a or ;ui When Yew Want A V(ll XIV,, NO, CO, . . .. : I... innv nun i Hie iwiii roinuK u) ran' iiik reipiei.t for Kralit clc-Mil ) ln'ie lo M-re a oullel for I .in mimiii elevator, and thus nve Na ion, I Hailwayn deuwirruge and i aiKinitm charge. You would allav linn h anti-fcelinjf here If! yjii could S M NKWTOX. Mnor." DIRECTOR LOST OFF CORDOVA Local Fishing Boat Goes Ashore But Crew are Apparently Safe Word lias been received here by lelru'idph or the lo. or Ihe fl-hniif boat Director in Alnnktui w.ilcM The boat went nsdiorc near Conhivu and in reported to le a tolalloH. The crew of four are uniiarrnlty safe. The skipper wired Unit he was leaving Cor on i. for thi eilv vejteiilay. The IHreclor i owned by lipl. orl alio of Him idly who also owns Ihe Sumner II i tniiiiied that the boat wiih lol in the same si una wliicli caused the deatli id Chris. Peter sen NEW COMMANDER IRISH FORCES Appointment to Position Sup posed to Have to do With Mutiny Dl IH.IN. March II. Oencral Owen OTiuffy. head of Ihe civil guard, tins been appointed geii eral offleer connnandiiut Ihe Free Slate defensive forces,' u . .t . I It.. I ... I I it i it Jtrfitl ji'liidly in (he replacing of damaged plates and straightening mil of frames and floor which have heen set up. II will nol ! necessary lo loueh (ho engine in roniieclion with this work although it is po.fblc there in;iy he some overhauling done while (he ulher work I go- ling on. It will be iiceeary lo unload it he million feet of lumber cargo ilhat I lie Scollili look oi here and he fx proceeding tfulny lo the lumber dork for Ibis Howard While, accountant ut Ihe dry dock. Mld thl ufkrnooii ll.aTTTrruiKi-.addiTrTrnWrert over Ihe n'uoir ilIT would bti connetl ion with the reiiuiird .,Uiird ill in i inctii of 1IU porl publicly pro- ro,,,, ii, nik.ed hy you when in Princ Hu- .(rk,,r(, w,' pet iwvi Tw. iv no months inoull.s ait UK" a n depu- uepu- . . .,. .,., , All local Mccl be taken on and it ,,,, .... ...(it i...vn s, pin e,l l.M-al wiM.e before ' . (,lllh.j fr(( Vancouver. sv no . no iwuiik. timuii (Uiuldii'l i , ri. u ....v-. ,n.- ... "... - The dry dock iiiauaueuteut re lceied word later lhi nflernoon that the lelling or Ihe contract wa Miliji-i'l to approval from Moiitri-al, C.ti.M.M. lieaiJiUHrler. UNEMPLOYMENT BIG PROBLEM Baldwin Savs It Wrecked His Government and Will do Same to Others I.OMiON. Mar. II. In Ihe House of Commons yesleiilay Slanlev llaldwiii. Coiiservullve leader, declared Ihe iineinploy men I situation killed his govern meld and would kill any govern ment that failed to deal willt. it lteclively. Hon. Thomas Shaw, iniuisler of labor, replied thai unemploy ment was a national responsibility which Ihe nation must hoiihler lo Ihe fullest decree, ven lliout!h it meant heavy pay ments on (lie pail of those pos-t.eshtfr Ihe means. Aruiiinir thai the liovernment had been in olllee only six weeks, Mr. Shaw advised his challenger lo wait and see. Maiden speeches were deliver . , r 1 1 1 1 f..I.,n I l,n I'll IIV a SOU III lltlll IiiUIII , III. novelist, and also by a son- of l.loyd .Ucortfe. The former pre mier was evidently very promt or his son's efforts. RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ARE ON THE INCREASE -("i-iiui). eieiucu po.-i i . , , , lo have a close connection willi "" " ' ' . ie nnillny in Ihe army. WELSH RUGBY LONDON, March II, A rugby ., I .... . I t I I . tr Int.. 3 to 3, llllllltl l , , . - " -T I " OTTAWA, March 1 1. Hallway accidents increased from 2588 in 11)22 to 3,187 lasl year. Luxl vear 205 people were Injured In 1W22 Coastwise Steamship & llargo r.n.N sleainer Marinlon arrived ci.nr.. score being iicina in t. esulkd In a tie the he miln Special lo Daily News WINNIl'F.O, March 10. 'Ihe Free Pre- says that Ihe government Is lo abandon Ihe Yukon Telegraph line from Ashcrofl i mid substitute a radio (iervlee willi broadcasting slatlon al Mmotiloii anl eNewhere connecting with Ihe sending stations now elling al Dawson ami Muyo. The col of Ihe telegraph service i about 2u().i)00 a year. HERRING RUN VERY LARGE Quantities of Bait Being Put up for Use of Fishermen -i That Ihe run of herriuir (hi year on Ilie northern enal has far eclipsed that of previous )ear I Hie experience or Jacs llradbury, who willi his partner lioifYrlf is associated with Ihe N. M. V It. Fish Company in operallmr die power bouts Itolhiiue and N..M. A It. hcrrmi.' ieinlnir in local waters. Hurinp Ihe past Tour weeks these two bonis have caui'hl between 1 00 and Sun Ions of hcrrinsr wliteli lane been pounded al Captain s Cdvc while a similar pound will be Installed at Jap Inlel and a smaller pound al Cutler's Cove. Tlih amalsauialiou expects lo pound suUicient fit- -1 1 herriiiK ball to las well inlo the month or July, unless sometliintf un- forseen iappeus lo tetanl their lroi-ess. in .iuiy, wiich me Salmon eoininences lo run. the herring bait is not used In, any appreciable extent. by Ihe halibut rioheruieii. Major MneCrepor, V.C.. is siiperiuleiidin? Ihei iiotliidiiur operations at Captain's Cove. Jack Itraillniry, Hon Yelf ami J. Neville are operating the llelhune. Seining will lie, con tinued until about the middle of April when Ihe herring coin liienee lo spawn. IRISH MINISTER RESIGNING TODAY Utlll.lN. March II. Joseph Mcdialh, minister or industry ami commerce announces his resignation in the Dail hircaiin this nflernoon because of his connection with Ihe army trou ble." SUPPLY DEPOT FOR FLIERS AT JUNEAU Jl',NF.Al March 11. Arrange V i ... I - menls were mane on .nummy nu ll supply depol here for Ihe Urit Nil round the world filers liy l.ol. Itrooine who arrivrl on the Can adiun naval steamship Thiepvul. DOG DERBY STARTED' THIS MORNING 11.30 SASKATOON, March II. The teams in the annual dog derby over a 200 mile course at The Pas started al eleven o'clock this morning, Staff Captain Carruthcrs, Sal. vatlon Army .arrived on tho princess Mary today from Wrun- The Latest In Restaurants. ttiw mm TAXI BOSTON GRILL in a hurry Phone 99 t Oar and Best Service In thi Olty. Rates Reasonable PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper i'Uinci: mjptiiiT, n.c iksday, mahuh n, it2-, rtrdf't ClregUtlon 1683 I i . i i Kxuunniiig I lie molars of it liippopolamu is a job thai would not be relished by many, but this keeper al the Tar-ouga Park zoo. Sdnev, has become well accustomed to Ihe task. f : Local Fisherman Drowned when Dorey Upset at Portloch Banks; 111 T TL L i "03.89: ia: Hoodoo was on Inn throughout wat.r- ' 13; 11)22 d Portloch bank-, Alaka, on March :;. The dorey in which lie wa rihing had upel and he was rlingjng lo it awaiting the arrival of help. The fishing boat Sunnier, Captain sjoriano, came into port yesterday afternoon with the flag al half mast and reported Ihe joss. He staled that Ihe dorey had a good deal of fish in it and he urged Ihe men to put il aboard but Ihey said they would fish ! ..a a i a nine longer. men a suuum iiiall raum up and swaurped Ihe boat. Uotli ttie men Petersen and Paul l.eis clung to the cnift. awaiting Ihe arrival of another dorey which Charlie Nelson and Charlie I.c-die were rowing . in their direction. , Pelerxni was unable lo hold on but his com-panion was saved.' The water was bitterly cold and the waves weii" breaking over thnn. .bids iVIersen was a native of hcumaik aboul 27 or 28 years of age. lie liait llveil here ror some lime but mi far as known has no relatives in Ibis country. He. was an American citizen and the death lias been reported to the Ameri can consul. 1 The Sumner is a thirteen man lni.it owueil by Captain Soriano. She left on February 13 and had a had trip throughout. The oil purchased in Ketchikan was bad and il took eight days to come home from the Portloch banks. Weaiher on Hie banl:s was rough. CROMIE BUYS EVENING PAPER World Sells Out to Vancouver Sun and Will Have Name Changed VANCOCVKIl. March II. World newspaper has been pur-i. ... i i... ii i r..,..,,i.. n. l.ltl. reed financially, was sold to Charles K. Campbell and associates wlio havo operated it until ELEVATOR IS URGED HERE Edmonton Member of Parliament Backs up Stork on Floor of House OTTAWA, March 11. Speaking in the debate on the address In reply to the speech from the throne D. M. Kennedy, Progressive member for Edmonton West, said he thought the government would do well to take steps to provide for a grain elevator at Prince Rupert. SAILING SHIP- WAS WRECKED The "Roy Bruce" of Newfound land Apparently Cut In Two by Collision ! sir .miivs: Xfhl Mh reli 11. The loss of a Newfoundland sail- imr vessel willi all on board is reared. A radio message Troin Ihe illuionia reported wreckage oT yho Ihe "Hoy Hrtice" otr t. Johns , li ai neen siguieu 111 uiiu-occuu on February 27. The hull had er or Ihe Sun, who will continue ,ul -I'l-it-nay , , i, , , ,, , edi- ,, coll s on. No survivors were lo publish il as the evening lion as Ihe "Vancouver Kvening " liie World l.as round il dilll- THEUN1S REMAINS cull. Tor many years lo hold its own againsl Ihe Province, which! BELGIAN PREMIER publishes at the same hour eachj day. It has hint n somewhat i llltUSSF.I.S, March 11. M. checkered career sliice it Tailed Tbeunis, premier of Helgium, who under Ihe mauagmenl of I.. D. handed in his resignation to King Taylor. II was purchased by a Albert last week, yesterday at the small group of financiers and ropiest of the King reorganized managed by John Nelson ror sev-.his tabinet willi himseir lis pre ere ul years and, Tailing to sun-lmicr and minister .of finance HAYDON TO SENATE OTTAWA, March 1 1.-1 Andrew today, although often under con-; llaydon, K.C, of 01 lawn, has been . -i . .. . . i u:. lui ! oil senate Strttt Silts 32. allliiMigh 70,ono raised during the' year. PARLIAMENT WILL TAKE OVER DUTIES OF THE CALIPHATE LONDON, March II. The Caliphate will henceforth be personified by. the Turkish Parliament according to an announce-uienl by Miislapha Kemal PasJta. Kernel is s.iid to have made this known in iiolifying tljf Mohammedan leaders ill India or Hie decision to abolish Hie Cojiphalc. HATCHET FALLS ON STEWART BLIND PIGS Three Men Arrested and Charged With Selling Liquor Detectives Have Been Busy I'be hatehel Tell on suspected bootleggers al Stewart and Hy-der. H.C. on Saturday arternoon as the result of recent activities of the provincial police and Liipior Hoard detectives there. Henry Hivard oT Stewart ii charged with selling liipioi' and Harry Hicks and William Held of Ilyder face similar charges. The eases, which are being tried al Slewarl, have been adjourned Tor eight days. MUTINY LEADERS ARE AT LIBERTY Government- of Ireland Thlnns are Normal But Rumors Say Different LONDON. March II. Despatches of Dublin correspondents Ibis morning add new facts regarding the trouble In the army. I lie iiovernineni ciauus things are normal and do not agree willi rumors current that the movement has been of much wider etTect than Ihe otllcial reports admits. The alleged leaders of the mutiny continue at Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Private Iloxes for Parly Use. Take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. SCOTTISH lilll. IS TO BE REPAIRED AT DRYDOCK "I n ' fi FISHERMAN LikS HIS LIFE WHEN DOREY UPSETS OFF ALASKAN COAST Repairing of Scottish to be Done at Drydock Biggest Contract Here Obtaining Hi"- contract for repairs lo Cli.M.M. freighter Canadian .Srollh which winl nhore lasl week,, the Canadian National Ibulwuvs prince Ilujit-rt Dry hock ami .Shipjard i nlioiit lo ilurl on Hie biggest repair job it ever hail. Following lliu calling' Tor lenders last wecK end, advice was received by wilt! Ilni niteriioon from Vancouver llial the local yanl li.nl landed llm big joli. Yarrows of Victoria whicli nl-o lenderod for Hie wurk was miderliid by Hie local concern. ' 1 11 s ' 'Hie Tin' work work will will MAYOR URGES CARRYING OUT POLICY HERE Grain Elevator Would Serve as Outlet For One at Edmonton and Benefit Railway The following telegram hunt lo II wl Hon. Y. I.. Mackenzie King, premier of Canada, W Mn- r Nrwton last night: Very stroiia fcelliuf v .cxWlng ov your nol having curried out the Hie l.iiiirler i.aur.er pour, policy for iw develop. . !- couiil prin- ABANDON YUKON TELEGRAPH TELEGRAPH ! LINE Financial Condition of City is Improving and Utilities are Paying for First Time In connection with (be auditor' report for I lie year which was laid over for a week by Ihe city council last nighl without reading, Aid. Collar), chairman or the finance committee, announced thai surplus assets uf the city now stood at SIt-i8X',2il.2t, in increase or I03,:3!i.01 over last year. .Surplus oT revenue iver expenditure for the year was $58,-ll'KHl u- compared with -2,7l7.5." in 1022. The expenditure, during Mi22, Aid. Collart pointed out, had been kept down practically lo Ihe. estimates and would have been under had it not been for heavy chaiges for pre- miums on New York runds1 remit ted lo pay debenture instalihcuts. Fr the first time penalties had been added lo local improve-' iin-iiI taxes in UlLM. J Slating that the city utilities- : telephone, liglil and water had' produced a" net surplus of I77.17 in 11)23 as against a net deficit in ISJ22 of 82G.C0, Aid. I NONE ALIVE OF THOSE IN MINE One Member of Rescue Party Killed by Gas; Search Continued for Bodies Collart gave the following iudi- vidual accounts for the Ihree de- CASTLKISATE, t'lalt, March 11. parlments: Helief was expressed here last 1 I.ighl 1U23 surplus. 15,in.- niht that perhaps by lale today 71; 15)22 surplus, l,'Ji)8.8l. all the inner recesrse or ttie Utah ' Telephone 1023 surplus, .$8.- fuel mine will have been pene- surplus. 7,i)59.87. traled and the fate of all the 173 1923 dericil. 9,537.- miners entombed by the three Icricit, $13,785.31. , explosions on Satunlay have been I'm going. 1 caii'l hold on any longer," wer the lasl , ','!,e1 ii!"1": i'L Jeterinined. There is little or no mortis oT Cl.rislelerscn of this city who was drowned orr IhiTVT t'.2.'l ' VlnVZrVi . . W luainvf.Miem-oreai.ve. ... win Aiiirij-iA ifuuir- nan ji:rii .average of five children. ilFLIERS DUE IN re covered up lo six o'clock last evening and there was one casually among the rescuing crew. The man who was overcome by gas was ilead la-Tore he could be brought out. Keveral others were rendered unconscious but have recovered in Ihe hospital. , (iovernor Mabey will today is- sue a nation wide appeal Tor re- lief. The authorities esliutate lhal married men killed have an Bodies Recovered Al one o'clock this morning G2 bodies had been recovered and all but eight identified. CITY APRIL 1 Leaving Los Angeles Next Sun ' day and Should be Back In Washington, August 19. WASHINGTON, Mar. II. The success oT the army round tho world riii'ht which starts next Sunday Trout Los Angeles depends almost entirely on weather condition!, Ihe war depart-7 incut said today. The fliers are due lo arrive in Seattle on March 2 1, Prince Rupert April I, and are due back in Washington not later than August It). POPE LISTENS IN ON RADIO AT VATICAN Receiving Set In His Apartments and Broadcasting Station In Rome ItOMK. March 11. With the installation of a wireless re. Says,reiving set in Ihe apartment of pope Pius and Ihe establishment of a broadcasting station in Homri for Italian amateurs, the Vatican is now able In listen in on program's in practically all Ihe F.uro. pcan centres, VANCOUVER WINS FIRST INTER-LE AGUE HOCKEY VANCOUVF.II. March M-Van. couver won the first of the final inter-league hockey games tic-"uatii e LulJiy 3 1 1