PAflfi TWO. When You Try ii MMhtaoT; RAPID CHANGE I! The Daily News PRINCB Itl'PFJtT - HHITJSH COLUMBIA. Danger Of Getting Into A Rut, founded -sum 1859 oneoiisisfent hiyh f".iali(y mmmmmmmmmmei n SALAD A H478 you will realize the difference between "Salada"and"just tea." Published Every Afternoon, excspl -Sunday, the Prince. Ruperl Dailv News, Limited, Third Avenue. If. F. PULLRX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cily Delivery, ly mail or carrier, per month ,.. $ Hy mail to all parts of the Hrilish Empire ami the United Slates, in advance, per y;ar $fl.on To all olliervenurilries, in advance, per year ?7..rn Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Daily edition Wednesday, Marrb 5. 1921. There is grave danger of jcople liviug in a Mnall place gel ling into a rut so deep thai it is difficult lo gel ouL There ha 4cen a comparatively nuiei lime m rrinco unpen for a vear or more. The result is we are acquiring ttie ip.iet haliit. We are gelling so inured to the condition that we hanlly know how to meet a crisi or how lo help ourselves climh out of Ihe hole in which we find ourselves. Jl is only Jiy coiiMaully fighting again! the lassitude that overwhelms us that we can hope, to hold up our end when Ilia real movement eomes mid with it the eornnelitSi.n - which is tiievitnlde. i Refuse To Accent . Seemingly Inevitable. The person who makes a real success of life is ihe one . . . ... . ... .1 i. r.. jt. i - - ' i.. ! i viui aii'oiuit'j; rciuse 10 trvepi inc. ervui.ugi) llieviiatiie. i n r:,..i .. i n..,i i.. ..... n... i . .i iiii.j .1 oj .mi mm j iiiij'iutt: i iiuiiiiiuu mini 101 no linij IS the only thing lo do. II is heller to do something foolish than to lie di.wu and da nothing. Action is ne'eessary lo progress. Change is good, even if it is-nol always a change for the better. The divine discontent is what keeps men and women alive and makes them slnke for heller things. Why Blame For Being Optimistic? , . People arc i-ometime Named for being too optimistic. TJiey are sneered al and jeered al. lint Ihey are rigid. If Ihev are not optimistic they should not fie here. II i useless to slav in a Ilace and give up hope. - " Ju-t now in Prince Hupert there Is everj cause for oplim-. isni. The jieople generally feel Ibat Ihe cily will come into its wri soon aud lhal there will he something worth while doing. ..This is a good spirit (o cultivate. And in the meantime it t-well to keep ourselyes in (hat altitude of mind which -will pive is an cren slarl when there is improvement. We cannot afford! lo lie iille. Preparation should he our imdtn. fiel ready for the move and do our lillle hit to iielp things movf. i Anyox Becomes ; Optimistic. . The. uccefs of Ihe firanhy oralions al Anyox are depen- dent on two things: Ihe ability of the management to produce t rapidly and wonomically. ;ud Ihe ability lo market at a remim- eralive price. That is the basis of all success in business. Just ; now. according to Ihe fi randy News, there is a sliffening in the , price oT cupfier jiimI tie oulllook is that Ihe stiffening will continue and possil.Jy ie prjt.p f m4.aj vv-sll go up lo a poinj where the comfiauy may show a profit. II has been a number of years 'ince (Jrsinby paid a dividend but Ihey will probably do it sigain before long if the price ris. The article of which meiilion has Im--ii mude ays: "a.- us hope thai Ihe optimism so generally prevalent al present will be justified and continue to expand; and (hat Ihe pric or the Everlasting Mela! will be stabilized and el al a figure where Ihe producer can sell oujput at a margin r profit which will give some 'return lo lliose whos rikOIIPV is iineslwl in the industry; where everybody would he more, or less iteiieiueu. ' : First Dav Of Lent Is Todiv. , TJiis U the first day of Lent and those religiously inclined will have already commeiM-jvl th'' r.eril of ,.lf.,l.,,;f.i ."..i.:i, ...:n but during the next forty days, terminating jiisl .-rore Easier and rolijwed by the religious teslival commemorating the death tiJJ nsliiL' uehv of Ihe Saviour ThB nt:: " ivuiwij- ii-isi'iis are Keiu .. . . . more parlin.L-.riy by members of Ihe Citholic and Anglican . . "- cah-ui mey are slixirei by members of the inirr nun lies. TJii advetiisenient in lint puhlihed or diHplayd by Liipmr fjoijlrol Ho.inl or hy Ihe (lovernnjenl f Hrilish Columbia. SAYSs- I.IVINi; with is the first srp toward an unhappy 'married life. AXI Where i (he il. fashioned mustache rup pone. The natural history society should luini nj nn- uf these retie ami keep i in he inuseiim. The liriile was beautifully gowned ju, ilk brocade and the man won' a rar-d loot. i -I he way a vcddiug should le described. imWAHI lue girj Wlli eyes n (due She'll neer lo any .Man prove iru. Itewnn the slrl Who winks the eye. To win her heart You need lint try- VANDERROOF That party March 5, 1514. Two lots on Third Avenue adjoining the nsl nflire excava tion were old linlay for $IS.unO. the purchasers were Western Ontario men represented by Weslenhaver llrox. and the vendor was V. W. Smith. -r I It is predicted that building in Prince Hupert durin? 1911 will total six million dollars in value i.arjre structures to be erected are: provincial government building, lT,(l,)00; posli-onice building. 200,000; Orand Trunk lintel, ??,00n,000: armnuty. 0H.(i0ft; dry dock complete. J,7.'0,uno; quarantine station work, 6o.000; city hydro-eee-ric plant, .'jnn,0ftn; section 2 bridge, 100.(100: apartment houses and private residence, 1 00,000. fiold seekers are (coin? in hun. Iredx from Hazclloii lo Ihe Omineca and InKenira placer fi-bls. This year will nee th biKest rush hi forty years and it is predicted on all sides that more gold will come out of llie lislricl than ever before. A Ouiservative Association lias been formed in ("hileo with the following officer: Honorary President, W. J. Ilowser; president. William Trntighfon; vice-presi- dent, William Timms; secretary treasurer, tharles Maunders; ex- enulive commilteo; Mesdames .Maunders, Williams ami Hey- noliU. Mr. and Mrs. fienrjre Pteelp have returned from , an extended visit lo Kamloops. The Necbako l.ibrral Associa tion has pjected the following officers: Honorary president, HI. Hon. W. L. MacKeiuie King. Hon. John Oliver ami Hon. A, M. Man- m; .re.siil.nt, V It, Smith; vice-presidont, David Turcolte; sec. relary treasurer, Cecil Hartley;! executive committee, O. HurdeUe,! It. W, ;. .Miljui-e, J. N. Dexell, .1. He.audoin, K, Smedley, J. T. Parker and A. M. Stewart. her Johnston is here from Hanley, Saskatchewan, visiting will, his brother, J. M. JolmMo,.. The Fanner' Institute of District C. in annual convention here last week, elected ofllcer as follows: President, John Henderson; viee-presidenl, J. .11. McMillan; secretary treasurer, Fred Shearer; representative to agricultural advisory board. II. .1. HlMckburii. - - The, school al F.llisby has been rinsed on arcmml of lack of When you buy advertising you buy CIHCULATION. and nee that you gel It, u the run.Y nijws. Wedneday ,l PUBLIC MIND This Feature Is Illustrated' by Change In Attitude Toward British Premier WAS MUCH DISLIKED Ramsay Macdonald Was Always Opposed to War and Policy Clear Throughout LONDON. March 5. Hamsay Marditiiald as prime minister r a striking testimonial to ihe i ti (lie infinite AirKiritv fur .'hutlir. JAKF. has half a notion b pet inK jt, n',n,, -Vu AI:M ,tl nr(a, married one or these .lay if he ,., wa more disliked'by lls ry can tout llie rigid kind of girl. , u,.,, i- i ,.... ,,, He is willin?dn,dTer a subslan- ,.,ted. eutotioiial wjik i,t -.lit lial reward' to the person who Wflr From slnrt to rinish ti- was will pick him a winner. uirninsl the conflict un.l h nrv eiproijiie with In prtnrdcs ,'or was L.Mr, Macdonald snl r ified wlh pasivr resistance. i 0 kill the rtiyhat U in hun tie v lejilly and aeJively opposed the war. In wuiseuiiiee he his polilical position and was rcn .eiellHl from bis r..lf rluh. ' Resigned Chairmanship The ItMuter the war went on lb mor" bitter and nelive .was Iteware wilh whom. , MaislonaWs oiumisMUmi to il. I say. twware At (lie Iteginniui; lie found Ihe Your confidence .majority of laltor meniM'r Aiwl cash you sjiare. (against him. so he restgned llie 'chairmanship of tlie party. When IF a man has not a "Iron? Labor later Joined llie I.leyd will, he should marry one. (fieor?e coalition, he held aloof. -jn yt- he trieil to go lit rtuia. ... . ii i i - - m, inpndtcrs of Uie National Vpart Atrr ( Sf'an,''n',' utt,, o' Union' j I CH l cars ngll rrfue. to nut the ship should I ,n Pince Rupert .! come aloanl. A few manlhs t i.p.' Kiialer he plannel U attend a r. ferenee al Sliwkholm wttieb the l)olslieists nfOMsd as a step towards peace pitriefs wHb the working classes of lite cenlrul powers. The gotrnmenl re fused to jrive him a pP'M,.'Tbe sane year he was on nf llie uwtv. inir forces in 'a eonfereee at l.ced wlifeb reimlvnd to seok establishment of workers' and sol. diers' councils in (tie manmr nf Hie revotluix 1luians. Beaten at Polls The "khaki election" jul afler the war that wild: flsg-wavin(r, larliamntary fantyaisrn with its hot and ardent rrt of "II jinjr the Kaiser" wa disastrous to Mr. Macdonald. lie was badly lieaJcn Lat ih iuJU antlIri4l hu .mt in d on the outside til Ihe voters of lookius in, hii.'.im-.i PLAYERS pel led him from the fairway of Lossiemouth dgrinif the war. 'I hen, the story wvnt, a delegation of club-menibers came dnwu lo Iuidon (o uk their "old friend" lo rcjuln the rluh, ami lei Ihe home folks see him swintriuK woods ami irons durinx the I'brUtmas holblays. Tl sub stance of Ihe reply .Mr. .Macdonald is said to have ma4 to this invU hold of WrndwicJi turne.1 him ., (,o)nr i town, r ir lour yirs ue remain-i ,., , donald regained the leadership or tinninu DlTDAUirT bis parly, bp I only by a narrow, LIDKAKi rAlnUIlAuL majority. From Ihe opposition j benches this man, who bad al-l traded. Utile alDeiiliou in bis tor-1 veaJed an the day went on the glfls'for debate thai are looked for in trailers. More and more it revoking Hie oi ,or that had ex. WRIGLEYS After Every Meal It's the longest-lasting confection yoa can buy -and Ws a help to digestion and a cleanser lor the mouth and teeth. Wrlglcy tneapa bcnelltaa tvcUas pleasure Ing CONTINUES UNABATED rner parliamentary, speecliKs, re.. Large number of Borrowers Dur- the Month or February; New Registrations beran.e certain Mint ir Labor' At llie meeting of the library came to , power Mr. Macdounld hoard last night Willi II. 1'.. Pi. lien would be prime nduisier. i'" 'he cliair in the absence o ' Wanted Him Back ""v. O. O. Hacker, the lilniirinii Ho il is. Polltieally be ha reported Hint there had beon 2,0 cnine back, lint he still out l'li tiorrowed during Ihe mouth nf the modes! golf club at bis na- Febninry or a daily average of live village of Lossiemouth, fine New members had numl.ered heard interesting stories on Hint ' a,"l r '""I cancelled, leaving subject as soon as il became eer-l'-'f5 member, lain Hie Conservative regime! K3 book placed on the wnuld fall ami Labor would lake "helves during the mouth. 2 had charge of the government. II 'Pn ,,v "' ',l hy pun-hase. was said Hie ennuy ex-cluhmate 4'" purchased bonks being some ofMr. Macdonald adopted a reo- ""se ordensl last year and lution jus! before Christum week ',a''' '"r from the proceed of the big drhe. there are still a few of Hioi books lo come in but most of them are on lliefr way. A number of minor mailers of administration were discussed. 'I hose, present were Mr. Klrk-patrick ami Messrs. Wilkinson. Hlack. Fuller, F.vill. Pollen, and Ihe librarian. BURNS LAKE A diamond drill has arrived here from ihe coasl cnroule (o Hie Tatalpln ii.lno In the llahine country where il will be used for furllier development work, A gung of men Is jiolng In from here to tarl work immediately under Arthur Wood, s -- - Frank Wnri.e ha returned jo Ihe llahine- l.alcbery after a visit here and at Prince IliiperJ. Lloyd Wilson ban relumed here In lake up his dulie n the Hoynl Unnk nfler having peut a vacation with his parent in Prince Hupert il i ii' k NAVY CUT CIGARETTES "Super-quality" than iftl ' - - il 1 TrM itht r as Mr Mni-.Irinnlil Mieravon sent a, i .....n.. ...i - - . ,. IWtrillHUI II iri I HIM. mninan i vv esimun.ier in lbo,l(r,, ,ir Wlirr Xn fou . . . (around the hone ami on bis iieipe.i ny me wild men rromaIU , .Mintry. n,s n .r ...,.,r rt. iik- mm.- rsin-uir ,rrri ,, pu,, 'jernems ni me .voiusti dle(rntion are called. Mr. Iionsr or rrn ,a""r went m far ni lo practice pnltlnK. Mac- 10 for ISt 90 " ttf '.' . in7 , f CIIIU III 'I'1- 60 and 100 -y Win Her Affections A BOX OF Purdy's Candy WILL DO IT The Autocrat of the Candy World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE A Toothsome D- lixhl m n cnUin II x All Sites All Pric - Sole AgcnU: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CA8H CHEQUES. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Pall"1 makers, Founders, 'Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to hnnillc nil kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PH0NE8 43 and 385. Bath Room Fittings 1 lM Towel li:,r., Honp Dishes Tumbler ami jj',' Holder. Knap in id Sponge Holders, Toolh Brush Hook for the Hath Hobe, Hot Woler Ilotllw oml fiH'iM"H lrop, Whisk nnd llnish Holders, etc ,mV Kvery piece guarnnle-d, now on display In otir vvi": KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3. P.O. Box 16"'