BlueRibbon Tea Good house-keepers are careful to specify BLUE RIBBON when order-IngTEA. Theydo this because, they know they will get the best tea in the market at the lowest price that the best can be sold for. There Is no tea in Canada so good or economical as BLUE RIBBON. YOUR BOY and HIS FUTURE NO one kUrting out In life ever expect to LiL Youth i J always J.cp'ful, but hope alone cannot bring success. II your hope 1 1 to kc your boy a success in the world, cecurLn; independence and comlort the vision of oo many, yet the attainment of so few adept a regular saving plan for Urn now, tnd tech him in hit tender years the value of saving tome-ihlne out of every dollar. THAT WAY LIES I US SUCCESS. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA m 0 aVMHskv 8. J. MACU.OI). Manager, Hsl Prince Hupert HrancL. At the end of washday how old do you feel? And a few years of this tiring toil will make you actually as old in appearance as one day's work now makes you feel. Keep your youth by using our Thrif-T-service. Its cost is very slight, yet, your entire bundle will be washed carefully, the flat work will be ironed, and just the wearing apparel left for you to finish. And this comes back to you damp, ready to starch and iron or hang on the line. May we send for your bundle next washday ? Thrif-T-service ' 5z pound plus lc per piece; Minimum charge $1 CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8 tertainer put on a good pro- cram r ong and dnucing. I he port program provided in the afternoon, under the auspices of the I'rinee Hnperl Ilaeiall and Lacrosse Aoeialirni wa an attractive one ami included rare for children which were keenly coneed. The dancing in the evening in the exhibition hall wa mol enjoyable and proved a filling climax to Hie day' festivities. Art l!aon iiisniented orchestra furnihei the ninic. The Carnival ."Mmrlly after noon all "road leadiiiK In the cxhihition ground were thronged with holiday mak er on Iheir way to Ihe rnrnival. In Hie afternoon the carnival lageil in Ihe exhibition building wa thrown oj.en and a large crowd of people look advantage of ihe fun provided. The hall va gaily decorated with Allied tlatr and nreenlei a festive ap pearance, ihe booth Included lionp-la. managed by Jack Judge and lir Taie; country .lore lark Oohh ami Sam Joy; hot dog SALE X2743. .sealed Tenders will le ret ell i d by Ihe llniiT uf l.aiirt. al Victoria. Hi:.. n,i later I Inn noon hi llie Mill day uf June. ltd. rr the Pun base of Licence Mia. ! rul l.tmu.iHm feel or spruce; llrink.rk, and Oslar, on in area situated mi lie western boundary r L. Ilii T.I. llii, M"l Ann JiKkatl Inlet. Vioeih Inlet, yucen r.harloite Mauris litrir. oim 1 1 year will tie allowed for removal ut llllllMT. I liirlNr hartlruiar hi I Ik1 .lilr lnn-- Irr. Vlrtairia, H.O.. ir IHrlrl I (imtf r. TIMBER SALE XC218. SfM Tfliilfr mil! lw rrHvnl by Um Ulhl.l.a I muU V' .. la laid I ill i u aa ia , tlian rvxNti mi ilw isih day of Jnw. rnr IIh iiiirrliav of Llrrnn NKIlii, lo rul nn.dlu on an arra uliull apprutl- nuif'y a link Vorlli ami ! Iroin Itn- IHr r.A.n.. lianin a, i.oi i.inci IM'irlrl. Thrrr 13 VHn lll l aiiowm ir rr IIHittl of llllllMT. tiirttx-r iiarllruiar or nw wf nx- it-r, Mriorla, H.: or pimmm Miiir. l'rmr linifri, h.i'.. TIMBER SALE X 6060. flisl TrlHlrr will ! rrflvri1 by lhl Mlnl'irr of l.aul. al VlrtnMa. ihi! lalar linn ixuHi on Hi tftfiul 1iv ot Mv. IVI. for Um urrha uf l.innr' X ou, n nil , 7 1 (. frrl of HrmliM-k., (iprurr ami IUIam, and ll.iioo llnral fifl of nlar I'olr aim I'limr, n ari 01 ITUK. iH-ar .Mnrrlxiry. C..N.H- llaiiKe s. C.oait Laud PKlrlrl. rem r (4) vrara will l alloweU for r- uiovil rif IIiiiImt. 'uriiHr iiartlruiar nr u r.nnT inn' it-r, Vlrinrla. H.C.. nr Pininri Korir. Prlnry lliifwrl. B.C.. WATIR NOTICC. I (OUaralon and Um) TAKF. NHTK K Dial II unto H. nablnarlnll. lHif ailitiv Ma.'il. will nfl'ty rr a ln-eiiir to tako ami lii M italloo of walrr mil of an unnainwl il. Tln walr. will Im rtivcrioil from tli po 1 I"'1"1 Ixiiil t0 fpi nrih of Um- iHtrili-ra! inrnrr or lilurk I "a P. I.. I, plan VIA. iiiiifii charlollf llaml, ami will lx unnl for liuliKtrlal piirMM iijhui lhi laml ile-rrllml a liliirlc III l.l.. 1. Plan oiu-cn chuiliillii I'laiula, Till ni'lirr wl pnotcil on I In" uronuil on llio ltl tay of May. ivil. A ropy or llil noilri- ami an appll-railon purmianl iihti-Ki ami l IIh "Wilrr rl. IIH," Will t flint III llie offlr of llie Water lleeorder at Prliiee Uuperl. ol. Jerllou In llie applirallou may lie filed Willi llie kM Water llrrortler or with the roniptrolter or Waier lilriit", I'arlianieiit HiiiMltiM, Vlrinrla. HX.. wllhm nriy iMy after the firm apearanre of Ihl noilre In a iM-al newpaMr, The il.ile of llie flrl nuliliralliiit of till notli'e la May 1 Alii, I9JI, II II. HMUVOTOV, Vppllennt. NOTIOE. IN THE ITTKII or ait Blllliatloii for Ihe linuir til a l'rovl.onal Ortlfirate of Title Tor Lot fourteen (l, lilis'ii aeven leen (17'. TiiMilte of liflkallii. Map I in. allfarorr pnif of Ihe lo of ihe Crrllflrale of Till rmerlnir the almve land liailnr lMen nrndiireil In llie. II I inv hi tentlnn to lu after the rilratnn of one uiimili from the firat ptilillrallon hereof, i Prii isluiiHl lerliriiale or Tllle to Ihe hove Kind In the name of OI MiilreiH orinlirtk. The orlrlnal i:eririeale of Title Is daled the th July lull, and I numbered 401 VI, land HerlMry Offlre. Prlnre Hupert, B.C.. Iflh rebruary, 04. II, V. Mr.l.FO!i. netlitrir cf Titles. TH1 DAILY OWH, Holiday was Celebrated in Typical Manner by Prince Rupert People Sports and Games in Afternoon with Varied Entertainment in Evening followed by Dance Nirloria H.iy wjk fillingly relelirnleil on - Snlunlay v llie people of Prince II ti perl. The rity wn gaily derornleil wild flag ami Ilic Miveral e iilerlniiimeiit allrarljoii imtvitlfd iliirinir lh day wml off in srlipilnlc. While local shower were genernl in lhc morning llio tun xhnne lirighlly al inl'rvnl ami the we.ilher in llie aftiTiiiuui ami evening wax pleasniil. Al an early hour people were .'iflir on holiday hent ;hkI Wv crowd lhal gathered al llie cxhihilioii ground were in good humor. Several parlies in iri -ri t fit look advantage, or llie long week. end to go on fish Inir excursions while oilier own er f pleasure Imal wen I rtir-nirlinir. -The majority of the eilicns. however, spent I lie day enjoying Hie allrnrliniis provided al Hie Save Hie Surface cariiival pill on jointly hy Hie Fair Hoard and F.lks. 'Hie great attraction of llie day wa the wedding ccre-iiMUiy ul night when Mis Mar. jorie May iinieron and Alex. Ilndeimi were married hy Itev. ". (I. darker hefore a large eongre-stalion. I'rior to the wedding ri'ieiiionv Hie hki-eiia river en ill charge of .Murray Fuller, J. Shenlon and 4. Itatchfonl; ice cream, Killa A Cliriiloplier ; Jingle board. I'orle; hat and coal room, Jlarry Daggett. Sports Shortly nfler I o'clock Hie firl baeball game of Ihe ea- on between Hie K.i;.' and Son of Canada opened before a large crowd of por! fan. Haiti er orcurred al inlerval were of horl iluralion and did not interfere with Ihe play. In a well coulelei game the Sou of Canada were victoriou by a erore uf (j-2. At Ihe end of the ecoml Inning the core .lood .1-2 in favor of the Son. In the third inning Itowtiey, for the Canadian, knocked a home run brinsiux in Iwo men while an additional run wa made in Hie fourth imiitiK. For the K.C Benny Wcmlle, and II. Moore were lite lioine runner. I. I .a I'orle umpired the game. The team lined up n follow: K.C.' II. Ftiijtell. lb; II. As toria, p; It. Moore, field; Hud-derham, 3h; WVl'.' Armour, field; F. Ilennitig, fielij; I.. Astoria. b; li. Weinlle, fi..;MrKeown, c. H Frizzell 'ol hi hand spiked while nlealiug' lo -econd base and wa triven firl aid Irealment. Son of Canada I,e I.ane, lb; W. Mitchell. fe,; I). Ilairour, c; V. .Meniie.' 3b; C !. Downey, ..; D. l.idlone. p; T. Halchfonl field; A. .Mitchell, 2b. Children's Races Al Hie conclusion of the game an iulere.ting program of race for the kiddie was rnu olT under the Tiiitpicc of llm P.H. Haseball ami Lacrosse Association. F.vcnls for children under ix, eight, ten, twelve, and fourteen year. of age were .lren-uouly conle.sled, the prize. being donated by local merchant. W. D. Vance and II. Itreen acleil a slarler while l I.n I'orle of- ficialed on Hie finishing tape. Fred tiilhuly distributed the prize In the winlier a the var-iou race concluded. Lacrosse Oame A fine exhibition vrame of la crosse wa next laged between the Kaien and .Maple Leaf. (ieo. D. Tile, sr., acting a re feree, II. Sabotirin ami Harry I. ove itcled a timekeeper ami II. It teen and 4. .Mi'Aleeiiau a goal watcher. Al the final whislle the ,core loo 12-fJ in favor of the Kaien nfler a well-foughl game. The play Ihrouph- nul wa very lively ami provided many thrilling encounler between Ihe zealous player. The following team were fielded. Maple Leaf II. lemnnico. jioal; I.e. I.ane, point; (ieo. Shaw, cover point; C. Iluinbcr, fir! de fence; K. Sinilh, third defence; (. K. Foster, eenlre; V. A. Do Heck, third home; (. S. Woods, oulside hynie: and S. A. Sltal. ford, inide home. Kaien Dun Hrown, goal; COULDNT SLEEP HEART WAS BAD NERVES A WRECK Mr II, A. Held. l'ir Muaquoilobolt, ..., write: ! am very thankrul for llie hrm-nt I hav received by usinr Mil-burn' Heart and .Vrve PHU. When rame home from oversea, In ISto, my heart wa very badly arferlrit by ronriilon, and my liervei were a drradriiK wrerk. 1 very horl winded, and could not onlbly tlerp at HUM, In rart, I Mai. In oiirii a rondltlon I fell a If I did nut with anyone tu speak to we. thonirht I would try Mllbtirit' Heart and Nerv pill, ami before iiad taken two bote I could enjoy final tiljhl'a real well a anyone. There re lot of returned men who are nurferlnr the Mime a 1 did, and I feel aure thai If they would only try Mil, burn' Heart tml iNerve t'lll- they ,wil receive the name relief that I have." Price toe a hot at all daalera, nr mailed direct on receipt of price hy The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Unt. WKUK PTVl NABOB W VACUUM PACKED COFFEE Try Nabob once. It is a delicacy amongst the drinks oi the world. Vacuum packed, it brings you all the fullness of its fragranoe and flavor. You will note ihe difference. And you will never drink, ordinary coffee again. And Nabob tea is 'Tea as it should be". Fred (ijlliuly, poinl; It. II. Skin- up almost entirely of workers ner, cover point; J. Mitchell. first defence; W. Mitchell, third defence; I). Halfotir, centre; 11. Menzie, firl home; H. Oray, outside Jiorne; Hert Johnstone. inside home. In the evening the lacrosse player ami oflicial held a chicken dinner in Ihe St. Ilegi Cafci Hay Seed Entertainers In the exhibition hall in Ihe eveninir the Skeena Iliver enler-lainer roiuiriing Art Fasson, John I'indcr-Mo, V. Mitchell, II. Astoria. I). Halfour. J. Cobb. II. Sabotirin and Joe llalrhfoni pill on a good program of songs and dancing, Ihe musical accompaniment beinr played by Kaon' Orchestra. The farm yard imitation by. Harry Astoria were cleverly portrayed and caused much merriment. A semi- dramatic sketch in which the hay seed indulged ill a game of black-jack with Ihe ultimate kill ins of one of Ihe player and lhe PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT unen rn nee of His M1. Form 12 (Stcllon 41), ely arleil by John PindecMoss. wa well performed. LACROSSE TEAM TO VISIT OCEAN FALLS Announcement Made at Banquet In St. Regis Cafe Saturday Night On Saturday night, in Ihe St. Ilegis cafe dining hall. Hen Self and Harry I. ipse!! entertained the players and ollicials or the Prince Ituperl Lacrosse Association, who participated in the exhibition game in Ihe after noon, lo a sumptuous chicken dinner. A leller was read by lien Self Asncialiou to send a i Lorkrpirt leain lo Ihe paper town on July 'oreanic players to accept the invitation. f Sport Chat j A proposilion has been made by th( civic board of works to the (iyru Club that it place its playground equipment in .Mc-(llymonl Park Instead of .tit Ihe corner nf Mclliide Street and Sixth Avenue. II is deemed that Ihi would he a good idea In view of Ihe fuel that the city propose putting in a swimming lank at McClyiunnt Park. A real centralized children's park could then be provided. The city offers lo assist.lhc club in erecting the ciiiipiucnl a) MrClyiiiinit l'ark and also to nppoinl a pcYmtincnl supervisor. Tin tlyro Club will ileal with I ho offer nl lis host nieelilig. The l.ontlon (F.ngland) Counly Council, which Is the authority for all Ihe London Parks (the lloyal Parks excepted) control 725 public tennis courts, about 1 10 of which are hard and Ihe rest grass. Wilhln Ihe last two or three years Ihere lias been a great tenuis boom hi Loudon. Hefore the war the game was played only by people who hnd lawns of (heir own, or belongeii In clubs. ' Now the number of chilis lifts greallyi increased, and the membership of many is made in shops or oftlccs. Many begin ners, who have nowhere lo play at home, make up sets with their friend and practise on them in Ihe park before venturing to join a club. Last year well ovef inn.nno people used Ihe public court; and paid over 1 50.000 in fees for Ihe grass courts alone. A shilling an hour '24 eenls) is charged for one class of court and nincpenre IH cent fur the other, with a registration fee of a .shilling for a season lickel. Already Ihe authorities have received this year application for litt.000 grass court and 1 1,000 hard court sea sons. jaise or nonilnatlnr and rlrriinn O.MC sr-sun la rrnrrsrnt thfm In ihr l.rrllanir or this Cnivlnrr. during Ihe function from lhe';".rretnn Tht Mod of Nomination of Candldat (hall b a follow t The randldatrj liall be nominated In urltlnr: the urillm shall be uhrrlSl by two rrrl4tered vutrrs of the dUtrlrt a pnNer anil wonder, and by ln other rrrlitrred voter of the Mill dl- inn as aenunir to tne noinlnaiion. and hall be delivered lo the' nrturninir orflrer at any time between llie dale or tht rorii ma non ana one p.m. or the day if nomination. In the event or a poll be. Injr nereary. mrh poll will be oen on the twentieth day or June, Hit, at Hanka Inland Itilrklev Hav ninnhewa Inlet i..ii. J'1ti hh-i i-i m i ii 1 1 1 1 ii wrruii raits. Die letter invited 'Ihe local La crosse lnvertie Jinlway i-am ion PROCLAMATION OF RETURNING OFFICER FHOVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMSIA In tli PRINCE RUPERT Electoral Diatrkt TO AVIT - pfSBUi: MITIf.E If hereby t-lven to llie Voter or the I'rinee Ituperl Klerloral Di-Irlri that in ubMtitnre lo Hi "Najcty'i Writ In on dtrrclnl. ami brarlnr date the tenth day of May, In th yrar of our Lord oiu thoiiiand nine hiindml and tsrnty- innr. i rrqiiin; um prrst-nre or toe naut Votrr at TUe (lovrninirnt Olflrr, Prlnre Hiirrt, B.C., on the thtrtirtti day or May. 191. at twelve o'clock, noon, rnr the nur- iKIiiml Port clement Port Simpson Prlnre Hupert Ooeeji CliarMIe City Ilefnre Bay satHl.pit Skldea-ate rinimton llarbnur Tlell Tow inn VV mien Iliver I. the Ocean Falls leain to nlav I ,r Vhieh . Tn.J"VI. a reluni gaine here the follow -''"irr,'?,,.'.'. nol,r rovmi him-ing year. II wa decided hy the) niVKN muter my hand at pitixr.E ....... M-Tt-ileiiii (Uf ftf MMY, one thousand nine hundred and iwenlv-roiir. tn. ,ii. MnnTiMEn. Iteliinuflr orrieer. LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES ACT. PROCLAMATION OFRSTURrONa OFFICER PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In th PRINCE RUPERT Electoral Olatrlct i' vlT: PUBLIC .NOTICE I hereby Flven to the Electors of the Electoral hlstrlcl aforesaid thai I have received Ilia Majesty' Writ tn me directed, and bearlnr date the loth day ot May. tvtl. ronuiiaiwlin me In the follonlnir nuesllon. niniely Do you appeov of the al of ber by th glaa In llctnaetf peml without bar undor avrnmnt control and regulation? to be submitted arrordiiiF to law tn the Electors qualified to vote for llie elect ion of a memlier or llie Legislative Assembly Tor the Kleclnral Dlstrlrt aforesaid; and. rurther, lhal In olielleiice lo the said Writ a po'l "hall lie oiiened at elfin o'clock In the forenoon and shall be rinsed l seven o'clock In the irterniMin on the 90th day or June, fur taklnir and rerelvlns the vole of the nald Klectors In each olliiiir division of the Elerloral titsirlrt aroresald at the renprrlive place rollowtnRi POLLING DIVISIONS. Dink Osltind Buckley Bay port Clement rtimsliewa Inlet port Simpson c.enrirelown prince Hupert llaysiwirl oneen niurloile Clly tuvriiiena neiue nay Jrdway Saml.-ilt (.awn Hill Sklderaie. l.ockeiHirt ThiirMon Harbour Mtasett Tlell Oceanic Tow Hill Oona Wmlen Blver of which alt persons' are hereby required to take notice and to fovrrn them, eelves acmrdinirly, oi'E under my hand at PBINCE ED. II. MOflTIMEB. RcturDint Officer, Coats, Suits and Dresses AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. Bens Third Ave. Opposite Bank of Montreal. Eat More Wheat Po it with Hread, Cakes, Puddings, Pastries, baked with FiveRoses Flour The World's Best, LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, tnd Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert' Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. btmiu im thaiitaalharaol van IlilakiiBaB ihrMihoat thaaMlrT Waaitj ! Ihe aaw, iKual I ao achialv Simoad feature. JI10HM CAHtla tiW CO. LIMtTta VMKMTir MuaiiiAi ji. j.ta. k .