O W C TAXI and J Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8L MATT VIDECK, Prop. MEN TRAPPEi I. in'- -i military hit strong ;,i i ' keep the situation in ore persons ven-: " rimlody today and the; i,' to detain .ij in all : it'll inn COOLIDGENO LONGER TIED 1!" I'l-csidml is more open-mind slvnioi, Army Sale of Work, attorney '"' lie Wr it. - ' Ui INS British Troops Fire on Sudan Mutineers After Attack on a Hospital i (AIIIIJ. Nov. 2H. Two platoon ui Hit- Eh-teuth Sudanese lit Khartoum mutinied lodav iiiil .ittiirkfil , uiilil.tr) i ll Til') killed one Hnlisli am) two .Hvuan doctors. Hi li-li troop fired mi (hi; mutineers, uho siillend ,rt're . :tlC. I' h mil believed thiil (lit miilinv can -prr.nl Mirticieiitlv ! i iger Hi British position hi Ihe SuiI.iii or i il I ik l ( . n in llutii:c Hgtioiel llnlaiii I li-re Tlit! battalion at Khartoum constitute- I he onlv Egyptian "W left in the Suduii. The - - GOES TO COURT Case to be Submitted as Appoal From Board of Hallway Commissioners OTTAWA. N-iv. 28. Uave to appeal in I lu- supreme court of li aiimlu from the Hallway Com-1 J iui.ioiihiV maiorily judgment. Can Carry Out Own Policy nd d U opcr.Uoil Qf the People Wondering What It Is V. jNuilX, Nov. .'8 Hy i t Pii' Development . ! M Mliry oi ihe iH!miniinlioii, now that I'.milidllr llM Iwell 1 ..y H Kir l popular ma's awaited with intense hi r.uiijrcsooiml ami ai ii circles. II i the aen- --iina Hiar Ihe President's .w- a lo furrMli relation a ni' extent an unknown y fur Hi- miftoit dial un-w he Im !" n obll.ed. or . was obliged, to b more -: trd io t ht Harding poll- I .luulil. Ih Coolidge ad-.' khi will prerve an at-f 1 1m utmol frlendline j. J I anada and th llrltleh 1 1 1 ui'iirml. Ill chw Can-; mI iim envoy Ui Walking-c- a permanent proMiHlon. i' x mm-In I here will be 'lie Cooltdgo administration vl' ' tin' such action. Willi icpect In Hit Na khi-4. the Worlil IJoHrt, lU iii of the It lli i lull i1 uihI polii;Hi in Urn Fur Uuii ii'n t a fiKltiipr ol iltHilil and uncertainly a ' :ai 'hi' CiioliiliJi" ndniiiiili'H-' II tin. Jinliiliig friitii al 1 '"' ...:'ts. the I'm.-ulriil fiMU !"" I.i'uuiih itintliiiti in MllltMl 1 f. '.'n. imd I hut llu .Uniliil !r mU'iiiU lo kri'ji (Mil of Iho ''IK lit' 'II' I'lCxiilrnl lot kIioWII nWIIM 1 i:i loward the World lloiirt xm Uy what rcM-rMilMiin In'1 ' Wiifil if ihii country Joiiu il :!)! cnliiely cltMir. Russian Recognition Oi lliiM'iiiii iri'osMiliiin. ' nouie rriiKon In lit I i- :rww .Nt I rem lit nrN nifiil, kiaiiifil b) IUr railway roiuiMOkiloil. JllilKUH'ilt waa rri'rMl on llii' form ( u'a-lion lo Im iiilmiit I I'd to llii riiurt. ELKS' MUSICAL SHOW Financial Returns Wero Not Completed This Morning Dinner and Dance Last Evening While financial n-luin had not been cotntdrled Hit iihuiiiiiij. the ueco of the Iwo ni.ihl uiuairal show " The Ti-auly tliop" pot on in ttir Wenlliolme Theatre ty C. II. I.ewia under the auspices of tin- Elki' I.od?e for Ibe Gliri-l-mas libeer Fund was an -tired. It i f-liniali'il llial stunr per-ou allendetl each irrroriiiance. I luring an inlerinisuion al lalj ..ir,i.i' iiinu'. IUn Self, exalted, 'ruler of Ibe local lodse. formall) I banked the oalions for Ihrir Mipporl and apoke ajuneciaiively or Ibe sii(wen thai bad attended Ibe efforla of Mr. l.cwo. in devel- . . . .. ..iu.. oHtiR local laiem. r. .--n iri made Ibe welcome annouiici'iiii-ni I hat slept, w en already being taken lo have Mr. Lewis come aire in lo Ibe oil) next year lo put on another entertainment. After IhI nifins snow, mo lodge entertained Ibe perlor is ul a dinner and dance in Ihe St. Ilegis l'.afe. Mimic was furnish-tl by Ibe l holme (iiTlH'slra Mr. Lewi waa called upon fur n few remarka ami. m sp-mmm. ViMivralulaleil Ibe cily " splendid lalenl lhal il pni.-e.vsc.l. II wan exceptional, be said. ftr a place of Ihia le. Mr. and Mre. Lewis will stop over in I'riiice Hupert on lieeein- l...i. Ill on I heir return irom " oil ll.o subject than Secretary , K,0,,,Ull a, the lodge "iSlics who is implacably against w u1 ,,,,, ft ,. ,,,, u, i hnown mat irienu oi n'-ygiuUou in the Senate tin not coiisnlvr II to be out or Ihe ijues-iJ" Mini tin! president may lake u "aurso Ihul may lead lo this faunlrv In Vint ilfivL'ii oj il it iii mil- llieir hlnuir. 'iuiotis whlcli llmslu will be ablo! '" I.O.NMOX. Nov. 28. lie recent "l-l This does not mean ''u' tecognilion but It means death of Hon. CouIN Marjori-l.ii rrlt.ll( nf recognition banks, uncle ami heir presuini.-'"'I'e fur i.v... ,(,... i . in,,,, nt live lo Ihe lirosenl Lord Iweed- I'umls or Hie Coolidgc iiiiinin-lnioull. on his llrllisl. Coluinbia '"ruiton, DEATH OF B.C. MAN AND A BARONETCY WAS GREAT SUCCESS ? I EGYPTIAN MUSEUM MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY Committee Met Yesterday Afternoon and Will Mako Sug- ' gestlons t h liii'i'l in jf of I lie roniioiltre liaxiua ui hand Hie triaraliiry -work for (lie oroanuallmi of a inuffiini in Priori IIuimtI it wn difili lo call a public meHiiig for orR4iiization u4irNi-c Im lake plan- in llm rounril cfaaiubor hI lb lliij JaJVxl WrineV At !.. -M lhal tnerlmii lh roioiniili-r wdl liavp Knur ib'tmile unjn-r-1 1. - ' makli and tlny Iiojh thai Iberr will be a good allciidaiici. Thii iirraritt al Ihe inin'ting in- IuOimI S. K. I jtiniibll. roneiii'. . S.-..U, li.i. It. I.. Mrlntoiib mill II. K. I'lllldi. STUDENTS FROLICS SHOCK PEOPLE OF CITY OF BOSTON HiiSTiiN. Xov 28. MtlslliM Ii oliocki'd Tlir lli.inn Intercollegiate coiiiinittei' on living Coti-ditious aiuong luili'iils has appniviMl a report indicating thai all Is not as il should lie in the famous Hack Hay district where men and women students are "livmg with less protection from moral temptation titan is desirable." The report charges that gambling and promiscuous drinking are common amongst the student population and that drinking at club and college organization ilanccK recently lias been "noticeable." It urges Hint Ihe college authorities ask the police lo be more strict in student residential sections. WISTARIA TIE MAKER KILLED William Lamb Lost His Life this Week accidental death Is Verdict of Inquest lU lt.NS LAKE. Xov. 28. Wil liam l.ainli, tie maker, was in stantly killed al Wistaria last Moiuiay. Di'mHi by accident was return ci I al an impicst presided over by lr. Iloss Stone of Yan- derhoof, coroner. KILLED IN QUARRY VA.NT.OtlVKIl. Xov. 28. Mal- tliew Simpson. 07 years of age, fi-uil riinch makes Ills siepson was miihi wnne uimhk as n Sir Douglas Hogn. llriiain'- n .-vv ' tiil l.'i- in one oT the coast quar- geiieciil Ih h "i" ii'-s near iiunizen i.mkc. lie roll i.t TVr. ' Members Sign Pledge That Per sonal Property Tax Shall bo Removed, Says Memucr YUTUllIA. Xov. 28.--Oiarles Woodward, number for Vancou ver, lottl in i.egisiaiure day he had little tioiibl the per sonal properly tax would be re moved next year. It was hoped lo abandon it this year. He said: The Liberal members of Van couver tune signed a pieuge u will be taken of f aeLjear and we have a club over the Ilcv. M. .1. lliiichcliffe present ed an auteiiilmenl to the budget resolution and bitterly attacked Ih" government for allowing dis- ciiniiniilorj chanjrea In the regu lations regarding the Mothers Pensions' Act. Uinchcliffe's nmendmeiil cinutiliflan a motion of want of confidence. Uhanges in the l'ensioos' Act lie asserted result iu great injustice to the women or llrilish MRS. HANK1NS0N DIES Wife of a Smlthcrs Doctor Passes Away Following Illness Word has been received here of Ihe death iu Smilhers or Mrs. Ilankiusoti, wire or Dr. C. It. Ilankiiison. She had been ill Tor oeoplc BOSTON GRILL mam Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing f'oor for hire. Suitable for dtnees, banquets and wedding parties. PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL XIV.. NO. 280, l'HINUK HLPKHT. 11.(1. FIUDAY. NfiVCMIihll 28. VMUrtfif'i Circulation 1S. trtil i a. PRir.E FIVE CEN13. MUTINY ZAGLOUL PASHA Form I'li'iiin r of Kgypl wlm r-Mgned following the usMissiiial ion ol Ihe Sirdar and the making of demands from thi F.gyplian (ioveriiment. Zeppelin Service Between United Slates and Europe Carrying Half Millioii Letters a Trip Announced HUH LIN. Nov. 28. A weekly Zeppelin service between Toiled Slates ami Kurope w ill i he started, l)r. Hugo Kcknor. director oi Ihe .rppHiii Companv announces. The Zi ppi lui-Cioi''ii ar i oiiilnii.itioii, thai i to operate tin lug Hying ship, dm not intend lo establish a passenger service low but il oeiirvi s thai one Zeppelin cm Ii way weekly, carrying hall u million ! tlei- .if 25.- carl: would be a business success. MITCHELL IS NEWLEADERj: Liberals Choose Member for Bow Valley to Lead Pary Alberta In CALUAHY, Xov. 28. - Hon. Charles II. Mitchell, member ol the Legislature for How Valley and provincial treasurer in the Stewart administration. was elected leader ot Ibe Liberal parly for the province at a convention of Liberals attended by A00 delegates from all parts of the iirovim e. The eleclion was by acclamation. REFUNDING DEBT OF OBJECT TO BEING CALLED BOBBED HUIR SISSIES IN CHURCH WASHINGTON. Xov. 28. Hoblted haired members of the choir of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Episcopal Church. South, have gone on strike as the result of their designation as "Mobbcd-haired sissies" by the llev. Hurke Culpepper, a Memphis evangelist. About half the choir is out. Undaunted, Culpepper is continuing lo lambaste the ladies who have bobbed their locks. He said 'ie had had a lot of letters anenl his denunciation of short tresses, but lhal I lie people who wrote him "would have stood more chance ot Ibe pearly gales il they had spent their time praying. FRANCE IS DISCUSSED; CLOSE SEASON TREATY WASHINGTON, Xov. 28. In formal discussions have been in- PROMINENT CITIZENS SHAVED BY A MADMAN WOItCFSTF.lt. Mass.. Xov. 28. Numbers of Worcester's prominent citizens are going about shaking in their shoes because they were shaved last week by Simon Dasho. barber, one of the most dangerous inmates of the Slate Hospital for the Insane Dasho escaped and got a Job in GENERALLY ENDORSED some lime and her death will bojnn exclusive barbershop where he' lerests of the halibut regreue.i ny mi tiiitkl. y alley . handled razors with dexterity uu a r' W days ago s.-.-vi SUDAN OUTH WALES COAL MINE WHEN RUSH OF WATER COMES LEAGUE GETS Egypt Characterizes British Dsmands as Excessive and Iniquitous GENEVA, Nov. 28. The league of nations has received a protest from the Egyptian stale condemning Britain's recent action In Egypt, The message characterizes the demands for satisfaction for the anamination of the Sirdar as excessive and Iniquitous. i is not thougnt the matter will come up at the next league meeting. Scores of Miners Escape from Flooded Mine with Water up to Their Necks and Nine are Below CAUIilFF, NVule-. Nov. 28. -After working waist high in walur, li.iltliiig the deadly hlackdanip all night, rescue crews today were t!ll striiggling lo reach nin miners trapped in I'eulan I'il .It Iiiinvaiil, when a sudden rush oT water caused numerous roofs to tail. S-re.s of miners e-raped through water reaching to their necks and reached the outside safely. The scene al the pithead war? a touching one. Hundreds of women, relatives uiul friends of the trapped men. gathered there lo keep vigil awaiting the arrival from below of those who did not come. TRADE BALANCE RECORD MADE U.S. BETTER TWO WAY TALK Cain Last Year Amounted to Communication Between Ship and $33,000, 0C0 Over Previous i Shore Over Distance of Year Halibut In Its 4.800 Miles OTTAWA, Xov. 28. Canada is OTTAWA. Nov., 28. What is buying less from ami selling believed lo lie a record for two- niore to the United Slates than way communication ..between ship 'slie.was a year ago. During the and shore was established when jpast year United States imports the radio station of the depart-i amounted lo i53i.00O,0ui) a de- ment of fisheries at Kslevan, fcrea-eW .N6;1)0,000 front tile B.C.- coTnmunlC-ited wiUi the prexious year. steamship Tahiti bouud from h.xpnrt" to the United Mates Australia to au rrancisco, a from this country amounted in distance of t.800 nautical miles. Hie same time to 1 18.000,000 ! :L LV' ."INTERIOR COUPLE da's trade balaace shows an im-! provement of 8V3.0O0.OOO. i HAPPILY MARRIED Miss Rachael Shaw Becomes Bride of Ova L. Watson of Topley SMITH ERS, Nov. 28. A quiet.' j wedding was solemnized in Smitbers on Wednesday, November 26, when Miss Rachael Shaw-becanie Ihe bride of Ova L. Wat- son of Topley. The ceremony" i was performrd by Rev. M. W. I.ee- at the Union Church parsonage. ? Mrs. Watson, who was a resi- idenl in Smitbers Tor a Tew i months in the early part or the ;yeur, is a daughter of Mrs. Ira L" ISImw of Hums Lake who is one jof the pioneers of that district, t Mr. Watson is Hie youngest on of J. V. Watson or Topley. Afler the honeymoon the younff ienoi.b Hri i-phirnintr In Tni ley and intend residing on the ifarm of the bridegroom in that jdistricL i COMMISSIONER OF :i LIVESTOCK DIED AT VICTORIA HOSPITAL VICTORIA, Nov. 28. W. T. Macdonald, livestock commissioner tor British Columbia, died here al Ihe hospital. He has held the olllce since July, 1912, and he slituled between representatives , Meeting In Seattle of all Interests was also secretary of the H.C. of the governments of France; and the I'mled Slates relative to the basis r-H- refunding France's I wartime debt. I Connected With Went on Racord Favor Stockbreeders association. DIED ON STREET In Seattle, al a public recep-: VANCOUVER. Xov. 28. John lion given the international halt- j Mclean, clerk in the land registry but fisheries commission by the'oflice for ten years, died as he Deep Sen Fishermen's Union, Ihe was stepping from his auto on Vessel Owners' Association, and Fourth Ave. Heart failure is all the large halibut producers, iven as the reason for the every interest represented endorsed the close season treaty which has just gone actively into efrecl. J. P. Habcock. chairman or the oonunissiuii, slated In Vancouver Ibis week that the commission had been promised Ihe or trll Ihe llrilish Columbia in and also that of the fatality. VITALITY OF WHEAT BRIGHTON, England, Nov. 28. An archeologlst digging In Sussex recently fond the frap- supportjnients of a cooking pot used by the wife of an early Hriton about risheries 700 B.C. biological , fragment : said lo be In a crack of ope is a grain or wlicut, m p,'i-fr,-i o"di! I'j'i