III POULTRY AT DUCED PRICES ' ;; V I'm. . III. I Si'il III Tni'lf H ii-iii- ,1 III ftPr "tin if. RC- 20c 20c 20c 25c 75c at 1. farmers Market l.'MC lilk VELVET mrli arc 'iila popai- 1C r eyen inn $4.50 est of England Store Smith Block LITTLE DOING m:v yomk. i)ec. 3o. !.'iu; '"fl-lipkiii Amount of ae- Uvily. marked hy no jiih- color, i he lic'l hoxiiiK campaign pase into lii-imy with few doiniiiant 'I'-xeliiiHiifiiU ur sensational r-'iilt. Lacking any hitch pot comparable wHIr the memoruMfl l"ni...cy-Firpo bat lie of 1&J3, the ftcHMui ma mil p worthy lii'fy for a final and rul invasion or .Vmn iea hy CiP.,i(t,. Carpentier, Hie downfall ' i l ran ehampinnM. nly one wmhl n e rhange nk iWe in the ritifr and that reurrel when .l(. Atte! (JoM--lein iMIiiiincI Joe Lyneh an i iniiiinwciKhi titlniinlder In a cili.rle 4 o Pure Viil. Silk iimI Wool, and u ;nid BOYS' SUITS S t- (Mini make and good ipinlily Spray. Hea-ular i ut. ln .on mid l7.oo. Sale for 510.00 S c.-jfnl.ir K'.'..i and :.."ii. S.de .... 58.00 .1 MaiKin iw CiiiN. ixes up li :H. Value- In i :,i. S..le SG.75 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS v or Int.-. in. i. I. ,i 52.15; II 1. tor 52.50; 12-1. r 52.95.- I'lii- i i i ll. Hire tin- !l Hint did mil e llirM1 .ihi in Ihe preniii- .ile. kbour Bros. Ltd. Plione G45, New Cor. 3rd and 7th Year for Men at a variety of reason. The fail tire of Jack lemrey. heavy weight king, lo defend his crown m doubt hail tin effect on the ri of (hp rank, while suspension" by ring authorities, elexenlh hour mishaps, and a disinclination on the part of several ennntpkins In lk llieir l.i-l.iiinil htiiil at 1 lias an uiiiitfiml oiniArtiinilv iu . h . . - - . , , j j Mmli.on iuarn Oarjen that et j prowpeel early in Ihe new year a colours ehanudon upon theiwlieu he fights Mik Mc'litriie. 1 IM- pound Hi rone. Ihe oilier hreak in lh rank f chaimiion came when Johnny lniidci dorahle little Italian warrior, forfeited without a -IniRglp. Il, fcMlherweitrht IHIe he had won the year I w fore from Koirene Criaui. itnllanl 1'rench fighler. iMimlee relinquislied Hie title, winch lie not once. tl fended, hecauxp of hi inability .further lo make Hie ISanouml liniii. niid Hie New York Plate Athletic Commiioii ha lannrh-ed an eliminalion loumatnenl. Ihe urv Ivor of which wHI he re-eomiizetl In that Iwnly a Hie new-real her ehampion. II eem like I v thai Ihe reult of thin pro r. .lure ajuo will he univerMl' in'Cfitei thu ahatterinft pnall-i-Ik- in-eredeill and iilisellinr the rwanaii ienara. viua eiaimeii nn'ihp season rr la.' I show that injury prevented his fighlin(r. hiU'ltnzers llornshy or St. Louis .-t Ihe hfixina eommis.iun va dis- a new record hy leaiNwK r the satisfied with lh explanation fifth oon-eeulive year. Thi bet-aud -n.iende.l him. reh"s vio- ,.r h,p prpvious mark of four torie inWuded one mer Johnny Ueeessip l.allin? cliampion-WiUon. formpr rhainplon. whike shli md. hv Jnim i v.,,r 1. 1. 1 i henry that a champion can Villa disposed of l..p his crown only in the rln Hlrilih flvweiphl. Iimiilee whs -luirii cinideley f llMe. ! lie l'.-l lo Kid S. ill. !llr iu'Mii! llll'WelJfht. Year end Specials The following special are for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 28th, 30th and 31st ladles' Rubbsrs. iih-iImum 1 mi!. ! - . f"" 50o Htn's Flannelette Shirts, n'. !.': m.I .."'. S.W 52.00 Ladlea Underwear. nr three d.i onh. il :M per eeiil -- nearly scored a knockout over the champion in a no-.eciion bout a! .Newark, XJ. Harry (ireh's injdilleweijtlil liHe was in liltle jeoaar.ly diu-inar Ihe year wcliile I'ancho Villa. flyweiirhl litleholder, left for. IIikIoii al Hie lt I til I'lllll ppnember 30. 10?1. THE DAILY .NEWS IEW YEAR'S Clearance SALE Lcrythlng In the store Rock bottom prices. stock-taking January IN 1924 BOXING In Spite or Prospscts at Open-Ing, Season Is Closing With Few Changes r- or l:tn-i(iunil championship, alio intpre in aHy of hi ip-j division, ImwcNPf, wliirh is not Ivinu. bouts. j generally recognized, r The year failed In uncoxer ! Little Title- Activity 'much, promising liew material in j SinrtiiiB out willi prosed of: any division. Ihe few earep-imn unusual ninmuil of (ilk. ac-j linns were chiefly fnXlhe. ffflthpr-jfixilv, (he year foil far short of weight ranks, where Dumtee'i xpcciaunns in Huh respect for, retirement slimylaLed activity. while Sid Tern's, flashy New Yorker. developed Inln a formidable lightweight contender, Paul llerlcnbaeh, Jimmy Stall pry and SI Hiding added color ami interest In lisht heavy ranks. . Foreign. Talent Foreign talent ctHllinuH to invade American rinzo lint nipt ffrnWH wcr olli or factor to u-tu, nu..i;.. nring about a dearth of charn-j j.'jrpn al lolm.ro, s?(llli, Ameri-i lhlihii activity. Cai phr Ihreal was Luis Vicen -liiny l.pbBaid lightweight Hni. hard-hitllng Chilean light- ewaimiiou, tieiemimi nis crown 'wimsU win. i.eifnr.i inre ny defpntina: Ikal Mnran at Glliml hvt ii thM hout in jured In- IuiiiiIh lo nich an ex- I of l.nm Angel firpu from the ' lent thai he was rorce, to call off j ' of heavyweight tille ewi- whednlcd l.allle with Mickey ' n.lcr, and Ihe passing of two-Walker, the wllcreiahl cham- pion. Wiilker, liHiidieapped hy ineiirriiiff Hip ilijleaore of Xpw York Hnar olon for reficina: l Mppl a challpnire hlinde, nevertheless Ihe mo.l active chaitiplon inipreK sively at limes hut in recent; m.o;ilhs njel defeat ajrainst JaBk' Hernslpiii and Terris. Panama senl a forniidalde feallipr ro'n-Ipinler in Josp Lomhnrdo. Ilesides Cariiciiljpr. France t had another entry in Charley I.edoiiK. 4ran hanlanivreisrhi. I hut n ej I hec wtis Hurce.ssful. Cr- frorti Iave,eiilior nl f peclaeiilarfiphls to wa one of (ions Tunnei-. Ampriciin liiri.i and . heavvweialil elianniion ami Tom Oihlions. LedoHl was healen decisively hy fJoldslein. Irmiiiio i..nllfi fl.i r.imi.ai.n i . ............ . it... rt-i 'the workl s llirhl heavvveuhl i ii!nnii..ioi.i i. " i ' " - " ' J mS nutpi'!!, ai)IV lit. ehampion. t. ri(.j state aflcr heinp Merijrue. eariy tbl year, had . kwickej out in the ApKeuiiiiP hv a close emll airainsl hi school-! I-'irilfi hill U'flu ,lifaitn.1 ) 'f'nii i I 1 1 tits fIJ boy rival. Young SlrtMinK. wliolnev. (iii.i.oD erntt i,. i.-,.in...i for an inlvrnat tonal which, he kaocked llliKiinfield. limit Mil Jil Sport Chat hi tialive Philippines afleri-- a failing lo jm Ihroiurh with a M ollicial halliujr records of nuMeh with hi closest rival, in,. vlioaMl l.t-ri-ne nlmi.r. for r rankle Ash. nf l'ilthur?. who .l the leapue iu I J0rt. I .(;. 9(iH and 1909. Flrpo's Failure Leahr, in Hie varitujs deparl- WWh the mem4ry of bU spec ; HMjht , viy ww foow: laeaUr fivhl airainst Iiemp-py , hallinz. llornshy of St. IjiuU stilt fre-h in llw aniipl j)f rin hiuior .with a mark of lonowprs. rirpn reinrneu rrom j3?r,t hjgj.oM pereentase a WirenliiiH f.w auoiiier eam.'pM)r lmit ii lllc wuiie i..iittn Iml il proved a dUmal KeeJer kit .t3i in lU7 frfr failure. Hip Ik South Ameri- n,.,,,,,,. Momshy matle the r""- " ' n most hils, S27; hil for Hip lolal, c.mlilioii and affpeled hy lefral ,,8M.4i ,,,,, ltt(, ,m,h- eiilanaleiMPnts in whieh he had l3; aHtt UM t'mnU heroine involved, was outclass ,,rUc of Nw Ywrk fa s(.rinB hy Harry WiUs. jrianl MeRro. in ,HM4, rim Fourni'e Itrook- ' 1 lle s Thirty Acres, ,J(1 jwi?ue in h,,,,,,. runs ;M. then suffered a crowning 2-. yju.k Vlla r nr,;,.k- -ethvack when he was defale l.y , ...iw,,,! .ilt ln4r -innh.s Charley Weinrrt. wh Ih. been ,,. whi, Ihr04..tM,. Minw an pasy iirinn lor iwe nil Hm4 of Oincin- Hull in )aj wiM j,. jsaenfie,, ai- I hese defeat were kfsl up. j,,,,,,,,, ,;(,.;.,, (,r H f ()f j, .ai as rUiniHaiinK Fln fw wJ, 33: .aH, u slealinp rroni rank or uemp-eys cnai-, wr Max CiSltey ,)f a,,,,,,,,, ;lenaers. hul Ihe Argentinian nisiwj( ' lalleniiU another comehack. 1 Wills -IoimI out agaiai at Hie j end of Hie c,'ion as Ihe chief' j heavywemhl contender tiK his virlorv oxer l-irpo faUeil lo in-1 crease Hie negro's trelije ail, I Hie prosiec HmI he will gain a' hnig-soiiitht malch wilh hemp--, ey still i- the ring's priiicipal I iincerlainly. i Jack llenaiill. haril-liilliiip i Canadian, has Iipph rgarilel as la foriHidahle Itemospy rival, hul' recently his slock slumped when he line Mnvlfilly met ilcfeal in hands of Quint in ;m who had failed Gifts TH0R JOHNSON'S SECOND AVENUE Agent for "Society Brand" Clothes Genuine Clearance Sale 1SSTILIS0N ' The club hailing records for Ihe I list season show the New York chih tending wilh a Hr-renlage of .300. The champions scored. Hie uin-l runs, ST7: made Ihe most hils, 1031; hil for Ihe most lolal bases, J.ViO; niailcthe inosl one-hasp hits, IIK'.I, and halted mil (lie mttt home runs. 115. S.t. S.xuts leads in doubles, xvith tfO, w Hlo l'iHsWirg has (lie must lriiilis.( Wit Hid Ihe iinost stolen ha-t-s. ChicaK aceoiinlcil for Ihe mnl sacrifice hits, 103. In fielding Charles (iritniu Piltshurg, leads Ihe first basemen of the National lenglie xvith a percentage of .i!)5. Waller Maranville, Piltshurg, lniU the second basemen, wilh a per- cent-:vge of .t73. Henry !nh. New York, eslablishes a new fic-lding iiimrk for third hasemeu. wilh a liiercenlage of .1183. James Cjion-! ',Pa'' ey, SI. Louis, sel -a new fielding record for shortstops, wilh a (icrcenlage of .tHP.H. (ieorge Harper, Hinciunalf-Philailelpliia, leads Ihe mil fielders, with a per centage of .5I80S. Jolm Delterry, ItrnoKlyn, leads llio cutchers, with a percentagtx of .9'.Vt. Jesse ltarnes, Huston, lead.s llox tiilch- ers iu fielding, accefvlina: 83 chances wilhoul error. Mosion leads in club fielding wilh a percentage of .73, Phil- udi'lphia made the greatest num ber of double plays I08, and St. Il.ouis made the most triple plays 2. Itoslon had the most passed least, 108, Cincinnati had Hie1 SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Intal chances. 0i:i7. and mosl eliaiices accepted, (i-'.'O. MANY CLAIMS TO VALUABLE LEGACY' Correct Use of Famous Title has Encouraged Pretenders Ahoul Ihe year 1880 the pioneer prospectors of Hrilish Columbia di-covered a remarkable coal. After many trials and tests il was positively established that this coal represenleil the, acme of economy, efficiency ami comfort. To this fuel I hey gave the nev famous name of "Nanaimo-Wel-linglcm." representing nil tli.it xas best in coal. No sooner xvns it found thai Ihe public insisted nn gelling this Wonder Fuel than other coals xvere put on the market under very similar names. So much o thnl the public xvere al a loss In say xvhicli xxas the genuine and which Ihe imitalion. Of course it xxas easy aflcr a trial; a single sack will prove it ! nuSre lasting and more powerful i V. frvrn a few shovelfuls, i hardly any ash. no clinker or rock, all these points stand out xvhen yon mako n practical lest in furnace, fireplace, healer or cook-stnvo. This famous Nanaimo-Wel-lington coal is sold only by Albert & McCaffery lo xxhom all orders should ho phoned direct. Prompt delivery service given by their own teams and truck.-Their plione numbers are 110 and 50 1. tf HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert I. Casley, Los tig 10 33 p.m. 10 t? a.m. 23:08 p.m. leu. balls. I8. had Brooklyn most V, t t men lU op bases. U.'U. nndj PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ICbicago Hie leasl, POt. 'ills-! s burg led in pulpitis, villi Ut8,j Tuesday, December 30. tuul Cincinnati in assists, wuhi ntgh 4 to ,m. ;o 2 ft ;ua. Chicago commllled he most errors, 'M.8 and lloslon Ihe. Low ?0.t 7.0 3 5 3 Mohair Chesterfiel 7-24 f This advertisement is not published or displayed hy the Liquor Control Hour) or hy the Government of Untish Columbia. I ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Each suite comprises r find inside measurement i tlhcslerriclil. one arm. chair ami one xving arm chair. Hacks niul irms of each piece ure covered in rich royal blue or loliacco luiiwii mohair Marshall spring cii-bions, in licaiitiriil figured mohair or tape-try. We have five of these si ites on display at $247.50 Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street Phone 123 H. S. Wallace Co. and Staff Wish Their Friends a RIGHT MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ROOMS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK STEVE KING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED YOUR MEN FOLK WILL APPRECIATE "WOLSEY" UNDERWEAR, SOX & SLIP-OVER VESTS PRICES VERY REASONABLE Phone Green 85 4 ..a i i