PAGB FOIK. THI DAILY HlWa slnednv Mm BRINGING UP FATHER By George New Shipment of the well-known McManut MACCtE -IF YOU KEEP TMTHI - HA,VEKT,OT VERr VELL-I OtNTr- NO-HR-i, JICCS -IHAvtN'T On tmjkint Am to C'O-oh; vmm" hkve L uke that HEART NO we-;tvr VflUU I'LL SeisD :cr -VOJH ttUfl.yrs. CHUMS TOO BREAK MX HEART" OT AN' tTA VLleNO ALL Ttte BOV, OOT Tq r,Mu MltH I MCC HC OOCtN-T CIT OUT qp C3U DO' I'M -ViS- "VN VJf sr- Co.& cvvcx HIM I AT OCA TO rf I OtSTlU "TOO JJJ TVMHK. Of Mir- I TO;it NEVER tsEE VOCin. i..iwi j i Shoes VjORjim I ' sev .51 I- y W "V. V .r-r Now arrived. All size for Children and Misses. QUALITY RIGHT 3S PRICES RIGHT. LI "Small Profits and Quick Returns." Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, 8weden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket., Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread llrcad is your best food. Iat more of it. Kept by the leading procers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Are. Prince Rupert B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 560. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Teain or Molor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Sleam Healed Hot and Cold Water Rales by Day or Month P.O. Box 76. Phone 8S9. PRINCE RUPERT BOY (BY NO MEANS HEADS MEDICALS OF ALLOW YOUR BOWELS TORONTO UNIVERSITY TO GET CONSTIPATED Jack Naden was Elected Presl dent at Enthusiastic Mass Meeting of Students doulil until the lal moment, and Mr. Xailn'x eleelion eame a a surprise lo many. In Ihe rare for the vice-ppidpney. W. U. Hrelmer vva !ufceftil. A. O. Jack Xaden is a son of fi. It. Xaden, dejuily minister of lands at ieloria. and formerly a prominent lmiiieMnun Prince llupert. of SPECIAL TAXES FOR EDUCATION PURPOSES KHMOXTOX. Mari'h 5. T.hoice of means of raising an education lax for city school purpoe will the from Ihe following, if the legislature grants the charter JamendirieulM which the special committee of council decided should be asked for:. I (a; An income 'nx. ! (lr A rental tax. ! 'C A sen ice I ft. Add to these a tax, on iand vehicles, including horses molor ;cars, anil the lit Ik MMiipWe. II was admitled-that if the governmeat grants authority for the imposition of the various forms of taxation euiinfcrali'd il did not follow that the council would apply all. hut il was thought that I lie city should be given Ihe power lo use ils dis cretion in xurh mailers ir you alio jruur bowtli urauirr, uini ... muiix alfi,nr. In n4tt4 J lll b billon tiurksi (Irk taraJarhri. natml lrur. rul lr4th.. Mllow crAqiUtkm. tperl flniilnr tT'r lite ts. vhilrf cf the ryt dull irvl jrt- lu, hrinUtrn. tr Hf- Al an rnlhuiaslir nia mwl-l , . ' l'M ximr bul rrrnlar tr lnr TLfcAND SALE Successful Affair by Catholic Ladies at Home of Mrs. Hen-nlng Yesterday The pre-lenten lea and sale of home cooking held by Ihe Catholic ladies yesterday afternoon al tin home of Mrs. Heuning, 72J Fifth Aenue West, proved a very sue. cessful affair, tin sum of li h ing realized. Mrs. S. Hatcher and Mr. J. Lome MacLaren hail charge of. Ihe tea. Mrs. I). W. Morrissey. Mrs. Kiukade, .Mrs. Curlin ami Mrs. A. I), fiillies pourctl ami Mrs. It. Moore and Mrs. O. W. Xickersin fervod. Mrs. Crntloii and Mrs. J. Arthur Smith were In rharge of Ihe home cooking lahle. BRIER an exatninalion um to a.ilant secretary-treasurer. ...,... .Sn t...i Mr. Xadpn campaign is al-iftIlliml ,,. w.,.. nii wa4 leged to have been unique in Ihe,,,,.,,,, al a MXng of the socieij nisiory.. Il l.egan somelXorlh Wa,4 Trmp,ranfl. f,w days as't, when calendars and atmn. nioiiprs ,n-rrii won u.r. t waJ .jrp,, a, U, meeting n;i tlie luif, 0f tpmperatirr rrr-i.ieni. wrre .Jiirinumi wiui ri,inif. . n,oirn, wn ma liberal haml. Lo.oin.,1 n,. i.iino .if .iVi.inr. Xol lonjr ago .Mr. Xaden was in , ,..,, - , ltri Hie liiiK'lijhl for winning the prize for Ihe, bel costume at Ihe Hart House masquerade. He at tended Ihat function in the guie of a telephone, complete with mouthpiece and all, while his partner appeared as the re ceiver. Ilemembertng this, the undergraduate lfdy. expected some novelties in his eleelion campaign, and. Mr. Xaden proceeded to gratify that expecta tion. , to join syndicate- for the ohh-ping of liipor to America. dresser sel presented by .Mrs. Italeher wa raffled and Italph Smith was declared Ihe winner ALICE ARM The Ksperanza made another shipment of ore lo.lhe Anyox smeller last week. II consist of 7 Hi sacks 1 08 liizh grade and 5 i K of second grade. The hockey games scheduled lo take place here last week en between Anyox, Slewiirl and Alice Arm were culled off on ac count of Ihe poor condition of the Ice. 80 ' Sport Chat j : ujrws ana rxciarians rriaay night for playgrounds at Elks' beruntej Home. mp lasl nislil. wlii-h rlnsi KlHMTn.t Ul,.ur win. t br fcrjl''l Iwitii Iwii of Ihe novel ;ind elosely.ronlesldl '-lee- M y,m ill br ahic la k awl haj Xurlli U.C.. Ilr-jmi'iil. Tlil will lion meliral sluilenls inw iib jur urrr, eaiiiaisn, j jlp unnieiliinp new in Ilie way tf a llic Lnlverflly of loronioj Hrt j nabin. Haibrii, ik, wmwi a wrl cxliihiliitn litre and heard thai Ihey had elPCled J.j'-I a wry b6ir tmutiinl wiib rontl R. Nad(n ai I he r lJ21-?5 nre- bad braJarbra, my ident l.y a maj.rily or I i7 vole 1 ' '"' ' say Ihe Tnrimlo (iltilie. In ad-i dilion Id Ihe Mirresful eandi- Aritr kin 'IZl ' , : ., , . , Iffll I hate Ml imirb btlr llx-jr ff- .lale lliere were four apiranU uteJ m , M a for PreIdenlia1 honors A. I).i hellj. I I,. llealOn, h.l. Me-i aMi,r. , ,irtl dirwl on Carlhy and J. . Falconer, mhi!, prtn by Tiw T. Jmbnm o... of (he UniverMly head. A;Umiid. Tormiio. out. faeh of Uiee had been lrnn?ly iipporleJ. Ihe wa in T np U TLMPK.K AN K AnniluT allrarlinn aVranircil for in- roniiKrtiiin with Ihe fiyr t;iul iityht at lli mkh' Hume on Friday will 1m m hnynnel rm should prove a drawing eard. The litifiii for the iSyro Cluh in I Ik- medicine ball . control will he from the fnlluwlttg: C. C. .Mills W. J. XeNon. S. K. Campbell. Waush, Harold McKwen nod Frank IiM. The Itntury line-up will he announced Miorlly. The tent ire iroceet on Friday niphl. the program for which aim in elude Ihe 'regularly scheduled leasrue hakethall same, will po 14. I). A ....... I....f ,1.. ip b nipiwn Kljlriu IN in mure WALxOiketball AxMHiatIon ,"UN" and Klk ihavinz generously ofTenvl A THt ECONOMY iuy ocJ" (Also in Packages I5t & 20t) In IMIESTATYN Wales. March 5 I forego tli"ir regular diviion for fnr fiarliamenl fponl""" tfooI of the CflUS. I.nnitirrl v rlpclpil iwrpl.Trr ... . ....... . ! iaie are io shiiijcvipu in wir i . .. r- Bayonet ConlesL Friday night at grounds, Elks' Home Friday nlnhL Anyox Senior baketliall play ers are lo pay a return iil to Prince llupert next week. They will arrive from the north hi Ihe Canted a Tue.ilay afternoon and will return home mi the Prince fieorge on Wednesday night. Two games have been arranged for Ihe visit Ihe first on lueMiay evening .nyox vs. Senior Coll and Ihe second on Wednesday evening Anyox vs. Sons of Canada, After Ihe games Tuesday niirht there will be a dance. Preparations are being made to give Hie Anyox boys a filling rcceplion in return for the courtesy extended bcal play er in Ihe smeller town on their recent visit there. II is being planned lo hae Ihe Maple l.eafs. Ladies' League team, accompany I lie Anyox Ichiii home on Wed nesday for a game with lady players it I Anyox on Thursday eening. Basketball. Medicine Ball and Bayonet Contest, rlifay Fnlght at Elks' Home. The Crollo, in their billiard lournamenl louighl with Ihe SI Andrew's Society in the Prince lliiperl City League competition for the llulger .V Cameron cup, will be out fur another rleati sweep such as I hey administered on the Sous of Knglnnd lal cck. In view of Ihe fact that- Ihe (real War Veterans still further stretched the lead in Ihe contest as a result of the games with Ihe Sons of Kngland on Monday night, II will be necessary fur tin Crohn to lake everything from pow on if they are lo be ill Ihe riiniiing for Ihe championship al all. OBTUSE MOLEIt IIAIIHKR wants men and learn Ihe Harber Trade. Paid; while learning. I his it your opportunity, lo learn a trade and tret Into steady employ nient. Graduates earn from 110.00 to 130.00 per week. Write for free catalogue. 50 Hastings K. Vancouver. WAXTKIi.- Man familiar with general country' store buMne, to manage and hare in pro fit, (innd wui'f. Mut be nble to invet 1,500. Moaey secure. Tlif is an eieep. tional opportunity. Addrct in instance lo Hot IM Daily Xew ofllce. WAXTHIK Yftiing business lady or teacher to room, and hoard if desired, with private family. Close iu. Apply to Itox 105, I tally .New Mine. 51 LOST BRITAIN OUT AFTER '- (P,1-- Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adrtlamnt Takn for Laa than BO! WANTED FOR SALE COLLEGE FOIl SALK. Launch "Triton." j women to 30xH: I0-0 IlulTalo. Will W A XT K D. w'rui t i) fr girl lo lake care of children, evenings. Xo work. Phone IDS. WAXTKD. Young lady -as as sistant in denial ofUce. Writ llox Ifll. Daily Xevk. If FOR RENT Modern -four room flat for rent. Also otTlce, with modern living quarters. Wesiernhaver Pros. Jf FOR ItKXT Furnished house keeping rooms, 110 Sixth Ave. EusL Phone Illuc 317. If Fl'HXISllKD shack for rent. Also fiurney Oxford range for sale. Phone lle.JJ23. If iTKAM Heated Flat for rent Bcsner apartmenU. M. M Stephens. BOAMO HOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf LOST One gold drop earring helween l Fifth Avenue F.aa nnd hospital. Finder please reutrn lo Dally News OfTice ileward. If LOST. Al Flks' Dance. I neday niglil. light fawn Ilrock hal lleliirn to Fire Hall. AIR SPEED HONORS LONDON. Mnrch S. With a view lo capturing some of the big speed events of the year, and possibly lo challenge for the Pul itzer trophy,, n locnl aircraft company hns decided lo build n speedy airplane. This will be n biplane willi a Napier Lion engine giving nearly 000 h.p., and it Is believed il will attain a speed of 270, and possibly 300 miles nn hour. The ma- tif an hi Ml Willi II J . . . , . , . Mrs. J. Anderson was a visitor Ihal a love triangle usually turns """f, fl'ri"a"y !" ',p', "n'n in iri..eo iii.neri ii. u i.,f., n M..ei- i . f nf H'" Heaumonl Cup near Mar- 99 sellles June 22. and Ihe llrillsh Air Derby later, lis performances in these Iwn ecnls will ennble an esllmale lo be mnde of its chnnceu in he J'ulilrer trophy contest, TERRIERS MOST POPULAR i DOCS IN ENGLAND TODAY j LONDON, March 5, England's most popular dog Is not, a one imlghl suppose, the English bull"- ,dog, but Ihe fox-lerrler. Of Ihe ftno dogs of nil breeds exhibited in a receni lAinuon snow, more jthnn a hundred were smooth or wire haired fox-terriers. Wenly hams were second favoriles. demonstrate. 50.10 FOIl SALK. Power boats of' MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-. days, closes al 5J0 p.m. From the East-Mondays, Thursday and Saturdays, 4.30 p.m. From Vancouver- Sundays m p. M Wednesdays -p.M, Fridays A.M. CP.n. March 7, 17, and 58. To Vancouver- Tuesdays, Mall closes al 4 P.M. Fridays 8.15 A.M. Saturdays A.M. March II and 21. To Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier- Wednesdays lo P.M. From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier-Fridays .A.M. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Sundays ....7 i.m: From P9rt Simpson, Alloa Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier Tuesdays . A.M. To Alaska Point March 7, 17 nnd 2R From Alaska Points-March and 27. To Queen Charlotte island Points March 12 and 20. From Queen Charlotte Pclnta March 10 and 21. To Naas River Points and Port Simpson t Thursdays ... o j,M. rrom naas River Points niuuroays .. A M. Knleii WHIST LEAGUE Two Sterling engine. ;5 and'xiarrh G-K of p. l jd-30 h p. Ilofeh ignition, forre: 8on of Lnglati vi M-'-fe. oilers, eomilet- in and' Stins of Canada K Vr including coupling. 750 enchJMareh 13 Sons of I ';! i-tf , 3 find, in hp. over-! O.W.VJV.- ' hanle.1. 1 1.000.00. . . h p. Adam, nrtne engine BASKETBALL SCHEDULE m. M. STKPHKXs' UAC DCPM DCViCrn eerx deeripiion including Changes Made Owing to InUr. pleasure, trolling and work mediate Tssm Oropplnj boats, at reasonable prices.! Out of Competition ApplyOiLMel.enn. tw Hay.! FOR aVLr-Sixtecn room board-js ing house and store, furnish ed. Apply J29 Ambrose Ate nue. Yon can male more money here than elsewhere with your furs. See me first and last. II will pay you. W. QOLOBLOOM, The Trapper a Friend, Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. Ooods Hought, Sold Exchanged H. H. HEMMINOS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Jllack I3A and. Red 112 TAXI Tail 7 Phone. (Call fleorge or Oust) Rose Brother. Prompt Service and Comfort Dy or Night Stand: Boston Drill Third Avenue Owing In the F.lki W.r? FOIl SALK. Vary hardy two an year old Culhlrl Kpterry'l'aa, I'rtnce lluj canes, 11.40 er h. Iear I hi year. 21. FOIl SALK. Xew and' use.! machinery. lloals and engines. .Northern Kxehangn. MR. TRAPPER STOP! WiHioall Association . .'.... Phone Hlaek nvlc! as ll or VJ March 3. Junior grt laf p. Knurn. T- il.C ' March 7y-..Uiir- era. llUh School S.O.C. vs. ColU. March 0 Colls School. T'aiCher. J lefs. Colt T. . - Mttreh II. J.n" Kiilena r Alairhr Vs. S.O.C. League standings I low: Senior League V Son jn Canada Coll .. TVneher 'Two points d"' sdclallon for fleldinjf eil player In League rj Intermediate Leagu Cilia U High Sehin Ornlln Klks ,. I Ladles' League Maple Leafs .. " Adaiias I' Tfiu'fiera High School iColls" Stars Hllie Ilird Junior League SECOND HALF OF 3 'Snns I i I . BILLIARD SERIu , v' of Knirlil V.A. 5 SI. Andrew s v ? lIk vs. Prlli -e II tjanl Parlor. 10 Sons of England v lr ftnperl Illlllard I'arlor 13-SL Andrew s u l l; 1 1 Cfptlo vs. Orrnt ' ' 17 il ?'l o St. Andrew's vs. Sons f land. 19 Elks vs Orolto, 21 Orenl War Velm Prince nuperl 11' I ! PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Monday, March 3. llll. :! nl 12:0? pjn.. y- Low 0:03 18:33 p.m Tdesday, March 4 HlKli 0:53 n ni 12:17 p m. r Low :5I IK: 11 pin, Wednesday, March I High -1:3U 13:2t ).i-Low 7:33 n.m, . 10:51 p.m. Thursday, March High 2:05 a.m I:I0 Low H 12 20 27 I' .CI " ? IRS fr S.5 " i .70.7 .fJI- X ?.l ! I "13 T A n.i", . M r .i.r'