Friday. NovcnrtTrr ?8, 9?4 THE DAILY NFV f -V t I- J w If If Harken Ye Ladies ! 250 Yards SPUN Why it is Turnl'. No. ScH bll th4 but dWrri. SILK AT $1.10 PER YARD All thoso who have Christmas Gifts to make would do well to take advantage of this exceptional offer of finest quality SPUN SILK fop Dresses, Underthlngs, etc Shades include White, Flesh, Helio, Peach, Salmon, Sand, Tan and Natural. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY $1.10 Per Yard We reserve the right to limit any customer to 5 yards. Vest of England Store ODDS AND ENDS IN WHITE AND IVORY DRESSERS at knock-down pricss $14.25, $18.00, $25.85 and $30.40 1 Only, WHITE CHIFFONIER (five drawers) $20.65 1 Only, IVORY DRESSING TABLE AND CHAIR . . $30.00 I Only, Ivory Bedroom Somnoe $10.00 BEDROOM TABLES (with or without drawer) $7.75 Phono 123. 9 mrw s Home Furnishings "V it T1 it 3rd Avenue and 1st Street u fan la K iwa &i In 8 Lb I U THE PUREWOOL UNDERCLOTHING THAT WILL NOT SHRINK. different '7iLt3 tDUHiva.. :eeteeV J7n l A. ,vv J This skc.p on hxillei undcrclolhini sitnifits: - it 13 guaranteed NOT TO "ITCH" or irri-ta'e- -it is made of the fame Ion? fine wool that our babies' fTarmcntK are made from. If baby can wear it you can. For COMFORT, wear (Knilini) eJWJ." UmlcrcIoUuntj tniljr Cinadian pro-luct of 60 jtn rfpuUtion n) quality, unexcelled by even tfie lit' imported. A Suggeetion FOR LADIES Buy C EF.TtX' N. H5- twistiM. pur. Krt oul or FOR MEN Pur "fEEIFC No. IX nnwt. ftttflmt ' al pirn ol fiorly tirttcd. rr "CETEE ft. J nV luic' trfrtnt. el mil od .kmtrt Bnknf nicrf ira'lc. KV ty(A ','J, fit?) i i Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers, l'lione 1.1. llayiier, Undertakers,- Phone 35 1 You'll like our coall Consum ers Coal Co. Phono 7.. e tf Delicious .refreshing invigoir- alinb' SUPIIKMK' Coffee, . If Once more, wo can supply the famous Ktlson coal in any quantities. Phone 58. Prince IluivBVl Feed Co: , tf Kverloly please iijortfUic Elk.' nias Cheer Candle Guess-ins: contest. A worthy cause. Ask any UrotliPr Bill. ' X If Last iiikIiI's gale took shingles off several roofs in the S(yfpbt, as far as was to be asceiHaTrie1 this morning, there was no sen ous damage. At 7.15 last night, the fire ile partment responded to a eall from John Hremner, Fifth Ave nue Mast, where a cliimacy fire did no damage. . II. A. PrJ"., who has IiM-n,on the local Via IT of the Hank 3f Montreal fdr the past couple of years, sailt'l this morning for Vancouver Khere he will repdrt to head office for transfer. Miss Huth Holivar, a recent radualc from the llaifllon llos- pilal Iruiiiing school for nurses, arrived froiii the interior on last night's train ami this morning sailed fur Vancouver on the learner Prince llupert. City Police Chief W. II. Mak ers sailed on the Priifr Itu-il this iiioruing for the south having in custody two prfsonec? wlio will -ene terms at Okalla pri-wn. Iniring the ah-ence of IfiTe chipf. Sergeanl A. II. Itailey will ho in charge at tin- police Station. J The American halibut sebou- I- Sitka was taken on the.-jtOH iooiis al the local dry dgcV tMs morning for examination follow ing a recent grouihllng. -which caused the lo of her prvppiler The Sitka has been at Hie (4ln- adian Fish .V Cold Storage Co.'s dork for llie-imst week vr For The eisht-hour day Imard which arrived .in the city from the Knl last night and held a session here in the Court House, sailed for the south on the I'rincc llupert lbi morning. The board consists of .1. . McNiven, chairman. F. V. Foster and T. F. Pal- erson. .1. I.. Ilaine is serelar to (he board. Stephen H. Hoskins of Sinilh- ers, district deputy grand master A.F. A A.M., returned. on the I'riuce llupert this morning from Anyox where be paii an official visit lo Knoch Lodtre. . lit- will visit Tsiuipscaii Lodge here before P'lurning to the interior. He is accompanied on his trln w John Calhrae also of Smilhers. Mr. and Mrs. Huso Stratford and daughters left on the steam er Prince llupert Hits morning for Vancouver where Ihev will sYend the winter, Mr. Stratford i planning trips lo Kasteru cilie where he will endeavor lo put on Ihe market a new automobile in vent ion recently herfeeleil hv himself. One of their da iirlileis who was stricken with scarlet fever here, will proceed smilli a soon as she is able lo travel. C. II. Lewis, who conducted the musical show for the local Klks' Lodae, will sail on the Princes Mary on Monday with Mrs. Lewis for Kelehikan where they will re, main milil the middle of next month. Alter hi., trip to Ketchikan. Mr. Lewis has engagement; lo fill in' important southern cities. II,. j an American Flk and has had long experience in comic opera work, having been al one time associated with the famous Weber A I'lrbN company Advertise in Ihe Daily News INftnUNRFMrN-rfi Lutheran Bazaar, December 2, Mclruple Hall. Ilebekiih Bazaar, St. Andrew's llooins, December 0. Methodist Churcli Bazftar, Dec ember 11. tf FLANNEL AND HOUSE DRESSES FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN ON SALE MRS. GRAHLIVfAN Second Avo. V. O. Watson returned last night from a trip to l.akelse Lake and left lily. sl'',l',,r Prince Hupejl ttifs" MifTlVirt) for Vancouver. 'Mr. WttUou, who formerly had an interest, in the l.akelse Lake1 Hotel, la JR4 iiiT into bsi- ness in VhucoU' C. E. D inter and Jess V.rvfl returned soulh ton I lie. Prince Rupert this morning a Her hatig spent a week in the city. Mr. Croft was lookiug into the sheep raising coudifioiMidA lite district. Mr. BainterrrtJpiie o Ids buine al Long Beach. The schooner Citygenn. Capt Jim AluMiin. 4wrmt4 U. pacil this mocniiig Jtooni w.c.ek's bant mg cruise down iiie coast, ltie party included Sydney Hunter, Herbert Taylor wnl Ce-il Morri son. A good bog of deer and ducks was secured. Jap oranges tnnde their first appearance of the season in tecs I stores Ibis morn in vi. the initial shimenl having arrived on Ihe I'nion steamer Venture last night. They are retailing al llc Ihe box. SALE AND TEA HELD TELKWA TOWN HALL Event was Followed by Whist and Bridge Party in Evening TF.LKWA. Xo7. i'8. Tin. W.A. of SI. SIciiImui'n ciiiirch held a mos success rut ,jntn il 'en in the Town llal Vdues,luv af- lernoon. The uresident. Mrs. H. M. HHip had chartl of the fanry work stall which was load ed Willi many u'ul and. dainty things. A very prJ4UiU presided I'Vjtr iiy Mr. and IHi". Ticehursl solj tMrJdwnrs wi candies. A )l'iif faking stall looked after by Medame Ct.el-lllmrgj. atVVf Wis i.vcrv busy plate,, 4hikni ilariy v. jammI things might lie had. Mis- . Greene and -Mis-. D. Tljompson were respmisftftc ."for" "the tea " ' ' ' tables. At night a wliisfiind hridire drive was well attendf.l. Russian porr dies HKVAL. Valerfos Brjus...'. the Itussian poet, died recently nt Moscow, fifty-one years old. II. was considered oths of tin- uin-l prominenl rcpreseufatives ..f modern lliissian lilenilure. H,. was a member of Ihe Communist I'ariy. OUR SALE OF Ladies Winter Dresses Continues until all Dreates arc Sold W'r I'll ! I I i ..ii, ci-to iieiinil . iis m' Sprms ;iik1 jmids. mii' .lfes Piorctto Twill and Trlcotln ' Drossas In Brown. Nmy and Hand. Si.-s :it,.44.' Sale Price SteEO to $14.50 liiiinlre.. ..f l ively designs lo el i from Our Wlntor Coat Salo Still Running Call gains, pleased stock. 13 in a. ui 'u'.tur bar-N ' are always I" lnw you our "BENT'S" Third Avcnuo HE SURE FELT MEAN BUT MENDEDHIS WAYS Said a well known local man ii II.. r .lav "Well. Sir, the ineanesl reeling I ever had come me was last Christmas i morning. I had passed up the Ichrislmus card idea inlirt1y anil of course was deluged with all ! sort's or lovely .Christmas greet -jings from relatives and old friends. And there. I hadn t sent out a single one. I thuughl ther ir everyone been like inyseir a lot of real joy would have been lost. 1 determined to see that milling oflhe sort occurs this Christinas. I am going to dispense sunshine on the " glad morn" a well as receive it." Your private greeting card can lie selected at Roue, Cowan .V Latta's, Fourth St.. from our wi ' range al mrideratc cost, and cards will be printed on day of order. Plioue 23 1. THE PERSONAL ESSAY The class had been told by Ih teacher lo write compositions m which they must not attempt any flights of fancy, hut should mis state what was really in Hi The slar production from tin- command was composition writ ten by a boy who was holh sin cere ami painstaking. II ran a follows: "I shall not attempt any Hit. of fancy, but weigh! just whai i really in me. In me there i my slommick. lungs, liver, I wo ai pies, two cakes and my diiui.T.' ST. ANDREW'S WON OVER GROTTO TEAK Aggregate Score in Last Night's Second Division Billiard Tournament was 656 to 536 The t. Andrew's sen. ml ,vi-ioii billiard team was Min-e--f;i; in winning over the (ir.ill.. l.v an aggregate Hcnre of 65tf lo 5'Jti in Ihe league tournanieiu last night. The high break of the evening 22--was made by W. J. .Nelson of the (.initio team. The individual score were as follows: . J. Nelson HVrtdlo 1 50: J. . Mian (Al. Andrew's. i.t. i. Htyfhn (UrolUH Hi; J. Bytjovn iHt. Andrew's) 150. 4. tieesley, lit); M. Andrews. I to. W. H. Jarnian. 6W: M. M. Mae- Larl.lau. I&O. , . S. Suga, 116; J. Andrews. League aUmtiiiK l date fol lows: i t. H. H. P. .. H. W. V. A. SI. Andrew's (iiotln Id Sloi.lice llllllli- iianrw TIL IHK '0h:i llH5 t 1 11 t.'To 17 ill Ave. 7 2 1 6Vi 2 .::'. fi.15 5K-t MEN ARE MORE SHORT TEMPERED THAN WOMEN Is it so. or is it not so? S..nn men naturally will dispute tic statement, but these same in-' should recollect the limes tiny 'iave lost, their temper, when Miey lit the fire in the morning and it went out, leaving them i, do Ihe whole thing over again. Fortunately this trouble ran asily In. eliminated, (ion I i ,... ig sold today which can be m-nleil from paper rolled into (alls. A good fire is going in a few minutes and breakfast is i ' ad) in no lime. This coal is the fatuous Na-iiaiiun-Wellinglon, sold only by lherl 4 McCaffery. Every pound f it double screened no nwk or -hafe, no slaek ;.nd very lillle ash. II lasts longer, gives ureat- cr heat and heller service. These are some r the reasons for so juiany repeat orders. Ile one of I be many Wise people. Do as I bey do by ordering iiolhing bill Na-iiaiui. i-Wellington comI. Prompt and civil service. Ilemember Ihe phone numbers are lf. ami 501. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Take notice t,a AM, ,,.,M. Iielueeii iseeoud Avenun S. veiiteeiilh SI reel will lie etosed j lor one uioutli commencing Mon- uay iiemjtuiier I. Ilesidenls are repiestei to g(i in their supply of coal, dr., before I hat dale. F. W. I'LWIIKON, -80 City Engineer. INDIGESTION relieved in two mlnuUe with JO-TO 1 Truly Economical S because AUK Til,,, ALADA Slater's Invictut Shoo, lies! i-ulf Uh Special .-irlmeiil of llisronliiiueil Lines mi M i all at Small sue,, only. Kiiglish .Shoes, rust price Phone 357. WINTER 1! niio draws so richly in the teapot. The flavor is superb Try it. You Old Dear It's Just Adorable lie had jnsl given lier n wrist wuMi k one of the new pallerns. The pride in her new possession is im reslrainiMl fur he surely showed gun.) lle in the chinning, nlnl we tiaran tel lite niOvcmeiil (u givo every ati faction. The irice IhU your are lower llian ever Htforv because Ihe Svvls. watch fui l..r ie have all slarlwl niAking sm.,11 wnlches, ami Iheir nmrkel in Ilaa i ( V1 (lentitiiiy is not Ihe !mt mi Ukm Jiave to offer us low prices. Yon hoiii see -uitir of Ihe little b. a tie from $20.00 to $75.00 BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. fiuc-s who wrole Ihi ml? C,ut write a ht'tl'T one? The lime i- cx tended lo November JUL 8 u "The Family Shoe Store" Men's Special This Week $9.50 $5.75 STEAMSHIP SERVICE Effective November 17th. ti. prince suetnT iu ffsii rniws iiuii ros vsscouvts, victosia. (IATTLC, iiilrii.Milul i-.mi. mIi rrfcl.jr 1JH. For STEWART aiet ANYOX ... WediH -do I, esiNCC JOHN r..r Vtirl,ur vlt QUEEN CHARLOTTE IILANDI. ... V. H-. 1. 11. Int. HI. f I. r ASIEN0ER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONOAV, WEONESOAV, IATUR0AV, i.lio . In f..r I rlnrr Orortr. EDMONTON WINNIPEO, all m,IiiI Iflrrn UinO., Ltillnl SUIm. AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Clly Tlckil Otflc. 62S Third Af, Prise Ruprl. Pheo t Do not delay a savings deposit on account of its small size. Small regular deposits soon amount to a substnn tial sum. One dollar opens a savings account at any branch of the Union Dank. ri UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch H. H. Little, Manager