Monday, May 20, 1923. A breakfast to warm the cockles of a hungry man's heart. It's marvelous how nourishing it is, and it doesn't tax digestion. CORNFLAKES fSj The new quiet 12 wins Six (Miliii'iiN hail the i'ti i (Kinltiiary in'ess (if ill- l.itf-l lUmioglon lliodel. Ill tllOU-alllls of offices tlit first Irtal inaction" has been followed by nlallntion after iutalln-lion of New Quiet Ii!'s. Fvery day it is making new Itcmiiiglnn uers o de-. iive are its tunny superiorities. Its iiutiiratl toiirh and it exceptional respoiisivcnes are u revclaUoii in swifl and eay openilion. And Hie beauty im il writing is an advantage lo 'very owner, and a source of pride lo every lypisl. Kvery operator should lry this new inaeliiiie in IhC ill leri'-t of her employer, and in Jiistire lo herself. The New Quid 12 ro-ls no more limn the ordinary pew-ier. Kasy o nii'iit terms, if desired. V will gladly demonstrate (he New (Jtitrl 12 in your offiee, wdhotit obligation on your part. McRae Bros., Ltd. For every occasion A BOXIOF Purdy's Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE GIFT. A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Bole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For niniie.. .-boose "Huperl Brand" Salmon. "A "few tin.s in the pan lry are always linnily. I rWk a supply on your lioal llml's n good Idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Local and Personal B.C.: Undertaker. Phone 41. Hayners, Undei laker. Pboue 361. if Cut Flowers, Pot Plants. Mru. McCarthy, the Florist, Kniad block, . tf f. A. Kirbs of Anyox left on I he Princes Beatrice, on Satur day morning for Vancouver en route to llespcllcr, Out. We nell Laminated naterials also Fir Veneer. Consult-us before buying fiuishiiii; for your house. Albert & McCalTery, Ltd. kCZEMA You are not x parlnienu tng when you me Dr. bur'l (HnU infn (or Eetrma nd 8k In Irrltv llotia. It rrll.vp. tt onea and ffradu- m lly hfii th ikln. Sample box Or. tJiaie'i Ointment tree II you nientton thl piier nd leutt se. timp foriouie. eoo. boil iUI dealer or Kdmmonn. .lei & CU. XJui!t-l ToM't If t ii'ii, i.iiiiiiicr, resident engineer, returned from a trip of inspection lo the Queen Char-lotle Island on the l'riuce John yesterday afleruoon. V. While, aeeouiitanl wilh the Maxell Timber Company, arrived from Buckley Bay on I lie I'rinec Joli ii yexlcnlay afternoon. .Mrs. While accompanied him. I'. M'' Kay. charged with inlnxi- Icalion in the city police court fln moruimr before Mapiidralt McClyiiiinil wa fined ?25 or at an alicrnalive 30 ilays imprison lllflll. - Mr. and Mrs. I'. Sharkey and family left for Vancouver on the Prince (leorge 1 lal night en roule lo l-Vrndale, Wahiuiilou, where Mr. Sharkey has purrhas eil ranch. S. 'riiompoii, formerly manager of I In' Itocher ile lloule mine. paM'd HiioiikIi on Salur- day lo Stewart whore he is making Mjiiic hive-dilations intu mining properties. - The CI. It. lcamer Princess lloyal. Capl. Sainlcy, arrived in port at 1.30 o'clock on Salur, day mnrtifu? fnou Alaskan points ami lefl again at 3 a.m. on her return lo Vancouver ami way ports. Mrs. Calmer, wife of lr Palmer of Burkley Bay and fur merly of Queen Charlotte City arrived' Saliirday en route home after a hort holiday In Van eouver. She' will leave on the Prince .liilni ihU evening. lie. F.wari of Vancouver pas ei tliniugh here at the week cud hound for lla'cllnn where he will lr. Wrfn'eh during the summer and "particularly during lie election campaign in which Hr. Wrineh is the Liberal can- diilale foe Skeemi. Capl. Jl. Adleiu, formerly of the nlicrics protection service and now wilh the wireless service, arrived on Saturday lo overhaul and renew I lie rising at the liisby Maud radio station he work there will probably lake a mouth or Ivvu. i Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Or chard announce Ibe engagement of I heir daughter, (iladys Jessie, lo r.dward May on. yniine! mhi of the lale I '.i I wan I Mayou of Liverpool, Fugland, and Mrs. Mayou nf Burnaby. The mar. riage will lake place in Prince lliipert on .lime 10. -4- IS corse Fletcher, prooiinenl in mining eireles in the soul hern stales, who Is interested in the black sand mining proposition on Hie Queen C.harlolle Islands, arrived In the city on I lie sleam er Prince John yeslerday after noon. Mr. Helrher Is aecoui- pauied by Mrs. I'lclcher. Mrs. P. Andrew, wife of T. An drew of I lie l: eel r e imliiw' Bakeries, who ha Iicen residing in I he obi country for the past five years, arrived in the city on Hie Princess Healrice on Salur day morning lo join her has. hand. Mrs. Andrew was accompanied by her sister, Mrs, (iohlsou, of ('arllou-ou-Trenl, Newark, wilh whom sho lias been slaying. Mrs. (ioldson will pay a six months visit wilh her brolher-iu-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew- will take up their residence nt 807 Borden S'lreel. night. THI DAILY H1W8. FAOB THRU. Pacific Reliable This Weather 5 Kept in a cod place, Pacific Milk tfuc throush hot weather in splendid condition. It is rather painfpl lo suddenly discover, when you are in a hurry, that the cream you are depending upon jjius turned sour. Thoe who-ose Pacific filk find it can be depended upon In any weafher. We have many Idler which mention how well it keeps during I lie summer. Pacific Milk Co. Limited 32S DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER. Factories at Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. M. I. Mct'alTery was a passen ger soiiu south on the Prince (eurge lat night on a business trip. lon't forsel the I'ythiaii Si lers Sale of Work and Home liokiu in' the Boston Hull to day. Whist drive and dance to Mrs. II. Ward and family of Anyox left on the I'rincess Beatrice on Saturday morning en roule lo ..Winnipeg on a holi day visit. M. Mrl.eod . and J. It. Me Cillivray charged wilh intoxica tion in the city police court llii- morniug had their bail of ?'5 ach estreated. J. Merryfield, formerly of this city and now-.orjranUer for Hie Oiuservalive parly throughout the province, arrived last night n the Garden a. MNs .I. Ward of Anyox-was pasener going oulh on Hip steamer Princes Beatrice on Saturday moriiiii: on a holiday visit to Victoria. Wlioir eallinif al Buiedale on Saturday nihl the "learner Prin ces Healrice ran into' the can nery wharf, breaking ipiitc a gap in the side of Hie main cannery building ami narrowly missing Hie gashoal Belhuue. liooglas Stork flok a parly out a far as Kluuiiggel, lireuville Channel, on his launch Sunbeam leaving here on Friday nlsbt ami returning last iiight. The parly included A. It. .Nichols. Norris I'ringlc and .Milton nzalrs. (ol fishflig was enjoyed, the parly catching 5( Iroul between (hem. 'the O.P.IL sleaiuer Princess Beatrice. Capl. tnilTe. arrived in port from Vancouver al t a.m. on Saturdayiiuoruing and lefl on return trip lo Vancouver and in termediate point.- at tl a.m. Passengers going south included (i. A. Kirbs (Anyox . ti. II. Harvey, .Mrs. II. Ward and family, and Mls .1. Wanl (Anyox - The bachelor ipiarters of I'ete l.oreiuen and I'ele Soleni, Third Avenue Kasl. was stormed on Friday night by a parly of twenty five persons who invaded the premises as a surprise parly. Ilie evening was delight fullv pent in dancing, games mid community singing. IHcclnhle refreshments were e.'rved dur ing the evening. I he I.Iks held a parade on Friday evening in connection wilh the Victoria Day carnival. The parade was funny in the ex Ireme, being composed of hay seed gentlemen in eoslume re presenting the Skeena lliver F.n lerlainers. Headed by the 'F.Iks baud the parade made a tour of Ilie principal street much lo the delight of the down town folk. A. parly of young people made a week end trip lo Brown's river some distance up the Fcstall going on Saturday ami returning yesterday in Don Crerar's launch "Inlander." In the oarlv were Mr. ami Mrs. Crornr, Miss Mar garet Mcl.eod, Miss It. -Scoll. Miss Irene Stewart, Miss AltchU sou, Harry Wei ford, W. Manuel and.. Mr. Boyd. Hough weather was experienced off the mouth of t no skeena river. FISH ARRIVALS Fourteen loats Sell 10S.000 Pounds at 13.5 to Cents Seven Ameridau and seven Canadian boa Is marketed a total of I0H.UU0 pouud.4 of halibut on the l-'ish l'.xeliange this morning. Of this total the American.'' had C8,300 puuiids and the Canadians 39,500. The arrivals and sales were: American Sherman, 21,000 pounds, al 5.Cc and 7c lo the Alliu Fish eries. Kailern l'oint, 7,000 pounds, at 5.7e and 7c; J. 1. Todd, 3,500 pounds at Lo.Oc and 7c; and Wabash 7,000 pounds, al l5.Cc Hid 7c to the lloyal Fish Co. Vesla, 13.000 pounds, al 15.5c and 7c; Glacier, 12,000 pounds at 15.0c and 7c. to the Pacific Fisheries. Adeline, 5,000 pounds, al 1 5. Co ami 7c, lo the Booth Fisheries Canadian Co. Canadian lite II., 10,000 pounds, at 13.5c and 0c; Bingo. 3,000 pounds, al 13.0c and 0c; Nuba, ."(..'.on pound al 13. ic and 0c; Iteniiell, 0,000 pounds, al 13.5c and 0c. to (he Canadian Fish &. Odd Storage Co. Mayllower, 5.500 pounds at 13.0c and Cc; .Sherman, 7,000 pounds at 13.7c and Cc; lo the Boolh Fisheries Canadian Co. riielmu II., 2,500 -pounds at 13.5c and Cc. to the lloyal Fish Co. Salmon Tuplow, :i.()0 lied Kings al 13c lo I he Pacific Fisheries. DUNNING IS NEW MANAGER AT MILL ON MASSETT INLET J. M. Orosart has been ue ceeded a manager of the Mas sell Timber. Co.'s milt al Buck ley Bay by II. F. Buiming. It. II Maxwell is now- logging superiu lendcut instead of A. McCul lough. Jack Macdoiiald, who was accountant at Buckley Bay has been transferred lo the Van eouver ouicc. The Buckley Bay mill is no longer culling cants but is turn Ing out one, two and three inch lumber as well as airplane pruce. 'Seven logging camps are being operated, each em ploying about 10 men or a total of 2K0. About 200 men, are now employed in the sawmill. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS The Canadian National Hail ways announce low Summer Fx cursion fares to Kastern Canada and Hi e United States etfeclivc May 2 :'in I. also to Jasper National Park, Kdmouton. Calgary, on sale May II, Choice of routes slop overs. Make a trip around the famous Tri-Angle Tour" in one direction through Vanccuver. Full information. City Ticket of fice. 528. Third Ave, Prince Ru pert, Phone 200, If OLD COUNTRY BOOKING Book now Tor" Old Country. Passport secured and tickets is sued via While Slar, Cunard, Auchor-hoiiablsou lines. The Canadian National Railways make direct ami convenient connections wilh steamers of these lines. Full information at City Ticket Olllce, 528 Third Avenue, Prince Iluperl, B.C. Phone 200. SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swunson's Float on Thursdays, Saturday ami Sunday afternoon? every half hour frotii t p.m. un til 0.30 p.m. and on other week days at 2, I and 0.15 p.m. The lasl boat home each day will leave the Salt Lakes iloat sharp al 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parties specially arranged for. Launches, ruwboats and canoes for sale ami hire. Prince Iluperl. Boat house. If For quality and preparation, M-t Hunters' Coal. Phone Green 022 or Blue 515. tf rtvr in V vj Now. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTFD Kxperieneed Steno grapher for -about four months. Apply Ticket OfBce, Canadian, National Hallways. . 126 OGDEN'S CUT PLUG NOW PACKED IN ALWAYS THE SAME f (7j; il l MX OGDEN'S WW 7 LIVERPOOL IvU IL TIU zlb.TIN BATHING CAPS We now have on display our new season's slock, of llalhiiig Caps in all Ihe lalesl designs, and colors. Do Not Wait until Ihe nicest ones have been sold. Come in and get yours loday. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. 3rd Avenue A 6th Street. Five Only STEEL CRIBS in White Enamel or Ivory This Week $15.00 BASSINETTES, $9.00 Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOGK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle, all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385.