4 PAfJg TWO. ft THE HAIl.Y NtWS Monday, Mhy The Popularity "SAUDA" B38B has been earned on merit only-One trial will convince you. The Daily News PMNCR HUPMIT - I1RITISI! COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, exc?pl Sunday, Ihe Prince Hnpert Iiaily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLK.V, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor, and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 98 86 Monday, May ifi, 192.1. Canadian Scottish Finding Approved. The finding of t lit second ttirl of enquiry into tin wreck of lh slennier Cniiniliaii Scottish will rpecive approval a- general as was the cnmlciiinntinn that met the finding of Ihe first rmirl. It seemed nminiolous than an occnii-going master should he piuiishod when accident befel his vessel lhat was being navigated in couslvvie waters in charge of a pilot. The oulv a.ir-ent reason for thai decision was that tlapL Harris was loo ready to accept the blame and practically admitted fault when it was unnecessary to do o. The explanation for the pilot not being pun Mi '-d is that pilotage is nu longer a governmental necessity on this coast. I'ilots arc placed on vecls only at the discretion of the ship owners and the underwriters. As there is no compulsion about it, there are also no governmental requirements for pilotage qualification. The owners or underwriters may engage any mariner they see fit and he is responsible only to them. Tfie wreck commission cannot deal with pilots as it can with coastwise masters. Too Many Dogs In This City. The city council spent the best part of an hour I.-M week discussing Ihe dog catcher's powers.. IT it had spent a few minutes issuing instructions to the dog catcher it might have been more appropriate. Leaving the dog catcher out of the question, it may be said that there are loo many dogs running at random on 'the city streets. They art neither decorative or useful and, in rnanv cases, are dangerous. If people wish (o keep dogs, they sholild not only be compelled to pay the licenses for them but should also be required to take care of them. If Ihe Pound Hy-law ililA ... nl.j.I.,1.. ... I. II,! :i 1 . iwr.-i Mm nu run j iiKiiw- mi nri-f.ssnry n suouiij if amended mi Hint it will. As a' rule any animal roaming al large constitutes a nuis mice, ii a nog is or any value or use to its owners it should be Kepi where il belongs. If it is prized no more than a lot of these animals around town seem to be it should be done away with. The pound keeper should be given outhority, jr he does not already possess it, to do this. Blocks full of snarling and cringing curs seeking- what they may devour and figliling on the street corners constitute a lior advertisement for lh city. May Be Last General Assembly. When the fieneral Assembly meets on June in Owen Sound the Presbyterian Church in Canada completes r.u years of its hilory. " . . . . It r - - in vs on June i.,, im,.,, uiai the Hrst Oeneral AssemMv of uif rresnyicnaii i.inircn in Canada opened in Victoria Mall Munlreal On this day. according to II Acts and Proceedings of the Hrsl deneral Assembly," the (ieneral .Wml.Jv f the Canada Prchylerian Church, the Synod of U,e Presbyterian Church of Unndn, in connection with the Church of Scotland the .Synod of the lrel.ylrr.u Church or Ihe Lower Provinces and the Synod of the Preshylerinn Church of the Maritime Pro-voices in connection with the Church or Scotland, met according to flpiioinlmenl Tor the purpose or consummating the union of their respective churches. It was Ihroiigh this I'nion which look place then that the LT.ii'- 'rf" r'T'i. ".' (5a'"",n. "s I'Hlay, came into - ...r. m si .iiwiu niior oi ine new Church !- n. John Cook, minister or St. Andrew's Church, Quebec The !'tr;;L!l,a"rsl.Arr.ml.'1' 'V'"1 three days, while b In i i - at takes the best part of in days tu complete the work r,r the no Church the Assemhlv. I", view ,,f the prcse.il Church Union situation, it is -cited a poss.ble should the present Hill ,e p.sed before next by the Federal (iovernment, and the I'nited Church n Ca, venr a,ia rome , ,, being, that this will be the lnsL General A- embl ,r the Presbyterian Church in Canada a. It is nt prelenUoluM- This ndverliisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by the novernmenl of N British Columbia. the WEDDING WAS UNIQUE EVENTj i , Miss MarjorU May Cameron Be-i cam Brlda of Amu. Hudema Saturday Evening The marriace ceremony pcr-formcl on Satttnlay nijrlil In the exhibition iiuiMinv when Miss .larjorie May Cnmeron, daughter of Mrs. II. Cameron. 3.10 Kijrhlh Avenue 'at wa united In holy mntrininny lo Alex, llti.li'ioa. 333 Kighth Avenue Kal, by llev. ft. ft. Hacker, will go down in lli-annals or Prince Hupert's Ins. lory as one of Ihe mosl unique weddinp function ever witnessed in Ihe city. The weddin? ceremony was Ihe srreal attraction or Ihe day in connection wilh -the Victoria May celebrations, and was liol.l under Ihe direclion nf the Fair Itonrd, II. IL Benson bavin? cliarire of Ihe arrangements. Limp Iiefore Hit' ceremony was lo lake place Ihe lin.ll was crowded with spectators. In a fittintr speech, jusi prior lo Ihe' ceremony, Joe ftreer. president of the Northern B.C. Asrl- cullural Association, Impressed I upon, the larpe nssenihly Ihe. solemnity of Ihe occasion and the need for silence and atten tion. The response of Ihe con- repnlion was remarkable. Not a sounil wa heard a Ihe bride, who looked cliarminir in a white dress of Canton crone wilh a Princess Mary design bridal wreain ami veu carrying a tieaiilirul hoiiquel of roses, was escorted on the arm of her brother Percy, down the carpelfd aile o (he raised dais on which Hie hridegrroom and llev. ft. ft. Hacker awaileh, while the Wedding March was played by Arl Kasson's orchestra. Attending Ihe bride as flower tyirls and carrying baskets of lovely rosvs were Ihe Misse Lillian Franks, F.lsie Franks and llosie Wesch. Dressed in while voile Hie lilt to llower girls looked very winsome. Iiuineilialely in front or the plairorm sal Mrs. 11. Cameron, mother or Ihe bride and relatives and near friends or the contracting parlies. The responses or Hie bride and hride-'xroom during Ihe ceremony were audible throughout the huildiiuri ami neither showed Ihe .slightest Iracn oT nervousness. Al Ihe conclusion of Ihe ceremony wedding parly repaired lo home of the bridegroom Kighlh Avenue Fast where lalives and friends of Ihe nanny couple sal down lo a sumptuous weihlmg breakfast. Mr. and Mr . Hudema will in future reside al. 333, Kighlh Avenue Fast. SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND ENJOY the the on re WHIST DRIVE FRIDAY . very successful whisl drive and dance was held bv the Daughters and Sons or Fngland in the Ho.lon Hull on I'rolav night. .Mrs. (Srirnwooit was Ihe winner or the ladies' rirsl prize on a cut wilh Mr. Haskill. n.t -Mr, fteo. .eek won Ihe consobi lion priie. TIia first gentle men's prie was won by M, Wil ioq. while the considalion prize went in . H. Hemming. Me. licious refreshment were served al the Conclusion of the enr.l playing aHer .which dancing was thoroughly enjoyerl lo Iho mclo uioiis strains of the Sons of r.ngiann orchestra composed of Mrs. Wilton,, piano; Percy Cameron, violin; and A. Silversides, mandolin. The committee responsible for I lie success of Ihe evening were ladies' committee: Mrs. fteorge Leek, convenor; assisted hy Mrs. W. Shaw and Mrs. II. Howe, ahd men's committee comprising W. J. Hughes, Dave Wilton and Fred Taylor. PRESENTATION MADE TO JOHN CURRIE John fiurrle, of Mitchell A Cur- rie, b-n on Saturday night's train ror Ihe east en route lo his old home in Keith, Scotland. A number or young people gathered at the. home or Mr. and Mrs. Mit chell, Ninth Avenue' Fasl. prior to Mr. Curries departure and presented him with a brown club bag a a token or regard. Mr, Currie will be absent ror ome three months, Muring hi slay in the old country he will Visjl tins I'mpire exhibition at Wembley, SUCCESS in baiting is assured when mou use MAGIC BAKING POWDER It contains no alum and leaves no Mfter taste MANY PASSENGERS ON PRINCE JOHN FROM Q.C. ISLANDS The CN.lt. steamer Prince John, Capl. Neil McLean, arrived Ironi Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands al 12.30 yes tenlay afternoon after a fine voyage up Ihe coast in Ideal weather. Ihelioalwas full to capacity from Vancouver to ihe Islands. The'' passenger lisl con tabled a large number or people deharking here, among Ihem be ing S. Kaslead, Mr. and .Mrs. fteo Fletcher, ft. Iloyer. IL Frolic, ft Well, J, llilson, W. II. Oliee. Mrs I. M. Ilullen.ftl. L. Lyons. T. per. rin,. A .AdamJ"" J. McDonald, fteo. Clolhier. J. libera. II. HIack, .Mr. and Mrs. Stockton und familv .Mrs. Uavidsnn, J. Mavidson. Mr. A. II. liayif. J. II Scoll. M. Me laney, j. Larkin, F. Posjura. J. Mcpherson, T. Ohesen, M. Mr ftuinness. Ma Maker, p. Mando nor, painter. F, Mubosky, p. Fitzgerald, V.. KiiIrIiI. F. lrosne. 1. McCorbe, T. ftreer. J. A, Pilch, w. Mossuii. Mr. ami Mrs. W ,.. .. t vvniie. .Mrs. r,, Fadie, Mr. II. I'ornplii. BOAT ARRIVALS Arrivals on Ihe Prince fteorge saliinlay afternoon were Mrs. A. M. IJeaumonl. Mr. Cardinal!. Masier C. Payne, (ieorge A. M. King. II. Adlem, Frank Fiut. Miss .M. llrinirasC I.. Tm.k. v s Mitchell. F. Korich. Mr. and Mrs. J. Markawa, Mr. Fwarl 'llazel- lon,', M. Inrvis. A. (ireenhnlirh II. F. Pullen. Mr. and Mrs. M. Moidge, Mrs. M. Fngland, Mis M. Sells, C. J, Flelchep, Hishop Itlinoz. A. C. Wflzer. .1. Ilerriet I. II. Young. Mrs. J. Hogg and three children. Mrs, M. Jl. Hol land, Mrs. Palmer (lluckley Hay), Mrs. M. M. Kirby, K. II. Ilobb, J. v. .ijuinii. MIsA Swanson, Mr Wilson, F. H. Holler. A. Walson. I. F. T. Yewdall, A. Miiichie. p. Stewart. Miss I,. Carrol, Mrs. 0 A. Hryanl, II. II. Merow. . .1 .McMillan, F. Amlefson, F. Ilas- e, and J. F. Palmer. For Stewart Passenger for Stewart in cluded W. McFad.len. M. A. I.n Hose, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mac Kcnzie, w. r. Anderson, ft. J, lliompson, A. It. Martin. Mrs. M. Linton, Mrs. Utile. Jan. Fa- ley, II. F. Price, C. C. Holland. fteo. Hagshaw. C. 11. Hairshaw. I.. M.'IWSOn Illlll A MnrrUnn NOTICK. Natlgabl Watara Prelcllna Act, R.S.C. vnaaif iia. Tlw Mlnlatrr i,r iiiliii Worka. flovrn. inent or tin- I'roviiirc of Urlllsla. Columbia, lieri-by alvea iioilra tlial' i; has. inidir n ." ' of ,h" ,l"',v Arl, drpojltrd with Notlca .... ...i.M.irr n 1-iiunir Winn ai iiuawa, and In Hie ofrim or the )ltrlcl llrautrar at I'rlnre Kiiwrl, (i.e., a ilarrltlon of the Mlit and plana of a lllaliway lirlda. niHiard lo ls built over lh Hkiena lllvrr at Trrrare, .i;. And Take .tiir iti.i mrimt iu ibii in oiii iiionut frisii the daii. or The Man in the Mean SAYSt- 'I'll I idea or a sow-niidlon picture or n plumber re-washer-lug a lap has been finally abandoned. .Movie fans no longer seem o care ror serial picture. . A MKI.ICATF. hint l lo give one s mother-in-law a new trunk for birthday present. II 1 1 .11 1' l one big drawback about the In. I ! I hair. There are now no hairpin around Ihe bouse unit Pa ha lo appropriate par of Ihe pay cheque for pl.e- I cleaners. W'K read thai Ihe Poih army lis iHdug laughl Fnglish. Well, jtbe llrillsh army has been using Ipolish for many year. I - - I i nre nan circles it seems that when Stuarl MacLaren,! round-th-world flier, I ahead of Hie game he calle.1 a Hrit-, jisher but when he is behind h"i iis en lie. a Scotsman. I ! I i IIFSF. are' the day when he silver rork are usually -found in Ihe garden. Till' .1 1 em ire man iWsn'l min.l a bit or race powder if its on Ihe rishl face and ha ihe right Jiasie. A MAN Is' said lo be brave when he refuse iced cake al a picnic. i TIIF only lime mot men strike oil is when I hey stroke their own hair.- WHII.i: Ihe Prince eern lo rail for horse 'he doen'l seem lo rail ror ladie. M..y is ripnuy icrme.i a worm ror il generally happen lhat a chicken gels him. A ftftftli recipe for a quick Iml dinner -- serve raw Spanih onions and mustard sauce. - ONI' of Ihe blessing or bob bed hair is that Ihe long hair no btnifer tell iiife on I he en'at collar. Till', far I lhat a ru in lb Slate is mothering a lillle mon key miffhi rightly be termed monkey business. BAD BLOOD PIMPLES AND BOILS Banished By BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Ml Iff no a, Miibi, urnr, ooi. rliMj i ihouthi I ooM nu inj Urll you of Itw eipTletr ilsl tendril I tu derived ttum BufUixk BWpoJ Blilr. iim few nrilh ito I tmnbM with hid bfaiod whirl) bnk iwl i.n mi tnt m il ntlure r tuiiib-, tutu ind rlni-s-unn. iml I ol sii Ud I rrlly did ihjI kirnw bl to do. I ( trained In ri injshrr. and ih llrhlnt and Immlni raud ii'-h a trrrl tile wnilon nsiid rl no rlt day or ons oar rmnoaind me it n Burdork Bkwsl BltUr. I used on bolt). and rnt quiu a rrltf, aiMl It ihe tin bad taken 3 Willies I i nunpUttlt re lleved. rannil prale n.B.B, rnniirli and I hope anyone atrii'td tike a will in the lame twiwnt I rereled,H llurdirf'k Hbssl Hitter I manurartured only by Tb T. Mllburn Co, Limited, Toronto, oni; J.lh.flK tni lbs nl Nw WOTI01. IX Tilt: VTTin or an application for llw lur of a Provltlotial Oinriralr of if ror 1.01 nvr (si, niori llilnT-ri (IS). rn.si ki (, City of rrlnr iiiiiti. .nap vra. saiitrartorv oroor or tii ai ..k.i riiiiraiF . uiw rnrrnpr in abo land hailtir l'n prisluri-d. to rur, ll i uiy in-trnilori to lur. artrr llu triirsiot ' n ...w iiitimii iriim nm nr'l pnuilrauim Hrf- or. a croTiiionai inirirt or Tin in I I ii niii,r iiihi in iim"' nariMa or v.h v.v and Mah list cimnr, thr orlrlnal Oruff IV "f Title l dated Ihe tllh .oeml.ir. . "i... i- iHirrril 1IIFI. I J nil llearlslrv Office I'.ii,,. n..... 311 Marrh, I ii, r. MtCl.r.Ot). Br"trar of TIIIm. LANO ACT. Attln Lan pialrlct. Blatrlct f Caaalar. I Bar .loiirr llial itralnaiil n.-.i. . l .i... ....:...... "i l i.iiii. ,m miibii.iii iiiiiirr. an ........ for perrrilMlon to nurrhau. Hl. t..ii.. I drsrrllied lalHlst Conurirnrlnr at a i...,l Planiwl one hiimlrrd jarda In 1 1 ( .,i the riHtiitb of lluiM-rl trrrk ,.n. ...n- ...ll .-r,,,, 1 1.. i ii, mm rat in hnrr line, i or nre aloiir rhorr line in rw.mi ,.tl April yt, mi, iir.0l.1ALD BMOOK, LANB ACT. or ifliintian i a,Bi. . ... In ftkeena Land tXatr'lrl, nerordlnt ln. lull"' C"t"1 ""' CPM orrl.n.1 Inn I, .;.'- 1 '. " " J the. i t.,wi' r r, m- firr-t piildiratlon of tlila nollre. ihe Mlnla- the " fo lowinlr de.7r.hed I i.!?' i" '" Jer of l-iihhr works, frnrlnr or llriu-lilrlnr at i t!i ; Vlantert i f.i r"2"nS," .liiit.lila. will, under Sertloii 7 or the bay at the ea.i Mid o 'camnlof.- W J" aid Art apply m the Minister of I'uhllr alv. nt f.n miu rn.m .- ' . "'I -niii rtoraa at his ofrne In the ;uy of Ottawa. Isiandf thenr-a fi lowlria ihi T ,nn..7 or approval or the said HI. ail plans and .IwflrViM lal iwih aT,?ii,rli'M '' Iip1 thl nth clay nf April. I94. Mr ,i aiittiMil tvii Milliner of l-ii lil Ir- Wurk rroritue or Briiish Columbia. ... -''T- .niii.Fiirrnie 'r"p 2?,Jir ?". ""r' less nam if . . I . rr ty. r.. Wil l. KM Sr.nl Inil I 111 j.r Dated April ind, itlt, MILLBANK GENUINE SHOE SALE Our Shoe Sale wn such n success Ju l v decided to continue it for one more week Ii We hate added more broken luic mid r r.mj, prices (o give belter values than before. 95c Al this price we offer Children' Outing sh Women's Itiibber Soled Pumps, e, $1.00 Worn en' Silk lloe In IJrry, lleig. i, lilark and While. Iteg. "IJV) o ; $1.95 A variety of Women' Pumps, Oxford-. .. i i quite up lo dale but well worth luii g ,ii While Cauva Slippers wilh lenlhcr .:. $2.95 Same as above, but more up lo dale .h..' f jjfo.OO in hoe. $3.95 This line include nnu' splendid T.m l. elc. uilablc fnr gniw ing girl. $4.95 Here arc some dandy Mn Shoes i . V 'Hoy who lake men's sixes." $5.45 A few pair of Men's Hrogocs and Ox ',' 7.ril to .lt,(l hoe. No iiinil onler houe ecr offe'rr! -on 1 t. sale good al uch a low figure. Walk in and make, your choice nt Family Shoe Store jBJB9BK SPRING STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince Gt orge Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE and Iulerined.iile imhuI day nud Sunday nt I l.oo p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesdnv FOR 8TEWART Sal.ird ,v S.8. PRINCE JOHN for VANCOUVER via (J'ice l.ln...l- mil. t -luiiiip, ,inj i. nil, . PASSKNOfcR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ! Vhnr linirt ..on pju. for CMI ; ..cmit.r i mrto. ill point Iatrn Canada. I'nit-d lt, MKNCT ALL O0tH f TtAMtMIP LIM1. etif rttkM orri, tta tm e,in,4 m,ru w ' 1" CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service ' " " Sailings from Prince Rupert 8.8. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, May 2, 13, 23 Foe Kartchlkan. Mrannatl. Jiinaan an4 flknnwav. May 0,19,30 S3. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For. Butedale, Swanton Bay, East Bella Bella, Oct' Falle, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Rfyer, nd Van ouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all 8teamehlp Line. Pull Information from la ta a aM a a aT ak jt a aa A r, m, vnvnnnu, uvnvrai gnu i Corner of 4lh Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B & J UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. nailinn from rrinra Rupert. .a ft VANOOUVBM, VICTORIA, Oct Pall, and ano Bay, Tuaa4af, r- ' tf VANCOUVKa, VICTORIA, Altrt Bay, ae Bay, aluraif ' Far AMVBv. aama aaaa itiuji s.,m. p a. roar eiioN nm ait oafi, rruar - at I III tod. Annua. 4. aarnalay, AnL rrlof BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS Hnvo Arrlveil. - -In linrrl wiring niaterlrtl nt modernln triM EXTRA BLOOMERS OPTIONAL. STEVE KING - Phone Orien 85.