TWdVucious fragrance of Baker's Breakfast Cocoa if It I unquestioned purit, uniformity and palatability' make constant uscrt cf all xko try it; Jt if the cocoa o inch quality. Me In Canada By Walter Biker & Co. limited - tUlJ 1710 Vfji.1 DeitUm, Mm lootxtt or nwKZ trans sun rnz COAL The Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON Lump and Egg Slies. STERLINQ Stove and Egg Sizes. We deliver In sari. or hulk. Piiftno u your order lay or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Phona 15. Office: Hotel Central. EPSON COAL We tfmi now Supply our FAMOUS CDSON COAL iti any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone St. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Frater St. Fleam Heated - Hot nml HoM Water Hate. Iiy Day nr Monlli P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. LENINE WAS A ! CHANGE ARTIST Could Accommodate Himself j Conditions as he Found I Them I HISTORY OF LATER YEARS u 'BeervtitkmlaPctr Thl. aJvertlae.nent.lB not published or Ct hoard or' hy the yofernmnd of Hrltlnh rlamu. to I'd history of Ihe irri-al llii.i- Ihifl rebellion Ami runnier rebel. lion ha, yet In be wrillnn. II will liievcr Itrt lold Iml what is apparent ih dial Russian life wn turned nprde ildwn. Factories were taken over by Hi" worker. Ureal (late Vcre confiscated by the .caaul. wIki divided them among llioriilr. The arlloc f'.'ll'l' ujillfrtil nut Llti.l .f ..r.l.. ' ' ' " 11 .mil, i n.wi .....i ii.. ...i.i ii iwnrKing u.-iii-liiiiir .1, Mead wa c.ll,i,l,ed a ,y,.la,MVn,,,K "' ""UriM.-,pie,e,y leni of troverunienl rontrol that ml 1 1 ill i! I tmut lAanimr IIia -! ny e nil' nw linifinen in preferred ela)en. and ,, -...I Hill.. 1 IHU. ioiiiip iiiii iiiur i;r iHiiir ill III! in i ne niiiecM. I lie ue nr nuiney ,, ,, , .. .. ..... ...... .. i . i ,lhe-e three tliintf i iiiiii-iiiim-ii. iiiiu jrjiiii. iiiiin. iifaetureil pfoilurl and lahor he 'nine the chief media of exrhaiixe communistic pari directed af fair. No Communist Utopia In 11)21. when Hie Soviet government had swept aide all opposition, and when Itiionln Freo Delivery In Prince Rupert. mm BY NO MEANS ! ALLOW YOUR BOWELS TO GET CONSTIPATED; If f'Oj lli four 1h,u ia ii-omr x.ntiiptlml i"H lll hit bilkHK llirk. nk hUb. nalnl U4t$uf. tti tmth. Mil-1 i ,iil4l, ik rkxtlnf Iirror Hi .. mhlle tt lit f)f dull ami yet' l.iw. hrilirn, l-r hn'h. le. kr-r yr Uimri rrraiar tr u-mi MliUira' U I'ltl. a hy dnlnt x, )ini il b M In krrp ll and h nn mnr tnxitiM' lth your liver. Mr. I. hnWn, lUllirnr, Sfk, rltr: "I vrr badly JrMihll lili emitil-IKUun. i.fl'11 tuit luit h-idarh, mt imitiw nld. and I frit anytlrinf bill Pit. Mlrr latin- Milburn'i IjnaUirr pill I lu frll niNrh Id rr a llirjr rr-ttlnl) did I'h a ll of rust," Villmrn'i tJta-l.ltrr fill arr tie. a jtial 11 all d-al-r. or inallnl dirrrl on ncfipi i,f rirr lir Tho T. Mllliurn Co, Llmlird, Tonmiii. onl. B.C's Best Brew Because ' Cascade is produced at British Columbia's model brewery, where quality and purity of ingredients, combined with perfectly hygienic conditions, are of paramount importance. Insist on Cascade , Pure palatable appetizing the brew for YOU. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIWTtU leliver up his scanty rrops re-i nulslliimed hy Hie Soviet stale.) and million perishing from htm- cr throughout the nation, Hie premier could see nothing hut hlack cloud ahead. When llii new economic policy had gained momentum and il appeareii ihat-IlussiA w coming hack In a hourgeoise regime, Lenlne was the first to proclaim thai the retreat had ended, that there wn In he no more surren. iter of real communistic princi-nles: nml above all thing, that somtiia. and later on developed eriiui nervous anil gastric dis order. Always intpalienl or re st raiui. he wntlhl not ohey (he commnml nf hi llussian physi cians of Ihe advice of hi friends, and conllnued to. work. In the iiulumn of IU22 he suffered "n serious at lack, ami for a Bong llfiie his life wn despaired of. A niunher of limes he was reported FiveRoses FLOUR When lluyinif Flour your (1 rocer for "FIVE ROSES," Tim World's lies! John L Agent. ask Christie THE DAILY 51TWB. DOCTOR RELIEVES GOLDS WITH SCIENTIFIC VEGETABLE SIRUP Prescribed by Dr. Thacher toing dull arid tired, frequently Build up System So You May bolhered with nm r mre sym'p-Qulekly r ".petite, Throw Off Cold and!1""' poor digelion, coated tongue, Feel Your Best Again. (,aiU(.lfi),( Atuffy cold, soro It is impossible to get rid of a disagreeable cold o long a your Ostein. I loo run-down to throw Ihroal, nervous au upset. (let quirk relief, ami fori your very best again. Take Jual a spoonful of'tir. Thacher'x Liver off lhc colli an Nature, intended. & Wood Kynip after the next few And you cannot he healthy or fcel(meafs. Notice Ihe (iiiek difference good so long H4 one vital organ jiu the way you look, eat, deep, in your hody i riot functioning jaud feel. Thin vegetable syrup rid il a.t.i.ail.1 liii.nlnliu rutttf irirritArt i An I u Hill t n Thi orRan is your livert When known to I he medical profession a Nature Intended it for their corrective and health- - ,iin,, iiimi mi: lllliiir"-t'iaft ... a.,.., tt . . . , or I ueoiM. hern,,,,. ;l'''rifie your bb.od, every drop of building properties. Dr. rhacher .which filter through i..i.r it i,.f.i... ..... your - I iih: llinnpr, "''. ....... i.... i... . . r . t i ..lie a liver Liver anil lllooil Hymn U pleasant jlV-e ,1- Had., wa. " uii.iiiiii-ii al.oli.hed and illlll In, hi. . i ,y i 1 "TV m '.' ' , YOUr ' , Vr , " . . TP nm I" '. .W,M 'T' ixaiMiieii; oinenvie. nient. prevenl ronMipalinn and drua'-'i'N are autlioried In re. .does many imporiant lliiriKH to turn the small ent. i your xy!tem in eondilion.l Dr. Tfiacher' Liver and llfood when it hecome clofted ami Hyrup I ohJ hy f)nne .M fiir. nliiixMi your liver cannot do 3rd Ave. and Sixth HI., I'rinee (Umequenlly lluperl, I I.C, and ly lendiiur driisr- '.yoiMiflen wake up rnnrriinprH feej.' riU in .every rlly anil town, , 1 , . I'onr limit .li.riul i-ar i.hon.i lil hand to Ihe lak of liiililinir dyinp, hut iimler nre.iure from iurln which Inleriial counter Hl' Hi' Hti"ia the revolution had hi aocLite he at lat consent- levoliiiinn, in nrany cae nnwi l i'"1 n '' achieve linn re- ed to take a rcf in the country, d Ji allied iulervenlion, kept icoiitrnctioii. I.enine, Willi the and early in Ihe year 1923' he ap- lln.iit in a rinuiiiiii iiirmr.ll 'daririff tliat charai'(i'rt.ei alt of peared to he roiMlderaldy irn- !i:neiuie or the coiiimuuilH a- "inr plans, heyau what he proved. However, from, Heplem 'aiuflted ome lloUhevik lead, cnlleil a ttlrapelic retreat , from her lt22 onward Inine's poi-er. mid in HeplHiiihr. un.!coniinuninni. A co'nmninUlic tion in the llu.ian ttovernnienl )Leiiiiie hiuuelf wa nhot and t'toftia might he poil)c in year wax more Hut of a valued coun. M-M-rety wounded, I'lotn and come, he .aid. hul the active .ellor than that of a premier. He Iroiinirr ploU, terror awl rnunter u ji-a'cl(eit diirintr fvuilinued l pniM.e M.lii-ie, l.ut terror. wepl ltuia from one periml or the civil wa, had seiuoni appeareii at meeting oi rtid to Ihe other, and the lilnoJ.IIPV,,r l',M, inlendeil a permau- the Omiiril of (rnniii-ar!. lu d. inier and fnnvlne of the cut. II was purely a war nua- Became Recluse lour Murk year have nn coimler.i,,rr' '! "" " " ep'hal peech,- l'hyically. Leniiic wa idinrl. fian in mihlern hi.fnry. TliroiigtiM,'"''rcl Novemher. 11)21, rather plump, with a thick short all of llli period liiifie. harked iI.eiMne puhllcly armounied the neck, hnrad hoilder. round, red the o!id. lrirtl?.dleipiiie.l,r'',,,ur ' l,a!' l'Hcie., ami ex- lace, nign loreneau, nroau neau. piainen trie neei tor an econo- now Miymiy upniriu-o, nnmiuni mic departure. "We met with a mulaehe and a short. luhhy had defeat, and have undertaken lx'ard. He ha heen de.crilH-d as a olrafegie retreat." he admitted, kxiking more like a country "Hefnre they have llirmlied u grocer than a leader of men. definitely, let u retreat and con-1 Once in the early day of the ill - I . ... . i wh iriirtically inltiel in clmmu-','ln,, cryininjr over again, pin revoiunon, i.enine wa tainy eav nmt hand evcepl for I'oland ",,,rP "lhfly." He proposed at or approach, hut in hi later year Fiulaml and Ihe Itallic lvinee'.l'l ,re.etatdihmenl die received( iew people Once winch hroke off and formed in.e.'f cnpilalilic principle; a re- met, i.owever, lie appeaie.i to u.e i.emlenl Itepntdic. I.enine turned ,Tln to fi-ee trade; the Imprt- oherver a a man or niiion of laxe nn land; aholih-,ary een inlelligpiice. l'eron meiit of free I raniMtrtation. and who went tiu interview I.enine the acceptance or outside aid forlfnund themeve heing inter Hie niillioii of starving Hninn.. viewed instead. lie fired que. Peasants Broke It up jlion in rapji ucceiioit. searrh- Ii' wa the great teaanl claje.l for the Hiiiii li i-eally wanted and it refusal to accept the. In know, and lhe:l dimie(l principle of O.ninvin i m ,ilhem and triok up another ipie- roupled with the destructive Hum even Uerorc hi viimr real drought and resultant famine of iied he had .answered Hrst. IV2I. Dial finally hrotiglil ahouL In addreing pnlilic audiences. Ihe capitulation. With tlie;i.enine drove Home: ins pnini mall farmer flatly refusing- to 'with a curl force surprisingly clear in a man of hi thick-lipped. rather difficult delivery. In hti " speeches, a in his action, he pjxe ,l(n working in the shops : wa a merciless criuc oi in i.. various parts of Hie system cnemie. of his friends and of Bluj &Mt tiIOse employed in oper- himseir. He once told the com- aou 0f trains and in the main-iininist congres that if the parly :onance of Ihe right of way. did not imilale capitalistic melli.J ignorance Responsible od. and learn In lie heller har- h(Vn fmm(, l)ial many gaineis than the capitalists, l'at 'apcj((n!( hav OCPUrr0( (, fr. they prohahly. would he hanged. pjffn(,r), wno have i,Pr. unahlo to and surely would deserve il. , nm, u lnmiiJ,t that many Life Was Simple !of 1P1(, ai.rjnfI,i9 may ,0 pre- He seem..l atis'nliilely larking y(knM ir0,igi the ue of per-in elf-interesl. His personal life , in,rl.Piim,, jlr. n0th Ihe proletarian dictatorship of, was exceedingly simple. When w 0iso navP ,,nwer to recom- llusia would not he surrendered. lin Moscow he occupied two snviu , ,afoplir,inK on alii" In Ihe spring of 1922 Lenine'j furnished room at the Kremlin, pnrs nf t(H. j,y,Prn ,P may liMtllh hegan lo crack under Ihe, within a stone's throw of ajnag- von,i((,r nf vaiu0 in reducing the strain. He became a victim of in-.nificenl empty palace, which once ( rr arci,!,.,,! His housed the i.iars. v lien in tne : ,inarment will work in close A I'll I . A . M,I country, ai a a lime inii" place inacc i-aurn caucn 'I'arasovka. ,,... ,inn wiii. ii, safelv sonic 20 niles from" ln. iKrnnclmnl Hie Onmininn. Moscow, he spent most of hi SAFETY WILL BE IMPORTANT New Head Appointed to That Department of Railway Service first aid work. Mr Hoolh who look over his new duties yesterday, will direct the instruction of i 'BBBBBBBBBJBjBjBjBBBBJBJBBBBB I - Instruction of firsl nid ha I lll'liuiin'ii lime flsiiing, siionttng or playing . nlwavs )(00n a ntahje achieve-wilh hi pel kittens. ' nt" wj(h ,e Canai1ian National Hallways, learn from the system having on various occasions won 111. n li,iniiiimatiln nT nnnnil:! llllt" riinilllimiiinii n i ..... t eam comprising nnin men and women from various departments of Ihe system have entered com- pclilinn of the St. John Ambulance Association of Canada and have always taken high honors, i Sixty Classes Now MO.S'l'llttAL, Jan. 23, The an. A conservative estimate of Ihe noncemeul I made hy W. I. number of employee. of the sys-Ilohh, vlco-president rif the ttan-jtcin who hnve received iiislruc- adiau National Hallways, of the tion in first aid work would pe appointment' nf WY A. Hooth. 18,000. At Ihe present time more chief draftsman motive power de- than sixly classes of men and parlmenl, Monlreal, to he di-. women are receiving inslruclions rector nf safely first and. first ail!in first aid work cm tho Canadian for IheiCniiiidian National IlAil- . National Itaitway. While this 1 1. . ... . 11 1 .. ways. snowing is mosi sansiacmry u i" The appointment of Mv.Mhe desire or Ihe present man-llooth Is a 'steti in the work nf ngehieul to extend that work so elimlnnlma,s'fnr, n ponsihle.Jthal eventually it will not he revenlahJe, apfiueniN nn tne ,ia- possuue iiir an accident m ini-ur lional sysleiif hiid in Ihe insl.-nc-'un imy part nf the system from lion of large inimhers of rm-jcoasl to coast without there he-itoyee from ports t fo coast in intr some employee of the fiann- dian National Hallways who Is rtialified In administer firsl aid. Mr. Hooth entered the service all employees id ttw proper use of Jon the Grand Trunk Hallway ys-tnol nml In the. nxerclse of raro lerji. noTv' parl nf the Canadian lu their work. Instruction will b National Ilnilways, as an nppren- DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant STOCKTAKING TOOT IV1. i 1 MILLIONS and Movies THROUGH the medium of slender strips of celluloid an actor appears simultaneously on thouands of screens in as many different towns. On the same evening, he entertains great armies of film fans who eagerly pay their money to see his performance. So the movie star commands a king's ransom for a salary, and a fortune is spent profitably, to provide a proper background fojr his art. The movie multiplies persqnality and earning power. Advertising does the same thing for a merchant or manufacturer. In a single day it takes his message into thousands of homes to tell folks why they should have his goods and how to get them. Advertising endows him with a thousand voices with which to tell his story. But the value of advertising is by no means confined to the advertiser. It has a very definite value to you. A glance through this paper enables you to sift out the things that interest you. Sitting inour easy chair you can compare values and prices, in "a moment you can tell exactly where to go for what you want and how much to pay. Figure how much useless walking and talking and how much actual money you can save by spending a few moments daily with the advertisements. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Winter OVERCOATS 20 per cent Discount on all WINTER OVERCOATS STEVE KING tice jn the drafting department. LliiU- I IKSii tin w-n siwiii Mv 1'. ., .. . thereafter drnftsnvan, nssistantl chief draftsman, engineer locomotive construction, ami on April 3. 1923. chief. draftsman. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Austin, Victoria, Central S. Kominsky and A. firanl, Anyox; Fred Lind, Swanson Hay; (i. Raiding city. OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Passport!' secured and tickets issued via White Ular, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson Lines. The Canadian National Railways make direct connections with steamers of these lines. Full information at City Ticket Office, Canadian National hallways, 328 Third Avenue, Prince Huperl, I I.C. Phone 2C0. Phone Green 85 Third Avenue Big Reduction on all Coats and Suits BENT'S Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Hetaerton lock, PRINCE RUPERT, Bj. O. Office Hour, t t. Phone) MB. Open Evening Only Wf Speolal Appolntmonta, s i