PAQ1 FOWL SEE THEM IN THE WINDOW. The Well Known CHUM'S SHOE Fop Children. Sizes up to 7Vj. Usually priced at 3.75. Special ' price for one week $2.95 Sires 8 In 10 V4. Usually priced al $175. Special price for one week $3.95 Those nreabsnlutely First (rath Shoes and will sell quickly al Ihis price. Family SHOE Store Third Avenue, . i I Money . Orders I On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations in for that Summer Vaqalion visit lo I ho 01.1 Land early. For Ticketj, Rales ami Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread In Hread is your best food. Eat 'more of it. Kept by Ihe loading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. ', Prince Rupert B,C. if DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cm any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone E80. Night or Day. WE CUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S I Cartageand Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Hstributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialise In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser 8t. Sleam Heated Hot and Cold Water Hales by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 869. BRINGING UP FATHER llx'm nn nana." Milburn'n Latay.lrrr rills arf tie a 'rwipi of prif by Thp T. Ninmrn c, IJmuwl. Toronto. Ont. . DRYDOCK ACTIVE . ..... BUILDING NEW ONES Lighthouse lender Newington and two Irawb'rs, Andrew Kelly and Foer, of Ihe Cold Storage Cfh, are on drydock for general overhaul. "The repairs on the Canadian National rar barge which stranded on Watson Hock are nearly completed, and il will soon be ready for work again. Two (55 foot cruisers for gov ernment palrol work are . now under construction at Hie local yards. These cruiers are to be powered with semi-deiiel engines ami will ljae every up-to-date; equipment. Interior finishings will be of Ihe best and both boats will have a small gas boat lender. LOCAL RADIO HEARD AT GREAT DISTANCED I'ele Hlark lately bad the sat isfaction of having his new radio set being heard in Vancouver. This set N a ropy of Jack Hants. ley's which was heard lasl winter in Ihe J-L-isI and Ihe Hawaiian Islands. A short lime before, (iordou Jltilgcr, with a simple five, wall set was heard in Vancouver. Cards reporting reception of 'the t-all were received from reliable stations in Fort Wnrlb, Texas, De Xoya, Okln., and oilier Millions from most or the Pacific coastal slales. FIRST BOY TO COME TO PRINCE RUPERT The first boy lo land in Prince Hupert was Wallace Anderson, son or Mr. and Mrs. t. W. Anderson. He came in Ihe spring of ItiO. titul lived on what Was then known as Centre Street. Wallace or "Wally" as be was called, saw service overseas, and was one. of the crack baseball players of Hupert until lie left lo reside in Seallle. TH1 DAILY RKWa " Momlx?. February Tbe Man in the Moon i SAYS: t (INK of he Ihings (hat -don't i pet you anywhere "i saying what an easy job the Edinr of (M! " ! H .. teyef, imi rjWo w la mfii bUrk mily .ews v i lias. 'tur , frw vi ami ri as If mi STEPPING into Ihe Kilifor' . shoes for just one .lay no ,f- fence In llier ulitorj Is like mis- stepping into a htfe dark lun ', nel i, and aim jour vonr he-nlVliirU nean wiuns riiiiuimuUt till you don'l k,now which ' way lurn first TJIEIIE are fifty-seven rule fur success in business. ... i... i i i.. .. . i ... ... ,.r .Never mind Ihe oilier fifty-six. W1IH.N' yoii fill lhi blank for FLOATING SPECKS BEFORE THE EYES MEANS LIVER TROUBLE i ifre in lu faint. thi rau rrl tMiml I IBAND CONCERT PROVED EXTREMELY ENTERTAINING "" "r ' rin iniriy.;'l''iicr was present al tut Mu.i IM ,o , m n '"'Tr.1, b" nW,t !' in Iht Uw iivrr u Hty r imv'I. i "; i'-im-. mini iij ih- " "', by u "' "lt,,,rn' K"rMi 11.15. Ilallalinn. The rinin.'l!L"""u"r rm ,""r 'Program follows: f poiMMj March . w. . .... .... . Conlemplihles. Ilan.l. lo'inaner m n rMr.n. OverUluri "l.u.lspiel," Hand. Mr. Chat. Ajlaiwl. Franarlll. Onl rlirs: "I ul lo r awfully Imihrmt wnn naimr sj-ih hr my rjrf, tArtw tml lrknrs to iy liivli. I "' iu hlf ll f yr .Milliini" ym ,v Br, , Wl -m a J rvrr .w I iy kn-i Ihe Poll Tax, "Where were youlUl at all dabM. ir maiM dirrrt iaii birn?" be thankful Hint Ihe next qiienlion is not, "Why" .t I HH..V, ca.le,. upon lo edi. a Paper wilhout pn-vious otper- 1a iiflftri mi illiipiii 'lr..L! thai wakens genius mil of its" sliiiuber. IF only we could pel a pranio- pbone record, of Ihe Sons of Canada Hakeiball team nfler Itieir? defeat by the Colls; last week, wnai a reconi I Mat Would be. MANY h mait who would scorn pick a pocker or .ileal a door liial, wViubl sleal aMiis' and frlory Ihe theff. Which calls foe (his warning watch your stejn as you are liable to slip tlii is Leap Year. S(MK Keiitleuien .in town .n're so iov thai Ibey are patienlly awailiuv the I'JIU in hopes that Ihe 'irls will ive them a free lesion no, Ihey .ai; "not Vill Seolcluiieii eilber. SI'HKIX(i of showers, some ?irls have showers when Ihey are jroinjr o be married. .Vow. I were thmkin? of launching upon Ihe sea of matrimony f should want an out and out mill slorni. KVKN lltoiiah I am only Ihn Man i rr" Ihe. Moon, you cannot say ifs "A Kiss in the Dark" when Tin around, or I will I brow some lif-'lil on the subject. I ALWAYS Ihotiphl that some day I should mount very high, if only in an aeroplane, but to be up in the Moon al a single bound ! Well, Ihis is "Leap' year. "All," smiled. Ihe Scolchrnan, as Third Avenue reared him up into Ihe air; "This will save nie some shoe leather." ' IT was in a ipiainl obi garden Ami Ihe moon wa"K shining bright; kissed her, oh, so lemlerly, And I hugged her, oh, sodigbt; Hill she was a uiarble'slalue. And I was drunk that nighl. Sotm-rlli f ir. Ilnilv Nw, 1 ''' r' '''' '' BRIER Qood Program Was Appreciated by Audience at Westholme Last Night A larjre and apprecialivc Ihe Ihe Souk "Asleep ill Ihe ! p." J. itPorse. Vale "Suiisel on Ihe SI. liwrence," Hand. Soik-"Oii on I lie eep," V. II. I terry nn.l Hand. Select ion "Soiuiils from lrrla,,,, Hand. fonji I -rill nie Hack lal O IMine." Mr. Savaron. ininiiiiir oene--i;hararlerilic "nran snm. ,. .Miner. "I Sod Savo lhe Kins." Special ruenlion is due to Ihe (iverlur- a. Mipicl. by be band riie Valse "unel on Ihe SI. Lawrence," thrilled Ihe hearts of the dancing arl of Ihe audience. "Sounds from Ireland" ond the "lluiitiiig ,icene" were very much appreciated. The song "Call Me Hack Pal O1 Mine." by Mr. Savaroii. was heartily applauded, also Ihe mouth organ solo by T. Miller, who obliged by encore. MISSIONARY SERMON IN METHODIST CHURCH .A very interesting address was given last night at the Methodist Church by Itev. Arthur Harrier of Calgary. The subject was "The Melhodisi Missionary Society Work in Canada."' Mr. Harrier e an account of Ihe work of the society among the Indians of this country. Ihe educational advantages Jhat the Indian children have received and Ihe hardship of the uncomplaining missionary, lie spoke, also of the hardships of life in Ihe unfrequented places iir Camilla, of Hie people's eagerness to receive the gospel and in" struggle for existence of these hardy pioneers. In closing, Mr. Harner spoke of Ihe mighty influence for good excited by Ihe people who "Lift Up I heir e.ves." GIRL GUIDES Reorganization Will Take Place Under Mrs. D. Ross; Meeting , Tomo'rrow Many in the city will be pleased to hear that a new and nrpahle mistress has Iwen obtained lo captain Ihe first flirl Ouide Troop of Prince Huperl. For Ihe past few months the guides have leen unable lo carry on activities, h there was no obtainable mistress in town. Mrs. Ii. Moss, bride of the manual training teacher, has consented lo fill the position nud TMAOK MARK RtctsTepso Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad v.rtUmnt Tk.n for L. iham rJOe,i ' , -" i hi. i -i. ii i ii i i - WARTtft MOf.EIl HA It II Hit COLLEGE wants men and women to leaVn Ihe Harber Trade. Paid wniie learning, nils is your opporlunily lo learn a trade and get into steady employ ment. Graduates earn from 910.00 to $50.00 per week W rile for free catalogue. 50 Hastings E. Vancouver. FOR SALE FOIl SALE. "23" Taxi Servire. consist ing of 2 Fori I deliveries Willi covered bodies; odgn enclosed far with llas)er shock nbiorbcrs. Iluine bus been established three months and receipts are increasing each month. Price f00, 1100 rnh will handle. There Is enough business established lo pay Ihe balance. Northern Exchange. FOIt SALE. I Edison Ilerlifier for charging storage batteries from the City light line. S rash. $50 on terms at l0 per rnonlh. , Apply Northern Exchange. if FOIl SALE. Hull. liner 5.'. x Id mid iiioorin for 20 lals. This is bringing in 35 to 10 per inonlh. Will sell fur $150 cash or lerins. Northern Ex-cbangn. FOIl SALE. 33 foot Cabin Cruiser. 12 h.p. heavy duly engine, electrically lighted, with toilet. Heal snap al $700. Apply Northern Exchange. FOR SALE Sixteen room board ing house and slore, furnished. Apply 929 Ambrose Avenue. FOIl SALE. C hole Monarch Hange. Almost new. Phone Hlack 2HH. 35 FOR RENT FOIl SALE. Power boats of every, description Including pleasure, (rolling and work boats, at reasonable prices. Apply N. M. McLean, llow Hay. Modern four room flat for rent. Also office, wilh modern living nuarlers. Weslernhaver Hros. if TKA.M Heated Flat for rent Heaner apartments. M. M. .Stephens. LOST LOST, One gold drop , earring between 0IH Fifth Avenue East ami hospital. Finder please reiilrn lo Daily News Office, fleward. If LOST. Hoy's silver wrisl walch in play shed, Hooth School, Tuesday lasl. Maker's name Hoss. Hong Kong. Finder return lo McLean, C2I Fifth Avenue East. 35 LOST. fluid Founlain pen, in itials A.ll.L. on Third Avenue, Mcllride or Fourlh Ave. East. Finder return lo Dally News olllcc. 35 wilh her ability and sportsman hip, i great forward step should be taken to further the guide movement, nnd stimulate inler- es in cily. The first reorganization meet ing of Ihe' guides will n held at Hie King Edward High School In. morrow afternoon Immediately afler school. All members, nnd lliose desiring lo join the com. puny will iillend Ihe meeting punctually. Prosperous admitiln means regular continuous advertltlav. BOARD. HOARD. The Inlander. Second Avenue. Phone 137. FURS QOIMQ UP. The Fur Market is corning back strong. See me first and last with your catch vnu'll mule more money. W. GOLOBLOOM, The Trapper's Friend, Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. Hoods nought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furnllure and Criwkery. Third Ave. 'hones Hlack 13(1 and lle.f tlj. TAXI Tail t7 Phona. (Call fleorgs or Oust) Ross B roths ra. Prompt Service and Comlorl Dy or Night tUnd: Boston Grill Third Avsnu MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Monday. Wednesdays and Fridays, sloses al 5J0 D.m. From the East. Mondays, Thursdays and .Saturdays, 4.30 p.m. From Vaneouv Sundays ...... iHmn P. M. Wednesdays .1 P.M. rrldays - A.M. February II and 23. To Vancouver- Tuesdays, .Mail -closes at I P.M Fridays .8.15 A.M Saturdays A.M. C.P.H. February 13 and 20. To Anyoi. Alice Arm. SLaw.irl Premier-Wednesdays In P.M. From Anyoi, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier-Fridays A.M. To Port Simpson. Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier Sundays 7 p.m. From Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyoi, 8tewart and Premier-Tuesdays A.M. To Alaska Points- February 1 1 and 55. From Alaska Points- February 15 arid ?'J. To Queen Charlotte Island Points February 13 nnd 27. Closes (i.:i(i p.m. From Queen Charlotts Points February II and ?5. To Naas River Points and Port Simpson-Thursdays () From Naas Mer Points nturdav jyj PRINCE mistvsrr . . rinr. Monday, February 11 8:51 a.rn. 18.0 f. IH:lt p.m. JO.n " '-"w 12:15 a.m. 7.0 " Tuesday, February 12 ""I' fi:lH a.m. IH.o f. 10:27 p.m. 15,1 'ow 0:10 1,,,,,, go 13:11 p.m. 8.1 Wednesday, February 13 "'P1' 7:10" a.m. 17.0 f. , 2" M5 p.m. 1 1.0 '',w l:oj " n.m. 0.2 1:10 p.m. 8,1 " Thursday, February 14 mBl' H:lfl ,,.,. I7.r, f. , 21:57, 15,2 " 'ow 2:0(1 " a.m. 10.0 15:20 p.m. 7.7 " Friday, February 15 .... '"" DM5 a.m. I7.B 22:58 p.m. is.H '"w 3:18 a.m. 10.3 10 28, 7.0 By George McMai SCHEDULE OF BASKETBALL February II. Colls, Ilegt.; Maple .cf( Kaiens; Teachers, 8.O.C. 15. Adanacs. Teachers td.i. Scnol, (Jrollo; S.O.C CpU. 18. Colls. Illgbrr &h .1 Teachers. Manle Le.1f : f.u Teachers. . 22. Kaleos. AdanacA. nnt. Orotlo; leacbers. g..C 23 Orotto. , flls, Leafs, Adanacs; S.O.tV, C Un. March 1 . Knleii. lVnrliors: h1. High School; (iill.. Tehehrs. i VmIU HcgL; Mspie Lcifi. KmIii; Teachers. H. Ailnnars 'IVurl.rt i Hi.k SchcKd, (Initio; S.O.C.a(jjn II Colls. II iub Sclif,4 Tirk ffs, Maple Leafs; CnltrTjcrifri. haien, Adanaca n: Crotlo; Teachers. H.O,C. League laiidlrii(s t.r.f.ifV Senior League .1 i J '' Son of Canada . . il" Cdl C Teachers . I 'Two points deducted v ocial Ion for fielding MMfr-' c player In League game Intermediate Ltagus dls I ID High School . Elks t. ? (Initio ' $ Ladles' League Adamics ...'. m Id Maple Leafs ....... . I Teachers . i " Kaiens kii, Junior League Colls w ' I High School 0 1 Slur- HI11. Hirds j i' WHIST LEAGUE Feb. Hpina of England V K. of (; K. of P. vs. Kids; Mone vs. I.O.O.F.: O.W V A Vi. Andrew'. Feb, 21 Moose vs. Suns of aila; SI. Andrew's vs, I.(l.f K. of P. vs. K. of C.; Sons of England vs. Elks. Feb! 2H-K. of P. vs.'inv VA Moose vs. Elks; Snn of ran-nda vs. I.O.O.F.; Si. Andrew Vs. K. of C. March ft K. of P. vs. I.O.O.Fi Sons of Eimlnnd -vs, Moos': Sons of Ciinadfi vs. s.K, K, of t C March 13 Sons of Engird ! O.W.V. W. I'l8 Elks , 11 0 Mnoe,' 9 Sons of England 8 0. W. V. A 7 7 K. of P 6 St. Andrew's 5 Oddfellows 8 I Sous of Canada.. i t K. of C 3 BILUARD LEAGUE- ISSUES SCHEDULt Feb. II. R.O.E. vs. Andre ' Feb. 13. flrnllo vsT Elk" Feb. 15. P.ll. Illlllahl Ir'or' vs. (I.W.V.A. Onnie. tolnl, Avff 0.W.Y..I. S. of I., ... llrulln Klka IMI.II.P ... SI. Andrew's 3731 '3'5Hrt 3580, "nsnf 'innt 3303 u :i :i R!HI 87 811