PA(JK TWO. THE DAILV NEWS. Wc.lnesdny. For Refreshment when fatigued, try a cup of 3 1! ALADA H4Q8 Always so pure, fresh and delicious. The Daily News PHINGR HUPHIIT - MUTISM COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince Ituperl Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. V. PULLHN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per. month ........... $1.00 Hy mail lb nil parts of the Hrilish Empire and the United .States, in advance, per year $0.00 To nil other countries, in advance., per. year ,.... $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. ..$1. 50 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. ........ .$2.80 per inch Local Menders, per insertion ,2rc per line Classified Advertising, per insertion..... 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Conlract Hates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject lo approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Another Effort Toward Reciprocity. 5!g5Iliii(Mlay. April 9, 1921. lion. .1. .. Hoiib, minister or trade and commerce, is with the foiled Stales government with a view lo having nil duties on cattle removed on bolh sides of the boundary. It i to be hoped lhat he lias not also forgotten the present embargo on fish, which is a source of irritation here. Free trade in fish, fish products and machinery or implements having to do with the handling orpacking of fjsb, would, seem lo be a good policy. Advantage Of Locating ' , . Near A Terminal. The advantage of locating a factory at the terminal point of a r;iilvya whrU niseis Qjc,jeean is tippareiil Unl who have sliMliiHrqiiVslMJiIs'Tir ififide'lfiiid obmmerce. Tha'tYsShowil by the manner in which factories are being crowded around the railways, at .Vancouver and New Westminster. Similar conditions exist here. It is- announced that n laminated wood factory is to be built this Mimnicr on the Skeena Diver about fifty mib's from here. While it will lie on the railway and near the source of log supply, it will lie a long wayjrom. foreign shipping facilities. If Uu factory were erected al Prince Ituperl of Port Kdwnrd M or any adjacent location the best terminal rates would be secured op the railway, lh in and out, and it would get Ibe-hest possible service in the making up of trains. Hesides that the product could be shipped lo the foreign market by water when occasion required without any added expense. A factory built in the interior is badly handicapped when it comes to water shipments,, and also in I he mailer of terminal rales on Ihe railway. Also it. cannot expect lo gel ns good a .service along the route a"!? al the terminal. I If the matter were taken up, it is possible that jusl a good t terms for a site could h obtained at the coast as fifty miles in-landy It is to be Imped lhat the matter will be given every consideration and-Hint if anything Win induce the Liiminalcif Wood people lit esiablMi here instead of .fifty miles' away, it should not be neglected. ' Ten Years Aqo First Train Here. , Ten years ago today the first train 'passed through over the Grand Trunk Pacific Ilailway, It! was a great event in the history of Ihe city mid hopes at lhat time were high. Today we have been -somewhat sleadied down and are, realizing lhat a city is uolbuill in a night. If some, are feeling rather tired of waiting so long and are beginning to lose a little of their faith in the fiilore, they can hardly be blamed. Those who have come later are. still full oT optimism and faith and are ready to slake their fut itre on the city. To everyone we say "Slay wih il. The future is ours. There is already a rift in the clouds."" Keep Up Pace Or Danper Of Dropping Bick. In a town which lias undergone a somewhat quiet time, Mich as has been the case In Prince. Ituperl, there is a great tendency to lie on one's .oars and slow down; This is dangerous. II is most difficult lo again get under way. Residents in a small place have td constantly fight against the tendency lo drift. We nnist keep up the speed anil keep ourselves in good trim or when the day comes we shall be found lacking in lhat necessary vim lhat will forward . We must refuse to get stale or the newcomers will oust us and leave us far behind in the new RADIO in Prince Rupert. Written for the Daily Newt by Felix Bait in Pattullo Competition SI range, ns il may seem a ureal 'majority or people .still maintain thai Radio and Il.ulio llrnadeasling is a fail. They assert this, in spile of Ihe fact thai Iho radio, industry lias increased twcnly-fite hundred per cent In the iimsI year. Itroadcasliug as il is carried on in America today is essential ly an American fnslflutinn. foumteil on a broad and human basis. Thai this policy is right has heen proven hy the tremendous growth of the radio Indus- try in the last four years. Prince Ituperl unlike, man) other southern cities nf similar sue has not shown the same development along this line a they. This is largely 'due lo Its remoteness from the nearest hl'oaocasliug station, which is approximately four hundred aim sixty miles dista'nl, airline. In order lo receive "any stations, al all il requires a receiving set. the price of which is beyond the average person's means. This alone might explain the cause of Ihe fewness of radio receivers In Prince lliipert. Indeed il has been estimated that about ninety per cent of our population have never heard a radio 'concert-! To many people., radio has lieeiu entirely misrepresented. Tin- sets they have seen appear very complicated 'and extremely dillirull to operale, , wherein, in reality radio Is like anything else, simplicity itself, as soon as Ihe few fundamental rules are mastered. World at Doorstep There are today, few - housed holds in or around Prince Ru pert and vicinity thai, do not boast of. a phonograph or piano and in many cases both.. Now If pianos and phonographs can be sold here why not radio sets. In rural districts, Ihe inhabitants are unable to come to snipe city for amusenieul. A movie or a vaudeville is as rare as a blue moon. Their supply of good music is limited to thai of the piano and gramophone, which is nf limes tiresome. With a radio sel however Ihe whole world, as it were, is brought lo your doorstep. The unrivalled and exquisite talent of Ihe world's greatest music masters is your own. The latest in everything is at hand, developments along' every line. news, and countless niher reports valuable lo everyone. The number of hours of enjoyment that mav he obtained from a radio set is indeed inestimable. II is obvious (hen, that a broadcasting station in or around Prince Ituperl is no) only desirable Put necessary. A proposition of this kind would be a paying one. The person lr persons operating Ihe station would he dealers in radio apparatus and since they could guarantee the reception of broadcast from Mils slalion they would thus he certain of selling the apparatus. Kven if Ihe station only had a range of five hundred miles il can be seen what a huge terri tory Ibis won hi rover. Nol only unlimited enjoyment hut a con-slant means of communication lo Ihe principal villages would thus he established. What Might be Done Music 'for broadcast, good music, could e easily secured locally al a nominal sum; for I here is in Prince Ituperl an enormous amount of Intent musical tiilenti The latest phonograph records could be broad ens) thus greatly increasing their sale. Again suppose Ihe fishing ltte lo he radio erpilpped, would nol W TOBACCO I he-(net HoYf lljey would liable In keep" in touch Avilh Ihe latest fish prices lnvgreally In their benefit They would thus be enabled lo rgarh port when favorable prices were prevailing.1 Here Is a siifijeel lit at would hear some 'consideration. The uses In which radio .could he applied are too numerous in mention. People, even could be ediiraled via radio as it is being done in many of our southern scnnois loiiay. II only remains ., lo, be seen therefore w ind her lhis; project will remain a thing of Ihe future or whether some enterprising far sighted person-will see andgrnp llos profitable and beneficial opportunity and act accordingly. Telix MalJ's radio article is a jrood one hut il starts out belter than il closes, something lhat is truenf many similar articles. The idea is a good one and is well worked mil hill not always well expressed. The language lends rather Inward exaggeration and consequently loses, strength. Editor. ' The Man in the Moon SAYSx NOW thai Ihe summer is close al hand the coal miners of Al-herla rtre enjoying a strike. It sepm to a rank outsider like myself as if the auliimn would be niueh heller lime for an amusement iff that kind, cso.-el- ally In a field w here I hey pro vide Ionise coal. THE oldest inhabitant remembers when early in his career Ihe Hudson's Hay route was an exciting election theme in Mani toba. Soon Ihe elevator cam paign wjll he in Ihe same class here, unless something happens soon. WIIAI (his rountry really need is n new parly lo he known as Ihe "I lold-ynu-sos.' - - WHEN Ihe llyers go we shall have lo Ihink up some other 'lis-Iracllnn to keep ourselves in I Ik eye. Of Ihe wtirhl. shiphilding or grain shipping do WHAT a 'dear old world this i Yes, iearf 'is the word. . .Major Martin- was presented with a llasliliahl for ue under water. It is sincerely to be hop ed that he will- no! heed anything of lhat kind. ' Till: boys on (lie waterfront say Ihey met a poor fish the oilier day. II was. a halibut that was ofl and flahhy ami had an unpleasant odor and nobody wauled iL THIS year promises lo make a record for something. Laler I will let you know what II is. AT one Jime it was (bought lhat Ihe only people who could fly were angels. Now we know Ihey are -men. Ten Years Ago In Prlnca Rupert April 9, 1914. I. Roberts, presi.fenl of Ihe V.,,..,,. ,i.., I .. Word has been received by (rand Trunk Pacirlc olllcials here thai nn (Vider-in-council granling wnler IlJ and harbor foreshoi-e rlgbls-To -Ho) company has beeh pSst-ed. The. gov- a V A A Delightful Easter Breakfast Easter morning 1 Herald of Springtime; sounding the call of Nature's reawakening to life and vigor. No wonder Easter is a glorious festive season, impatiently awaited: no wonder mankind seeks adequate expression in new apparel new colors eminent has made several resc-' valions for ilself tnclmling 1500 ! feel off Section Two which Is ilrliriMil In hii utiil ftir iiiililo . How would! ' ,lllrv09. IT is possible lo vaccinate against anything except billiards and tmseball. .Jg .- ' . ... SOPllIS-nHlvflOX in refusing to blush. J.- Till: 1 1 van who is new at the game is ;lhe on r who. js .always looting his horn.. ONI', nitvaulage of being a bachelor I that there is no need In buy shoes thai do not sipieak. OXIi advantage, of being an aviator is lie does not have lo re. reive delegations'. TEN YEARS AGO FIRST TRAIN RAN INTO RUPERT Citizens Stood In Glare of a Summer Sun and Cheered When Choo Choo Came In Ten years ago today the firsl I rain arrived in Prince Ttupert. The Daily News of that dale re. cords the fact as follows: Thousands of Prince Ituperl citizens slood in Die illnre of a slimmer sun Ibis morning and cheered Ihe arrival of the first train over Ihe fimhd Trunk Pacific from Winnipeg to Prinei' II n perl, (ieorge W. Itobh. chief of the motive power department was in the cab' of the engine and Ihe train contained a baggage coach, tourist car. diner. Imllman and Ihe private car "Transconlin-enlal" of Ihe vice-president Mor- ley Honnhlsim. There was a large (July of officials on board the train. I'. W. Ilnrl was responsible for reception arrangements. An Informal leller of greeting signed by several hundred cill-ren was presented lo .Mr. )nn-nblsou by (ieorge l-'ilzmnurlce. OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Passports secured and tiekels issued via While Slar, tlunard and Anehnr.HoiiAhlsnu Lines The Canadian National Hallways make direct connections wilh l miners of these, lines. Pull In formation at Clly Ticket Office. Canadian National Hallways. !2H Third Avenue, prince Iluperl H.C. Phone 2(50. if i'WAS CONSTIPATED FOR SEVERAL YEARS iimiiik ,iicii s wenailllg Nic e v.l II you Imve iiiffcrcd fn.m riiiillnailn addressed thai organization his night on Iho subject of "L'u-genics." A public, nieeling lo protest agaihsl Ihe recenl disbandiiienl or Karl liey's Own' lillles will be held loiilghl In' Kl. Andrew's Hall. II is called by W. K. Fish er, L. . Pal more ami (ieorge Leek. or yvr, trim ill kinds nf rpini(llc wiitioui initifir rrliof, If you hav j-on iihjwl to all' Ihs inHnrlM aMnrUtnl with rijiiiluillnii, wouldn't yon roasldtr It a Ijkmiliiir to ti able lo kepp lli- ImiwcU n-miliir ami In a iimh! lu-iltliy rondlilon nd prevent dleap aellliiK' a fisdhold -en your lynteni? Nilburii'a l.aa-t.lver MIH arc lndlrated Jimt for Oil pnrHiMi their reirulur uo rellwvlni iim inrt ranni 'uf roimllpatlon. Wri M. .Imuran, tudlmry. Out., wrllen "I have liei-n trouhled wllh roiMllpnilon for neveral j-nr, I liotnn in n- mil l)inu; lata-l.lver run and rind them to ho thu l-t remidy I have-.ever mod for reiriilHllnir Hie I: owe In and liver. I alwaya keep tliein now and recommend mem niahiy." Mllhiirn'a l.ata-l.lver PHU ar 5r a vial at all dealer, nr mlilled rtlrert on rerelpt of price t(y TM T. Mlllmrn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Cut, l i an in thousands of homes by raj special breakfast of Premium Uacon or Ham. But be sure it is "Premium"' for, as Easter is an outstanding day, it is but appropriate that you should, mark it by that which is outstanding in quality and goodness. Grocer. i.W Swift Canadian tSd. W LUBIUll Are You Paying Toozzz Much for Your Whistle m i.hhi .in "" 7u! iicujamiii Krntikliti as a small Im w so eager to own n certain wlntle lialj$ gave all hi pennies for il and then Umuj! it wouldn't blow. u Just so. rich food keep von pooi in I then donT nourish. I'or your health'- ik I down on Ihem nnd eat . GOOD BREAD The loaf al once a luxury aipl an ,''ftlf nmy. Makes yon feel vou are living Iikr4 prince even while it cut- onr food I At your (irocer.s or La Casse Bakery 5 V ain ...WIY i Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon Look tor this blue idtntifict-tion tat when you buy m whole ham or when you buy a tlice Be careful to get Sfft "Premium" when yvtfbbkx. Bacon or Ham -wr& $urt ol it thl c"4Ht Eaiter Mornlnr, Order hem your Buttbit.ii 1 ffl ffl3 LLiLi I his ndverlisemeiil is nol published or displayed by lb" l.i'I'ior fionlrol nonrd or by (lovermncnl of Urltish Columbia.