PAIE rwo. awlfe?- wATOIm Delicious Mayonnaise made in 3 s2s I rlHLvLA.1 'minutes with Muli arid at much less r&4 ""u"eu cost than expensive olive oil! sal k ?AL'D J And for frying and shortening Mtuttla !HgS k (- i takes the place of all othr cooking 'MaSST vpX)KINC fati .v trial will convince you. " J??3 I 1 I I THE CANADA STARCH CO, UmilnJ SMai The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince i Rupert Daily News, Limited,, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLHN, Managing Editor. DAILY EDITION ALBERTA PAPER Thursday, July 3, 102 1. outstanding quality of the niier is his readiness to permit, If the government has to (- rf , (e cnnglruc. seek support on side ils own . f(f ,hp Hrue.rran,,e Prairie party, the bppos, Hon menders raj, ,:ilP a ralcs frm (lie i ::T:,f:,n:- st--.o prairie poi does n;,t 770,000 MILES OF SHINGLES B.C.'s ANNUAL OUTPUT WOULD GIRDLE THE EARTH THIRTY TIMES The Red Cedar Shingle-Roof Ex-cells All Other In Desirable Qualities The manufacture of red cedar shingles in -a branch of the Forest Industries of British Coluin-liia of outstanding importance. I 'I'll pri iii'A O.'i sliiiiLrlf mills in this province ami in ill 2:! these plants manufactured ,500,000,-000 shingles In approximate value of 10,000,000. If laid ciiil In end this yearly cut of shingles would reach over 770,000 miles, or more than .10 limn. ;)l-mii.t tlin Anrllit ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' I OnO feel nf City Delivery, by man or carrier, per montn ........... i.uu himUor is rv,vlirPii , ni!lkp 8,ooo By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the united . ' shingles States, in advance, per y;ar . $0.00 ,u:;V aniuial 8,,lnRlfl c, To all other countries, in advance. -per year ........ .... $-5(MWould also provide 'roofs for . ... .... . : I, .2 . , . ,. ! 1 25,000 modern residences. Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion; ,,,,,, f0(ar Kl.nw fo lhvi nost Transient Advertising on Front Page. ......... .$2.80 per inch a)lvan,ap in nriiisii Columbia Local Readers, per insertion. ....... ...25c per line w,li(l)l possesses 00 per rent n.' .Classified Advertising, per insertion. 2c per word Wl-,rj,r.s Mlmy 0f n, won. Legal Notices, each insertion ... ............. 15c per agple Iine(,0flI, ,jml,or jn 19o3 ,ir, rPlt Advertising and. Circulation Telephone - 98 C(!iap cul was 573;o'00000 fl Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 considerably more iban I.air of Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. . In.js the amount was u ! (manufacture of shingles. 1 The ' shingle industry has an annual payroll of $3,000,000 pre- and employs about 2,000 men, ir-say respective of those engaged in what he thinks and figlit for his lagging the red cedar for shingle T ri PPVIAMQ opinions. The 'public never bad manufacture. UJN feLEitjllUWiJ y a where be stoodj The British Columbia edge upon anyfl.iioslion, nor of the grain shingle, makes the most ar- sterling honesty of the convic- tislic and least expensive roofing Regrets Defeat of Oliver but seea'tlons ho proclaimed. Rut bis there is, Recent independent of- Hope of Government government inherited a load of ficial fire tests have also estab- . responsibilities by no means Ished its remarkable freedom ; x carrying on. flight. The province is heavily in 'from fire, risks. j "' ' . . !debt, thanks largely to the former 1 A red cedar roof well laid willi Discussing the British Colum-rpra (,j -roup" government, and proper zinc-coaled or pure iron bia political situation, the Kd- ,axes -af.e. biKh; The latter was nails, will last half a century. In monhin Bulletin says: (probablythe fact that told heavily her red cedar shingle industry 'British Columbia is in for a agail-,-jnc ministers at the British Columbia possesses a period of minority government. ,(0tl "n,p tax-collector is not -wonderful ,ndu.str'M inheritance. W hile i no returns from Ihe gen- ,)0.,ujar. these days, whether or'. erai eiecuons are noi eompieie, n jp j rpsponsjijip. for the it is clear that the. Oliver minis- ma?ni(U(lft of tjIP j,jn Jl0 has lo try cannot hold a majority of the p.PliPrit. eals in the new Legislature . Alberta Interested againsl combinalion of . a oppo- A, () u lllleresled Ti ' ' ' neighboringi . .. ... gestion lliat the ministers will m . ,;. , nla rfiDDCCDHMnCWT U7ITU resign, and the prospect is tba! IheV Avill carry on, along ylipes as their antagonists v .... tvi.... m ,i.uiir:ji 11111111 1 hi in kltvtii lma ImnTi nitnjiail in Hit s,lc'' restoration of the Crow's Nest ntlj !iiti finirvlil pnfa nrrrAnmnnl II a This serj is of articles communicatod by Ihe Timber Industries Com ncil of British Columbia. NAVAL SQUADRON WAS . VISITOR TO THE CITY On bis way to Vancouver to rejoin H.M.K. Hood afler having .. ... . .. .... ,u, r ... - bp(Pr u,R prospPC Alberta paid n visit to Jasrr Park. Hcott ministry doubtful, should ,is .ll,e wjll morP of Us imp0rlillr O'Connor, correspondent for Ihe piesent erne ,e iipsct.- In that, ,roupn Vancouver. And Ihe London Daily Telegraph and .perhaps Ibe that the w jJrule np wouI(, ,efeal varjous rilisll colonia, ppri. province .may avoid a repetition ,ha, hp f. an(J n my be odicals wl)0 msikln lhp ,rjp oitjs political ins ory in Ihe exlpn,,e(, nirough the nwunfains around Ibe. world with the spe-f m A a1PCPfs," lo Fort George and the Pacific & cal service squadron which is now of Mr McBnde with donunanl a 0 pat Ka;i,prn linIoa(,P(, onlo lllP (m (he Pacific coast, was in the majority in Ibe Legislature. In I)ominioil or , c.p.. 0n ,,, ci,y fnr. a snorl ,imp yPspMay those days the people of British Mp 0fvfir ,las char. af,Prnoftn. e arrivP(, frnm ,lP Columbia hardly knew at n-aclerUHcally acllve. ff the re-East by train just in time to r. pn; iim nuff ,IP ,ia, rPPoiv,.d will weaken lKard the slcamnr nllowing; morning. It was large- uy inflllPI1PP in ,.pffari) o hp8A Louise for the south, ly due lo popular disgust wllh ..:...,.. 1( :,.,,,. i m.. n-p : :,.., iii , ... .. .(uvniiiini. ii i s in .in- ii-nn uimii-i- ... . . w ...11111.11 , niiu in making niiiniiiK pohtical uncertainly and with thf ; stani)ahlp wh. ,kP pPOplp of bis. lour at Ihe express invitation jflTi V, " "ff. " ,aW.?n:! I,ria" Columbia administered of Ihe Admiralty, was highly .... 1 4 viiii;ii ifSUUrll, 1, anl l rT.:... ......!. , nini .nr. iiiciriiic oiuaineo an overwhelming majority in the' T . . .. . I a. .I..." u. ' rC' Province, loo, in noting Ihe and spend six ninths in British u"" . ",,WPr- voters turned down a proposal lo.CoIiinfliia. Itejoining Ihe Hood wm W hether .11 it . is Jo , , le chaos or permi, bpp,. ln ,(i 4oI(, , ,Pa, Vancouver, he will go with the depends upon which, fa .)let.aw6 pla(.PJi. Brilisbsr.iadron to San Francisc, and V M ' oupRTimose ui columfda was Ihe first of the will leave it there proceeding to l"dry" provinces In return lo Ibe Quebec where he will again join ueserved Batter legalized sale of liquor. But its it aHer 11 has passed through Ihe The Oliver gov eminent deser- people have definitely refused In Panama Canal and reached the veil neiier treatment. It has been go as far in that direction as AU Atlantic seaboard aggressive arid progressive. The berta has gone. Princfx". pleased with his trip In' the Rocky Turned Down Beer pinunlains and expressed Ibe J'here will be .interest In Ibis hope lhat he nfay later return Hills r Underwood London Dry Gin A mature gin known sine 762 for its unvarjing high quality. $3.25 per bottle This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by" the Government of British Columbia. STEWART Miss MeConkey, who has been leaching school here for Ihe past year, has resigned and gone to Vancouver. Olllcial dedication of Ibe cenotaph erected recently by Ihe International Service. Club look place oir Sunday. Ilev. Arlbur W. .shley was in charge of Hie service and was assisted by Father Allard and Ilev. F. I: Ileddick of Hyder. Both Cana dian and .United Stales 'govern meent officials we're present. . . A contract has been let for ihe driving of 100 feet of tunnel on Ihe J)x group wbicli was recently bondfd by I'al Daly and associates to Ihe Day interests, Paul Mnrgish was instantly killed by a flying cable on Die Premier tram line last week. He THE DAILY JIKVVS. hursdayJuly 8,. 1021 PLAYER S is survived by a widow and young son in Jugoslavia and a cousin in Alice Arm.- Development: work, is being resumed on Ibo L. L. properly on (Slacier Creek .1. .Fraijk Breeze manager, is in charge. . While in Hyder recenlly, B, fiiiggenheiin of .New York fore closed on Ihe Alaska Premier mine lo which be had advanced about .$20,000. The Man in the Moon SAYS:- IT was a nasty joke Ihe weal It er man played, on Prince Ht'iperl. j'be only. irallyti(jd, day in mnn'y weeks was the national holiday. " . CO.WICTIO.NS are' whai every person should have hut not the court room variety. EVKHY person js an expert on what the other fellow should do. TIIK modern 1 gallant is one who holds the match, for, the girl In light her cigarette.' , : MOST people wbo carry , icanes litest days Jiave a '..lantr excuse. for doing so. . ' . -. A (DHL usuallyshas lwo good reasons for wearing, hiking clothes. No explanation needed. ;p-'" , I LOVK her on' lbrt water I loved her in'?Jbr pr,; Anl then Ihe old Ford hi! Ihe curb And caused n, fehrihlo jar- Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert July 3, 1914. A large number of citizens were present vvlien a Pioneer's Association was1 Organized ' last night. Officer fleeted were as follows: President, David. II. Hays; vice-president, William Manson, M.P.P.; secretary, Arthur Cutbburt; executive commillee, William Manson, M,P.I'., 1). W. Morrissey A. J. Oalland and John DybhavnJ meuiliership eom-m III ee. F. W. Hart. W. II. '.Morrison and Arthur Cuthburl. been spending sev'eral weeks in the district gathering mineral exhibits for Ihe Pauama-Paci- fic Kxposilion, left for the south this morning. He was culjiuscd over the prospects of Ihe district and iredicls that Prince Hiipcrl will become a big mining centre. - City building -permits for Ibe month of June totalled $.li.!Hr. as compared . with $10,250 in June 101.1, l!),300 in June IDI2 and 2U,f25 in .luim I9l I. YANDERHOOF Itesidenls of OtuJneca ilislricl are expecting that Hon. A. M. .Manson will become premier of firilish (.olumlda If Hon. John Oliver drops out of the Irgisla- lure. J : The wedding of Miss Lois Johnson and Harold Averlll look place here last week and Ibe Honeymoon is heinz spent on a motor trip lo Washington stale. Mrs. H. M. Patterson has returned home after spending a. fengl by holiday on Ihe prairies. .. . . Mrs. II. C. Abbott and son have arrived from Ibe coast lo join Mr. Abbott. A. A. Hutchinson, station agent relurned this week from his holi days aiiTl W. A. Coher,' who has been relieving Jiini for li' past two months, has returned lo Sniithers. - Mrs. L A. Mitchell and her Iwo daughters left on Sunday nigh! lo spend a Iwo months' vacalion'in Vancouver. ; Mrs. Cecil Hartley and son and Mrs. Hawson. Mrs. Hartley's uiothef, left Ibis week for land. . NEW HAZELTON With all returns except (hose of the ibsenli'e vole in, Dr. II C. Wrincb's majority over F. Dockrill in Ihe recent provincial jeleclion for Skeena district islands al 175. The tolal vole was as follows: Wrinch, (52K; Dockrill, l3; Sargent, 200. There was a program of sports and a ball game on the Hospital grounds on Dominion Day under Hie auspices of Ihe Athletic Association, There was a dance at Mm n it&iuln l.ltr li.ill (il 1IUAII I.. William Tomlinson who has - Miss Oladys McDonald, who has resigned her position as teacher at the llazellnn school, was presented with a pair of In. diun carved bracelets by her pupils on closing day. 'Ibe Ouiineca Herald celebrated lis sixteenth anniversary with (Is Issue last week O. II. Sawle has managed it " for thirteen years. V. F. Dunn left this week with his family for Burn Lake where be will relieve in Ihe telegraph ollice for Iwo or Ihree months, Mrs. W. W. Anderson and daughters, who have been in Nanalmo for several months, returned to Hazellon this week. NAVY CUT CIGARETTES ! The superb quality, I purity and excellence of Player's Navy Cut Cigarettes have made I them the world s lead- ing brand. A ... STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. t FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Fridav, 10.00 p in. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE Krieetive June at), 1021. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every Monday. 8.00 p,m. For Skidegate and all ports south e'verv Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY) l.five Prlnrf Muix-rt 5.80 p.m. for PIll.XCE GEOIiOl:. EDMU.MBJt. Wlft-NirtO, til points KMfrn Canada, OiiiwhI suim. AQtNCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckat Offlca, 62S Thlr A, Pflnea Ruptrt. fhon 280. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle June 14, 21, 25; July 2, 5, 12, IS, 23, 26 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway June 9, 16, 20, 27, 30 July 7, 11, 18, 21, 28 S.8. PRINCES8 BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea t Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for 'all Steamship Lines. Full information from ' W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. LTD. Sailing- rmin I'rlnre Impcrt. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanton Bay, and Altrt Bay, Tuesday, 5 P.M. Far VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanton Bay, Saturday, ,10 A.M. Far- ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walaa liland, Sunday, S P.M. " For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rltar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 823 2nd ..S.anue. t. Barnilay, Ag.nt. Prlnca Riipart, n.O. I his adverlisetnent is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Ihe