BABIES THRIVE ON KCllMl nuip. Ho not lei us -lip off. I'.2ri." and see bow eay it i. Erand Whole Milk n-ver KI.1M vartrsln quality or fall beneath It hlflh standard of absolute purity. That fs whyhablea thriveon ItanJwhy It ha:ilnt-d the whoI-hc3tteJ support of bo many eminent baby rx-cla!Uts. Klim VkJ XI ilk U rich. tull-rrMm country milk lth only the water rt-mord. and if Ik mint milk for th Initnt todlgnt. At your iuior n hat 0 thinks hi Klim. CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS LIMlTtO Sold by Knpert Tah'e Supply O. The Daily News PMNCR ni'PKHT - MUTISM COI.UMI1IA i n it m i .11 Published livery Afternooi, except Sunday, the Prince 1 1 n perl Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULI.KN, Managing Bdilor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Oily llelivery. hy mail 'r ' "Tier, per month $1. l 'mail to all jwrts of the Hrilish Kmpire and the United Slnte. in advance. er year To all other countries, in advaure, per year 7. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 S6 Wednesday. Der.31, I0i. m 50 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office before 1 m day preceding publication. All advertising received siihjeet to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITI0.1 1925 Looks Good For Prince Rupert. The opening of the year 111 2.". finds the people of Prince Itupert with better founded hopes than ever as to what the future has in sture for the city and district. While (UJt has not seen anything more than steady progress, the ground has been paved in thai year for au era of speedy development in the bringing about of which rapid step should be made in lit?' Preliminaries ou several projects of importance have been completed and now we will begin lo ee them Uke form. They w ill ;meau 'good times for Prince Unped this year and permanently thereafter we hoe. V We are really getting beyond the sthge of hoping) and are about to enter into the -tale tf realisation. Therein lie- the difference between the opeiinur of l23 and the beginning of the year that dies tunigliL Elevator Has Been Important Development The development of prim importance in lS4 far a-Ihis . it i-ni erord, of course, has Men the elevator. I! New Year's lta. we were hoping. Tbs New Year7- latf we li.H-j it in the making. The site has been selected, surveys mate atid the -oulrrt for its construction is about to le let. In the provisitHi of this elevator the present fedeml .government is taking the first step in the direction of developments which it has promised this port The next year we hoe will find it bringing into effect other pledges it has made as far as we are cmreroed. Now thai wv are going to get the elevator, the next thing will lie lo see that i put to good ifV. Xm time should be kl in m.-ikiiic ntaiis to brio? the business here that the etet-atitr Try making it "ten thousand in STEVE KING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED YOUR MEN FOLK WILL APPRECIATE "WOLSET UNDERWEAR, SOX & SL1P-0YER YESTS PRICES VERY REASONABLE Phone Green 85 The Man in the Moon ..YSs- I TS Imnl job to pet money m or man by the application of a 'pnilllice. WHAT ha become of the old! fashioned jrirl who used In hfiish when you kissel lnr uuitcr the mistletoe j itSV. of lht tilings we never 'hear about is a rolliu? pin wed ilinp anniversary. LATEST heading readn "llnol-i-ffs mourn dry Christmas be-liiml liar." That Used in he the place rir a real wet litne. A JI'IKiK in IUe divorce murt in Demcr rales thai ten week is not nearly Ion? euouch fur a matrimonial trial. II was evidently ten weeks too Ion;;. ONK of the beauties of bob- !hel hair i that there is now no dan?er of the ladies swallowin? I : heir hair pins. HriNRY Ford is credited with writing the latest otif: hit "I'm llrinpln? Home the Itaeon." THK latest form of indoor sport is guessing when the I'riure John will arrive. It I'll It Hit tips would never be put on lead pencils if eople did not sometimes uiake mis- lakes. THK latest fashion note states that for evenin? dress nothing looks nicer than a piece of hand made lace saspended from the necklace. What nest; Til Kit K are three tips the re porter would pass almi? to the public s(Maker -Utey are lo say somHhin?. be brief and sit down. THK director- of the defunct j Home I tank seen la have done) more -ill inp lima directing. may handle and (hat we nave m long wailed for. In this regard.. ( -p -w- A the pctiplft of Prince Hiipert ran cti-operate with the authuritiesl 1 611 I 6UTS AgO boildtug and proposing to operate the elevator. 1 In Prince Rupert I Ten Thousand In 1925? "Tenvtbunsaud in I0S&" might be our motto. - It isT. ni meaa a merely visionary nvdto, either. He4de the elevator whi.h wifl mean steady shipping, pro-pec I for the rcoiwiiin of the mill i Ingbt Thif will five ms a payroll. Who knuws but that other projects niay he at teal ulaVteVV vviibiu till- tlVlllt--lll..lltl I It i a limg time sinre we have heard aboul coal bunkers. . nwt A smeller is another thing that has Iteeu mooted and whirh! THK man who named hi motmr boat "l'arhap" w a wie guy. Perhaps she'd st and per-ha4t "he wouMa'l. A CAT is moilwriitsi Ujletf silver foxes. The reliiie ntlvbt be rirblly railed a foxy no. THE definition of the word is a man wno eraaa- a Ford ear dom? the daily doxen berre breakfa-l. WITH Sam and.Theo In the ieM. Tbeir imn all primed far action. We'll doubtless -ee a wwrtbr Ti frill Wilboul the muddy faction. HY the way- hil atioul Iho-e election plal forms f December 31, 1914. j The machinery for lite (Uiu-I dian Steam laundry arrived by the steamer Prioee Iteorve yes-Iwilay and i betas' inlalb'd. il is rvpeeled'thal the laundry will he tn operation by" January- 15 The halibut boat Oeorjre the riliwas should I more ehnsiati. alMiit than tbev have .. ,T, ' ' , ' "' ',f lU been. The northern miuimr rami are about lo eulee .. am .. 'r', -"" II Aklal lkean I 'iiiiiiim n - j Wm .a . a - -- i'iwmiii r ww ALICE ARM K. fleet d-nted in the h.l. of the Dominion. What is going b. l!mT . f " rT. I rl. of l00 poumU of hali- done with an thi- ore? It has b, Ik- smelted, of , vhere?. Smelling arrommiMlation on the coast is all loo limit-: I'd at this time. Besides the plant at Anvox which is taking rare ... , I . . of Hie liranby (,.. Iher,- x the one other obsolete smelter ai'J at IKly-milh whi. h they are eve,, talking about opening now. B,"f. ' fV U, ,,r,nr' "-; When all lhes mines in Portland Canal start -hipping, they willilT" have to ii-e a smeller. Whal more logical place is there" than , . Prince lturt who h lie. atljacenl both to the mines and the , mess. eatllt admits rince Rupert has the ad- . . . 1 1 I: 1 I market.? Ar we going to have that smelter or are we going k.'l A .. i ,but an'1 KHrh,kftn '' to lose it bv n,. pHting out after it If Prin.e llnvi il,,.,U,Jr "' on Canadian fish ever needed a ram,.ign. certainly dm-s ..w. gowt deal of ,v might In- spent in,'" H"lt'r U ,hf. r"m- m",,P that directum with g.MJ "f fei-l. V V are i on lliei"" " "f Mrs. II. F. Kergln had a visit lasi week from her father ami mother. Opt. and Mm. Mc-i-oskrie. who reside in Prince ltiiteri. They irriveil on Monday 8 Third Avenue of the early rrtidenlf of Ibe camp, arrived in Alice Arm on Tuexlay lal from tin- Naa Valley. He came overland hy I he TITE'S January Home Furnishing Every Department in our store giving Big Value Reductions The very latest design in Diningroom and Bedroom Furniture all pew stock; for guaranteed quality and rock bottom prices we have what you require Axminster and Wilton Carpet Squares We oflrr .it fi price, for tin- .l.niii.ii S. duiToiis. . for our Siecial Draperies for yourWindow Colored Velours, Sinjle and Double Faced, a( 25 Per Cent Discount Colored Cretonnes, Madras, Scrims, Marquisettes, Poplins, and Shadow Cloi is ..i r. .ln. . , .r u -r Im-lure Miirrvd. i- iiv di ti-riiiiiieil to miner our largi .im k in I h Inn-, .iini or ui.iiiy patron, will sae by our January Spe.-i.d I'm-i . Swiss Net Curtains, - p. ir. 2. er cent diM inutL Blinds and Curtain Rods . t Hig Sperial Price. Kitchen Cabinets .. Six different de-igu-. Handy ami r impart. keep your kitchen olens Inly and neat, tin I bene new line, of Cahiii"l. Sp. rial Sale Priee. Kitchen Tables with Knamel Toi. and finished white Bnamel. Kitchen Tables with and without drawer at Sale Pri.e. Chesterfield and Daveno Suites Three-Piece Chesterfield Suites and Daveno Suites, with lied and Maltre.. . ..mpi. le. at Itig Se i,il I Sab Values. Kay llhair. Hr kt-r-. I.ibr iry Tables. B"d- Si and Mnilresses. all at Itrdmc l Prnc. To clear at less than cost Olnghami, ? iu to-- w ulc. iimred ami Pi 5 Yards for $1.00. SPECIAL Silk 1 Yard Wld -SPECIAL In the following tailor.; I told. Iue, l.iithi i (ireen. teani. Ilniwn. W hile. Martam. and DaiK Thi Silk i of line ipiahlv mol i iHir reftoUr '.' To Clear at SI. 00 Cash. Watch Our Window for Special Prices Odd" Lines of Flat Curtain Rods to clear at Special Prices Crockery Kyery piece of Cbm i :tul r.rockery m nir Sb Mr itt Mni!clton. A When you have sen our stock at marked down prices this will convince you of our Real Values Offered Tite's Store gives the guarantee for quality and price 4 Geo. D. Tite Quality Home Furnisher frosl to lhre brlow nro. The i-dt ground iifinjt sir (inn with a free hand. IRELAND'S AIR MAIL K l.-.l ice on the rink is in perfect con-j with snow and Ihr an . n- , dilinn and has la well pa Iron -without extreme cold. Sn, -iied both by yminsr and old ofiou hoiisr arlies wer.- I. .1.1 ,,.,. both seies. lihe bachelor were pr-'My wr (taken rare of by tin- r..,.iiH-.i Miarie (t onion, wtio wa one folk, who 1ued dinner mMi.i. but. unfortunately, were forced ''""" lelearaph trail and IIKI.PAST. Dee. Arr.ii.ite in leave on Chrlstman Day. Capl.'wa B ,r'"'' ,,v,'r .,wo 'Uy, "-." have been completed r, McOiskrie receivinir a lelecram ",K " ;m-yriar air wrvire liw. Yancouxer on December :'0. i it.. . . a. which neeessiiaied his arrival nm,...-.-,! i.r.ia.n. will remain in Mire Arm tlii.i iiii.niy iHi . Winter. Iia t.e.-ii f,,i it,.., Ibe Alice Arm hockey team and fans are now enjoyinp litem- The people of Mire Arm eeb- f selves to thu full. During Hi In .i'r.l r.ln i.i m.i- wi'h tln n u--pasl two weeks the Ihermntneler ; ual li"Miituliu md joviality 'dan ranged from four ilezrces of Itrai i .. - afh-i prevail I t'tier. 'in 000 r;' uul three air- dane have been pun Ii.i,i-. 1 1. sebeiiif cxpeeteil (i-all i,, a leiale (lie ii .nl -r-r n-.. rli' W'.!. w'.1 . , ti.e. , a a i ij I- : . e Phone 20 GET IT k2c$ LVf HIGH CLASS PHONE 586 EVERYTHING IN CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES