November 28, 1924. THE DAILY KEWB PAGE FIVE j x FREE DELIVERY IN PRINCE RUPERT An Invitation RADIO STATIC Drink "Cascade"-lhe BETTER BEER I ' i'imI.' I.. .. ,. 1(I,, .,. uiti.n l0 ,.,)ne . I '''Ml ill my -pi'. . ( window di-pay of Ladies' Fur Coats I i : lex lovl fur coats on hand, made up j L.u.,.y , , c!i .if i in-, which MUST BE SOLD BEFORE CHRISTMAS. , . look at the wonderful value Tor yourself. i Ilmg lhee eoat at leant iO Kr'etml cheaper n other lor Mi Iht province. I , till' ullie Of Satisfied I'IIkIuUKT. w. '0 xf Art j j HJI0..4 w.c iubio tutamt I- n jaliraJaKie ii.nk. t. yi i nn I -lr .;. c 1 1 ,1 .. Mag liquid. ,'-;-: 1 11 t 'i'i r prldi J-K " I I- ir aarnt a3 ' "T.D.LM.l.t . . 11 : 1 i i . aaj rtrfbl t ;- .! . - ..iiu. T-J a; . b-at i In cW. (oft. ol fat-i , . jm,, 4 4 until vim u-M 7 aau. ri m M iiJ4r mu. H I 1 1 1 tl- -,i ...... . ""ft :r 1 1 f-iu. b, O, D. kWAKTOO ORMES LIMITED Idbloom SECOND AVENUE Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ilPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinist, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Foundri, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Ui pl4iil i r 1 l c1hii11; n kind ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 48 and 38F r we- r 6 TELKWA i-i.rini'i from every direction -int in to THkwa on Wednesday ,rh irw.tii iiuia'toniJ I lie Farmer-' lnlllul- Despair Eczema fOcSi A im-i4nt' mm held in the i m Ttienday evening in i I.hi Mi? community Christmas ' !. whlrti in 1 Ink iIh- t hi-war 1. 1 December S3. Hi Boy ftflouin are very buy piuuntsg Ihelr uiaquerHle whicl to tale place on December 31 A k jrtl . there ba lwn lot snow ' speak clear wealer pre- LIO Alfl nn OktrlMI llln ban Dltl.'kl D iirkt el Prhic HuptM Tkr .v tin- Uwl I. .ni"i sUupn. MiMFit. a.f... jerati n. Ip ml li. mil) tr Mrniwlni lo l Ik n.Wwtat SrVrlhrd l.-nfiiwirtn . immI phnlr4 rvr ibr wnithMit rofwr o Mi.'.t l4laiMt. nrt Xhmrr rtiiliw I lov alor mri: tlKW" f-illr.wln tow ! i...ri iii i mrlliM'l) fllrrtlMm at tirn.-e -.f OK rlMln. I uiil; tfwlK r .1 iv riin. iihmvt hiuibrriy 'inlr I 'miM-. in pul f mmwofWwM an .iitn'nmt l iworr or Imi. Mt r. "IMI'OM. AMln "ipi . tr .. J pniMnh.. Iff! .Im-:hi In tin Hall.'" Nowe. firrr Its delicious taste at d pure Cl') quality is only equalled by its high , jJJWKS. nutritivc vauc. 1 555? J If 'rite for EDWRDSHUKG Unit Doci. THE CANADA STARCH H CO, CO, LIMITED UMITtO MONTREAL -gft By The Daily News Radio Expert. New Low Loss Instruments During Hi" lasl f-w inonllis tin-radio fraleriiily all over (lie t'on-llni'iil huve begun to realue lliui tlii'lr oo called nerfecl receivei"? wi'ii' by no mean 00, and an' earnenlly endeavoring lo improve upon llieir,Keln in every resjieci r.Hpecially in one din-clion have llicir effort m lieen placed; namely in eliininalin,' all kimU of cui-renl Io.mi'h dial have manifeidcil tliciiiKelve unon diligent inei- tigullon. Thereupon wan started the low Iom war. Today I here i hardly a cinale iiianufaclurcr hut lian not heilered IiIm apparatus in fomi? way or other hy reducing loHcen to a iniiiiimim. Pyrex. quartz, and air are rapidly com- intc inlo prominence a the only Insulatorf with extremely low losn-eii. Thuit it i thai the latent iiixli'umenlH utilize Ihce for t In purpose. The effect are evident- oekeln have lakeu on a new appearance, variable eon- den,eri have been completely redesigned, inductance coiU have been remodelled, and wilhall the appearance and performance of a new low lo type receiver meeU with lmtant approval. Iij-iP'ed a new low Un four lube receiver )ia often eiualled I In- old style five lule one with re-eel lo resullsi obtained. TIiik low on war mark another dir.-linrt advancement in the pro-rei. of radio and in one of the many nemled lepi in the riirlil lireclion--namely. thHl of simp- lityiiiK and lailardumu radio. Eliminate Noises If you ran hear uoiie, uch a iii-e and eraekle. n your im1 which do not all eeni lo b dalir dieiinnecl Hi- aerial and iti-omnl. then if the noie ulill roiiliuue you may tie nure thai 'hi Miuree in internal. Kxamine the batteries, operailly the plate lie and lent litem for voltage. Very often the trouble can bo lemedied by eliaiiKiiift around Hie detector II battery and ukIiik another one in il place. Another very goud blea for the experimenter in to have a oirij of bakelile on which are hunting ihi.Ii fur the aerial, around. A B.' and balterien relied iei iiiounled permaneully mi mh radio table. Iben when mimii-: :ew rirruil i lo b trie. I all tin- xternal connection are al Hid you don't have lo II iiver the place, diinix mil allerie. and wire and the I ke Assemble .Neatly Appearance and nea'ne.. 111 aenihly and wiriuv. couiil pro- ably juM a much in a receiver i. correct connect iou. ik. No el can lw exiecled to function .iroperly when it i a inaxe of ri-croed wiring, and it" ompmienl part occupy several ijnare feel of your table, lie a re Jul and neal when iou wire .our radio receiver ami note the mpmxeinenl. C Battery The ue of a t', battery in both ailio and audio freiienc.v amplifying circuit will not only in reae the volume of output from he amplifier but will decrease 'he amount of plale batlery con sumption, thus saving II baltery. The iuri'oe of the C battery in o maintain a negative bias upon he grid oT the amplifier lulies, bus enablins the tune to amplify .. it fi:!tei ex evi 1-, - vnltajfcl 3fii pDIO KITS m Hi 1 .r.iilt'i Ul'.radvn Kit, ll aw impro aupar HtlifOdrni Wrltr ".""' "' .;" riill wttl'lr i'f 1 l! rxrMlonl kit U li iislrm-l v.' ilni luillo tor a K"" rtpal lr iwney t"1"' yon piirrlWMtl U'I" We y rtirr. all ilinv Write IimUJ" Pil Caia toque ' Complete! List cf Broadcast t nq "LISTENING IN!" Entertainment and Education. Radio Supplies Speciality l'linte Iluperl's Pioneer Hadiu Store. W. W. WRATHALL, Prince Rupert, B.C. Special Atlention fliven to Mail Orders. up to JO voll no G baltery wil lie injured, but above tin figure line must be Used lo obtain maximum reulle. Itelow are. the correct value o grid biasing 011 G naileries fm orresponding plal-i vollages to ,ie used with them. Plate vollage C Hattery (in volts 1.5 v. to 3 volt- kii " 3 " i.5 ' loo t.5 "0 I ill " 0 " "J The correct vol I a ire- can be nutiil by Irying dffferenl voltage until the right one i found. Tin nnioonl of a C buttery are no. rilical in any case. - When Usiuir a V.V. i'tl'l I tUbr i-emember that a rheostat havin; 11 resistance of al least 20 ohiii' inut be iisivl In conjunction with it. A rheostat of any lower resi-eaiice will impair the life of the tube considerably. If a ule is operated at ? per cent ibnve raltil voltage it a life i til in two but if it I operated at : per cent below the rated volt-ige its life is doubled. MOLYBDENITE IS IN DEMAND Owners of Terrace and Portland Canal Deposits May Seour Steady Market For In answer lo enquiries regarding the market value of molybdenite, and the prospective de-.lemaiid for Ihi mineral received by the Coloniialion and Oevel-npmenl Department of Hie Canadian National llnilway?, Winnipeg, an official of thul depart, men! states that New York quo- Uilioiis during the Jat two nionlhs have been nominal at j to HO ci'ul per pound of molyb lenite conlained in an ei'-'hty 'ive per cent MoS2 concentrate: lite Isitest being from 70 to 75 .cents. From thU mut be de dueled the duly, ainounlins lo 18 cent per pound on llie above, grade of ore or concentrate. Itrilish iiuolatioiH are 50 shil lings (.. 50 to 55 shilling SI3.75 icr unit of 22.1 pound' ) of molybdenite contained in an , righty-five per cent concentrate .,1.1". These prices are low com- paved lo the war price of $t.l0 e; poiiml f.o.b. Ottawa. SPu'e the war the molybdenite market has been dead, but dur ing this period the beneficial re-J soils obtained by using low molybdenite alloy sleels has been' mined, and during the last venrj there has been a gradual change for the heller and considerable number of prospective users tn he sleel and chemical industries have been searchinff for a steady supply of the raw material, Eastern Mines Open About six months afro the situation was considered encouraging enough for llie owners of the properly at Qnyon, Que., lo reopen (heir mine, and they have been mining and milling ever since, and have, it is under-1 lood, sold nil their concentrnles. I in the United Slates at market quotations. Two or throe other owners of Canadian molybdenite properties are contemVlallng on-l orations in the. near future. The Climax Molybdenite CompnnyJ 1 m m Popularity Proves that "Cascade" is BETTER BEER! hu own the large! molybdenite tlieso are likely to be producers 'nine in the world al Climax, of any importance. There are a Colorado, recently resumed oper- number of occurrences of nvplyb- itiotii. denite in the Portland Canal and The (J.N.H. official in question Skeena Mining Divisions Central tales Ihat there is every reason British Columbia and some of LtU tr thig frwa br w tStty. ( ta thm Btut W "CticaJt" thousands of people are drinking "Cascade" MANY because they like it better; they like the fresh, palatable hop and malt flavor, the rich, creamy deliciousness of this wonderful brew. "Cascade" has won the public choice through continuous years of uniformly high quality the result of putting into it only the very best of hops and malt, and using the resources of the greatest brewhouse cf the west Popularity has proved "Cascade" to be the BETTER BEER and it costs no more! Whenever you ask for beer, insist on dheBeer without aPeer Sol J et all Government Vendors VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This advertisement is nut puMished or displayed by the Liquor Control I$;iard or bv the ' iv.cunn nl of British Columbia. SMITHERS A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morris at their home, Second Avenue West, on Tues- o be optimistic with regard to these are known to contain good day, November 25. the future of molybdenite and ore. In one claim near Terraee feels that it rests mainly with on the Skeena riw ; east af : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker and ne producer of the raw material Prince Rupert, masses of molyb- child of Ldson are spending a to prove, to the soiiv'what seep- denite weighing up lo 10 pounds few da in town visiting at the ical consumer that there is an, ire present. idequale supply of the material.! vliich llie producer will under-j The Norwegian consul general 'ake to deliver and live up lo his announces that the capital of contract. (Norway now called Kristiania or Local Occurrences in Kngiish Christ iania. will from There are leat 350 known oc-'-Ianuarv I D-'S h . failed Oslcv. currences of this mineral in - Canada, but only C per cent of nWHh - h rii' nome of Mrs. Parker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gray. second cribbage tournament was put under way in Sinilhersi this week, this time under the auspices of the G.W.V.A. The drawing look place in their club rooms on Monday and a number of games in the first round have already been played. The entree fee is fifty cents, the amount collected being wiven as cash prizes lo those winning first and ceo ml places'. The funeral of the late James Hollingsworlh, the man who hung himself 011 the west bound train last Sunday morning, took place in Smilhers, Wednesday, with the Hev. M. W. Lees A man by the numc of P. K. . Scot I was up in the police court Wednesday on a vagrancy charge. He was tried by Justice of the Peace H. L. (Sale who let him off with a six mouths sus-pe-ided Monlenee.' .1. .1. Dricoll has moved inlo own for the winter, the mining :enitious on the claims on Driftwood Creek in which lie is oileresled having been suspended 'r Use winter months. APPROPRIATE After many conferences had liceu held by the board of directors of a small town bank, about buying a new water-cooler,, a grouchy old member had this' to say: (ientlemeu, before we adjourn, I move that our nevl conference i ne held on a merry-go-round." Ami. as (hey looked at him in astonishment, he added Hie tag of explanation: "We iever get unywhere." a 4 k 4 I i I Si .1!