Monday February 11, 1021. W VALENTINE DAY February 14, 1924 ' GREETING CARDS, POSTCARDS, HEARTS, CUPIDS, ARROWS, CUT OUT8 IN GREAT VARIETY, DENNISON CREPE WITH LARGE HEARTS. Il Mm wih to make ytiir own Valentin we have (lie g - mi die Valentin' Hfil Mai flock, and supply of gummed . .!- to derorate willi. iileuliuc i- tin- c liildrcn' day. The cost is a trifle. Li-1 Hi mm rnjo UiemsdyfK They will tie I'liiliIi'tMi but owe. Mall order- lnmunli'il -.nut' day as received. PULFORD'S CREAM of OLIVES 50c (Jurr Chapped r Cro ki i Ch.ifiug.' Sop-nc, D'&i'lrtrTluiiglNir. Hi-dnes .mil all irritahuu of tin- -kin. Ati-'Ar, alter, sliming itml lur keeping I hand in got omJittoii it i unequalled. "V FREE TO ADULTS ONLY. (;..'! in mid get a in. bottle fr-e, so thai you Hiay lr' it eulnwirelf. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer DruggisL SMOKED FISH AT ITS BEST Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office lio n- f a.m. In n p.m. Open livening lv Sjii i iul Appointment. A A There are Just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Flh, AT ITS BEST. T sr-c Mulct are-- I Buy ''Rupert Brand." Rupert llmnd i- de-Inrn-il In I he lnr in i-lcim ut'W mi' clearly -l.lHII Cll "HhimtI liiuiid." Wrap in cooking 'it. k iii muderale over for ?il to :M fiitiidf -. remote paier mid serve al on re. Four Kindt Breakfast Kipper, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. .l .ill Im-Ii .ohI M.irki'l-. .mil I inner, y r - Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Phone 109. Hclgerson Block. REED CHAIRS & ROCKERS Upholstered In Attractive Cretonnes add charm to your Living Room. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings TELKWA COAL $11.00 BULK ON WHARF $12.50 BULK DELIVERED Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 110 and 564. HER CHILDERN HAD WHOOPING COUGH Tliii. i. hiif i if iim- luoM dmiieroui dl ease, of I'biUlirn. II (Uru with fever (11(1 roujrtl. Tins courti li tl flrit klKrrt nd -Imij'. but induilly Inrreinri la evnny ud (WJDr la uddrn rpiMun, voiiiiiiiii f..l,,, i ttd ometliiln there it iwe hhrd, Uh- dilld turni livid In (he fire. Hie (( iimir If they would hurt irmu their market", iwl niff'Millon win. iiiiiuiueni tut relief l InmtM on hy HI ""VllHHrfl " or. Wid'( Jlurwiy Itiie ffyrtip will rlr the brutichtel ml f I lie eallerted luotiHM util Hnil Kd Hilhl iy t the Mrltliiir tuutu. and in i (h'trt lluic iHhe II dliiMr. Mr. I.. Amfcrane. Sarnw. oiit.. write: "My Utile une Kere butto li with Ikj luff nmitt. I read hrre. Ir WimkI'i Mr way I'liie Syrup wm (rimd, iml I unly uw1 li Inttllet nd ttwjr were belter. I )mi rhr.Mii.- hrnneblU fur three yeir (lid lrlel i-t.Dtlnnr until, finally, I rut "lr, WiHr". I wniiM but Ir wKhout IhU reined)." I'lirr :ir,i i l..dil, lrK" fimlly lie HI "I I.v h Thr T. Milhurtl Co., Illlll.'ll. . TMlllil. I NEW RADIO IS ALMOST READY $7,000 Set Will be In Operation Next Week at Dlgby Island lli.' ih'm null iiimiuii wave raiJio wliu-li i lie-iiiK iintlalU'd al lnyliy l-laiul wiri'leiot elaliou will in wui-k iiijr order next tti'i-k, il i. offii'ially aniioiiii"il. , 1 lie (il of tin- iiolruilll'lil I a..i "Ximalfly ;.IHH. II in t lie vi-y laical HiIiik in radio traiiH. in i - i ii ami wild it the local la-liiin will In- alile ti roHuinwatc clin i i hiIIi Vhucimimt and Vic-j'liiui an. I i.ihi-i laliiit(i on Uie ' I'UI . TIMBER RESOURCES DESTROYED BY FIRE Durum li''J lli. ic were 18W twrnt fiv wliii'h ci (j.-.'.l uvfr 50.3OII ai-ii--. of wlncti I5.9IMI ki-ivk cairicl -alealile luulier. and 7.IMMI a-r' valnaiile k"ih1 Ifrtiwtli. I'lie-MF fin caud de- -qtllpiiOMil :iii. t.iluM' fiuiiw of m..pily (. U- ii-iil if ;J5.. linn. r Hi rtrv J5 prr rnl "; I li.v liu man aaiiry. ;!! !af..Jy i'lcvi-iitalile. BOOK VIA C.N.R. FOR EMPIRE EXHIBITION j.i i ,ii rami 'iiirntc are ;i m.I ail.liliunal ilfam- -liii! iifT icral'l liv the Wlnlr Star. Cnnard and Anclior-liiall"ii lines ! handle Wiur-il ildlrina in vitit the Urit-i-h Kmpire K.xpuKition in Kn;-land I liu. kuninier. Close rr made liy the Canadian Nalmnal llaitway wilii lrMtHrw of Hif- linen at Allan-tie wa -port . l'aHrlK secured and full information at Cify Tic-iel noire. Catiadian National Hailway. 52K Third Avenue. I'rinre Itupert. III'.. Plmne SCO. NEW LAMP BURNS 04r AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new ml lamp Dial irive an miiitrinply lirilliaol, so ft, while liahl, I'lfii ImUm- than sas or elwlni ily, ha heen leeleil hy the I'M. i"eiiiinetit and 35 Iwullim tilth r!-Mtie. and fouud to he mi-periiT lo 10 ordinary oil .lamps. II burn without odor, smoke or not" -no iiiiiiianp ij ii simple. clean, xafe. Hum v air and 5 ciininiim kerosene (emal oil). I he inventor, (i. A. Johnson. ritiS Mcliennol Ave., Winnipeg, i orferins In send n lamp on 10 days J'ltKK trial, or even to give 'lie l'ftl'.K In the first user in isu li Inralily who will help him itilroijtice ii. Write III Hi toitav fir full particulars-. Also ask him f" explain how you ran pel the i K " y . miii) willmut experience or nmney make 250 to $500 per month. SubiTiho for the Daily News. IllisV herself. txiv nAtt.v tiw-vua . Local awl Personal J B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayoers. 351. Undei takera. Pbou If Dry ciilar kindling wood, jf 1 .00 a rick. l'Jione 177. 37 llcyular inci'tiii;,' Trades uud Labor Council ' (uinurruw .evening al b o'clock. Inxpeclor l'arftoii of Hie Pro vincial police returned from Ixl-moiilon on Sunday. K. C. Maiiniii!,' of I he Victoria Foreelry dciiariment U expecled in the city llil cvenlug. 4- - Cupluin aii(l".Mr. Kalkeu arrived imi Saturday from Porclicr lo fpend the veek end in town. We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone G52. tf Colonel McMurdie who ha heen on a business trip south reports that Vancouver look,ex- eeplionally busy, i Joe Herman and 'ius Itakai were passeHcrs lo .'milhers on the Saturday ntjrhl train.' They will work in the Duthie mines Klks' and Itoyal Purple benefit Itridze-whisl drive and dance. Klks' llioue 'to-morrow nihl at H.I0. Tickets 50c. Itefreshinenls. j nose jiiurneyiior .irtu on I he Princess Mary lo Ketchikan are: A. Oveiiiiller. C. 1). lius- siiiKPr. A. I. .McMillan. J. M t'ralley. - Captain S. sliei-Jiaiunf the U.S. fishing vessel, lla-lern point. arrived on Hie Priires Ileal rice ihi Saturday, from his home near Seattle, ashiiigtun. . - The Fisheries Department are asking for tenders for lhe exlen sive overhaul if. the Malaspina and the (iivenehy. Tenders lobe in ou March, tf, alVanrouver. Steamer Cardeua Jiad a fairly xood trip north, so Captain Dick son re-ports. evidently Prime Itupert enjoyed the fierce sale of the last two yr .Xhree days by J. Tnylor wa knocki-.i down hy a flying limber caused by I lie pale -about 2 ajn. yesterday niorniii(r near Uie Hay View- Hotel. One Ihumb was sprained and a few minor bruUes were susluiued. .Marmion wineii is pone soulli lo aid in the salvage of Ihe S.S. Amur reports making the worst trip from Anyox in many years. At limes he could make only two and a half knot' an hour. ' 4 Ihe Princess Mary. Capt. Ofiufston, arrived in port today al 1.30 with Ihe following pas. senders for Prince Itupcrl: Mrs MaeDnupnll, Mrs. Palmer, T. Clark. They reporled a fine pas sane itorlh. Milrhell Currie are making rapid proRii'ss fss oil on ihe ihe buibliup McC!irni"s'li6use i:nmis-1ioi of M. P. which promises to become a beautiful home. II has an excellent Iik-m-lion on Fourth Avenue West. (iverlonkiiif the harbor. The plans am specifications for the eomplelion of the new nurses home are beinp lireiiar- cominillee thai lenders will lie railed and work will proceed at "' once. The lute Chris. Slapleton. whose death occurred recently al Portland. Oregon, and for whose widow a benefit dance will be held in the Klks Hall lo-morrow night, will be remembered by all lovers of spoil, for he gave some fine displays of! clever ball punching at the- Kxhibilion Huilding four or five years ago. D. J. Matheson. city treasurer, says that the finance report for the year it23 will be complete early in March. Last year il was the end of May before the report was out, and it has never before been ready before April. This year shows considerable advance. Ceo. Kovie, cily auditor has been on Ihe Job for the h in ,ih J pany. which left port yeterday. Is one of the best equipped cs-sels on the Pacific coast. She is equipped with a gyroscopic com pass and an iron mike. Thi iron mike is set and Ihe ship will fol low ils course without the aid of helmsman, Ihe iron working in ((injunction with the gyroscopic compass. If the course of the vessel has to he changed, the iron mike is set again. She is aNo eipiipped with a direction- finding compass by which direc tion can be found by wireless. There is said lo be only o'nC other merchant ship on the Pacific coasl equipped with a gyroscopic compass ami an iron mike. WIGWAM BRINGS TWO SCOWS OF LUMBER Ihe Wigwam, Capt. Kclchiim. armed last evening about o'clock with two scows of lumber from (ieorgelown. One scow containing four carloads of lum ber for eastern shipment, was landed at Ihe Canadian National lumber dock. The other scow contained lumber for the making eif. A formal meeting was nOl "r lm w,,,e" wa" 'a''d called but it was decided by lhe!al U,, fisU ,lock f,,r "'S lual al"1 I: .1...:.. . .... . ... iuh'iii r isurries. 1 IICJ SUiried early ami nearly reached Mella-kalla before Ihe wind arose, then they had a hard drive in. ARRIVALS ON S.S. CAROENA M. P. McCaffery. J. II. Pills-bury. S. P. McMordie. O. Ilesuer. C. II. Anderson. Through passengers Mr. and Mrn. Curzon, Alice Arm, Harry Smith, Alice Arm. Klks' March ANNOUNCEMENTS Annual i. Hall, Tuesday, Spend an evening in Ihe Tall Timbers at the Methodist Church Thursday, March 0. Royal, Purpje Kasler Haiaar and Sale of Home Cooking, April Great 'or a PAGE THREE. Cpcil The cm ypu will ask for again At the end of washday how old do you feel? And a few years of this tiring toil will make you actually as old in appearance as one day's work now makes you feel. Keep your youth by using our Thrif-T-seryice. Its cost is very slight, yet your entire bundle will be washed carefully, the flat work will be ironed, and just the wearing apparel left for you to finish. And this comes back to you damp, ready to starch and iron or hang on the line., May we send for your bundle next washday ? Thrif-T-service 5z & pound plus lc per piece; Minimum charge $t CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone' 8 t.uw gunaru i Tins advertisement is not published or displayed bj the Liquor- Control Hoard or hy Hie Government of British Columbia. Tom Clark of the local foreslry department returned on the Princess Mary this afleruoou. , from Victoria. I Charlie Folsoni of the j Telegraph slafl who has beeuj indisposed for the past few days. is now back al his post. Tommy Smith of this city who is located in- SI. Pelef's.j Cape Hreliiii,. i now uiana'-'in? the people's Iru(? Store of thai- cily. ; H. Sinclair. I lie (Kipular of the Inverness cannery, ar rived in town Salurday evening: on Ihe train lo spend the week! end visitin? his friends in the cily. - - V. YV. Mulvihill, assistant C.P.H. ajienl at Skagway is re-lurnins norlh after six week! holidays in the Velern Slates. His brother M. MuJvihil). con-i duclor on the White Pass andj Yukon route, accompanied him. , TANKER HANNA WAS SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED The oil (anker It. J. llauira. owned by the Slamlanl J)il 4un- BONDS Are the Best Investment We recoiiiuieud the following as being safe, saleable and of fair return: City of Vernon ro due 15lh June, 11)38, at 08.0i. Yield 5.707c City of Duncan due ;iSth May, ltlo3, at -$10iJ. Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert C due. 114 i to 11150, al l01.3i. Yield 5.90 Oitlers may be wired at our expense, interest accrued to dale of payment must b; added. We pay delivery charges. Gillespie. Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. Ml .1 ii r V)'i .,H . i .. . Ull