Winnipeg investor. are In cniiiiiiuuicalioii with a local l'Usliicss man Imiuiriiig a to Ihe 'ulhcntioily of reports received In Hint city that two new permanent bullditiK" are planned for erection henv One of these huildiUK. It Is understood, will 1m .creeled on Third Avenue ami will cost 125,-H Is nald thul it will bo ln storeys n height and of cou-erele and brick coiislructlou for TWENTY CARS TIES ARRIVE Ore From Smlthers Also Comes In For Transhipment to California limc-lnhh do yoti Jeaeh r-- 1927 and other consign- ligiou lie uimwered, "We leach it all Jay long. We leach it in arithmetic It)' accuracy, in language by learning lo say what we mean, in history liy hutivuilly, in geography by breadth of mind, in manual craft and domestic srienri liy thoroughness, in Hi-play ground by fair play. We teach it by kiudm lo animal, by being coiirleou. by good manner, and by triilhfuliie in Ml thing. Wc treat the children not n member of this C.liurcli or that lul a members of Hie school, of Up roiiimuuily. We teach litem In prnrtice religion out of (he actual relation in which lliey -land lo llieir lew-li-er. Iheir parenjs, Hielr school fellow, uud Ihe rommmiity; for mile lliey learn to build il where they ar. lliey will nut learn In build il afterwards anywhere ele." newMldings for this city Winnipeg Investors are Asking as to Plans for Prince Rupert ments will be senL here as required. These ties will be used when needed for maintenance at the most easterly points on the road. Prince Rupert will be the district centre of this Important Industry. Two carloads of ore from the Duthle mines came In at the same time. The ore will be transhipped for California. PERRY IS COMING TO ADDRESS ROTARY CLUB Is Strongly Urging Completion of Railway to Peace River II. S. Perry. M.I..A.. will ar rive in Ibe cily 011 W ednesday in oiib-r l uddrr' the local notary Club on Thursday. Ill Mihjeel will be the Pacific Ureal KnMern llailroad, in relation to Ihe northern interior. Interviewed nil Saturday last hi Prince lieorge Mr. Perry reilernled hi belief that the romplcllnu of Ihi railroad lo the Peace lliver district wa the one outstanding necc-ily of the day. Apart from it value to the peace lliver selller and Ihe' people of Prince Crow, il reactive value upon Ihe city of Prince llupert i inestimable The member feels the matter i one for the close co-operation of every North British Columbian. Mure ami office un. ('i5,iiiio pounds, al lU.t'c and He; I he other 'bulhllnu' il is aiil.'(!i(illi. rt.000 oound. aK and will be the hold, coiislrucllon of ' Mc. . to Ihe Canadian Fish A Cold 1. I.I.Ik - ""'in lias hern rumored for Sloiaue 1.0 .1.111. J limn ami in connection 1 Alias. 20.0UO pound, at t7.:ie ilh whleh A. A. Cox. the Van-'and He; Fallh. 5,5(1(1 niiiml, al couvcr archllccl, hu made fro- 15.2c and He, In the Boolh Fisher- 'KU'iil vislU if, ii, ,.iiv of lute, ies Canadian 1.0. l.ld. I 'will cost 55,0(tO. will ln oil lliuel, IH.tKlO pounds,, at t7.5e leinforced concrein mid brick and He, and Tahomn, 15,0011 onstiuclioii. wilh hIciiiii healinir ihmiihIs ;at 17.5c and He, to the Ul'"l tar ami 'grave! roof. A mIIo Hnyal Fish '.o " Mxlli Sheet for its ercgtlon been ', obtained, It Is said. FISH ARRIVALS lliulit bouts marketed 137,500 Ihs. of bulihul at Ihe Fish Fx rliaime lh morniiiK. 'Arrivals and sale, were if follows Pair of Jacks, 8,000 pounds, at Hit: and He; II: I.ip'ett. H.000 iiounds, at ICic 11ml Ho; Sumner, Tlie boanl of dlrcclors of Ihn iiislivleriau Church will- hold Archbishop IiuVernel left for anollicr incellug tonight to con lerrace , ..i .,ii.i'- .i,i,m the nlans of the new 1 .. r . . 1 M til , t million wniiiir people in Canada Tl.. Vancouver Itrcdviug tv .Salvage Cu. ha been given passing Ihrtiiiali lint three form charge of Ihe salvaging of tin: leamcr Amur which i stranded of education primary. s?eoii-!n vV1i9 Cliff Island und the steamer Tee. ii now 011 her way dary and university. Take a Jew fnini Vancouver with wrecking equipment to lake the veer off vi;ir iiT Hint mid ttit'.liire what llm r..,.f II u iV-IimI she will arrive there lodav. the results will In', in the next! The Amur is still swore in her position and storm df the! Kcurrulinu. If wi fail lo cdil-week end have not affected her seriouly, report received Ihis rate, what eilu go right? If Hie morning indicated. The lug Mannion look air empty scow down, ballle of. civilization U lost In to the wreck yeM-nlay to he used in lightening the Amur of her the school, who will win it afterwards? If the whol? community I. wrong in its cdiica lion, what diance have the clergy lo et it right from their pulpit? What rliuuce have legislation? To begin hy slnrl-Ing uur children 011 the wrong road in Uii'ir plastic period, and llieti when lliey are grown up to snd out the clergy, the police and legislation In bring lliem back what inA'f enterprise could compare with that? Religion Not long Miice n fclioolmnMer Twenty cars of tlss for maintenance along the C. N. R. line arrived this morning from the Utk and Terrace sasnsked. "Vlicr in. yilirl, mllls. This Is the first for coal cargo hut tin weallicr wan! o rough that it was impossible j lo do anything. The work of iiiilualiiir the vessel, it is un drrMood, commenced this morn ina-. Interesting Record ! S.s. Amur which went aground on While CHIT Island on Friday j morning laM, while on her way to A11) ox with a bar so of SOU ton of coal, ha dour yeoman service atonic this coast. A far back at IUU0 she took a cargo of food and clothing from Vancouver to Han Francisco for the re- illef ul IheulTeretf.l.n Jheearth- Hughe wit then her com mander. She Used ' lo run lo Skanway under Capt. Locke, who went down wilh Ihe Princess Sophia. Another of Ihe commander was Capt. Mcl.eod. She wu Ike CP. It. crack Jionl before the prince May look up the roasiul service. Our old friend Bob llauna, was one of the . crew on her eventful vo)ae to San Francisco in IVOG. She fieloiiK to (he J as. lirillilh A Son. Coastwise Steamship Coiiipiuiy. Seallle Marmlon Arrives Hie steamer Mannion arrived this inoruinp at ll.tU from tho Amur, which i Mill on the rocks at Whlleclitre Island. The Mar-111 i 1 hi left again at 2 o'clock Ihi afternoon and will return to morrow morning. Yesterday she was uiialde lo yet alongside Ihe mil r nwiiik' lo Hie fury of the lu 1 III. Tees Arrives The steamer Tee arrived at the Amur Ihi morning and will lie Kin lo discharge coal from Ihe Amur al high water lo-night. SALVAGE OF COAL BARGE Capt. Swanson May Oet Large Sum of Money for Saving Craft An inleresling ipiestion of salvage conies up in connection wilh Hie scow of coal which was broulil north by the Amur, and which has been toVcd to tafely at Inverness by Captain Swan-sou. The scow and her cargo are quite valuable and under murine law something like one-third of Ihe value goes lo Hie man who sulvages her. It is understood lliul Captain Swanson has made, an olTcr of settlement In the underwrllers, but this of for has not so far been accepted, In the meantime the scow is mooted in Inverness slouch and is looking rather badly. If mailers are delayed (here in a possibility thai she may become a total loss. Mr. Skinner Princess Mary He receiilly arrived on tho this afternoon, purchased tho He will return this eveu-ichuivl, will' view of getting pvi, c "orse fciur,' wecKiy paper I ,, ' J a' a" uarly date. ' u i!K'"or ie Wlfl TM Want A The Latest In Restaurants. TAXI 99 he it BOSTON GRILL hi I hurry Third Avenue. Pkoc Best of Food Good Service. PRINCE RUPERT Private Boxes for Party Use. mI Car and Best terr. In Uit City. PUUi Reason , v . SPECIAL NUMBER PREPARED By HIGH SCHOOL LITERARY SOCIETY "Take Her to The Boston." VOL. V1X., N(l. 35, PIllNGH lllTF.IVT, D.a,ial)AY, FEUHUAHY II, 1021, Saturdlf't Circulation 1.60S. Sirttt ttlM, 34. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SALVAGE WORK ON STEAMER AMUR BEGINS HIGH SCHOOL IMPORTANT FACTOR IN EDUCATION CATERS TO LOCAL NEEDS editorial Amur Still on Reef WHAT EDUCATION CAN DO. There t nothing tiki cducn-liuii fur turning u pluin mini into u thinker. If you waul a man tu think deeply mid earnestly ml linn thinking about ediiculion. Today there am a and Salvage Work is Commencing Today DECORATED AT NEW YORK Upon the arrival of the Canadian Pacific S.S. Empress of Canada at New York, foXowine her craif e Round America, Captain S. Robinson, R.N.R., ho now commands this vessel on world cruise, was created a Commander of the Order of the British Empire in recognition of his heroic work at Yokohama when Japan was rocked by earthquake and when the Empress of Australia, which be then commanded, was the headquarters fn tfc mm, ntrtiM nrl r1if rnrlrr Th InvMtitfir til mid hv Sir commercial Ute.Thi3 pbotojrsph wj taken aUthe lime of the invtit9e J? nd shows, from left to right. Sir Harry Armstrong. Captain S. Robinson, C.B.E., R.N.K., and Mr. K. W. Ueatty, K.U., president 01 tne canaaisr. Pacific Railway, who visited the blue ribbon vessel of the Canadian Parif Seet after the ceremony. Work of the Local High School What it Means and what the Public Should Know About it The High School was first established in Prince llupert in 1012. with twelve scholars. Today there itre enrolled one huu- dr.'d ami twenty, with five leachers on the .staff. The subjects taught are F.ngliMi, Classics, Modern Languages, .Mathematics, Science, Drawing, ami Commercial suiijeeis. -1 lie nign scnooi prepare slmlenls for University, Norma! Training Colleges, and .imimirpi:il life Besides the ordinary High behool course cov In the eleven years of ils exis-!doiiietie science, ami ealisthcnic leoee it Ims sent out dearly four'tlrill. Debating classes are held to become healthy, strong, taw- school, including sports, gamVs. abiding and useful citizens. Wilh general deportment, and finances the small resources at it dipi.ial are controlled by a body of the il emphasizes Ihe value of, and students called the Students leaches physical drill and games to Ihe growing boys and girls. Social Life Council, elected -annually by Ihe student body. All this tends to make I hem better citizens and l'he social life. of the school Is prepiires Ihem lo take their not neglected. The school, wlthjplaeos intelligently later in the Ihe money made by concerts aljlife of Ihe community. With various lime, tins a piano, a;inore facilities in t lit matter of gramophone and a lepnis court, play accommodation on Ihe Community singing opens each -school grounds a more expansive day's work, llaml-craft, first aid.'pmgrum of sports and games signalling, drill ami physical cul-'could be put in force. Much Herring was Destroyed at Kodiac Island When the Wharf Collapsed Under Weight of Ice Uostsipil U Hilt port -w -ing V hou Terrific Gale Strikes City and Tears up Sidewalks, Blows Roof from Overhead Railway Crossing I'rince Itupert was yesterday visited by one of the most destructive gales in her short but eventful history. The assessed vulii". of damages throughout Hie city proved very great, and will cause up small drain 011 the resources of the city, council. Long stretches of sidewalk near the Post Office and the H.IL Undertakers, and along Third Avenue and McUride Street wre swept. np by the wind and turned over on the street. Half of Hie rooT of the overhead crossing leading to the station was blown off and shingles were carried like birds in the air in many parts of the cily. 7" Tin lare lanker R. J. Ilanna MfnTU IP lCDV of Ihe Imperial Oil Co. broke 111111111 1.1 f L,I I front it . moorinps yesieruay about 'J p.m. and forced lo anchor out in the liarlmr, later citing sail on her return voyage south. Aliifut 2 O'clock yesterday af- INTERESTED IN PRINCE RUPERT ernoon one 01 Joe Jirown s laxi driven hy E. Smith s was , suddenly . , , released , , of , its ., , head 1 Or. Thompson r.. Gratified at C. N &ear. while driving up Third Afe. Residence Injured The residence of Frank Mor tis, of the B.C. Undertakers, was nie'Vslore was blown across the street in a direct easterly direc- : iSID HUNTER HAD Fishing .schooner Sumner, skipper horiauo, arrived lit port this morning having completed an evenlfiil month'.' trip. The i-niiliiiii Ims miiiik eveilinir tales concerning the results of cold R. Putting on Steamer to I Skagway NORTH WANTS NEW SMELTER IN C. dably damaged. The roof-end "The Yukon is very much inter Harry Armstrong, Hntish consul uenerai at New lorK in me pietence 01 a uacio, jiurin w. ium vuv onu esieo 10 uie cny 01 rriucc nuiicri. large tathering 1 important figures in Canadian and American political and 1 tho wind, rushitiK in betweeii the ami it procress," stated Dr. At- rf-aii4ceiutfr,firml--an exit by freil- TtM.injnn,eimeiiibcr o f tearitijf "apart the ceiling of -the parliament for the Yukon who sillin? room on the top floor as passed iliruuxh the city on the If the malerial were paper. The Princess .Mary this afternoon en windows liehig cloed one was route to Dawson, blown inlo the street below, 'ol Dr. Thompson said that he had a particle of glass fell in the heard the Canadian National room. "Kverylhinjr was over," Railway was soiiifr to put on a Mr. .Morris said, when our re- boat plying between here and porter tailed to see Hie wreck, Skagway. lie was gratified at this "in less than a second. The because the people of the Aukon family had just come in from Would find such a steamer a. Sunday School when Hie storm tfieal convenience in making ; hit them. Fortunately no one connection with trains at Ihi sulTered except Troiii the shock." port Tor Ihe Fast. Seventy Mile Ousts . I The gold oulput in Ihe Yukon The anemometer at the (iov- holtliiiR its own and silver is eminent meleondo?ical station increasing, slated Dr. Thompson; recorded vestenluy's wind to The flir trade is very good; have an average of fifty miles "ml the north country Is looking'' an Lour, wilh periodic gusts as lorwaru 10 amuner smeller Ueing .-1 :, -.1 . 1... i.i 11,.. .r lii'jl, as sevcniv miles. Vlic in- 1111 111 111 lllls province 10 nanuie vnilg lllice cus, 11 puis uu i .11.1 jriu ,u vu.wm- uir i nimicu . . V , 1 i.v 1 v.. 1 r.. : ..i i i n. 1..4 Ulriiment does not recisler ,. tho lnp ,iool ouipui 01 or "ol.l oiu anu in.l " V luJZrr ' " W r the Mom, but from the f'-i the K.ondyke. silver ..n . ....t....-,!,. ,.r I,,,-.. ,,-.. Imml.i.i M.n l,vs while eelfcts around town the velocity '" loomnson IS now piacin ul least 8.000. itlie jrms receive luslruclioii in or the wind mul have reached," "avvson. .Mrs. inonipson 70 to 80 miles. From observa- uml ""'y are 'V Switzerland lions this morning it is evident NV,llere Miss Thompson is com hundred young men and women regularly throughout the greater that nearly all the damage was, it . - , ,.. ri..,., 11... 1...1 11.. .., ..r 11. n ...... - .....I iniu i,iinii-III.,,,!, mil liv II, e 1 i iti? I roree of inleresl in furthering every the students to excel in oral ex-or wiimwuuls. I lit siue-waiK. luovemenl thai helps the sludenls pression. The social life of Hie, between the post ofliee and (lien- pleting her studies. wen (uei'ium i" iikiii imnn iwn i i" ' ... v , - pTPtif 1 TIT IP I 1VP1 V of life. The school lake a preal lixe and encouragement is given, the sou' wester, but by a seriea oltWrtKl 15 LlfvbLl BOOM IN SUMMER- iSTFAVAHT. B.C., Feb. II. lion. The side-walks oil' Second , Nex' ""'nmer promises to be one Avenue near the B.C. Undertakers were hurled in a westerly direction, while the overhead ,lnest report is that the Dunwctl crossing at Hie Railway Station-was blown directly north. This would lead one lo suppose (hat Ihe slorm was cyclonic in it's naturr. Hie centre being some distance from Prince Rupert. The roofing of the overhead crossing leading lo the railway station which was carried away by Ihe wind last night and blown aguiusl the Dawson building, completely destroyed the tight ami 'phone connections of tho station. By dint of hard work the station lights were restored a few minutes before the train arrived. AN EXCITING TIME weather uml heavy ial,. while uwav. At Three Cent ltav. Ko- While down at Hie llazeltyn dine Island, ulioul Jan. 20, heavy gules and a temperature of float, eo. Bryant's hat blew off about 2." below zero combined lo produce disastrous effects., into Hie bay. Sid Hunter, who Wharf piles collapsed under the weight of ice and the force or was near by, got into a rowboal the wind, resulting ju ,lhe loss of nearly $20,000 worth or her-jan.l sturled aHer it. Sid. got the ring. Two sutljng boats were lost thre about the same time. liat but lost an oar and soon was The rishing boat (troth, which i - quite a distance out in the har- nrrived here this morning was the bad weather outside. Tho tiipjbor. However, the Harla came to twenly-two hours coming from I ordinarily made in about sevenllhe rescue and Sid was no worse rallant a. 1 of great excitement, if we are lb believe current reports. Thd, group on Bear lliver has struct, a big lead of high-grade ore,-and that assays of gold and silver show $150 lo Ihe ton. The shares in this important group have recently jumped from 50c. to t.50 a share. Tho mine is controlled by the Stewart Lane Co. - PUPIL EDITORS HANDICAPPED BY BROKEN WIRES The High School Pupils in charge of the Daily New editorial department literally lore their hair Ihis morning when il was discovered that all wires connecting Princu llupert with the outside world were down and all communication closed until repairs were made. Not a word camo through from (he outside, other than by mail, up to the time of going lo press. ? 3iM