uursday, September 11, 194. FOR SALE Alaska Blue Fox Breeders IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR QUALITY STOCK BLUE FOXES COMMUNICATE WITH JACOB OTNESS Petersburg, Alaska Our Foxes Guaranteed to be a Number One Stock. . . - ., YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeenct Sockeye For pV'ine. ,-h'"ie "Rupert Brand" Salmon. A few, tins in :i:- i .miry are always handy. Slock a supply on your houl that's a good idea. . SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George W.l 2 r m PRINCE RUPERT k.r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami inirnneduile points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN t..r Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, even Mi'ii.lay. S.oo p.m. For Skldegate and uli ports south every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENGfcR TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave I'rin.-.' Hiirt ,.m r ,r PHli. nr.itnGE. EDMO.Vro.1, WIN- "irEi), 4ll')nmt Ukti i.mm.1. I ixttxl SisIxk OENCV LI OCEAN STE.AKSHI" LINES. Ollf Tleiat Offlct, 828 Third At. Iflnea Rup.rt. Phona 80. Phone 109. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY DENTIST Ollicc II. i'ir-: '.I a.tn. .i 0 jt.m. Open Kvfiiinsr- l Kpr. i il Ajipoinlment Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle oil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. . PHONES 43 and 385. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing's from rrlnro Unpen, w VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Al.rt By, Tuaadair, B ' VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, nd Swanaon Ba, Saturday, 10 'Of ANYOX; AilCC ARM, STEWART, Walaa llnd, Sunday, S P.M. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlvar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. ' tnd A.W.U.. J. Br.nUy, Ag.nt. MfC. Rup.rt. BO. Local and Personal D.O. Undertakers. Phono 1. For Taxi, phone 65. 21G . It. E. Allen arrived in town last night from up-river. Father Godfrey arrived from Ocean -Kails, on I he Prince Hu- pert yesterday afternoon. Mrs. George llushby returned on the. Prince Hupert yesterday afternoon from Victoria. "Mrs. Kield. Art Needlework. Agent for real silk hosiery, 213 Second Ave. Phone 23. tf W. 11. Tobey, C.N.ll. division engineer, returned from Suiilhers on last night's train. Tim tirHnti w,mflv lm posed by The Great War Veterans Club on visitors has been Kor 1'augner. Indian agent at Bella Coola, arrived in tlie city from the south yesterday after noon to attend the Fair. - Joseph Hoger of the Prince Rupert Hy-Products Go. returned on the Prince Hupert yesterday afternoon from a business trip soulu. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lipselt tnd family are sailing tonight on the Prince Hupert for Vancouver where Mr. l.ipsetl will recuperate from his recent illness. E. K. Davis, contractor for the steel work on tho Terrace bridge returned from Vancouver on the Prince Hupert yesterday after noon and proceeded to the inter, ior by I rain. P. S. llonney, district forester, returned on the Prince Huperl yesterday afternoon afler having spent a fortnight in the Ocean Falls and liella Coola districts on olllcial business. O. A. Woodland, local manager of the Imperial Oil Co., is making the round trip to Anyox on the Prince Huperl today. Methodist Ladies Aid will servw lunch and afternoon lea in the Hed Cross Hut on Friday from 12 noon. Archdeacon G. A. Hix left on last ntghl's train for London, Ontario, where he will attend the triennial general synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. Rev. G. H. Haley, principal of the Coqualeetza Institute, Sardis. arrived from Vancouver oii Mir Prince Hupert yesterday. He is here In allend the Fair and look afler registrations being made for his school. Major IL M. Taylor, district en gineer for the provincial deparl-menl of public wonks, and P. W. Anderson, road superintendent. returned on the Prince Huperl yesterday afternoon afler having pent the past few days inspect ing damage done to public works in the Hella Coola district. The Elks staged a dance in their Home last night from 11 to 1 and a merry lime was spent by those in attendance. Balag-no's orchestra furnished the music, Charles Folsom was master of ceremonies and assisting on the commit lee were L. M. Ful ler and Charles Halagno. ... Norman Boyd, a well known commercial man, was in' the city yeslerday on one of his periodic visits to the district, lie went north last night to Anyox and Mice Arm and will return hero Tuesday to spend a day or two before leaving for interior points. He has a number of friends in the city. i T. S. Oillalt arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon. He intended going lu Sandspit lo visit his brother, Capl. O. B. KJillatt, but. finding steamship sailings to the Islands upset, he will, instead, return tonight lo Vancouver. H EMOHRHOIDS Do not Buffer another dar wltlt Itching, Uleedtn?, or Trotrudlng Plica or Hemorrhoids. nurclcal operation required. Dr. Chae a Ointment will relieve you at once and afford lasting benefit. 60o a box; all dealera. or JOdmanaon, Dates & Co LliniUd, Toronto. SampU box Ire. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Start baby on Eagle Brand if you cannot nure him. Do not experiment with food and risk hit health, may be hit lifel For 67 yeart Eagle Brand ha been .the leading infant food. Write for free helpful Baby Welfare Book The Borden Co. Limited Towing and freighting. Tug Towena, 50 lf.p., Capl. M. Clifton. Phone Wue 400. Night phone 23. tf : This afternoon, at four o'clock a dinner is J,o In! given to the Kiiimaai iianu by ine -o laxi at the Hoyal Cafe. Mr and Mrs. Carl Lindquisl and Miss 11. llroeliu are making the round trip to Apyox and Ketchikan' qn lljo Prince Huperl today. The mystery of nailing bits of wood straight to be solved! Box. nailing competition tpuight at the Exhibition at 8 o'clock. First prize S 15.00, second 1 0.00. 11 F. MeXaughton, C.N.H. district passenger .agent and Harold McEwen, division freight agent. are making the round trip to Anyox and Ketchikan on the Prince Hupert today. - Miss Helen Wtnslone, who is to take change ufaj.the- ialne scuihm ai Aiyansii, arrivna -tii um city last nijrht ifm McCtnnell. Manitoba, and Is registered at the Central Hotel with her sister, Mrs. E. i. Newiiham of Kiiicolilli who came here io meet her. They will proceed tortile Oia'as River :t the end of Hie week. "Midnight Frolic" at West-holme Theatre, Thursday evening at 11:30 p.m., under the auspices of the Fair Board, Moose and Elk Lodges. Ketchikan, and City' Band, Moose Saxa-phone Band, and local talent will take part. Tickets $1.00 each an be had from: Gil's Cigar Store, J Prince Rupert Cigar .Store Fuller & Atkins Grotto Cigar Store ' Prince Rupert Fish Market Rose, Cowan & Latta, Ltd. Any Elk, or any Mooie. 211 NOW SHOWING The Latest In LADES Coats Suits and Dresses At Moderate Prices HATS! HATS1 HATS1 Fall Showing of , Stylish MILLINERY Inspection Cordially Invited BENT'S Third Avenue Opp. Hank of Montreal. , i Masquerade suits to rent for the Exhibition Ball, Friday at Mrs. Hildilcb's. 215 Carl Johnson was fined $50 in the city police court this morning for intoxication. Peter Alexcee and S. P. Ilarlon, Indians, charged in the city police coiyt this morning with intoxication, were dismissed. Exhibitors are advised to gather their prize cards and to be on hand to remove their ex hibits from the Exebition Build ing tomorrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Nevin arrived from Ocean Falls yesterday af ternoon and proceeded by train east. They are making the In angle trip to Jasper and van couver and back to Ocean Falls. CARNIVAL MASQUERAD1 DANCE, Exhibition Hall, Friday evening at 8.30. Prizes for best ostumes. (lady and gentleman). Itesf comic costumes, (lady and CARBON PRINTING AS t gentleman), best prize wallzing Carnival (Jueen and Maids of Honor in attendance. Mrs. Frank Howell and daugh ter Miss Louise Howell, who have been renewing acquaint ances in (he city for the past few days, will leave by tomorrow afternoon's train for- their home in Edmonton. The Carnival Queen and over a hundred counles enjoyed the dance at the Boston Hall last night. "Best music by Stewarts dance orchestra, of Jvincolilh. It was surely a fine lime I Dance at tf p.m. tonight at the same place. ' The winning number in I h& Sminnma P.nlTl'fi I ) r:twi 11 7 ill tllC Exhibition last night were tf, 51 and 225. Miss Lucy Pillshury held No. 225 and received a Japanese teacup and saucer. The same will be given to the olders of numbers tf and 54 up n pre sentation. SHON AT THE FAIR Fine Exhibits by M. M. Stcphons and others Attracts Much Attention One of the exhibits at the fair that is attracting: a pood deal of attention is that of the carbon prints on glass shown by M. M. Stephens in (lie art section. Mr. .Stephens is not a push the button artist Ho does all the work hiin- elf, taking the photographs, de veloping and finishing the work and it is excellent work. The carbon process of printing is much more dillicult than other processes and is said lo be absolutely impervious to I he action of -light. Once the print is completed it is permanent. The ef fect is soft and pleasant to the eye. There are many other good ex. ainples of photography in the exhibition. One in particular a photograph of a mountain with reflections in the water by Harry McLeod is excellent. Work shown in other 'classes . a great im provement Over former years and is attracting a good deal of BEAUTIFUL GOWNS CARNIVAL-QUEEN AND ATTENDANTS The Queen of the Carnival at he coronation yesterday was owned in white brocade with a roKe Of purple velvet lined with gold cloth. She had a standing collar of gold lace with amethysts and rhlneslones and wore a corsage bouiiuel of gold roses. The lady-in-waiting was gown- ,ed in pink duchess satin and igeorgelte trimmed with pink , ostrich feathers. Her hat lo 'match was also trimmed with I pink ostrich feathers, with touches of stiver ahd she carried a: silver wand. The two niaids-of-honor were gowned in brocaded crepe-de- chinc with wliite georgette and (pearl trimmings. Their hats! lo j match were trimmed withjpoin-poms oT while ostrich feathers with rhinesloiie buckles. , The flower girls wore ;white organdie with headdresses of uiiioii. ! The eosluines were made by Mrs. J. 11. Hilditeh and the while, purple and" gold colors of the Exhibition weie used as far as ' possible. ; ; , . D BURN Nanaimo Wellington Coal Our lump coal is double screened. Every lump is a chunk of heat. TRY OUR NUT COAL FOR YOUR KITCHEN RANGE Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Teothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Shoe Bargains For Fair Week $3.95 Women's 17 eyelet Uoots. Good quality Vici Kid, Medium Heel, sizes 3 to 7. Regular price $7.50. $3.95 and. $4.95 "Chums" Welled Uoots for Children. Can't be beat. Regular price $4.75 and $0.00. "Note the clearing price." Agents for ONYX SHOES for Women. JUST ARRIVED FROM ENGLAND CELEBRATED "LOTUS" MEN'S SHOES.""Britaln's Best Shoe." Family Shoe Store ' "V L ! at Just use Rinso rrhere you ustd to use bar toap for waking, boiling, or in your aihing macblnt. Third Avenue. Making wash day pleasant THE hardest part of wash-day, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, has given way to the new method of soaking the clothes clean with Rinso. This wonderful new soap gently loosens the dirt and a thorough rinsing leaves things white and glistening as you never could get them before. Only spots where the dirt is ground in, such as neck bands, cuff edge's, and the like need a light rubbing, and a little dry Rinso rubbed on these spots quickly makes the dirt disappear. Rinso is toll by all grocers and department tlorct Rinso MADE BY THE MAKERS OF LUX SEE OUR DISPLAY OF . ELECTRIC OVEN PRODUCTS AT THE FAIR. ELECTRIC WINDOW BAKERY