. Phones .82 and 200.