,6fetrt PliiM.KiLM., Have 0vFinjjer- n-Bttk. It was mv iyJEniitr black with iv..:.n:. 1 . swuucn iour times I poulticing ; bathine pmtiseptics; even had for lance It for 1 1 inches, robbing'?, pain continued 1 night until the druggist on to Zam-DuV, thing could have been Bjthan tthe quick way this 1 ; neater, enueu me terriDie land , removed poison. It right tn a week." MANY A NCT8R'S BILL! I'jlUK It sUays tbc ulrit and Srtty remedy to utt for cciema. tail i, sen, pisnplrt. ulcers, poisoned k. ha4 lei. wle, scslp AitM, .scalds, tuts. bfirt, "fenest 10- Xioa.ttC; 40c bus. 3 Ii 1 1 ii 7iveRoses FLOUR lien Itoyfii if? Flour ask fyotir',fl rope for L"Five, noses," f k.'T 4i flttf World'sliest h Christie lAg.nt S. TAIT rirr. n Bloc, HWPEirr. b, o. Meurti, t U . Only For flpf ointments. Her A BOX OF fPurdy s he Autocrat of the ijlhsotiiD Delight in n Hvaiilifnl Hx. All Size. upert TH DAILY KEW1J. PROGRESS OF Eminent Railway Builders MINING NORTH PART OF B.C. 1 Hon. A, M. Manson Tells of Pro gress Being Made and Gives T M.M.J Many Facts and Figures RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Hon. A. M. M.i 11 Min nt Hie re icenl Laurier luncheon pave some inlerciliiiK fuels ami fixure lii repaid In inininp in northern! llrllih Columbia. He said: I 1 "I know that lline mKIIiik around this board arc optimistic ;Vi' in th It province, an I have !aid before in lliiit clly, suffer liyj jrrann of u lark of kiinwlcdpc of jour wealth llia( we oulil to liu ltd 111 hi ire its iwiI rapid develop J 'mi'iil. Things' haw been poinp mil 111 ilii northern ami central portion of this province thai I ve.n-1 ure In think you have no) up. -prebended. "In IWIll there were 13 school. ji)l Icnrhcrs iiinl l,!2 pupil in jiiorllicrii HrilUli Columbia: in ll?a there were I2'J schools, 17(5 jlencher ami 3,058 pupil, an in. li-rcase. .4f A 29 per rent in seven jycnr in the. number of schools 'ami an increase of 13) per cent 'ill I Ik same period on the 1111111-1 Iber of pupil. The numher of jschool rliihlren is perhaps the' jhel iiiilex of the settlement of nj 'Vrovlnyo. 1 ! More Every Year "In IliiNI Hie north wetlern' portion of the province prodii-ed: Inbniil 1300.000 in mineral wealth.! 'In 1WJ3 the proilurfinii exceeded 10 million of dollar-. In l'JI.1 comparatively lillle capilal wa inv.-slcd in our mineral industry 111 northern HrilMi Columbia. In 1023 very many millions of dollar were invested, mid more million are beinp inveed every ar. The last ten year ha leen the mnkinp of the Uranhy. the Premier, the Itelimmt, Surf ilulel uud the Hulliie Mine on Hay Mounlnin. Iliee illiilnn nre all-lilc pro.tirer. vl.al year . . . k.t ...nit 1 1 1 -. iit 11 lliill 11 iiiiiiiiiii iii'iiurn xpi'inleil in neceary development on northern prosper!. That fiStire i erluie of the ainoiiiit . peiuleil (iy I lie elnhlihei rum. liaiiK' wliirli I have mentioned. Qranby Output "Ornnhy vva 'tilwn' in in l!l I. Tin oiilpul in nine year. of that property ha lieen 00.000 ot. of 3,0011.0(10 ox. of ilvrr andj 5H uud I-'.' million pouml "I copper. Urnnliy loiiay rale n one of the areal copper propertie of the rontinent. "In tlIT. jul over five year npo, the Surf Inlet Mine rom. menred production. "In HMO the Pri-inier nl Slewar.t made it firel liipmenl. Since Hint time it ha produced 20.-000 ox. of uohl. 8,500.000 ox. of itver. and nl the end nf I9?3 II 'had riinid 07 per cent of it rapilnlixnlion In dividend. The 'metal ouljiiil of northern Hritlfli ( nlumhia coinprie ahoul 10 per ironl of the I ol nl output nf the province. New MJnes Last Year "Last year miw Hie openinp up jn 11 olilpplnir property of the Outsider Mine nt Maple Hay by Ihe Ornnhy Oonipauy l.nt year Ion v Hie openinp up of the iMithie Mine on lludfon Hay Affections andy WILL DO IT Candy World sr momp. THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE All rnrcf. CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUE8. A unique record bl Canadian railway pioneer engineers Uembodied in a photograph taken in Vancouver recently of three prominent memberi of the prof esnion whose record lor continued service In the iurvey and con struction of nil ays is. pon&lbly without parallel. They are reading from left to right, H. J. Cambie, M.E.I.C.. eighty-seven year of age; T, II, White, M.E.I.C., eventy-ix years of age; and J, II. Kennedy, M.E.I.C., aeventy-two years of age. They are all reaident in Vancouver. Each has been identified with one of the three great transcontinental railroads now operating i.i British Columbia, at chief engineer on the location and construction of the original main lines within the Province, pioneered through the wilderness of mountains, canyons, forests and plains by feats of engineering kill and perseverance not surpassed and scarcely equalled in any other part of the world. Each one is en-toying excellent health, and occupies the very highest place in the respect and esteem of the members of the engineering profession together with the general public Another very interesting coincidence lies in the fact that each one possesses the appa rentiy marie name "Henry". Henry John Cambie, M.E.I.C., was born on October 25th. 1S36. in County Tipperary, Ireland. He had charge of tlje location of the present main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway from the Coast to Griffin Lake, and was chief engineer of the world-famous construction through the Kraser Canyon from Yale to Lytton. and also the construction of the section from Savons Ferry to Shuswsp Lake. Mr. Cambie has been continuously associated with the Canadian Pacific Railway and its predecessor, the Government Railway, for sixty-eight years. His name, is perpetuated by the ststion on the Csnadisn Pacific, Cambie, on the riant loon below Mountain, since which tunc it ha produced a little les than half a million dollar in ilver and lead. 'The inleresl which opened up Hie iiiiiiu I have just spoken it linve now in hand the deveoji- Most o.....i Graceful Seek Aldermen ment of a splendid little properlv at imreeu. 12(5 milo cast or Means of Killing Project-Prince P"'01 of lne Hi rt. The anu inter- i -ease Death Blow est have another very excellent properly on the lUbine Muimt-i .... , ah,, which in all probability wiiH H ' "'' k''n , yenrVi"." 'el bylaw that worried he n Miipp-r before this 1,,, . (the oily council last njplit uijl Tin njipjreiilieim, or the Federal, are in charpe. of the llulhie property un Hurixon' Hay Mountain. III.,, .11. u.-.. ,. ..rsr...."x developing the Home ' .4iuiioi.ini t " ,..(.. " ; bylaw . went . ti.rouuh il :i. 11 Hi a few mile eat orr. ' properly, second . readinp ,.n .,1 at n, lne J1.1 1,., ..- lelkwn ii 1 In the 11. Hulkley .it.i... v.,ii..v alle. the father. fill.a ,., hut. in in ,,, l l'lipy nlo have tinker bond . 1.1.... . nl . k.t , ery proi is,k , Lake in Hie same valley, which la. I reports indicale will he u uhljiiiHal pnulucer within Hie twelve nionlhs. Thousands of Claims 'I he mineral potentialities of the north have been harely: scralehed. 5.000 prospector: could be lost in Ihe vast unex- ;pored minerariiiea of the t'.an- Indian .Nullonni iiaiiwny. ( 1 nero ,.ri, ()f lease. The bylaw, as nre probably helween four and fnthcrcd by Aid. Casey and sub-five Ihousatid mineral rlaim in mjttrd to tlte council, provided for 'pood slandinp in thai country. ft Pns(. xw rxreedinp five years. II . A...l , I i. I Ilnill-l .Miriiieio .inn . ..1111.11 i.ini-n i :f.i 1 1 til 1 1 1 ii i mi l waiiinu inr ine iipisnnelfirs In Aernteli ntiil e.-int- 1 1" tal to develop, llrilish Ooltimhia made it reputolion thionpli Ihe mineral wen i in ui Rouinrnijiirii- Hsu i.oiiininin; 11 win no niiicii in nun 10 us repuiniioii uiroupii me far prealer mineral wenllh of l . ii-nt .1. r..l l.i.i uoriiirrii iiiiiisn ..iniiiiiiii.i. LATEST FROM ABERDEEN. SHIRE An old Aberdeenshire farmer, . 11 .1.. 1 r.. 1. 1 . I. .1 nanny noiru uu ins iin.-ii-n,iiui- ednes. lay dyinp, and hi de- yoied wire sai ai in iieuiun in 'AnniiiiM ..'III, Ml iiiiii ,,,,,, ill ,,, iiitt i nniipu ".lean, my b'l," he inquired feebly, "phnl are ye dnen." "Ae John, I'm Just Hiinkinp,'kel be not leased bill be .Kent by was Ihe reply in a 'sad voice. "A" weel, if yeYe Jusl tlilnkln', ma as, pit out Ihe liclit and no vvnslo Hie candle." --Kdinburpli Dispatch. Subscribe for llm Dally News Glacier. Mr, Cambie explored, surveyed and planned the whole course of the Canadian Pacific through a large section of the province of British Columbia, and under his direct supervision the part that runs through the canyons pf the Eraser was built. At the sge of eighty-seven he is still hale and hearty, enioying the love and estcer of his fellow men. Thomas Henry White. M.E.l.C, was born on January 27th, 1S48. at St. Thomas, Ontario. He was chief engineer of the location snd construction of thp present main line from the Yellowheaa Pass, down the North Thompson and Fraser Canyons to New Westminster. It is interesting to note that he was Mr. Csmbie's right-band assistant during the work In the Fraser Canyon. Mr". White has always been popular with hi fellow engineers, being noted for abundant good nature, keen sense of humour, and an. absolute airness in all his associations. James Henry Kennedy, M.E.l.C, was born on March 3rd, IMS, in Carleton County, Ontario. He had charge of the location of the main line in British Columbia, under the Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway charter, from Laurier to the Loast. As cmet engineer, ne bunt the first section in the Province, from Laurier to Grand Forks, through the Kettle Valley country and afterwards constructed the longer section from Chopaka to Brookmere,lhrc:gh the difficult Similkameen and Ttlameen Valleys. The complete record of the life- work of each of these pioneer rail roaders is lull 01 interesting reminiscence, and the monuments of their handiwork are to be seen in practically every province of the Dominion. Although British Columbians take great pride in the achievements of these men, they nevertheless feel that they belong to Canada, from coast to roast. -MARKETBYLAW IS LAID OVER rallier Ilie lliwi 01 oiue menu to abandon it whereby the wrath of Hie apricultti'iil eomrniinitie 1 : . 1 ,.. 11, ;., antftlif tif.l liri UIIJiiri-IIL II' 1111 in) vkm ii", ,..,..,., . i..lnIU. Till. 11 n v iihi... 'i ''. ihij. .,' .j( 11- in.i Hid Of i-ify Ihe enm- millee stage, il va tacitly , ii( ' ., ... ..... ..., ,., end the ful dealli. To thai coin- . . , .. I : i 1.1 1 ; mince, ai.er consiue,-.,.. .- o.s-. 1!!!' ..r1 r(lP,::;! r.w..i,o,i n.ni ? the nevi it..apain. aenin i resoiveu iiuii uir iicsi u npain inl XVould likely be far henre. Length of Lease -flic ri srsl difficulty in ennnce 11,,,, vjt, pssape of the by aw vmw up on the point of thel ... . . ,1 .11. n,s nol mrpi xvii ii i no np - 1 ........i ..r 11.1 v.it ,.i .i-iux juunii in .iii. ...in.,. ..in, 1 1 1.. .... ., ,.li, ,,,,. .Ai ' jeiMi'ii mi 1. in- 11 1 . ..j i-n.,.nj inn oiuj- ijdiiUMIIIII call for any such lenplh of time. and jbeitip at I'rince Huperl. ,m,v,.d in amendment' thai thel pa0 j,,, for one year stiliject In i,(ry days1 notice. Ihc amend- monl wns fially carried Willi Aid. Casev and AM. Macilonald di- I ... sen senlinp. nir. Thereupon, 1 liereunoii. Alii, llasev descried tho bylaw. Hull it'luiil been revived fur llio.hiir for .an accounting for in iieneni or t no v o.oncooK, imirie I. Id. who wr ild not upree In such n lease in view of. the fact that ., . . . 1 . 1 uiey propuseu in upend several houaiu dolUrs; on .filling., (be premise .up for coii! torapr ami .... . 1. 1., I.... tit..w... iimi .1 ii.a II4IIJ ll(l l.l".- ...ill , . HI. markelinp of furnter'' proifuce. Aid. J'crry moved thai the mnr- Hie cily for ils vrosent . use nnin.ely the slorinp of cily. fnulp menl. 11 woMld rn,t 200 to fini new ijuarlers for Hie equippienl. Natural Death Mil: Manlounld pleaded In fa. vor of giving the market project V 7HY waste time in useless "shopping around" when the advertisements lay before you the choicest wares of every progressive merchant in town? WHY use needless effort in an . endless store-to-store quest when the advertisements enable you to make your choice of the finest merchandise? WHY pay more than you ought when you can stretch your dollar to the elastic limit by taking advantage of the bargains and good buys that are daily advertised in this paper? WHY risk dissatisfaction' by buying unknown, unbranded goods when you can assure yourself complete satisfaction by buying an advertised product, backed by the integrity of a man who spends real money to establish his name and to build up public good-wdl? Read the Advertisements. Buy, Advertised Wares, It is a safe and sound policy another try-out even with the! many iinproVenieni on the ser-one-year lease clause. In anyjvice to the north coast this year case, if it was the intention to1 especially on the (jueen Cliar- kill the by-taw he would like to see it done as pently a 1 s - so a not to leave Hie impression that tfie city' council was out of MiMaHiy with Ihe dislricl farm- ers. Ami. Mr Mom 0 was also or Ihi imlnion. Discussion then centred on how the piatter could best he passed up and. after sup- pestions had been made that it l.e'pionpf-r packape lea in i.ana.la. piven a six moml.' ioil and also Imnuvlialely its superior flavor (hat the commillee arise without ' l,,lriy wo" f(,r n a Proal " .. .. ii- 111111 ik. 11 him 1 ri Mini an 111c - - " :;Sre;?and r Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert March 11, 1914. Announcement is made that the Pacific Slcainship Co.. i l inatipuriiie a sieauisiiip T!C"!,a(, (,ipil of .,H,SOI,f ani H.,ml,. mil llri.trim t ni.,1 1, ' ... . . . 1...1. ........ i..Rii...t iirittrt-11 iuiiiar.il, irvon, iiini r; v Lt 11.. ....1.. 1: .11 : The Daily News criticize the expense account of Mayor New- Ion on hi recent trip to Victoria. "Why should the cily pay for hi cipar and theatre rxplainliip:nokels?" says the paper In ask- Icideiilal to ?0l. - helurninp from a trip to Mont roal mi company business, Capt n. II. Nicholson, nfanaper of Hie n.T.l. CSonsl Sleamship Service, say il I The inleniion o make Dr. MarttTi Fcnale Pills Hit hsUim! ostiirs IhoQisads Mstslasthtlt ctDturir. oraclins uum, buiWin up n nil PAINt'uL MENSTRUATION. NKR-VOUSNCSS. tUCKACUK. tllZZlNtSS. ., uJunmii dnin. Sold enrr 1 8wld Hlnn- Qorr TIN BOX with Nt simWr. UrunlsU II M likUUM JU2i U. II E. rsS St. IimKCm, iniiusuMiinmi, Waste Time Shopping Around lotto route. THE PIONEER OF CANADA riiirly-lwo year apf the now jtmoii "SAI.AHA" Tea wa l,'a',,, on '" nwrkf market in metal packape "SALADA wa the Itsilallll ril v I Mill MSlmt llfl'M irrilU'M ,ngr PVPr MlM.0. n is im a utile .lirfrr-m a little M,w than ordinary ta. INSTINCT FOR NEWS Two newsboys sat in the pal-lery of u Iheatre in'vbich "Mam-. Jef was heinj played. It wn the firt lime Ihey hail seen a play, and they were hed breathless with excitement. In the last 1 scene, after Manuel hail Kineu ,.Iu.plPS anil l0 Kyis. Ihe Queen ''.or 1 r Hie poisoneu vvoiinu, me. younper of the two could con. lain himself no longer. Turning lo his chum of the streets, in rapturous tones, be saidi "("Solly, Hill, what a time for sellin' spihlils." Yorkshire Pi'U NOTIOL VOTICE l hrrt'liv slvrn that tfluliTS will l rvi-ivel lip I" ll.x HI il tin nrircnlh ttav or Marrh, lI. si Hi nines or tin? iimiiriiMt. in ilio Cliv nf I'riiirt. Iluperl. rrollll'l HI l.rilll .JHII11IU1, lir mr ur I rh:i rhu ..r i.r ih ihe iiuilillnr bullillns sinialn.1 slliiste.1 nil nn l.m I.11U it il an J. Hloi'k "r" i:n.v or I'rince Import, U.i:., iul kmiHii ss mht I'liiiinr iiii.. 10' SPOUT Willi Wliair.rr lll.liri.ai iiirii, br mi lln premises. r.ai'h lender mutt lie smimpaiiteil by rhinine rr 1 iw amount or the lender, tlw rbetiue of I'"' unnirre nf nl trnilrrs will lm rrlunyd InuiieUlalely 1k- liullillnt Is idil)el nl. I nder Ilio romnimiis 01 ini . sain 11 i neersnary thai IIm IiulMlus V retnoved rnun IK present site liefore June Sntli. I9, Ihe lot tn tie lr In a safe ami sanilarv rondillnn. all debris sai lie removed an.) all excavation in be filled In. the hlitiest or any lender not nerej-sarlly srcepinl. IIIOVIVS, W. IIKIIMS. (lnveriiinent Asenl, Prince Rupert, b.C. Geo.Papadopulis New and Secondhand Furniture Store We buy, soil and exchange nil kind uf 'new and sccond-liaml pood. Also we loan money on any article, A respectable place in which to transact your; private business. S39 Third Avenue. Phone 646. P.O. Box 92 JUST ARRIVED. Spleiuiid Selection of House : Dresses Stylish in Design. Deliphtful in Pattern. Moderate in Price. BENT'S EPSON COAL We can noyir Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL tn any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 58,