LADIES' Pure Silk English Hose :ttii :l nice Selection rtf imported SATIN and SATINETTE PRINCESS SLIPS And UNDERSKIRTS MODERATELY PRICED BIG REDUCTION ON BEAUTIFUL FUR TRIMMED AND PLAIN COATS. LADIES' DRESSES Smartly latloreu. m all the I : I I malarial- ;il gfp.ifly i .-. : 1 1 --. I .f k'i'. BENT'S" Third Avenue SERVICE NOT SERVITUDE lias il ever occurred lo you llial the multitude, of "Household Helps" offered for sale an of themselves lifeless and incapable of service unless controlled and directed by the already overburdened housewife. Ijtiimlry service alone Is alivp, ilal, imposing no ii pw obligations, and asking nothing hut your friend-ly diM.tition. to change servitude inlo service. May vp call Phone 8 PHONES $v& B0X392 PRINCE-n5.UPERT DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60c Per Sack HydeTransfer 133 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Hook, PRIKCE RUPERT, . O. Office Hours, 9 U 8. Phone 688. Open Evenlngi Only For Special Appointment. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Oistribultng Team or Motor Service. Hual, Sand and O ravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving SEWS Tuesday. f, ..... i T t).r A '. - BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMair ' " w". -i WAJ - I I'LL WQT CO-tHKr'i Avlu oh: ot ( I'm ovt to I A . j UM-Qi I 1 v i ! u.i. sr . in CilTTIN TIRPD OPIT I MIDDnvr - . - - S. MC TOM- UY-. . iltfc NO EXPERT THIS YEAR City Council Decides to Defer Appointing of Engineer to Report on Wood worth Lake Power On moliorT of AM. McMordie, seconded by AM. Perry, the cily council decided last night lo lay over Tor next year" council the matter of appointing an expert lo investigate into the possibilities of enlarging power prodfti-- iion from Wi'Mulworth Lake. This motion was ole atcainst h Aid. Martlonabl. AM. Casey ami AM. Eitt. The question rame up when, ia compliance with a rpeent request of Ihe rounril. rretentials were submitted by William An- therson and A. C. H. Ynill. Van-i-oer exerls. Iloth claimed to be fHlly ualinel to make the rejmrt that the rity is ttesirmis of otrtainin?. AM. fo.ionlip. in mrn ins 'hat the maltT be lail oer for the next council, look the iew that. inoe a lare expfdtditun of money niijrht he inolved. il would hp ill-advised for the present rounril in its dyins hours in enter upon the undertaking Hip pressure w nrtSiicff tfwjl a dpla.v of two or' ttiree weeks vv.iiibl make any material difference. Aid. Perry seconded Aid. ! Mc.Montie's motion. Aid. Casey did not agree with j Aid. MeMordic. II was not a mai ler ni einprinj; mho PXmiiturc ii'iw but iiic-riy uf obtaining ex-nprt ali'. Tin- city would hui Im up n'ainst the n'cessity of providing nMre Kicr to meet industrial development and he felt that, if the information as In the possibilities of extending thel Wood worth like supply was obtained at once, that much lime would be saved Ihe new rounril. He was prepared lo support such extension if il were deemed advisable b all expert. Aid.'4 and Mayor Newton werp also in favor of oto- the in formal ion aw Itaininp ipiirkly as possible. 'Hie former expressed liiuiself in favor of eiitraiTHi? Mr. Itoss uf Seiitile if I lie wen- available. ! After further disciHsior in i'lie ciiiirse fr wliie.h it wa point-jed out l.y AM. Mr.Mordie I Fiat the 1 in format iriii nlilnined could nut he acted upnn until low water ui summer anyway, the derision was taken ( lay ovr for the (new rutiMCil Ihe mailer of enfl'ag- ' iiik an expert. NEW TELEPHONES ON ! GOVERNMENT LINE IN OPERATION ANNOUNCED I. .lisiain-- telephones of j the roinosiie type have been , i'italle. al Topley and I'erow in the Hulkley Yalley il is announced by John llore. ililricl superinleiident of government ; telegraphs. Hnth these places iare now hooked up wilh Ihe I)o- I X I minion government tehplmnc system awl tekwams may In sent to either point. At Topley ihe telephone in-slalietl in the post office anil It. Mrttrea. the uostmasjrr. is acl-i rancher, is in telephone, 'lleiweew Mrlnae.s ranch (North Ihilkley to jrl up ao.( hylt Hitu luk for AN optimist is a man wlo wears a straw hat on New Year's Hay. AN American phHo-opher says il is hard for ieople to decide what In do with their money when they have accumulated it. .Most of us find the accumulat ing is the hard part. Ihe spend ing of it is a natural gift. TUB show was so decu on Saturday that many local fowl keepers had to put the hens on snow shoes. THERE tS TO IT ILL, PRCTCHO IN MCK.Ih JotT T tOOrH VTAY HOME as goto ajnothc oc or and Koresldate. twenty their City Couicll Will Meet This Afternoon to Deal With Money Bylaw Providing For Expenditure The city council will meet oo Or. fact that be has been sitting up ill wijrhl crisword putitiiu;. 111 IS erosswont puttie is lire for cross eyes. OIL BURNER MORE ECONOMICAL THAN no iiik as lelephAiie arenl. At A RC9ATIK U known in ome I'erow. John Itergsiein. a 'circle a a irrouiwttioK with charge of the fights Mi. mile of lelrfihone-telefmihcei-lniiil.v line ha heen transferred fronij " Ihe hush to the wacron road mak-!8 ins it easier and cheaper lo maintain set ire. EXTENSION OF POWER LINES TO ELEYATOR WILL COST $22,000 .T1IK poor in spirit will et ! A reward in heaven. Iliev won't .. it ..ii e.irlh. j Ten Years Ago In Pilnre Kupart December 30, 1914. Chief itamiiion. of the provincial police, accompanied by Mr. liamiiMMi. relumed from Victoria this mnrninz. Fred 1 la con. whit left for Winnipeg this Bturiiina- ea rOHtx to 'iae UM Country where be will enlist for active service, was Oivivm a tamly Mrf.nJT kv his special session Ibis aflemoon I'm -mm.-,! frie4 put through its first readings a money bylaw which will be submitted to the teople at Ihe January election providing for the expenditure of ti,oO to aUow for esteniHi work lo the electric light lines in order to furnish power to Ihe elevator. At last night's meeting at tfle vVtaftril There vM a reenm- Supl. C. .V. Crowvll. of Ihe Urand Tfunk Pacific dry Imc4, ainouncef that ponlonw No. f, will he laonHied lowwimnv he-I ween tlMl ami It noon. Two IKiMw are invited la witness the launching. cant wa "received in towvi mrnrfali.m from Ihe finance,, Mt momj- rmm Vemofi Kelly coniniillee that such a bylaw be WBO u , Tmmp nh,. Mr introduced but the had , bylaw notjKlK ii..recd fn fruit u.n k. . u j . j : a j I prr-p.r-.. s.. il-rion, , . alllM..,r. ... fl(,. rtf io oerer toe manor until today. L.IIV). There was some discussion on j Ihe matter bnt the aldermen r trtitp tirrn tmi ITV were asrrecd on the principle of ULLMlUl U11L11 I financing the expenditure through dehenlnre issne. Mavor DEPARTMENT FINANCES Newton and AM. facdonald feel - . - in that this was preferable to 'Council Decided Last Night lo taiiiiK the rosi .iiret to Ihe util-; Have Report From Superln- ities departmeiit. ! tendent on Capital Ae- - I count Charges j The Man in the Moon 1 1 YS:- IIKNIIY Ford says the I'nited .'Males uses IMl.fHHI.H4IO pounds of I in ev ery year and he ouirhl lo know. IK a burglar breaks into your hone at night lookinx for looney, it would lie a (rood -idea The cilv rounril deridel lat nijthl on motion of AM. MeMnr-dte. seconded by AM. Maritonnld. to call upon Ihe superintendent of utilities for a tabulated statement .if expemlitnres charge! tlii year by the I iu lit and teie- I phone departments io capital nr- HMini. liie nuttier rame up in I lie course of a discussion as to Ihe actual standing of the utilities in the course of whicti AM; McMmnlfe. rlaleil that ht&: tlif 'ThtM't)'eiarnienl frftof l.OiH i,r the phone' .le- pai'lmenl hint been charged to capital aeciiiinl. He wnnleil to know what this money had been spent lor nn.l when the expenditures had been authorised. COAL CITY HALL Thai a huiih or f.'.rti per day has been .ft. ti ihr r.ilv Hall through nsiuK an oil burn- ltft ..... . j -yst.-tii insii nii in roai was " repiirled al las I night's council IK Pa is grouchy at the! meeting by J. V Kxley. janitor, breakfnsl table it is not a sign, Per month I18H gallons of oil of had health hul is due lo the al 8e is u.., whereas in a sira- BRITISH CONSOLS 65 r PAcooNmli:; l Trrrrrsn if. 5H0KING m T- fill SMOKING TOBACCO cTAcAjl ate Tttatc tAnn ico tifiefui cf Aea Mnciiicf' flat 65fJn jAitfeM tin. MACOONALO'S MONTREAL I I m MtSvK TMAT DOT LC-VT S II ti-L-i i I I in Jk. Uky . i . a Os. I Oi. Fc '" Svi lc I I l- -W )-r , I I rtSUI ft. I I & rxu I I jlf 7 Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CEfxTS PEK WOKD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vrtlamant Taken for Lata than 80 WANTED QUIETLY MARRIED MONDAY MORNING Miss Cusll Stolx Becomes the Bride of Leo Dennis Dolron or This City The wedding look plane tn the Catholic Chapel at 8 o' chick yesterday mom in. Father V. J. Mrfiralb officialina, of Io I sea ms lioiron. son of Mr. and Mrs. I'eler llniron of I hi t'ity, and Miss (lusii Holt. iter of Mr. Iuiis thicker of Porrher Islaiwl. The attendants were Oodfrey Itedard and Kalherine Iledard. The oereinony waa followed by the eervinit of a wedding breakfast al Ihe home of the groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Iioiron will reside m the city The ifroom is well known iii lb), halibut fishing busines. aii, id,, bride arrived about .i a'-'o from Alls Ina. FRED AURIOL SENT t UP SECOND CHARGE Committed For Trial In Connection With Burglary of Eighth Avenue Home I'red Anriol wa eommitled for trial by Magistrate MH:iymont in the city mvicc roirrt this morn ing on a charge of breakout and entering Ihe residence of Adolf I v arson. Highth Ave. 'jii, on Christmas Day and stealing jewellery lo the value of Htl. The stolen properly was idenli- rte.1 by Mrs. Ivarson and the Witnesses were Indian Constable Watkinson and tiitv iinlnble Crate. WHALING STATIONS HAYE BETTER YEAR More Than 200 Tons of Oil Have So Far Been Shipped From Rose and Naden Harbor Wliling,taion along the Rrilirh Colombia eoasi have been finding to(ness much lieller this year than lent, l p to n,r present month, more than L'Ofl tons of oil frnn the Hose Harbor and Nadrn Harbor ia. lions nn the Onren r.hartntte t. jlands lafl I.. m, .tupped to Tug land. TO RENT Wll.l. the per-oii who found fivelKolt IIFM'. Kuril I -died House- dollars in the pol office yesterday pleasp return same to Advertiser, care llaily News oMce. W M I!I. T aurhae two second hand armchairs, in go ronihiitHi. Ilaah for a ap. WrHr Ihn til laily New. tf WANTKli. - r.irl for trenaral housework. Apply Mllb Avenue Foist. 306 FOR SALE FOK PAI.K OH HKJfT. Mr. Harry liselt's resnleoca tit Fourth Aom. Apply. I.lf-ell. Cunningham. S-cond Ave and MMIride, If FOft SAI.K.- Forty Leghorn pul lets in full lay. John K. Iavey Phone mark 3M. :tAft ihtr perio.t IH ions of coal al 1 1 was used. The c.el of oil Pr la was set at .! ! and keetiuig suite, tilt Sixth Ave. KjisI. Phone Itlue .?H. tf KR KKTI'. Modem house, five rooms and bath. Apt ly Munra HriM f FHH HUNT. - Singer Sewing Machines, phone Blue 38V. tf tOARO AND ROOM 110 A III and llooni at toe Inlander eentrally located, one hall block from Post llfflr, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf IMIARJI AMI HtHtM. Home comfort. Terms moderate. Phone Woe 737. 1 LOST l.ftrrr.- -Hiiwboai. ner Mottakal-la, on Christmas Kve. fool, painted gray. 1 0.00 for its rH am in good rondilion. Noii-fy Table Suily. a7 AUCTIONEERS IT wMI pay you 1m mm suit tt whan you desire lo e ur porehase furniture, or any arlial. PRINCK ftl'PKRT ILX-:il.ittK, AucUonaers. DRESSMAKINQ MRj WAMII.loN. experieneesl Iressmaker. Federal block. liresseitMkinf:. alterations, 4jil and eas First das wK. Reaaosiahle prk-s. Phaei-IllarJ. tie, m TIMBER SALE X 6812 Irs f.i.lrr. I wx b Uw VtaiMr ..I l ll.lwu. M Utrf is i-i its sui m iaaairt. Ili. r iiir i.mi m I iemr Xssll. rul unt il l.i -f i nUt Cstrs a mm mrm .iisapn . mi ii si m Skr Murr rnn tiMf naa P' WHl l-OMWN. ' IIM'llMi NllUXili M4l u. Huur- - Instnn, t .r. ! k- ttfewNl far r rarttss- iwritriiltn of ike arf pare r. K..m. a i . ,4 InMrM-l mare anoti, a TIMBER SALE X 6830. ssti..i t.iti. in I. r-rt-4 kr ia Muiolrr ..r I li.J- tl V !!. n4 1 1 MY Ihsu lest iiw ih day tt iMmary. I!. f..t Om .. ..IM .4 IM-tttr X SS. 'ni n.nii". fr. i ..f -pntrr. kstr ini IMnlk si an aiea MOwksl tm Sra tfilri. oims-n iMrk'H l'UM nni. 1i r4r. (ill a- (Nnwre tut f amal r On ' t lurUvr irli. ular. rf hr fsr-a Irr. Vlrtoru S', rrslr. I'liaKT Huprrl. B C TIMBER SALE X 6838. Seal-il T.nrt-rt in U rr-ts Uy Um Wlirr aiMl. tl VK-tiirM, ant lilt llua tf-m m ir lib 4a r .f lVrr. Hl. f..r iNr imreiMw ul Ijrearr X sail. I" rai a.tva.aae r4 at Sfieare, rertar ail HraiMr., . mi ire a4lMair lei !. erwya I Met. fjur (urMlr I.UimI. land Piairtfi Tvm. ter WH br sltnwM for r aH'VH f winter. lanfcer aarUeHlars f ihe ox mrs IT. VlrtisS. , or IXaiHet Im,.. I rtnnr Bwtfi. fcfa LAND ACT Nalk f Inlisllss U ptf U loo Lane m wsi mm, yma i narpr.l llaaa lassl poirfi. rieastnhar IMIHrl f rrnpre nunen. nx . wt shiiio. hmsii one MMfe oii of !( IManrl, auii In ll, MM M Vealillnn Biy. nn lln4er UMI Vn Ttkr Xfrllre that Flits-tie II IIhimm tit Mao 1 1 II I' ueraMlaua :anner viinarr. miMil m 4j tnr rmminn In iw tb ruHnmnir iMrr(tir4 miMSmMr al pwi HiN nn im mi tils kf Vela)len Hv. Ovarii aiwilh : fhaaa; Ibsfirr ao l rlvtins. Owner omnti . rnaan: Ihener nl I I lulft. iikI r laimnt II arte. tm nr Irsa rir.rvr n siwrsov. Vanj uf aprhrasl. Ta)st Pfflftby llh, 1ri. csncciLATioa or atnavc. toTtrr is iirtiraY mxr.x tm ttx rrf rnrii. ., mt, ratsltr Im trirl. la eanrrllisl. O ft. sunl s: . rHily VlnOIT nf I in.1l. uvti twtuirtmi'ni. viria. nr.. la IwertnW in NOTtct or camctLiaTtoa or MtiiRvt oTirr is itrnrav otT!, ihi iw r-'V ''Trriiir i m .-.? bi safe, in rliiuw.. mr.s . cam nsMrtrt. it ran filed, nro n i,r.ri. . P'riilT Vllir f Un.R rwpartmfM ..f un1 v'K-i-ifia. nr. , "lofmUr IHh. liti, CMIROPRACT0IJ R. E. EYOLF80N (Iradttale of 'he y, of Chiropr i -No. 1 8Uphn'i "Block Ifotira: JQ to I. Balunlay afteri : ., S t .- by appointBif.' Pbiwe Itlu i: TASI Taxi 87 Phon (tUII Heorge Pa Prompt Service arj ( rt Iay or Htx'A HI and H0S8 BROS. POOL ROOl Meeker Clock, Acr ss 'pom Jirnnr F 'H DRY WOOD CKItAlt. III.MIutfK fot ahd .(." h rt 88.80 per Uit A ls - " Sal'i ... Phone !l . v FURNITURE. sr-f New and Pef ''vr 1 f lure Store. We Hi j s-. t . ebattge .Vrw ar;J Pe "m flood. OEO. paFaDOPUUS. ' 3fl Third Ave. nlttti MAIL SCHEDULE for the Cast Monday. V I xir urday i. - From th Cest-Tuesday. I day, it I t n To Vancouver- Tuesday - Mail clow,, Saturday faluri4as v a fVhtays. C.P.H. I nil'" From Vancouver Sunday! Tuesdays via Wednesdays Thursdays C P U. Ie. . in To Anvoi, Alice And Premier Veilns'ly- Q II l-a.l at fa Arm, 3U1 1 From Anyox. Alice Arm. SU1 and Premie Tuesday Pn.lats To Port Slmpeon and N Points y Thnr.lay . nd ' From Port Simpson River Point Saturdays To Alaska Polnte- ' 3 Iteceftiher : From Alaska Point, ' tiecr mber l ' , To Oueen Charlotte Und Ieccmher I 1 a' 1 rrom Oueen cnarion Points lleeeinlier 11 ' 1 BOX COLLECTION P M lv. S ' 5 r I I. I !1lfl iiranaui l Ave. A KwMn Sf Alls Aw. A Pitl'on ' Mb Ave. A Th-mtp lllh Ave. A Sherbr r Aw- - iK. ni 4'1 It ht Ave..Cnra.lsf r.lh Ave. A ily Ave (till Avo. A Hay l e Clrrlf 81 h Ave. A Col Ion R M, Cth Ave. A MrHrMfl Si Jro. fiov. Hllp! Prov. Gov. Wbart. 0.T.P Wharf i 4 ,! Ave A 2nd St' 3rd Ave. A Fulton S 3rd Ave, A Alb "'3 '5 ' '1 ?vi '3 V 3,15 11 J.S1 ytt 4 A. ii I 1 1 i pi 5l! .ii