PRINCE RUPERT Fish, Meat and Poultry Market Phone 671 After Ihe rcnlnlion uominat- ir.a Mr. Vallollo wa pard, HieiT wa an informal iliriiion mi eampaisii mailer, 'rinwe wlio Mpnke were Col. Mr.Moiilie, who preliled, S. I'.. Parker. Uen. Jnliiilone. Aid. Collarl. I. It mon. II. F. Olaey and T. SilxerMde.. I, W Patmoie ha been Hp I'oinled aaenl for Mr. Pallullo mid II F. (ilaey. caiupah:n iiiamiKer The faiiipalii head quarter will be In ihe F.mpre Then I re IMMIGRATION BILL SIGNED President Gives Approval Despite Japanese Clause Which Ha Opposed WASHINGTON, May 20. The HiiinlKnilioii iiill wn Mailed I ml ay by President CuuIIiIkc deplle Ihe piovlion makliik- Japancso ex- luinn crfecllve. o July I put l"lo the meiiMire over hi viRor- "u oppiiHiiion. Tho preilenl 'leelilcd because of oilier con l'lcrnlioiis to give tho cxoculUo npproval neceary In preml Ihe h'gbilnllou 011 Ihe Mulule, book. hoy 1 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 wa brouxlil lo 'he cily fiimi SwaiiHOii Hay on Klunlny uflnrniion 11ml udmllled li tho Ocnerul lloiltul sufferln injuries lo hi arm' nu at Whaleii mill. hupe mid ulory hope for thoo who b'Hee we could baxc world peace, for llnte who fell that o-rlal iujiilice 11111M be itiiiomM. that thoe downtrodden nmy feel they'll be ricu 11 chance. In hurt, hope and belief dial Ihi l.mpire of our will not preserve a momtpoly of rl.i or erred bill be Miniclliiiix that belouu to u. that 111111 be maintained and tie- feuded nud made woiihy of all." J.R.KWAPIL DIED TODAY Employro or F. Q. Dawson A Co, Passed Away at Hospital The lale Mr. Kwnpil performed 1 BOAT SINKS Only Two Saved at .Christina Lake, Cascade, of Party In Motorboat CASCAlii; IbiT. May So -Klsht people were dinwued ycMcrday afleruoon in Oliriliua lake when a iindor boal auk. Only two were uved. The drowned were O. O. Kucluiid, .15 year of iizr, and hi ou Denny, five year old of vVeualchie, Viihinijloii: Alex. CarUou, proprietor of Ihe 11.15. Hotel, owner of Ihe uioturboal; lleiijamiu .loluion. :in, pole-maker of CflM'iolc: Ole Skaiida, III), of Chritiiia Lake; Kuiite Palm. IP, of life; Mi lint li Sim loan and Jack Maedonald of Kettle Fall. ' Two of Ihe parly. Hush Fer-- ion and hi iler Mamie of iKellle Fall were kepi afloat by Very unexpectedly Ihe death jhobliiw 011 lo the wreckage and occurred at noon today in the n-cueu 1., a ..-..-. .a. Prince lluperl Oenernl lloplla or-' Kw.ipii, -MOVIE MAN CARRIED known a n member or the rirtn .nriv am trr UMICKI of F. 0. OawM.n A Co. Ltd. healh AWAY ON ICE WHEN wa due to "bock followlliK mil operation which w;i Ihi immiiiiK. BERING SEA BROKE UP ,w to S1-1ATLK. May -ML - When Ihe veai r nun aniliwa a iialie of ice went out and Ihe Merino Sea loww. For Ihe pa I Iwclvo .car,opened to naviKalioii on Friday, with Ihe exception or II nionlh'aller beiiiu cloed inJ-e October, whieh he penl In WahIiiglon,Frank Kleiuchmidl, a mollon he wft enjrused willi Ihe tirm of picluro operator, nrtd ten native p ii D:iui..ii X r..i. Mil. (in v. work nu Willi Him. were earneo JaM tall he relumed here with hi fa inily (o re.HUine hi pot with Ihnl . firm. Hoide hi widow unit lwo away. A boat rescued them 111 two hour. Oafoline schooner Donaldson, which left here May 3 reached Moung children, Mr. Kwapll Is Nome Nilunlay carrying ine nrsi urviveil by his parenls and mar-liren vegcianie which i-enmeius ried sister. Mrs. Ilailslmrk at or M-wnru peninsula uuvo eujojeu Palo. Iowa, and two brother. F. since full. .1. Kvvnpll "I Seallle anil J. F. Kwnpil at Philadelidiia. Tim remiilii will be soiilh by Mrs. Kwapll toe inenl lu California. CANADIAN FOOTBALL taken Inlcr- TEAM PLAYS TO DRAW NEWCASTLE, May 20. The louring Canadian soccer loam played lo a draw with a strong Newcuslle team on Sulunlay. The score was one goal each. Subcribo for the Dally News. DIED IN HOSPITAL Miss Pearl Woods, Aged 36, Ex pired This Afternoon Admitted Yesterday The deulh occurred hi Ihe (teueral Hospital this afternoon of Miss Pearl Woods, whose. Inst address was the Mochida llnoms. Deceased was 30 years of age and Was born In I he United Slates. She was admitted lo Ihe hospital last night, The remains a 10 lu tliu hands of tho B.C. Undertakers. The OppoMliou mill stone should make it eay going for John at the forthcoming election. Mining Company to Operate-Extensively at Masset and to Spend Large Sum of Money Accompanied by (i. V. H. and Vice-president re-clively of Ihe P. B. tl Alines C F Cabrera, niauuger of the company, arrived in the cily from ..i,.,.,... ' in Hi-.Maselt 011 the Prince John at the end or Ihe week. Air. Fleleher ,, ".l. , and .Mr. Block are 011 their way East ufler having paid a visit or;!H ,ikpIy . inspection to the scene of Ihe coiiiaiiy' black sand re-!ri. f jbenU llii din lion plant 011 .Ma rliUM! ciimpmeiil lo the Islands tonight. !h Mr. Fletcher and,. Mr. Illock! we iv well satisfied willi Ihe pro-I peel of operation a I Massed and: the decision ha been made lo; proceed with a program of much-, iuery iiisfallalbiu and buihlimxi 1 1 1 a t will iuote probably about 1 J 1 00,000. j A la ixc tract of land ha been purchased for Ihe plan! in which a combination of smrllin? mid chemical processes will be. em ployed in the recovering of Ihe gold. Twenly-twu towmdlc lots .at Massell have a No been pur chased 011 which will be creeled the pcrmniVnt camp and resi dence for officials and em ployees. Three huihliiiK have uU ready been erected nd about 12 men are now eiiacd. When op. crntioh pet under Way in full Ihe payroll will total about 25. Mr. Fletcher and Mr. I Hock expect lo return; in July and spend all summer in the district. They will inspect the company'? holdiup in Ihe Tacla Lake dis trict, 180 mile north of Hazel- Ion C. J. Fletcher, secretary of the B.C. Medical Association, arrived in the cily on Saturday, making one of his periodic visit to the members of the this cily. Tho LaUst In Raatauranta. mm BOSTON GRILL Third Avsnuel Best of Food Good Service. PRINCE RUPERT Private Boxes for Party Use. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper "Taka Har to Tha Boston." VOL. MV,, NO, 123, PRINCE mPEiiT, B.C., MONDAY, MAY 80, 1081. aaturdar't Circulation 1,650. Slrt ! 364 PRICE FIVE CENTS. nmrrtTr biYiriKt "i i V AY WELL CELEBRATED IN LONDON PLANT FOR SEPARATING GOLD FROM SAND IS BEING SHIPPED TO MASSETT Empire Day Celebrated in London by Immense Crowds of People at Wembley Stadium and Other Places LONDON, Mav 20. About 125.000 people assembled in the iIiiiiii T Ihe Empire Exhibition lu join the King ami Uiieeu in .... .. i- I. . ri ... A. ,111 Mllpll'U IJ.I) IllUllkfglVlllg service (III nilllliay ill UTIIUUII. Aniyiig llio solid banks of Londoners were little patches of people U-jv.1 nil purl of Uif Empire. A huge splash uf while beUkcned th-ir anih of surpliccd chorilers while Ihe thin line uf blue w ol men in huMuial clothe, iniiny in invalid chair!' bowing tliul the war hopi(a were not jet empty. ! A tremendously demonstrative welcome wa given their ' " 1 , Majestic. The must impressive, PATTULLO IS NOMINATED BY LIBERALS; 'moment in the service was when" there wa silence fur a ace for tltunkKi vn2 fur the empire jbuihler uf Hie pal, and prayer that tin) empire builder uf the 4 preeiu mm iijiure may work 10- pettier to further OiM's peace on arth. ' Inspiring Address I4. Colonial Secretary' Thomas ad- 4. New District Association Formed ,r,.,jnK Hie Empire Day meeting 4. at Meeting Friday Night here. said (Mere count ne no 4. 'shadow or iluubl that there ws 4. Ihr Liberal eoiueiilioii held no nation in the world whose re. a Jay iviilng in Hie Knipremi conl for all llial wa stood ami afir lion. T. H. Pat'ullowas noble Mood higher than the re.' . Kiaiiliiwuctr "initiated locou-rtl pf Ihc lijrjt sliljjipire. FTIIT rifiAUflT 1 I'rlnre lluperl riding at Die iicicrrnig 10 me iaci mai uie rM.n I IIKIIllll fin't liitilltsLP I It'll' iiinlut nliH-iimi miI iiuiIIimi.'!' had Jul uiiir JLtHJII I 1laVFilS Ihe motion to Ihi elfect wa 'l-aml ol I lope ttiU lory. mux ed by 8. II; Parker mid seconded iiy Oat id I lioni'Oii. On motion of Aid. Theo. Col- lat and Aid. II. K. Perry 11 new Pioire lluerl District .Liberal . . .. r.. 1 'l... f..l .1ih Itir tn wa nfiiiu'i. n. luuili- olbrer were eb-eliM: lloiiiirary Preblenl, III. lion. V I Mackenzie hiiur. Uoliorary v iee-preident, Hon.. Priuldenl, ld. S. P. MeMonlie. Vice Pieideul, The tlollail. Serielaiy ln'aiirer, II. I. iilaey l ecutie J. MrNoully. W. H. W Ihaiu. II I-. T'-ry, II. J. Ilrailbiiry. T. Sllterlde and S. i: Parker. Further iepeM,ulalie on Ihe exe''ulie from oul Milt point will later be uppoliilcu. llmioa said: "My one aim and hope I lo make our empire the land of MUCH GRAIN GOES TO VANCOUVER AND LOT MORE TO QO WINNIPEG. May 20. The grain movement oer Ihe Canadian National Itailway continue heavy. Shipment lo Vancouver are at' the rale of nearly Kill car u day, a total of 031 car having been delivered in the week May tC In 22 inclusive. On May 22 a total or 10,35? car had been delivered lo Vancouver and there 1 Mill 20.000.001) buMirl in More at country point 011 the Canadian National line. UP THE HILL AND OVER. FLYER LOSES HIS MACHINE Stuart McLaren Crashed Akyab Harbor but Is Uninjured In RANGOON, Burma, May 25 Stuart McLaren, the British globe Myer, who loft Akyab Saturday for Rangoon crashed In Akyab Harbor badly damaging his machine, according to a message received here. SHANGHAI, May 26. Major Stuart McLaren escaped Injury when his plane crashed Saturday at Akyab. There BIRTHS was born to Mr. and Liberals Will be Returned is Popular Opinion in South says Editor on Arrival Home "A careful analysis of the political situation seems to indl- jtale thai the present government will be returned to power. probably Willi n slightly increased majority. I nut is a statement made by II. F. Pulleii who returned Saturday from u short visit to Victoria and Vancouver. He says public opinion seems to be that John Oliver is the only man in sight as a political leader whonf Ihe people can trust. If he hould have to reign, either Howter or Mcllae would take his place and neither has the confidence of the people. Mr. Bowser is judged by his public record and Mr. Mcllae, having no ' : ; public' record, ha to be judged UAlAD MEIIrTAlI iby hi private and business r- Htfl. I Ul ilJUlT 1 Ul 1 cord and that is not such as to "TU I'lsMble. Mr. Pulleii ay. JjJ NOMINATED that hail it been a Mrai?hl fight between Liberal and Coiisena-! rte. the latter might have won Chosen aa Candidate of Consar-because there are always a great' vatlves of District Against Imanf former supporters of a kov-j Hon. T. D. Pattullo 'eminent lhat become dissatisfied! . (uffice seekers and ko over to the, Mayor S. M. Newton was the opposition. That ha been par- unanimous choice as the Conser-ticularly Irue or the present Lib- vative candidate in the forthcom-Vral government because no par- jIlf. provincial election at the iticular effort has been made to Conservative nominating couven- cater lo that class of politician, oou held on Friday evening in mere nave oeen 110 pipings. Knrtd Hall. The only other name Most of the dissatisfied camp comjug before the convention was followers, have-joir'd the Mcllae that ot.AW KFjsher.I a.brief..- -Mranks in the expectation of doing address Mr. Fisher slated lhat better in the event of the Provin- tt-i,n i,i nnnrpplalml Hie in JriaJ parly being returned to belnp askcj to stand, owllg to power. ' (business and private reasons it AH for Oliver Vas impossible for him to accept 1 Judging from report thai are jie jvilatIoii. Delegates prc- Cmi"- 'ni. 1,,c I'l'"' sent were W. E. Fisher. A. V. Flelcher Fletcher rieicner n und und iu Herman Herman iiermun Block Block, inotk, ore- pre-. . .,, Vic and Van- or a i.i w w w.1.1,1 vv n-s.i i iiiu. Lid.. .(ir will bi A cmm! iiwiiiy it.-s.i w n t ... ir represeniaiion ai j,ree K. A MaMll (!e0 m w nlres. Vancouver sibbabL It. It. Shocklev. J. A. retu return either four or Kirkoatrick. J. Laurenson. Alex. Musell Inlet and .Mr. Cabrera is here to "l, p..r-j VhVe VI.'.T dm! , four .. wl,i,',, ,,e 'ake will, him when he retticn Ij""? TJlLw. "7v." 0r r" Jl,n '"'y1.1 J;. X ' Z."1111"1'., 1 1 . niosi everyone win voie lor joiiii McDonald, (eo. Muuro, J. (X Mc- Oliver. At isiiuiman mere is a i-a,, 11 is.miipi- . plil iu Ihe Coivserv alive rank. i)aVies. '. J. MctJulcheon. II. and It. II. Pooley i being opposed t ....... Major Met'.resror. J. Miu by lleeve Lock ley as well as by a n p,iIH,t( Hayler. Fred Liberal. The result can easily be Seamen and W. H. Waldorf, sunmsed. Pauline has hardly auyj H a Jl,rl ,tvct Mayor New-opposition iu Saanich and Colonel loll Uianked Ihe convention ror Peck is not making much headway ie hom,p betoweil upon him and in hi campaigis apainst M. B.'expresed hi willihgnes to ac-Jackson in the IMaud. Ictt Ihe nomination. Similar conditions exist in Ihe . interior. The wave ot opposition fostered and led by Colonel Mc llae has worn itself out and, since Hie failure of Ihe Provincial leader to make good his charges against the government, (here is a strong revulsion Inward the old MIRAGE LURED MAJOR MARTIN farmer leader who has Tought Wnat alFolowed AppwiP,a to bo good right ror the province in the past and who Is still righting. 'The north i expected to go solidly with the government and Hie increased represeniaiion will give the north increased prestige. Good Type of Candidates Water and Then Struck Mountain BELLINOHAM, May 20. Major F. L. Martin, leader of the Unjited Stales rouiid-llic-wotid flyers, and hi mechanic. Staff Sergeant In Victoria, where he spent a. i Harvey, relumed here yes- Mrs. Nelson Brew of llaysporl a most of his lime, Mr. Pullen says icrday on the steamier Calherino daughter 4m Saturday at the (ieneral Hospital. A daughter was born on Sal-unlay at (he Ceiicral Hospital lo Mr. and Mis. diehard Keldays ot llaysporl1. C. H. Onue, Ihe local druggist. prorvssiou in I returned Saturday from a visit to Kdnioulon. VALUABLE! QOOD AT AM,V 8TORE IN NORTHERN B.C. Present this lo your grocer and lie will allow you "i Or oii a pound or , Wood hi nil Huller. Should he nut have a fclock, a supply can he obtained from The G. W. Nickerson Co., Ltd. Mony' refunded If quality not satisfactory. 1 he came arm a number of n. (rom Port Moller. Aluska. They former Conservatives who declar- have been ordered to Wasbing- ed their intention of voting for;tou and were greeted here by a two Liberals if not for the whole, reception. T' ticket. They have beenj Influenced Telling or the mishap to his air lo this by the splendid type ir cruiser. Major Martin blamed a candidates Hint have been mirage tor Ihe mlsrortune aHer chosen. And what is Irue or Vic-jtcaving Chlgnik. Not long arter toria is Irue or many other places'leaving there he shvv' what ap-including Skeenu. More thiuippared to be water. Thinking it ever hero re Ihe people will votewns the Pacific, he travelled let-Tor Ihe men rattier than the.wunls II, but It disappeared, party and the Liberals seem to Then ho realized it wias a mirage, have chosen well in) alinost every thul he had been rollowing. It .,,,. . .. ,, .... , . , u 1 fn. ,1 LI .tin I I I I.n....'i I I - v..-v, .... .it. ii;iiiiiiuuuiis iiuu,iiMk nun oil, ills course In n been made lo (Into. REDDICK WINS CALGARY, Muy 20. Jack lied-dick 102 pounds, knocked out Blllle Harms or Everrll, Washington 150 V4 pounds on Suturduy in the 5lh round or a scheduled ri ft ron round bout with a tcr-lilllc right below the heart rol. lowed by a pile driving right to Uiu c!iiu. .northwesterly direction. Tho weather was , foggy with only flvn nuiKired feel between tho snow covered earth and the clouds, He changed his course and started to head south but suddenly hit Ihe mirth side id the mountain. Tho Plane slid 100 reel and was torn lo pieces. Bishop Bunox arrived home Saturday after a visit lo Powell IUvef f r