Rupert Coaster Wagon The Best Coaster Wagon rcird in v tgou (ii Mir ilv. No. 010- I2x-Wxfc Nil lit) KJxsSxlO Made VACUUM Bottles Useful Every Day in the Year Price 75 cents ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. SMOKED AT ITS F1SU There are Juit Two Rule to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. Tlioe llule. arc I TBuy ''Rupert Brand." Hubert ltruml is ulway ue-literrd to (lie sjtu hi clean new liovs clearly diuuped "Itnpcrt llruiiil." 2 Vrui in( unking iaer. rook in moderate out for 0 In 110 minute, remme paper ami cro at onre. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. At all Fih uml Meal Markets am! Urocer.. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Free Delivery In Prince Purity First 'TJlROUGH every process In the brewing of "Cascade" ruos the predominating thought of "purity" it jealously guards its right to be classed as a "pure tonic beverage." Think of that when buylrg beer-then you'll INSIST on "Cascade." VANCOUVER BREWERIES UMITED Hit Meet disc wheel, Willi roller henring thai annul come out 1 1 a mi all steel bolster llurniiglily braced. 'I'lit' strength ami durability of this wagon i i 1 1 1 1 1 al ii gliuirc . We believe il In lie the lrong-csl, enie .running, best -leering wagon made. Ami il i- reilainly in addition Hie higgcst ulne ever of- $7.40 $8.60 The Pioneer Druggist. BEST Rupert. yf1 if 'hcBeerwUhmtiiPecr This advertisement Ii not putdlsliod or displayed by the. Liquor Control Itonrtl or ly toe 'Joverumcat ot Urltlsli Culuw ta, m m tyi H dTh ere an ere Th rold wines of Northern Ob-Urio broli all previous records to th month of Janaary, when they prodocd approximately $2,100,000, based en preliminary reports received Iron the mines. It ii reported that arrangement' I have been made for the financing of a 1500,000 plant in Edmonton, Alta., for the manufacture of paring blocks from the tar sands of Fort MeM array. . The first of the private for aue-ition sales which the Hudson Bay Company has decided to hold in future at their head office in Mont-Teal took place recently, when a collection of various furs, estimated roughly at 25.000 to (30,000 value, i put up for sale by sealed bids. Grain handled at the port of Montreal in 1923 totalled 120,013,-938 bushels, the largest amount shipped throurrh any port in North America during the year. Montreal thus maintains for the third con- secutive year her position as the i leading zraio exporting port of tie continent. Dr.' Geo. H. Locke, chief librarian, Toronto, at the request of the Canadian Authors' Association, has undertaken to supervise the selection of volumes for the Canadian literature exhibit at the Britiih Empire Exhibition. The task involves the gathering together of 500 representative books and it is anticipated will take about a fortnight Frcm all indications, the potato shipments to Havana this season from the port of St John, New Brunswick, will greatly exceed those of last' year. To date there have been 750,307 btnhels snt forward In twenty steamers, while frdm Sep-( tember 1, H22, cntil January 31; 1923, a total of 505.663 bushels were shipped in seventeen steamers. With heavy enquiries from South American sources for Canadian Tour, millers expect to see their ex-porjt volume substantia!') increased during the month of February, as compared with January. This movement together With off"ri-gs of a premium for wheat at Vancouver, has been the most enco-jmgmz trade feature.o! the past month in Winnipeg, Mat.. Colonel Geo. H. Ham. of the Canadian Ptrifif Railway, who recently' returned frcm Florida, reports that Canada mi prominent!)' featured at the South rtorida fair. he'd, at Tampa some time agi. A very striking exhibit of Canadian products and natural reaource.i wis displayed and a "Canada Pa;-" was cH.Wat-ed, all of whith if -vd : have been a revelation to l'i v'.io attended. BuffaV mrt frrm the park a Wainwright has re-vntty hs.en on sfle throu-liout Ci n'i aid ha bfea extrcrcely re'l i-iv;d. It ! described a res'in'ilinj ;eef but of a more gam-'? flavor. C"Vernrant officials ct lha I" meat, with hides and other b.i:.alo products, will beeorpp a r-gu ar rurt of income to the people of the future. Work on the K n -tiI dsm, in the Prqvince of Quib... is reportH as progressing very rell. aid the $2,000,000 work lo:at-d at li:e upper part of the Ss;riensy River are expected to be rompl'l") vrithin 15 months. As a result of these works, the mills operated by (he Price interests will be kept in full activity during the nhole yrar, instead of partly closing down in the winter months, as thy have had to do in the psst More than $12.000.'000 worth nt equipment was addrJ to the Canadian Pacific Railway's service during 1!23. Included were 16 Pacific and 20 Mikado type locomotives, all very powerful and equipped with ' the most modern devices for power, speed and economical operation. Other items were 15 steel baggage cars, 12 mail and express, 15 first class roaches. 6 lafe-parlor and buffet-parlor cars. 1.000 box cars. 250 freight refrigerator cars. 300 roal cars, 50 oil tank cars. 300 automobile ears, 3ft vans for freight conductors and It snuw-ploughs. The seventh of CanarVs direction-finding stations was recently completed for s-rvice by the radio branch of the Department of Marine and Fisheries, to asit the boats and ships navigati-g the Bay of Fundy and the roastal waters extending to Boston. This station tends lo make the rcJt favored by the Canadian Pacific steamships in winter, already splendidly equipped with safety devices, still safer. By means of the apparatus, the wire-! less operator of any ship in distress within 400 miles of the Canadian' shore can find his location simply by pressing a spring. These stations! bars been described as "a Godsend to ns rx"'ners. ' HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert .1. V.. Lord, North Pacific; J.M. Smith', Port lvsinalnii ; Charles I'.. Carpenter. Iiorreen: A. I. .Vallieson, Vancouver; Mrs. W. Ilorwilt. Salvus; II.- H. lhirur and J. (iillell, Massell. Central A. II. Wilson, Terrace; J. Searle. U.N. II.; II. Spaner, .1. Hrskine. .1. S. May and O. l-'lelclier. Prinre (teorue; XeU Pearson, poekeporl; A. Hubert son, Port Clement. .Mr. and Mrs. J. MM'lierson who were married in Prince (irorno lal week returned here Sunday and have tken a Mille m the U'--'in :ttiarlntiM:l- TnR TMTLY NRWB. Local aod Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. -- Hayuers, Undertakers. Phone 351. tf Harry Welfonl i leaving this afternoon on the Cardcna for Vancouver on a two weeks holiday. Departmental areouhtx total-tin? hC,()'J6.o() wi'ru passed for layiiient by the eily council last nighl. We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. tf Application of t lie Moose Lodge to purchase four burial IIoIm in Fairvfew Ceinelery at a total post of $2 HI was granted by ttie eily council last night on recommendation of the finance commit lee. steamer Prince Jolni, Capt. Xeil McLean, arrived at I o'clock (hi miiriiiii from Van couver via Hie Queen Charlotte Island. The vessel rHurns couth liy the, same route lomor row evening at H o'elock. Tli'' -v i i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 sca-oii opened yesterday al the Sail Lake?. One "f (lie local school (earlier! wax iver hi a canoe and took a di and deHare that . (lie water' . fine. Ttie lady wa Mi Irene Stewart of t lie Seal Cove school staff. Ttie Mil iilemnily bylaw cel- lins the talAry of (he mayor al l(i(l anl that of (lie aldermen al 3MO each and al.o iirovidiii'.' for deduction in eae of non- al tendance al regular meetin-; wan filially adopted by Mie coun eil last ni);lit. Called south on account of the erious illnc of his mother, who is not expected to recover. AM. P. I). Macdonald is sailin? (olay for Vaiteouver. llurintr hi absence. AM. Maciioinilil's tpyo-rrauhi'cal ilutie- will be' aumeit by C. Thompson. Ttie C.X. It. ticke! y Aire i ad-vi-eil (hat all caliiii and secoml class IraiM. Atlantic fares are about to be inrrea-til. All those wlm liave no prfleetel their re- serxalions for jiassase lo the Old Country this' 'summer with dpoil will be reijuired to pay the inereaseil rales. - A .report from (lie Hoard of Works rerommemliii? t lust 100,- ooo feel of lumber be houshl from (lie Hi? Hay Lumber Co. a a price of (JSfiJSu" per (liousand as aili'ilcil by the city council last night. Aid. Perry explained I hat II would In; gooil business lo buy. the lumber now as prices were riiuir. Local improvement bylaws it-nvilinj.- for the construction of 5-foo cinder walk on Fourth ami Ki?hlh Avenues Kasl, Anew Place and Utiusmuir Street were introduced and given their first readitijf at last night's city council meelinir. The bylaw provide for the payin? of the cost in five years. . SlalinK I hat they ilesitid lo liuilil home here nnd locate pcr-mau-'iilly. i. S. Sni.lal and P. Itjoi-uou wrote lo the city conn. cil last night making application lo purchase tax ule lots 15, IG, 17 ami IK. blocK 20, .section 7, at the upset price f .t7.Hi each. The finance ci.i'iinilir was gien power lo act. On recommendation of Hie Hoard of Work., the city council last niyhl decided In ask for per mission of the' Canadian Xa-lioual Hallway lo construct a roadway from Seal Coe .Circle at Sixth Avenue to I he present plank roadway al . the sawmill. This follow a widely signed petition received recently from residents of dial, locality askinc I hid such a road be built. Thn local improvement bylaw providinif for the ri inline of Seventh Avenue Has! from Mc- llride Street lo Hay. Cove Circle in a similar manner to Fifth Avenue Fast was further advanced at lust nk'lit' council meellntf- Mayor .Newton report ed that there had been a conference wilh the Ratepayers Association which had objected to Hie work resulting In their wilh-d i i will i tin t objection-. PAdR THREB. imimiMiimi!miiiiimmmmiiimiimrvwiiimiii;.wsaR imiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii mi: ltev. J Oltlett of Massell . cached the eily from the Queen Oharlolie Island on the Prince lolm I Iii morniii?. 4 T. McCulloch arrived from Huckley Hay on the Prince John Ihi morning and -will sail toil it-III on the Cardeua for Van- eouver. C.P.H. steamer Princes Mary, i'apl. Ormisloii, soutliliound from Skafiway to Vancouver, was in port from 12.30 lo 1.30 today. The American halibut schooner Xorlh. which was recently reported lost in northern waters. I In port today marketing a catch. . - Capl. W. H. Logan of Victoria and W. A. Wallace of Vancouver, underwriter .representatives, and J. Cameron of Yarrows, Victoria, wlio have been here for I lit past few day in connection willi the letting of the contract for repairs 1 1 Hie damaged Canadian '.iiiUh. relumed south on the "rinei ss Mary tins afternoon. ANNOUNCEMENTS Methodist blaster Sale. Tea. sewing. home cooking. Hcd Cio. Hut, April 5. - . Iloyal Purple Kaslcr Ilaiaar il Sale of Home-.Cooking, April Hill CO Chapter. I.O.n.K. Amateur Theatrical, April 14. Oueen Mary Chapter I.O.D.i:. DalTodil Hall, Kaster Monday. If ,1'tks' Minstrel Troupe. First ' May 1. T.R.C TtastttM's RWiaitic Csttaltt For Rbeumatiim,Lnmba(o, Sciatica and Neuritis, Canada's standard tern-edy is Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. T.R.C's stop the pain by removing from the sys-(tem the original cause. Send u 10c for a generous tmple. Give 90c and the coupon we encloie wilh each ample, to your drug gi.t and he wilt give you a full sire $1.00 boa ol Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. TEMPLETON CO.. TORONTO T20 For Ssle by Ormes Ltd. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX ... Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, March 12, 26 PASSENGLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Rupert 4 5 pjo. for mi.NCE GEORGE. EDMONTO.X, WI.Y MPEG, sit points Esslern Canada. L'uiitkJ Slates. AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Clt, Ticket Offkt. B2S TlilrS As, Prlnc RuptrU Phon 260. CANADIAN B.C. Coast Sailings S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 18, 28 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Ssltlnrs rrtrni Prince Rupert. Fee VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Falls, and Swanson Bar, Tustdsi, S P.SS, Foe VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alsrt Bay, snd Swsnson B, Salurdsf Noon. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wilts Island. Sunday S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON snd Niss Rler Cannsrlts, Frlds, A.M. !! Snd Avenue. J. tUrnO.i, AgsnL, Frloce Rupert. B.C DAILY SALE BULLETIN, No. 8 Dun'l live like a Cave -num. We wdl Make Your Home Beautifm and BBsssssHEEm COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Sails from Prince Rupert PACIFIC RAILWAY Services from Prince Rupert attractive Our Furniture is distinctive In it's ipinlity mid price. . Ilomeinbcr our Hale ends on Sutunlay, lTilh. BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS 3rd Avenue and 1st Street.