PAGE TWO letter and have any. r Friday. Xnim1iei !H TIIE DAILY NEWS The Daily News PMNCE RL'PERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Kvery Afternoon, except .Sunday, the Prince Rupert Dailv New. Limited, Thinl Avenue. H. F. PI LLKN. Managing Editor. r . Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILV KDITIO.N 88 8G Friday, November 2S, 1921 Do We All Lose Appreciation Of Time? 'Afler people have been in Prinre Rupert a ftw li.-e nil appreciation of the value or time. that wn an expreh .inn heard today and there eem hi ln Mime Inilh in it. Perhaps that i one reason why n many of the people who were here in the early da are leaving and giving place to other?. iKvinir In conditions we are anPto become a little eareles and -V r'ief i4r people enjoy reading if. pass on your ideas, if vou ill j i ill a time ',onre MKf Bottled In bond under L Tliis advertisement Is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. the lEIGKT HOUR DAY 1 had e n h rr ci -i lenl i nrkPil For ,,, 1 1 1 e w . vv.."ke I btdf n- e.,..r., i.'elor! IS DISCUSSED Cold Storage Plant and Byproducts Company Ask Exemption Under Act LOGGING DISCUSSED that Ihefr hhesea were seasonal and subject to ureal fluctuations an a result of weather. this is a serious handicap. It is ralhep sad to see the old timer and the rnrt Of fish. leaving and other rnming here and taking their places and mak ing good where they failed. Pum-tiiality is one of the virtues. In business it is essential. Men who have been a success in life have been punctual. To he on time in the morning is much more important than to -lay lale at nighl. No overnight activities are a good excuse for being lale in li e morning. To stay in lale when work is going on is t admit failure. An employee who is habitually late is a candidate for the road, or in modern slang "he should he given Ihe air." Selfishness Of Those Who Come Late. People who habitually ronie lale do not realize haw selfish Ihey are. To pamper their own lazy selves they Iwld up the business id an institution, a meeting or an industry and not only cause much annoyance but also Jose money or Ihe rrispect of advancement thronCh their dilatory habits. We realize thai it is useless in scold people, but if employ -op who make a habit of lateness were summarily dismissed, there would be fewer offenses of this class and the business of the community could be carried on much better. Prince Rupert can never make progress as long a her inhabitants are dilatory and careless in regard to business matter. Bring late is one or the first steps toward business degeneration. Outside Firms Look Towards This City. Outside firms are looking toward this city pnmubl business centre. Two new firni have come here In open store dustry. It and there is whisper of others following. ' People, who live ILweJ,, ' fc r....- I,..., .it.... I Ik,. n. ..11 t.. . .... . T " i-i ainc iu inr siiomion nr uiry will lose ink in compe tition with late comers. A number of local firm keep quite p io owe ana are hound to meet with success bnt outer are not a keen ror business and are trusting to Juck instead of keeping in line with the march of events. Let us all watch our steps and make sure that we do not slip. If You Have A Message Send It To The Editor. .Many people have useful ideas thai remain buried and never have any value, lu every' community there are, thinkers among newspaper readers. If (here i anyone in Northern llrit-i.-h Columbia who thinks he has a message that wriuld benefit the community, the Daily News j. glad to prinj it. The difficulty is that most people who would like to wrile letters are knockers and we are not looking for knock. On boost is worth a dozen knocks. We already know thai our transportation service seem inadequate and that there are a number of olher things that do not come up lo expectation.. We know that what olher people do is never quite s well done a. if we were doing it ourselves. A lot of people think they could make twice as good a newspaper as this one at a much les price, but we think they are fooling themselves. Forget the knock" unless there is a constructive mes.age with it. Anything el set of interest lo the general public if always welcomed by the editor. Now and then we irel root i c Al Ihe meeting of the Hoard of Adjustment in connection With the Fight Hour lay Act two ap- - j plications fur exemption from the li.pertUiqof thelaw-were a-sked, i one- by the PrincV Itopert they j duel Co. at Turk's Inlet and Ihe -1 other by the uanaoian mmi . Cold Stoma t'.o., each claiming I r Mi-'., The board consisted of J. II. McXtven. (deputy minister of labor. J. I. Patterson anil r . Vi t-wier. In opening the session, which look place at the C.onrt House comjnenwntr 7.3. Mr. Me-Niven explained, the purpose of the sHttnst. An-eiglu hour day Jaw had been parted, but there were some callings nch as agri-i ulfnre which did not come under the law. Also it was; thought that other might be adversely affected and in which it nwrht he im-oihe to carry out the law in ita entirety without working a hardship. The board was e nil-owe red to grant certain exemption!! subject 'to confirmation by the Lieutenant rtovemor in Oonneil. It wa to consider such possible exemption that Ihey were met. Mr. MeJUven read such portion of the Act a were important in connect ton with fhe hearing. George Bushby Oeorpre Bushby. asked for full exemption for his company .and nlso for the whole fishing in was- strictly seasonal. as agriculture or fruit growing. It was subservient to weather and other eon. i'itions and ecaild not be carried on regularly. They never ennld eU how mtteh material was enm-Injr and When It did arrive 4 hey bad io work. yrltiJLeverything was taken rare or. Jn rnmimny nf t rescnl jnt broke even and to handicap it further would make i'- imoible to operaie. In the biisv season they bad a normal flair of 3ft to fa and in the off eaaon this dropped to ten nr twelve. Durina the busy time vdien the run of salmon was at heirht they worked two shift sr. The men were mostly im-I loyed Jy the mOntb. Cold Storage W. E. Finher. nolicitor and director of the Canadian Fih A Odd Storage Company explained dty tfie operation oj the cold storage plant nbould be esempt-ed. Their wa a piirely ppasonal i udertaking. They dealt in fish nd when Ihe boats arrived Hip fish had to be taken care of. Kiirht hour wan their normal iar'' work, and when longpr hours were warked they pa til ; ertime. The armimpnlo u-hich jpplie'to Mr. Buahhy's inilusiry! :. lpli'd alo to theirs. .. T. H. Johncon, manager of Ihe f lan,Laid if would be praefiraUv imnnosmtA to pnftren n t tI. 1 1 hour law owing lo the perHiable uafiire of fhe product I boy handledrVhatever arrived ha.1 to b handled that day. The mian-lilien flyctnated. Sometimes no fish arrived and another day 1'iere wa half a million pounds. The men entered well into the! oii-il of the work and helped to 'he bent of their ability. Purinz ! 'no months of Ihe year fresh fls via? arriving and they worked In nome extent during Hip o'her three, packing frozen fish. They were keeping on a many nipn as possible during the eloped reason in rirdpp to hold them. There were a number of nhap of their industry that had In hp' Furniture Announcement A COMPLETE CAR LOAD OF THE LATEST HIGH GRADE AND MEDIUM DINING ROOM AND BEDROOM FURNITURE HAS JUST ARRIYED FOR REAL QUALITY -BUYING, OUR PRICES TO TURN OYER THIS CAR LOAD QUICKLY, ARE MARKED DOWN LOWER THAN CAN BE PROCURED IN WESTERN CANADA TO THE KEEN BUYER, WE AfK YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE AND SELECT RANGE OF QUALITY FURNITURE. TO SEE OUn VALUES WILL CONVINCE YOU OF OUR WONDERFUL PRICED STOCK BEDROOM FURNITURE Handsome Walnut Vanity Drtor 15 different styles. Handsome Walnut Dressers 15 different styles Handsome Walnut Chifrobes IS tHffarctH styles. At Prices ranging from $30.00, $40.00, $'.0.00, $05.00 to $125.60 These prices ce on each article, ao4d singly or In suites ti match. KITCHEN CABINETS 10 New Designs, also new Enamel Kitchen Tables. See thete new Sanitary Cabin ata at our Special Prices. PLEASE NOTE THAT OUR BIG NEW STOCK OF FANCY GOODS SILYER CHINA WARE IS NOW READY FOR CHRISTMAS BUYCHS A CLEAN NEW STOCK OF THE LATEST GOODS PROCURABLE eoneidered. In Ihe pngine room; they hid Ihrpe shifts hut in' r- "" other ilepaelnwml things wprei slay with it until It was in thelhal (hey sonielimcs had rush differettt. j freezers. He thought they worked ' johs come in ami must slay on Evidence of Employees , an average of fourteen hours a the job until Ihey were finished. After the tlold Sfnraire officials day. If they refused to work ill wax noinled out 11ml IfiU urns 'he cold storage.' planl.. anl thought had been shell " months in the summer shocked and could not sland the I b :' hour. TJiey work. He has been here a year r "n, , i,t in five with and was now working for Ihe 'i ! fur lmieh nnd lbPn ""' "e l'K'd rnndlllons here 1, o,,, i lnr. nil f II (en Inlended lo slayi T'o ;i' :;i!i of xihv was' Mr. McNixen s:iiii he wmibl . cPtits nn hour with n.le for have likeil lo have had the eyi- r'. a former employee they would be laid off. He knew provided for In the Act. s. pi.. relink, n former pre- of ;onc nfan to wliom Ibis had Lnnnlnn inHooiPx ... . i II....: i " ' , had not - e h,,,,. :,,:, fifli, ronf(, nn Sl)n ,Pnee R)vpn Wme tt(, 0fjfin, hut ""'v w'"" ''l all 'he time 'bp cold storage plant were pre- ins'ane. . o ib v- n il n-d had not sent. to. wlir.m ' ' ' n it -n mepling Dave Thomson, on behalf of taw Vlifi r. h ,me in Miey had to Akerbcrg Thomson Co. ezplalnet wa: heeru. carried ont did not 'ie -, Hp v;i!i'el i., V r.,l :, ,,,,1,1 wa- no tif",g I'i't,,', laid Mi :in (j a 1 sani tin linil nii-ii.-u. in- wns a reiunjfii man q. Ijirseu snoke chlnflv on be- half of the men who worked in the loKvinit ramps rlitiinitiir thai the laws were no) enforced there, lie thought an eiht hour day could he enfniceil in M. f t ti i rt lrlti-ti y a e eNe, here. Ill the moinot uuli.,lry II,,- lnw il if 111 i DINING ROOM FURNITURE In Suites or Single Pieces; we sure have what you require. Twenty different designs. Space will not allow here to enumerate all the splndld bargain values we have. Suite In Fumed Oak, from $125.00 to $200.00 Suites In Walnut, from $250.00 to $370.00 Suites in Two-tone Oak, from $200.00 lo $3R0.00. Separata Buffets, from $35.00 up to $100.00 Separate Sets Dining Chairs and Tables, from $30.00 up to $85.00. NO. 756-NINE PIECE SET WALNUT DININQ SUITE - Buffet, size of top, 66" x 23" Table, oblong, size of top, 54" x 45" . . . China Cabinet, size of top, 40" 16" Chairs, full Leather Seats This Set is a Three-tone Walnut, Satin Finish PRICE $370.00 NO. 761-NINE PIECE SET WALNUT FINISH DINING SUITE Buffet, site of top, 00" x 23" Table, oblong, size of top, 52" x 42" China Cabinet, 40" x 16" Chairs, full Leather Seats Two-tone Rub Finish PRICE TITE COMPLETE QUALITY FURNISHER . THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT act ul once on any reliable information. Mr. I.arsen expressrd the opinion that the employee as well as jrier Some or the camps were not In ' U proper sanitary condition. The Hanson i;,,i,.pany WiU onlv i Iimmi; up to Hip lflw. lie ..said be hud worked In the Plates he! and he claimed that loggers were ,.jfj,. crosslink Hie line to the smith k-iow 1 an f conditions Pre. 'I'hn I hp nijit inn tdMi, '.HP in Ihe lo page 7; $235.00 PHONE 20 WITHOUT HALF TRYING "Have you had stall, n v ': to-w radio" Mrs. Xewlvwed- "Wr! : i' ine, employer rinu.i( jm punished i Imis had in ease of Infraction of the law. and I'm m me afaten to the ooulli inillM worked eishi h Itlll'tl fitlil ttii rler hntfi'i' heller rnmlil comiit mtu ions ll.n.. than here. I I' Rub TWO HANDSOME DINING SETS OF TWO-TONE FUMED OAK Consisting of Buffet, Extension Table, China Cabinet and full Slip Seal Leather Dining Chairs PRICES $225.00 and $?C5.00 l.os Angeles atM sure he could fc-e' ;al If he wanted lo." TENDERS WANTED IUmI and ri Jorwd fur l ,L , , M"lr lint KUiililinriil nf uiw I I rnr'Jr ' Ijnjiirlr' Mill 1 rHi-l "P ,n .niinlirr flh, lull, , ,nd'f I lIH. IIIMTiririlllltl I' ( amy lio CiLlallinl II MID "ill . f Mlrr. Oniirl IliMMf. Vnr;!iivfr; " , pami of (10.00 whim win ""..,.,) fin lli fliirn nr tiling !! I It Th lowrnl nr ny ln1-r 'rlly (rrfJilfO. Iial n. n. Nra.. Dpuijr NlnUier .