Wednesday March 5, 1924. "7 r ! ..c.i ,--l J ' I MUM frp 1 Soaking takes the place of rubbing JUST by soaking the clothes in the suds of this new 6oap,dirt is gently loosened and dissolved. Even the dirt that is ground in at neck bands and cufT-cdgcs yields to a light rubbing with dry Rinso. Not a thread is weakened. The mild Rinso suds work thoroughly through and through the clothes without injury to a single fabric. r I 1 . I I I r- .1 I ! ntno is maue y wie makers 01 lux. ror wic lamuy "wash it is as wonderiul as Lux is tor line things. J' tfl All grocert and department itores sell Rinso. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO r.:i VACUUM r Bottles Useful Every Day in the Year Price 75 cents ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer DrugglsL COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Servlco S.S. PRINCE RUPERT ShIU from I'rinco Rupert For VANCOUVEn, VICTORIA, SEATTLE. Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PniNCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, " March 12, 20 T PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. .!! l-rlnre Huperl .t p.m. rr niiM:K CEonnc. edmo.nio.n, wit mr.t0;. Ill points Kaniern Canada, CniH Slates AOtNCr ALL OCEAN STIAMtHII LINCS. Cllr Tlcktt orric. S2I Third A, Itlnca Rupart. Phona 20. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, March 7, 17, .28, Aprl 7, 18, 28 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Informntion from - W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4lh Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. OrifON STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. SHUti ti From rrluce Huprt. tr -VANCOUVKR, VICTORIA, Ocn rillt. n , Tuid., B Cm. fop VaNOOUVIR, VICTORIA, AUrl , "" ". turd.if Noon. rf ANYOX, ALICK ARM, STIWART, Wl UB, 'or PORT SIMMON tnd NlM Rl' Ctnnorlot, rrld A.M. l inrt Annus. i. AjmI. rrlnc Ruperl. B.C BANK PLATOON FOR MILITIA REGIMENT Sixteen Have Joined Special Unit and Other Similar Platoons to be Formed A hank platoon lias hceii form d for Uic First Ilallalfon. North H.O. HeRlnicul, Major Nicholls roniniariilinj?. There were sixteen Joined last week, recruited from llic nrion rjfy banks ami it is cxpeclcil a bank ofllecr will be placed in charge la I. r. They have already commenced lln;ir drills ami are doing well. 11 is propose lo follow lliis Ut hy rcrruiliug piatuoriH from I lie employees, tin; dry-dock and I lie cold storage plants. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. IHOUY IS..M. Overcast. calm; barometer, 30.32:' leiuper alurf, II; sea smooth; 7.30 nlainei- HJjj-diia pfissed out hound; H p.m. pokc, slcainer Mogul, l.ndysiuilh fur Anyox. 58 1 mil from Anyox; 8" ji.m. spoke stemuer l.alotrchrV, Xanafmo for KflrliikHii, till miles from .Vanaiino; H p.m. spoke sleutncr Anyox, 50- miles from Anyox SOUlllltflUillt. DKAIt TltHI! POINT. Over cast, calm; haromeler, 3(i.(0; ' temperature, 35; sea smooth. III'LI. IJAIUIOIl. Ovcrcasl. cnhii: lcintineler. 3(1. IC; temper. iaiure. 15; sea smooth; S. 15 a. in spoke steamer Prince Ituporl olf Sunny Island northbound. Noon KKlllV ISLAND. Part Cloudy enlui; liHrnmeter, 30.2 1; temperature, 51; Ma smooth. DLAI) THF.K POINT, liuhl oulheat wiml; bar- inelrr. 2it.HS; temperature, S -ea smooth. Ill LI. HAItHOIl. Cloudy iM'-h ";it wind; barometer 30.-I.'; i,ni'ialure, 50; moderate fWi'll. TALL TIMBER CONCERT In Hie Melhodhtl Church lo-niniTii imkJiI at 8 o'clock. Splen did i'i-.iki ,-iin of vocal ami inntru int'iiiitl nniic. eloculiou ami pliy ileal ilrill. r.miiji oiiiicoi I includi'T- pey( Leaji Year Proposal." THE ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP A. C OP PRINCE RUPERT N til lee is liereby piven Ilia! Kinil Marie timi. Human Oalho lie liifhnp of Prince Ilupeii. i.rtunly of Prince Kuperl. Pro vince of llrihsh Columbia. Can- ntlH. will apply lo the Parlia ment of Canada, at Hie next tc sum I hereof, for n Privale Hill lo incoiiirale 'The lloman ChIIiomc llisliop of Prince llu- perl." as a corporation sole. Oated at the Oily of Prince- Itiir ri. County of Prince Huperl, Province of Hriiisli Columhia, tin.- Wh ilay nf February, IllSt Williams, .Mannii (iouzalcs. Ilu) iii Hank lliiildiiiK, Prince Huperl. 11.0 Solicitors for Kmil Marie llunoi T HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert I Sle,diens, .1. F. Ilelyea, Kuiirlil and O. II. Leslie. V'ancniiver niicr. l. 0. Ctiisholm, Pre- Central '.Miiclend. Anyox ANNOUNCEMENTS Spend an eveniuj? in Ilio Tall l iinbers at LIlc Methodist Church riiursday, March C. . Itoyal Purple lyasler llazaar and Sale of Home Conkinpr, April 8. Mil! f0 Cliapler, I.O.D.F,. Ama-leur Theatricals, April 14. - Klks' Minstrel Troupe. Firsi show May I. J Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayneri. 351, Undei taker. Fresh SihJiik Salmon, Ituicrt Fish Market. Help the Playground Fund. At tend Elks' Home Friday nlghL ' 4 Old Timers' lie-union, March 10, feasting, music, speeches. Saturday, March, 7 and 8. Pboue tf Prince 5G Spring Millinery Opening Mrs. S. Frizzcir, Friday ut and Thousand tuns famous Nauai- ino Wellington Coal arrived. Try a Ion. Albert and McCaffery. If - Inspector T. W. S. Parsons, provincial police, is expected buck from Victoria this We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. tf 4 Oieat War Veteran' Associa tion general meeting tonight at 8 p.m. All members requested lo alleml. Hail of 25 was c I rented (bis morning hy. C. McCarthy who failed to put in an appearance (o answer to a charge of drunken, ncss. C.N.H. steamer Prince Huperl from Vancouver and way.porls is due in port at 5 o'clock this afternoon. The train from I lie Kasl, due at 1.30, is reported on lime. - - - Several marksmen tried out the new indoor rifle range of the North ll.C. Hegiment lo the rear of the court limine last night. The first regular shoot will lake place next week. ,- I). S. Jnliusoii of the Indian Mine arrived ' from Stewart yes- tcrday afternoon and took the evening IV-aln here for Toronto. II. I). IL.Turjier, manager of the Indian mine, , was also in the city yesterday afternoon. . H. F. MeNaughton, C.N.H. dis tricl passenger agent, and Harold Meh'wen. division freight agent, left today for the interior on company business. I hey are going as far as Mcltride and ex pect to lie away a week. Molorsliip Hellingbam. Capt. I.en Williams, arrived Ibis morn- ills' at 8 o'clock from Ketchikan willi 81 boxes of fish for ship ment Kasl. After discharging at the Canadian Fish & Cold Stor age plaul, lie vessel cleared for Seattle. The Canadiun Scottish i go ing up iu Hie dry dock litis af ternoon for hull examination. A urvey will be made later in the week by Hie .steamboat inspector. In Hie meantime, at least, it is not necessary lo unload Hie vessel of her cargo. - After hiading coal at Hie McCatTery dock, I'liicpvnl sailed at noon for Wrangell, her uexl stop in con nect ion with preparations for the (Hrilish ,'roimd-l he-world flight which is to' come down the oast this summer. Octave Oagne, wlio cut his Ihroal some time i:m at the King Oeorge Hold, was adjudged insane by police doclors yester- lay afternoon. He will be sent to the New Weslmiiisler asylum on Friday. In the meantime, n lose watch is being kept on him for be is very restless. LOCAL LADY QUEST Mrs. A. .1. Oibson entertained at the lea hour at her home on Fort Street, In honor of her sister-in-law. Mrs. (JeoVge Oibson of Prince ltupert, and Mis I.Joan llielehel of Vancouver. The J lea table was charmingly art-aimed with pink tulips. The guests included Mrs Sluurl Mo-bertson, Mrs. hi liullock-Wch-!stcr, Mrs. O. M. Jones, Mrs. V. A. (ialliher, Mrs. Forrest I.ceder, !.Mrs. .1. II. Mc.MullIn, MUs Con-slance Mc.MullIn, "Mrs. McKenile. I Mrs. F. O. Aldous, Mrs. Pakcn- hain, Mrs. de Hretlgny and Miss Slerry. --Victoria Times. Subpribe for tho Dally News. I W J"w irT0BACC0 NEARLY NINE HUNDRED MILLION FISH EGGS COLLECTED LAST YEARI Speckled Trout Handled as a Sideline by Government Hatcheries O'lTAWA. Mar. 5. -(Canadian Press. Ouriug the autumn season of 1023 over 800.750.O0O gs of the most valuable and important species of fish were collected for incubation in the Oumiiiioii Oovcrnuient hatcher ies. This is exclusive of tlic spring ami summer operations. Atlantic salmon eggs to the number of 23,201,000 were obtained as far as possible from fish that were purchased from the commercial fishermen and after Ibey were stripped, were released again into the streams from which they were taken. Over 100,000,000 whilefisli eggs were obtained irom t lie catch of the commercial fisher men or from lish caught in the (real Lakes which were ulti mately placed on the market. In the Lake oMhe Woods and westward, fish were caught in pound nets operated for the purpose and were liberated after they were si ripped. Speckled troul have been handled in small numbers by the covcrnmeul hatcheries as a side line lo Atlantic salmon propaga tion. Motoring .having brought the trout streams within reach of a larger portion of people than ever before, there has been a heavy loll taken of fish from fast streams. Various (rout streams which were self sus taining now require assistance Willi this end in view some members of the hatchery slatTs gave their full time during the autumn season to the collection of speckh'd trout eggs and larger number than ever before was obtained. Salmon trout eggs are taken from fish captured by commer cial fishermen for the market and arc a direct saving lo the fisheries. Otherwise they would be a total loss so far as reproduction is concerned. Cisco or lake herring eggs were obtained from the commercial fishermen; 3,720.000 at Port Arthur and 10.- 100,000 in Hie Hay of Uuinlc. rhese eggs will be used lo intro duce the species into some lakes in the prairies which are unsuit- eil for whilefish or pickerel. THIS LADY SAYS THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL Dr. Wood's" Norway Pine Syrup For CouQhs and Colds Mr. luWJ Tliuuipun, Wrst Mitrr SJ-arl. Out, write:--"I rauiiul tou tilirlily of Dr. WumI'i Morwiy I'iiie Sjrtiji. I'ur myself and )illilrrii I use nothing else. My little irlrl. Five Jiari old, lias had tmtmiiial Imuble rver fJnce tip had tlir flu" a few years aru, and, , now, when ever the rrt t alight ruld five develnir very nasty cuuirh, hut all I have to do Is rive lirr a few doses of Dr. Wood's .Norway I'lne Syrup. ANn for niyf-elf, and the other children. ran rind nolhlnir to rqual It, In fact. It was only churl nine aro that I rave It to niy ten months old baby, and could Immediately e the dirfrrenre It made In her. .Now. I always Veep .Norway I'lne Syrup In the house, as I feel there t. nothing to equal .It." Price SSc a bottles the lame family slie toe; put up only by The T. Mil-burn Co- Limited. Toronto. Ont NOTIOL .NoTlt.K Is hereby riven that tendem will he received up lo noon on the fifteenth day or March. !0l, at Ihe orrire or the underrlmieil. In the C.ll.v or l'rlnee Huperl, Province or Hrltlsh Columbia, for the purchase or lite biilldlnr situated on I "Is 9 and . Bloek "K." City or I'rlnce Rupert. ll.C. and known as Cller's I'lanlnr Mill, to-ireilier with whatrver material there may be on the premises. Karh lender must be accompanied bv a cheque ror Ihe amount or the tender, the cheques or the unsuccessful tenderers will be returned Immedlatelr the butldlnr Is disposed or. rndcr tne ronmuona nr nils sale It Is neressary that the bulldlnr be removed rrom Its present site before June snlh. tel the lo to be left In a safe and I sanitary romiition. an neons to ih removed and all exravatlona tn be filled In. Tne nirnest or any tender not ueres sarily aerepled. tiiomas w. tirrtM:. Ooverninent Arent. PNiivv nu;ert. b u DAILY SALE BULLETIN, No. 3 Beautiful Wilton and t)Ufc Axminster AUgo From the best looms in the country. To inlindiice. these (Jaiiailiaii niitdc Hugs, we have marked them down 15 per rent during lite period oT our Kurn itiirc Wale. All other Carpels ami Ituiincrs are reduced in price, H per ccnl lo 2o per cenl. BARRIES' HOME .FURNISHINGS Third Avenue. SMOKED FISH UAT ITS BEST There are just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Ilules are 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand." ltupert Urand is uhvays delivered to Ihe slur? in clean new boxes clearly stamped "Rupert Brand." 2 AVrap in cooking paper, cook in moderate over for 20 to itO minutes, remove paper and serve al once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. At all Fish and Meat Markels, and Grocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We have Hardwood, Kir and Cedar lloat Lumber. If yon are lird of Kalsoniiuu and Paper, try Fir Veneer Panelling. if you are thinking or liuildiiig a house, we have any luinher you retpiire, ulso Sash, Doors, Class. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay. Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. Phono 383. Beer without aPeer "Better than the Best" That is the ideal towards which "Cascade" is continually striving to give you pure beer a pleasant tonic beverage of strength and stimulation the utmost that B. C's model brewery can produce better beer for YOU. Insist on Better Beer Insist on ' Cascade" VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Tbl advertisement Is not published 01 dlplaye. by the Uqudr Control Board or by tu Comsmeut of U)'" b . ..aibta,