-dnendny January 23, 1924. fiing in the l&tcfieri OU Ftlf, CutM lonWl fa AJ OXO CJ mtwi lUt't ia ; o:auimu UttditaL Oxo Beef Cubes put flavor, nourishment and economy into your cooking. With Oxo Cubes, yesterday's left-overs can be served up in a hundred delightful Ways today. As well as adding flavor, Oxo Cubes bring the meat element to vegetables, strength and nutriment to the duh. When ywj buy 00 Cubes you buy tli flavor, atrtngtH, and suitenance cl the but bet L All ot tatte none ot it watte of mciL Has ol 4, 10, 30 and 100. CUBE Ot Clw Saa4tl(b Ikfi'a Oi . iil .a wain, aoti n a UttU bnttfi pfa4 lb mittart oo thla alter of bread, aptlaliU with (rat4 cb, aJ4 pW to taaie. as4 place oOitr altera of bread oa i. p. Now a bargain for men! 70 itoue i7 'y mmnmnnnn HI We Deliver. 50c Thre famom artitlra real comforts every man nertis; I'almofite Shatinf Cream, I'almolive Soap, ana the new PalmolWe After Shavlnf Tatr to tilt that well-groomed" look without ahowin; en your fart. .1 Krgular price 70c ORMES LIMITED A HEATER BARGAIN N". at:: S.inli-..ni IIimI.t. rcj?. price sij.no. i$TSt .S.. Hi tn. .ntli only . 514.00 ' '"""' iv k. pin'i' $;i.oi. si 11 " ,,ll,v $18.00 Tel. 3. Buy now and save money. KAIEN HARDWARE GO. P.O. Drawer 1640 Shpckley's RiMills Sole Agenls for Hoyal Mills, Hanall, B.C Lumber J. Fyfe Smith Co Hardwood Frnser Mills Fir Veneer Dimension Lumber. Kir. Hpruro nntl Cedar. Spruce nnd Cedar Shiplnp. Hprurc I'lankiiig. Sash, Doors, MyiU iihgs. Oloss. Slmiglo!. Mr Veneer. Cedar Piling. BAERIE'S Home Furnishings v 2 WE SELL FOR LESS. H MlJ.jiny . on to consider this fuel, whtm uu an pliniiiing to buy Furniture for Your Home IN HONOR OF HIS MARRIAGE Tribute Paid to Major John Mc Gregor, V.C., at Q.W.V.A. Smoking Concert Last Night j 'irciil War Vcleran. ami their friend lo the number of 150 or mure foregathered last niulil al u rousing sniokiiur concert a iven al Hie asocial ion roonut in honor hi Major John Me lirgor, V.C., in celebration of his recent mar. riage. There was a splendid program of speeches ami musical number ami in the cours of the proceeding President V. E. Denning tendered, on behalf of the association. In the guest of honor. a hand-tome leather wallet containing a .ititislunlial cheek. The speakers, were "President Penning, .Mayor Newton. United Stale Coriul A. 11. Wakciicld, -Major J. W. Nicholls, and Fred Slork, M.P., all of whom paid (rihute lo Major Mdirrgor's brilliant mililury record and extended the. most hearty congratulation and be. wishes for a long and happy married life. ' Poor Old Man An President Ilonnlnir was id-oul lo make J lie presentation there was a nine selection bv James Sturgeon aflrr wiiieh Hie audience sang "Poor Old Mae, lie Alnt What He led to he." Major McOregnr replied suitably to the pre-eolation Those ronl ribulinz to the pro gram ineluded Hubert James. John Morrison. A. Murrav. A. Sal Immiiih. Wright t)aie, J. Thump, n. J. tieorpe, I'eler lllack and I'erey Smith with ocal nolo ami Tim Milter with a mouth orpan -eleeiioti. W, Vaushan Davie wa accompanist. The Iti2nd Hand rendered nelec I i o n Ihroimliotil the eeniit anil there ' alwi eommiinily fiiiiKinK llefrenhmeiitw were . furninhftl by the St. Ilejfi Iafe. After votes of thank had been paed lo I lie artful ami to the (trolto Cipar Ptore, which donated Mnnke, th Biillieriiip clorl with I lie -iiiitunf of I hp National Anthem. The eiimmillee in eharre coin lriaed i:. I.. You liftman, I.eo tion- nr. Stanley Smith. S. I.. War rlrtf and A. J. Ilisliop. Among those present ere Major J V. Nicholls. Major S. I). Johnson. i:apl. II. l. Tremayne. lUlpt. J. A. Vi.. Lieut. 1'erry Tinker. I.ient. (ireco. Lieut. .Mason nml nthi-r offlrers and men of the North It.!'.. Itek'imenl. FORESTRY TALK TO CATHOLIC CHILDREN Address Given and Moving Pictures Shown and Good Impression Made (tn Monday n isil was paid by forestry officials i the Catholic sc hool in this nlv when an in lerestinj.- and instruct ie address was jmcn the children and a ti limber of pa run Is who wore pre. mmiI on the subject of forest pro. teelion by Forester Leiuhlou. The inoMiiK pictures were shown by (erald Itlylh and all nrted of meal interest (o those present. rather .Mctirailli ntrodiieeil the visitors and urged Hie iimiorfanre of the subject. wild which lliey hail Id deal. At the close "O Canada'' was siin. YANDERHOOF The creamery of Necluiku Valley Co-t)ieralie Associalion showed a net profit of 111.55 on the year s business. s A dautihler wn born in Van-derhoof last week lo .Mr. and Mrs. Havid II. Hoy of Fort St. James. The Ladies' Aid of Hie Presbyterian Church has, elected Mm following- oHIcer : presidenl, Mrs. .. (i. W. Hraln; vice-presl-denl. .Mis. Tibbells; secretary-trcasurer. Mr. James W. Canm. hell; executive committee, Mrs. J. M. Johnston ami Mrs. A. H, Hutchinson: isilltK committee, Mrs. Jl. Smith and Mrs. II, L. McKenney; honorary president. Mrs. K. II. Arnd. Mis. Williain 'J. .Milne has been learhlnjr in Iho' publio scjiool while Miss J. M. IliehuriU has been ill. Miss Madge Blackmail bus commenced her duties as lonelier ut I lie KIIisIjv "ubhe .Mdtoul. TnE DAILY NEWS. PAQB TIDIER. j Local and Personal H.G. Undertakers. -- Phone 41. Hayaers. Undertakers. Phone 351. tf Arrived. A shipment of the. famous Cable Shoe. McArthur' Shoe Store. 21 Hum Hanquet Klks Home. January 25, Get your tickets from the executive. 20 We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. f Mr. A. Lionel Holtby will be al home on the afternoon of Friday, January 25, from 3 lo 6 p.m. iy Then.' will be a meelliiir of the I.O.H.K. al Hie Cily Hall on Fri day at 8 p.m. All inetnberK urc requested to come. 20 Mr. Harold McKwett will re-reive on Thursday, 2llh instant, from I to C p.m. al her residence 232 Fourth Ave., West. C..N.II. idramcr Prince lluoerl. Capt. John llcKernatt, is due to arrive from Vancouver and way ports at a o'clock this evening. c Coiism-tralional Supper in coti-nreliou with the annual meeting of the rongretration First Pres byterian Church loiii?ht at 0.30. 4 Indian .Went W. H. Collison is visilinir Mellakatla lixlay pay-itiK a visit of inspection lo the water works system which is nearitiK completion. Afler unloading her cars al the Westview slin. Ihc C.N.Il. car barjfe. wiiieh slramlcd last week on Watson Hock, went into dry dock Ibis- inorninp; ' P. Austin, travellins auditor for the tart eminent liipjor board, Meloria, arrived in the cily yes terday afler a trip to Stewart. Anyox and Alice Arm on ofllcial duties. Alaska Steamship Co.' steamer victoria, Capt. navies, is due fnnn Seward and other Alaska (oris Thursday eveninir or Fri day mornlfiK. She sails from here for Seattle. Milton IJnnzalcs has purchased Hie residence of H. O. Cushion on l-i fib Avenue Fast and will move into it later in the spring. M. M. Stephens & Co. Lid. were agents for the properly. Weather throughout the in- lerior is generally mild with snow. Al Hums Lake this morning il was 10 above zero with snow; al Terrace it was snowing atld wimlv and at Sniillmrs il was In above utid cloudy. Passengers on Ibe Cardcna for the south In eluded F. 11. Wallers. .1. McKen-ie, Aid. and Mrs. Frank Clapp, Mr. and Mrs. J. Minnee, .Miss M. llerg and Col. and Mrs. It: .V Stewart for Vancouver: .Mrs. J. G. Scherk ami Mrs. II. Webber for surf Inlet. . small handicap badminton louruamenl is planned for to morrow evening at Hie Mclutyru Hall in which members of the club boarding at the Inlander will lake part. Walts will play Slewarl. Harllell will play Pullen. Jenner will play Scolt and Wrig- glesworlh drew the bye. THIS LADY SAYS THERE'S I NOTHING TO EQUAL "Or. Wood's" Norway Pine Syrup For Coughs and Colds Mrs. Pavlii Thomiiooti, vi hivrr si. Carl, om., write: "I cannut tin-ak too liillily of Pr. WiHHfa Murway IMiio Syrup. Kur mjflf and cUIIJreii rl. uo natiln My llltlo alrl. rive wart i.l.l hut h.,,1 bnmclilat truublf ever Mure Mi hail the tiu" a rcw year airu. autl. now. wlwn- vvrr li vrta a Hlglil wild Hie 0erlo very natty riMUh. but all 1 have lo ito l ive ,i.r a frw (Wet of ir. WihsI'i Norway fine syrup. Also for myeir, ana the ollK-r rhllJren, ran find iiottilna tu ruiul U. In rail. It wa nnly a nhort time aru that I rave It lo my U'li mouths olj liaby, and nxild Immediately are I lie difference It mado In ,her. .Now, I alwayt keen Norwav cine Syriin In the Imuye. aa I ri th..r. i. nolhlnir lo equal It." I'l'lce SSe a lioltle: His lurira ramllv Mio floe; put up ouly ty Tho T. Nib liuru . . LUuitea, 't'vrvuto. Out. Serve it hot FREE FOR ALL BATTLE f mmnn mtmn ah ai mmr, I UNUtK bUftt ur UMlt, Great Sport Event Took Place Last Night Between Inlander and Bankers A baskelball game that is des tined to make history in the an nuls of local sport was played last nigh l at the Methodist church gymnasium when the Hankers, led by Hamilton of the Commerce staff, played a husky five from the Inlander, ami ac cording lo all reports put il over I hem so badly (hat they bale lo (ell about il. The rules adopted for the game were entirely novel . ami (here were some wonderful scenes cn-acled on the floor, sometimes even the spectators on I he side lines becoming embroiled in the conflict. The final score remains m ome doubt but the best (iuessers put it at 13 to ten or thereabouts in favor of the ailing last night (Hankers. .Those engaged in I he scramble were: For the Inlander. Wrteglcs- worth, Hamilton, Welford, Of course you can serve it hot and it makes a satisfying, strengthening meal on which to start the day's work. Heat two Shredded Wheat Biscuits in the oven to restore crispness and then pour hot milk over them, adding a little cream and salt. Nothing so delicious and satisfying as these crisp, flavory shreds of baked whole wheat. They are ready-cooked and ready-to-eat. Fos ter, and Walls, while opposed lo (hem were Hamilton. Warner, llix. Howard ami lloberlson. Hob llaiilelt wielded (lie whistle ipiile artistically but eventually feeling his II re and limbs in danger decided to live up (o the motto that discretion is the heller part of valor ami retired from Ibe scene. Those who engaged in the Coinbal are today using up nu merous uuaris of emhrocalioii in hopes uf ridding Iheir limbs itf stiffness and eliminating the blue WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DlllHY ISLAND. Overcast. light southeast wind; barometer, temperature, 32; light swell. I) FA I THF.i: POINT. Cloudy, calm; barometer, 2H.70; Ictnper- n I ure. 20; sea smooth. HULL HAHHOH. Overcast. calm; baromeler, 21.U2: temper- alure. 10; light swell: 8.10 n.111. poke steamer Prince llttpert off Adenbrook Island northbound; 8 a.m. spoke steamer Ctndena lit Seafortli Channel soulliliouiul. Noon DKJHY ISLA.MI. Sleel. strong .oulheat wind; barometer, 29.-yi; teiuperature, 3t); sea rough. HULL HAIlHOIt Cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer, Stt.VS; temperature, II; light swell; 0 u.ui. sioke steamer Prince Hu- pert in Milbattk Sound north- b'liod. The Canadian ShreddH Whcut Company, Ltd. Niagara fall,. Oalaria Shredded Wheat BONDS Are the Best Investment We recommend the following as being safe, saleable and of fair return: City of Vernon oc't due loth June, KK5S, al $1)8.01. Yield 5.70 City of Duncan , Odiie lKlh May, I'y.ia, at $iut.2y. Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert H due Wit lo 11150, at I0l.:i1. Yield 5.90 Orders may be wired al our expense, interest accrued to dale of payment mu.-l b? added. We pay delivery charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Salle from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8EATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10100 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, i . . . .... Jan. 2, 18, 30; Feb. 13, 27 March 12, 28 PA8SCNQER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Lear Prince mipeM MS p.m. for PRI.CE OEOHCE, EDMOflTO, wis. MI'EQ, ill points Eaitern Canada, I'utmd Stales. , , aaiNcr all ockan stiamship linis. City Ttckal Offlea, BIS Third a, Prlne Rupert. Phana 2o.