TliursdajWuly a, 1024. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning I)e- VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde Street. i i ' --- um mnpi ' i; , i ,. ...-' . i . 11 J Yon married him for belter or worjiq awl made" up your mint' that you would slick with' him through sun-idiine anif .storm 'ami help him nuke h ends meet ami ilarn Ihe hose and Took after the children ami every, thing- Hut you didn't promise If he a washing machine. We've got 'em for salfi. Call and see the New Savage Washer and Dryer. "A Demonstration Is a Revelation." Kaien Hardware Co. Tie Handy Andy Store. Hardware and Sporting Goods 608 3rd Ave. Phone 3 'pxme rm. Public School Promotion Lists BOOTH SCHOOL Krorn Orade One (Second lerm to Orade Two fl-'irsi Mni-Kuret Allan, Edna ltaeshnu-. Dorothy Hurt, l.oma Clark. Wr... Cook. Jterfje Cross, Kdna Dickens, (ieorge Dybhavn, Mile.hell 'ay. I.loyd (Jreer. Alice Hahiova Marie Hansen, Thelma lledslrom, Muck. Johnlin, Lillian Jones, Henry J.indseth, Arthur Mae- f)nnnld, Muriel McLean, .lean Me- I.eod, Catherine McMeekin. Helen McNmiKhlon, Kathleen Morris, En-da .Mussalem, William Nelsnnj Innii Neilson, Florence Pierce' Clara Pierce, Mal.el pilling. Pearl Predion. Donald Ityan, Ernest Sngiir, Ernest Snnterhane. Eliz. Sluraeon, Mary Symvk, WilliscnvTI, Julia Wright From tirade Two (first Irnn). In Tirade Two (second lenii) ttrace Howe, Kric .laeksmi. Dorolhy (irlmMe, Jessie Cherry, Wesley Lee. From (irade Two (second ImiO In Cirmle Three (first term)---Donald Collison. Iluddv (ireen. iKilhtirn Lamb, Stanley Lawrence' i Mary McDonald, Joe Muoe, Vera Moiirne, .anry tirnwn, Eileen .Hury, Jack Cherry. Helen Clark. ! Pearl Collier, Lewis Crnmp, Eve lyn Dejgarno, Allen Davies, In ured Mnlherg, Trevor Hill. Marg Mussallem, Tsunejei Makamolo, Mnrion Ryan, May Sagar, Doug las Smithson, Adelia Thurher Itohert I obey, Jack Waddell", Velma Wallers, Douglas Chrisii son, Audrey Tremayne, Margaret imnn. line r.iswnrili, (irace fiinzsathr, Uhoda Oiiugolir. Ilu Lakelse Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Now open for service under management of Mrs. M. Haven. Ideal place lo spend your summer holidays. Reasonable rales. Good home cooking. Comfortable rooms. Fishing. Boating, Bathing in Lakelse Lake and Streams. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace TAXI Motors and trip, Operating Taxi ami Launch Service hetween Terrace Lodge landing, assuring guests of quick, comfortable Also operating taxiserviee to nil parts of the valley For reservations and rales, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. TTamatco JjRLVCOTTONWOODVENEE22j5 For panelling your foorns it rivnh the most costly hardwoods, Rejuvenate your Homo Quickly and Permanently. Sole Agents Albert & MMery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. Ask Your Grocer for Electric Bread and Cakes It Mil! For the balance of this week 200 Pairs Outing Footwear with leather soles; for Men, Women and Children At Cost and Less. For tired and smelly feel, broken down arches, callouses, bunions, corns, gel in touch with Dr. Hclioll's Agency, THE FAMILY SHOE STORE dolph Xeilson, Lilian Davies, (ton, On trial- Frank (iomez, Walter i art. Hudson, Mary Martin, Allan Klrkendall. ''rade Three (first term) lo! firade Ibree (second term), -c-Onrge nrbb. Catherine Eastman, Myrna Fuller, Aubrey Ivarson, Hobble Parker, nje. Smith, Paul Slegavlg. Alice Slrachan, lien Ruehan, Dorolhy Elswnrth; on trial Lola Railey, Kric Christl-son, Jenny Johnston, 'Richard HI rachan. firade Three (first term) to Orade Four. illen Hale, Catherine Watson, Margaret Long, Freddie Weseh. firade Three lo Grade. Four Annie mont. Hi! """".Reg.- Ashhridjre, shhridjre, Margaret Margaret Heau-i; Reau 'V," ,:. . " Hda . linn.!, Oraee Hedore,U.llon Ann- )lnS W ta.sdon, (teorge Hlake.l Olive t oss, Elsie Franks, Rilly J uller, James fireer, Kenwood Green, Arthur Hicks, Emmel 'Hudema; Sbinohu Hlfrashi, Torn Johnstone, Handi Jacohson, Edith Kergin, Ian Murray, Clfas. Mallei I, Margaret Melliar, Jack Mc-Rae, Frank Pierce, Alex. Hank, .lame Rilehie, Jean Ritchie, Clara Slesavig. Hedv Sueshire. Krma Thorne, Willie Toby, Muriel Walker, Elizabeth Wilson, Gordon Williserofl, May Jones, Fred Hudson, Percy Hudson. Winnie Collison, Harold Runn, Waller Cross, Oscar Fullon, Leo Lebo, Vieve Lebo, Chas. Long, V McLean, T. McMeekin, John Murray, Evelyn Phillips, Caroline Srnilhr on trial Frank Gnm-wood, Edwin Jolin-lfn, Christina Mcl.eod. Grade Four lo Grade Five Cyril llourne, Rilly Rremner, Mike Russanicb. Jack Cade, Joyce Collison, Reg. Collison, Audrey Cook, Fiuik Derry, Henry Dickens, Doris Dingwell,- Retty Eastman. Winifred Eby,Elhel Edgar, I'beniy Finley, Olive Hicks, Margaret Jackson, Laila Jacohson, Kdilh Johnstone, Kenneth Lee, John Long, Marno Magneson. Enyd Morris, Garfield Mckinley, Annie Mcl.eod, Archie Pilling, James pyle, Harry Rohh, Nora Ruddfrbam, Roy Thomas, Rertil t nger. James Valentine, Evelyn While, Ruth Wilkinson, Oscar Wingham, Kalherine Wrigh'. John Morrison; on trial Mary Casey. Edwin LindseJh. Alex Wallers. Grade Five to Grade Six. oan Arthur, Willie Hnftdott, Jane llecker, Rarry Rlake. Mabel Duchan, Roy Franks, Earl Gor don, Viola Johnston, Clouslon Johnston, Peler iook, Ellen Lawrence, Hruee Mcl.eod, Doris Montgomery, KHz. Nicholson. Marion Oulnn, Ernest Hatch ford, Irene Sagar, Edward Smith, Archie Thompson, Rishop Thurher, Allan Vance, Rose Weseh, Jean Wilson, Yee Mali Sal, Willie Djmahl, Violet Maynard, Phyllis Morris, Colin Meadley; on trial Willie Ragsbaw, Alice Loughborough. tirade Six In Grade Seven., Elsie Finley, Ralph Johnson, Waller .Tohpson, Mary Rudeina, Dorolhy Long, Mary 'Lawrence, Irene Mitchell, Milda Millar, Leslie Murdoch, Nell McLean, Evelyn Pierce, Willie Rank, Margaret Sicvert, Mnriel Vance. Helen Walker, Willie Racon. Charles lleauinont, Marjorie lllance, Ida Huddle, WinnlfrcTl Ritun, Merl Russanich, Fred Cameron, Kathleen Duncan, Mabel Iverson, Duncan Mclean, Douglas Mc-Leod, Kami Miwa, Hilda Murray. James Muse, Katherine Mus- salem, Rena Scherk, .luliell Sorianno, Yvonne Terricn, Edna t nger, John Vfereek, Helen Mr-Lend j on (rial Tail Galland, Tom Kelsey, Robert Montgomery, Charles Wright. John Loughborough, Oltv Munro, Douglas Scott. Arthur Skatlebol, Annie Smith. tirade Seven to Richard Ruryi Willie Collison, Stanley Dalby,. Hugh Ferguson, chrisl, Willis selh, Willie Gra.le Eight. Doris Rutin. Alan Cross, Agnes Edgar, Margaret Gil- Hill, Louts I.ind-Murray. Marjorie Muse. George McLean, Evelyn Rivelt, Doris Robinson,. Ruth Scherk, Joe Scoll, Alfred Skatlebol,. Margaret SmiUi, James Stewart, Frances Tremayne, Joan W-csl, Nes.sie Smithson; on trial Dan Morrison, Sam Murray, Dan MeKenzie, Robert Stalker, Mnrion Thompson, Annie Huddle, Florence Montgomery. Promoted - to High School. Lilian Worsfleld, Aletla McKtn-ley, Jacob Mussalem, Lloyd Mallei I, John Saunders, Sidney Kl-kinsRruce Wilton, Ressie Derry, Mary Long, Howard Qninn, Win-nl f red Thompson, Julia Walters, Laura Stephens, Muriel Rrewcr Percy DondJIDouglns Stew- BORDEN STREET SCHOOL Grade One to Grade Two Heat rice Herner, ftwen Rrady, Alan Cameron, Grace Howe, Harold Fisher, Ruby" Green, Jack Gilhuly, Tom .(Inodland, Pnarl Gill, Alberta Hansen, Yoshimilsu ingasni, logo iinniazaki, .Mildred Hunt, Edna Frelaml, Lloyd Iverson, Anna Johnson, Ernext Love, Fan Lee, Herbert Morgun, Waller Pi)er, Sdro Poslulo, Arthur. Richmond, Peggy Sleen, Jeanie Scott, Hector Stewart, Doug. Sutherland, Robert' Tassie, Jean Wrathall, Roy ong, Leonard Wexley, Jack Wnlker, Eileen lYates, Nona Namanaka."" Kona Hamanaka, Walter Zeliski. Grade Twti First, Term lo Grade Two Second' Term Douglas IJusswood, Uadfire. Lipsin, Obert iSlenberg, Werner Iverxon, Helen Hampton, Mike Munizoha. trade two lo Grade Three ! Margaret Jackson, I)oIIy Derry, Rillie Kunka, Henry Slewarl, Mose Clarke. Thekla Fullon, Henry Lee. Frances Richmond, Mnrgaret Fritz, Kazu Kannya, Oarl Jlricsnn, Clarence Wesley, Frances Yagar, Frank Derry, Robert Walker, Rita Kdgur, Douglas Candow, May Wong, Yolano Dominato, Audrey Parkin. Rupert Fong, It ml i Eni- melman, Forrexter Jackson, Rich, ard Sigrnund, Iorolh.v Richmond Albert Obala, Eva Morris, Mvrtle Rose, Andrew Hardy, Donald Al lisione, Sigrnund, Oscar Guelpa, Charles Daniels, Earle Rrochu, Robert Orme. Grade Three lo tirade Foiir Donald Arney, Wizner Rryant. Dexmond Rrady, Hobby Moxley. Tonio Katsuyana,Rnger Obala, Ernext Elliott, Sing 'Hong, Mee Hong, Marion Shej-'man, Jim Win-slow. Olaf Hanson, Saloslij Kan- aya, Arthur Iverson, f Angie Mc Donald, Harold Russell, Mike Gurvich, Mary Gallhon, Row Fong, Edith Thompon, Rose, Maxine Heilbronner, Nakamoln, Kale Ohehoski, Sigrnund, Edna Runis, Rurns. Theodore postulo. Doris Kazu Mary Jean Carl Smith, Hisue Hirand, Vera Y'oung- nmn, Silsuko Oda, Richard Mor gan; on trial Maurice Lejghton, Deverly Jack, Matilda Wick, Peler Fisher. Grade Four lo Grade Five Irene Rouller, Jack Rrady, Rert Cameron, Roy Chenoski, John Ericsou', Nick Gurvich Linnea Hanson, Ruby Krikevsky, Evelyn Large, Rarbara Lee, Doris Leek. Anila Ltpsln, Violet McCulcheon, Kuttileen Mnr!iu..n T'lfvinnn Af - ......... iui uiiui ,.&. j - Charles Jack Yagar. George Yorke. Lewis Patmore, Yerna Evelyn Anderson. Grade Seven to Grade Albert Anderson, James Rronon Hunt. Robert Ingrey Isaacson, Lilian Sleen, Hruce Lilian crine Irvine, terberg, Evelyn Zarelli, Albert Clark, Harold nawiiiorne, vera rarry, Klenor Keliy. ne. i.iaire imams, j'eter Chenoski; on Irial-Iack Alli-stone, llussell Arnoll, NeJda Hil-dilch, Dido Stinech, , Grade Five to Grade Six Mona Voles, Sarah Walker, Dougla illiscrofl, Minnie Fox, Roy Wicks, l-lii rl Rati. AnYerico Donu iualo, Alberl Stiles; on (rial Leo Sha, Florence Thompson. Grade Six to Grade Seven Edwnrd' Kane, Sheila Stewart: George Minns, Willie Tucker, Palema Cameron, Herbert Frericks, Elmer Stevens, Audrey laylor, Enid Williams George Currie; on trial May Thompson. Florence Gawlhorn, Cecil Rait. Gordon P;irkin, Jack Wrathall, Mildred Lindsay, Dnlcina Guelpa, Evelyn Morrison, Nellie Gurvich, Thirza Fox. Grade Eight to High School Dr. Marte.'s Female Pills Have atalated nature tbouaanda eaaealaathalf eeniury. eorrecuaa cauis. rsiiklmi? up i4'h.nlna m... -.Ij.-ln npr . Wm and FAINrUL MENSTRUATION, MEIll VOUSNESS. I1ACKACUE, DIZZINESS, etc. nodanoreroui drura. Soldenlvln SaIh1 lllnM. Cover TIN BOX with ourairnatar. OrurUta vnrywner. or oireci iy mill, plain jackirt 00 KaiclarkMktr liwlc C. . 71 I. Frtat SM TmoI, Caa. Clrcalar mtiM ihmI Guide Posts of Business Riding along an unfamiliar road, you depend upon sign posts to guide you. Vhether you're hitting' the thank-you-mams in a flivver or soaring along in a costly car, they do their work equally well. To-day as you spend your money to fill your needs, advertisements are waiting to direct you. They are the guide posts of business. They point the short, straight road to satisfaction in buying. They will serve you well, whether you spend much or little. Do you stop to read the advertisements? They are published to tell you exactly where to go for what you want. They lead you to values which you would never know were they not there to guide you. And remember that advertising always points out goods of unquestioned value. When a store or manufacturing concern puts its name on goods and tells you about them, you may be sure that they are worth consideration. It does not pay to advertise unworthy merchandise. ley, uupert Ross, Tom Sleen. lArnov. Iinra Frizzcll. Minoru Sluarl, Dorothy' Styles, !inloimoln. Soiro (iurvich. Cath- SEAL COVE SCHOOL Be guided by the advertisements Phyllis Harvey, May Macdonabl. Robeii Grade One lo Grade lith Ferguson, Ethel Two Taylor. Almut Frericks, Margaret house, Jack Meadley, Kazu Nishio, Eleanor Sievert, Ceclle Cavenaile, Edna Strand, George Viprck, itnpert Russanich; on trial, Alice Gomez, ' tirade Two to Qrade Three Toni Russanich," Irma Russanich, Guido Rijssanich, Muriel Coomhs, George Ferguson, peachey, lfrian Parsons, Char Wrathall. Rremla Allen, Willie, Iote Soriano, William Watt Fisher, RlrdeR Jack, Connie JIon ' Grade Three to Grade Four gan. Ronald Allen, Jack G aw- Edith thorn; on trial Louise.. Zarelli.lAleza Dodd, Margaret Rrochu, Maxwell Dugahl, Fred (Oliver Seppahammer, Amiga Eight jljor!ano, Lillian Vaccher; on Hryanl., trial Charlie Anderson, Rene W,r.,f..l.i , n in:i ii, ,1,.1 uerea 4 ltd. .... ...... ....... . . die, Thelma Skinner. IN THC COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE nupmT. Iln the Matter of the Estate of nobert J. Wallace, or Atlln, III the County of , Prime ltiurt, In the Province or British Colmnlrla. Herraseit, who died on the 1st clay or April. 1023. NOTICE Is hervhY Klvcn that by an order it Itk lliinit- k1 Mll V(,,itti. lit. lira nl .lia Rosemary Winslow. IHirolhv Pal- r,0"n,i' court, dated ihe 1 7iit day of .,. v ' Vt, y J, , A"r"- the nnderHirned waa appolntiM) more, Nazomi Higaskl, Cecil adiHinisirator of tin- estate of the above- Hacker. Ernest McLebd. Rettyi""',,1 ,r,hv furtll,r rlVPn ,Milt - - J.all persons Imvlnr claims arilnsl Hie sal.) 'esiaic ore required 10 rile Mint claims duly verirw-d under oath. Willi me on or berore the ISlh div of Anmst, 1941, arter wblcli date I win proceed to dtstrlbiK the asset or ihe said estate anxinir the person. entitled thereto having- reranl only to ihe claims or which 1 stun then nave notice, and I will not be liable ror aia assets or any fart thereor, to anv person of whose claim hall not then nave received tint ire. . nated at Atlln, n.f ., this Jnth dar f June. 1094. C L. MONtiOE. Official Admintilrttor. B.C, LANP ACT. Nolle of Ipttnlion la Land. post planted at NOTICE. Appty to LM In Skecna Land LnatrUr. nfrtJ!ns Bis- i rut or i.ulil, ud ailiuila on CauipaiiU' i aland. ' j Take Notice that CUrenc E. Bilnler, and James Mc.Nullj, or frlnce Huperi, U.C., uccuiMiiiuii insurance agent ina oroKer. in-1 lend lo apply rur permlsaiuu tu lease' Hie rollowiua OeacrlUid land; Cowmen-! rtnr at a puil pianiea at the head ot bay at Hie east end or Campania Island and about one mile from the iutn end or tbe Island; ttirnu) following- the slmiosltles or the shore hive al blirh iiur lliw inmnit Moore-the liland to the, place or roiiunencenieni. aim miiiuuiioB e,ifuii Burrs, uiur'j iir irsa. C. f. UAI.NTEIl, k JAMES Mc.MJLTY, JVame or Applicant. Per W. E. AVILMAMS, Agent. Hated April gnfl. 184. LAND ACT. Notice of Intantlon to Apply to LtaM Land. In oneen charlotte l.'tindi Land blsirlct, neeordinic Olstilct or Skeena. and eituale In rront or Ulock l. D.L. 7, Plan , ;Vueen Charlotte Ijlandl. i Take .Xmlce that Hume II. Bablnirton of Robert Maeit, orrupatlon rar.nery manayer, In- ; icons iu appiy tor periiiission to ine followln? rinir at a uescrineu ioresnfHe: the Coin men southwest eorner or Ulork it: thence ueit 33 dea soum aDout oo reet to low water mark: I liMriA nopthoplu alnnn k lh alu m i Rrewerlon, Marc. Cavenaile, to point wet ssder. noutn or north- T.'npffiieim mi corneror Ulork t: ineiu- easterly to Ihe northweat corner or Hlork l; thenc Peachey, lntlierly alonir high water mark ts post, iiu u'ii laiiiuig 4 7 mirat! iir irs, II. B. BABLIOTOM, Name of A ppj leant. Irvine., uavenaue, nenry Manner, I'remo i.x the matteii or an application for ..,,, Ynrclinp the mu or a Provisional Certificate of IVersnil, VaCClier. Title for Lot tnnrlwti (ill Hlork unn Clnrence Johnon, Pauline John- Grade Four to Grade Five (at ln I7). Tonstte or Deikatia. Map ios. son, Ralph Jorgenson, Tomie Rooth School) Ivy Anderson, certiricate or Title covering the above land Kalsuyaina, Victoria KrikevskvRotty Capslick.Albert Dalzell, Vin-jKo1!, Yo$?luf$ '"iiiM Z Eleanor Falmore Rernice Rosscenl Peter Ferguson. Xlck, Oral Ross, Edward Smith, Ella.Krook, Alelbea Peachey, Max:above land in the name or oie Andrea Elevens, Landsay Sievert. Fred Skinner. Henry ihr.W, mi and" u'Z orrlce, Prince Rupert, i'ith February, 1094. II. F. MACLEOD. . Retlsirar of Tttlea. WATER NOTICE. (Dlvaralon and Uia) TAKE NOTICK that Hume H. Bablnirton. wliosn address Is Massetl. will apply for a licence to take and use S.uoo ration of water out of an unnamed pond. The wter will lie diverted from the pond at a point about Sou reet uurtli or the north-east corner or block 4 a D.L. 7, Plan 946. Oneeti charlotte Islands, and will be used for Industrial purpose upon the land d-. scribed as block 18 D.L. 7. plan 946, Oneen Cuiirlottn Islands, Till mdlee was posted ,.1!.Uw around on the 19th day of Mav, l4. A ropy of this tiotUe and un anplb cation pursuant thereto and hi the "Water Act, 1914," will be riled In the office, of iu vvaier neevmer at rrmce uupert, lw Jerlbins to the application may be filed with the said Water Hecnrder or with the Comptroller of Vate lllahts, Parliament It II I IJ in irs. Victoria. II C. wlihln rirtv riivs laftrr the first appearance .f this tuitlc in a local newspaper, The date or the fij't publication or this notice Is May th, H. B, BABI.NQTON, Applicant. .TV?;: Suits We have nier Suits loo many on hand Sum- will clear at cost Come and looklhem over. "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Sterling Furnace GOAL Dell vared In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. This Is a very superior furnace coal, it rives a clean hot fire and Is entirely free from soot, clinkers, slack and dirt, Some or the largest heating- plants in the city are now uslmr It wltb entirely satisfactory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks. At $12.50 per ton. We are also Aenti for the Famous LADY8MITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Goal Go. Main OffJc.: Hot I Otntral. Phon 18 i, St. Regis Gafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue.