pxai fovh. Easter Will soon le here and. Hint, is usually the limn we look for the poof) weather lo come ami New Shoes Hall Id mid see our new arrivals. SPECIAL: Children's Patent MARY JANES .... $1.50 Sups up In "iVi. Family SHOE Store Thlrd Avenue. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit lo the Old Land early. For Tickets, Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. Hi Finish 1 WT-Serace Three Services, one of which will exactly fill your wash day needs. Phone us for particulars. Canadian Steam Li aundru Phone 8. DRY Birch & Cedar i .Wood (kit iany length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. jCartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and , .Furniture Moving. HOME- FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated Hot nnd Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. BRINGING UP FATHER JUbT PHONEO A.MO tD ' vour wipe, waists vou to RUiH Right homf TRADES AND LABOR MEETING LAST NIGHT Objection Taken to Flat Rate of Paying Workmen's There was a large atlcndanee at Ihe regular meeting of Ihe Trades & Labor Council lasl night. In Ihe absence of President S. I. Mncdoiiahl, Vice-Pres ident W. M.'Hrywn wus in ihe chair. .Many communications were read and there was 41 good ileal or routine tiuincss con. dueled. The legislative committee wax instructed In make representations lo the legislature with a view In obtaining heller administration of the Workman's Compensation Aer. The request is In'i Mir made, lo have provision made lo coyer Ihe cost of raring for patients throughout their disahilily instead of ronlinping Ihe present system of paying ai . flat rale of $2.50 per day. The proposed provincial labor parly was discussed lmf no ac-1 ion was laken. '. Respecting Ihe manufacture "and sale of oleo-mnrgnriiie, two resolutions were before Ihe, meeting for endorsalion one from Oliawa favoring il and the oilier from Kdninnton opposing il. AJIr a long discussion, the Kdmnnlon resolution was en dorsed. The nation wide idea that counsel should be appointed by Ihe government to defend men who were rhars.-d with trivial of fences but who had no means lo defend themselves was endorsed II was decided that minutes should be exchanged with various outside Trade and Labour HOUSE NEAR EDMONTON SAID TO BE HAUNTED Peculiar Noises Heard by Many People Who Tried to Live There The llauned House of the Two Hills is well known lo many peo ple in Ihe cily. says the Ivdinnntnii Journal. Sitirated about two miles south of Stralhrona on the 1 "order of a drained lake once known as Ihe I.ake of Ihe Two Hills, this particular structure is Ihe renlre of many weird tales. The house was built -about 3(1 years ago, hy a Mr. Meredith, who came here from Toronto. At his death Mr. Meredith' body was re moved lo his home I own, and Messrs. Osier, Hammond and Nantou, of Winnipeg, in charge of Ihe eslale, advised (heir agent in Stralheona lo rent Ihe house I One or I wo families lived in l the building, but soon left, com plaining of "noises in Ihe nighl," and the house was empty for some lime. Family Did Not Stay Long Then a family who had come by prairie schooner from' Washington, agreed lo lake the house, rent free, for a month. No ghost could terrify them, they declared. II was not long after the family after every meal Cleanses month and teeth and aids digestion. Relieves that overeaten leellng and acid month. Its I-a-s-t-l-n-g- flavor satlsllea the cravlna lor sweets. Wrlflley's Is double value In the heneltt and pleasure It provides. StaUd in it$ Parity rackagt. -?TfV3 1 I I w 1 BBBm moved in, however, until Ihe noises'" begun lo bother them. Harness in an adjoining room lo Ihe one in which they slept was violently slrakpn, fool step could be heard in an unfinished atllc, and the Washington family left afler but a few davs' resi lience, satisfied that Ihe house was really haiinuted. The next step in the little drama was the appointment by the citizen of Stralheona of an invesligling committee. A parly of perhaps a dozen, ninny of whom are still living' here, went down one nighl, armed with guns, revolvers, blankets and a wee drop of Scotch "for the nerves." Afler waiting some lime and bearing nothing, the party prepared lo spend Ihe night, Itlank. els were spread on Ihe floor, bill as soon as Die lights were put out Ihe noises commenced. There was a sound a of someone walk, ing back and forth in the room above, then a pause, and the sound of rustling papers. This continued at intervals through. out Die nighl. Sprinkled Flour on Floor On the following evening, anT oilier party went down. This time flour was sprinkled 011 Ihe floor. The events of Ihe night before were repealed; the floor above creaked audibly under Ihe (read of footsteps. In ihe mom nig, nowvver.. me Hour Dorc no marks or evidence of liumsm he lugs having walked over it. Altogether about thlrly nit- soiis visited the house, but not one could give an explanation as to Ihe cause of the strange phenomena. All were ijuile sat isfied an animal was not respou ilile, there was no wind, and a thorough search resulted in the finding of no wires or anything I hat could In any way nccounl for the Mlraiige events which had transpired. Mr. and Mrs. T, Oovenlock lefi on last night' train for White Court. Alia, norlhwesl of Kd inonlon. Mr. Ottvenloek has min ing interests there and tuny de elite lo remain. BRIER m Kb. 80 tni ECONOMY iuy &6a (Also in Packages 15 4 20t) WftlneodilV THl DAILT 5IW8. . ,. myfcj&R II THE. MATTEL -MMW- R 1 H MEIOOb FWjr3 If I fllv I J1 MX CWJCHTER Si A.t A. KiTTi Srn . Quia Ut c Fitu Scvc. e jL- t '? IMCILMOYLE WON OYER C. BALAGNO 1 Billiard Parlor Star Was Shooting Well . Last Night Score 500 to 358 Maying in good form, George Me.llmnyle defeated Charlie. Hal-agno in last night's individual icily championship billiard game jby n score of 500 lo 35fl. Halag-110 was decidedly off form. Mc-llmnyle's high break was 33 anil Halagno's 32. Averages per In- .lAXITHIS wanted nings were o.2f and 3.71 re. speclively. The lime of Ihe game j was 2 hours 'ami 27 minutes and each player went In Ihe table 95 llnies. There was n big crowd. Includ ing ladies; In attendance, mnny WaXTKJ- l orniliire of every undoubtedly being attracted by description. Highest prlcci the radio eoncerl which wa Pal'l- I'rinre Hupert Ihrhange. staged. , An Oakland orchestra Auctioneers. IMione f.52. Iwas heard in popular numj.ers. ... . v ........ PllPn.i1Bl imi.,.. INTERMEDIATE COLTS PAID ANYOX VISIT Local Basketball Defeated Coke Plant Team by 26 to 17 The Colts Intermediate basketball team of Prince lhiTl play, ed a game vvilh Ihe coke plant for lloolh Sehool, pari lime only. Salary $10.0(1 per ntoiillj. For further particulars, apply to the it it designed. W. I. Vance, Secretary. H( keeping Hut or shack about I2 per month. Write llnx 173 Daily News. 85. WANTKl), Oirl for general housework, l.ivimr in optional. Aggregation pi.nne t31 or 5lt. 85 IWAXTKO. Scandinavian girl for housework, Apply 721 Fraser Street. 85 BOARO learn al Anyox on Monday and! HOARD. The Inlander. 830 won by a score of 2 lo 17. I Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf The local team wliirheomprise.! - - llalph Smilh, lieorge Hlythe, Jack weather, things may he far Kelly. J. Sims and Douglas Frir-lenousli ndvanrrri lo stage the ze, made the round trip on I opening same. Oeorge'- FriztellV "l.aura F. Very rough weather was en- The city championship In- counlered going1 norlh. They dividual billiard elimination left on Sunday morning, arrived Irhnfiiplonshlp contest, which as at Anyox Sunday evening and Ihe it advances lo Ihe final stages return home wns made yesler-lis attracting agixid deal of in- day. Ilesides the team lliosehnres), s- Ihe lal feature of tlie making Ihe trip were (leorgelwlnler indoor "sporting program Fruzell. in charse. W. Ilrav. Don and il w ill be concludcl next Mulheisou and Oordon Hulger. week. The first round was fin Ihe players report having had ished with the coolest between . . . .. I.. .... . ..I !... I ! a line lime al .nynx ami llienieorge MCiunoyie aim ,nuni- lown was thrown open lo them. Halagrio last nighl and tonight Col. McMordie and I-red i-yie h- --.i-"fc'-.B meet In Ihe second round which -a yt a. (I nit, fs nboul Ihroiigli, The OPOn lIlaL 1 Lame lonighl. il Is expecled, will n M .irnw - out perhatis Ihe hlggesi The enlhusiasm which ore- crowd "ince the series started vailed among fans a fortnight I'yle played during Ihe winter aito with iesi.ee! lo an early w III Cot. .iie.Mnruie 011 me opening season of the nlililfior V.A; line-up and made a very imrl sertson lias iliiinlieiiNI r on-I If 00. 1 sliowinsr, 11 is sai 1 iiiui in siderahiy of lale. The robl lnr niiiy give the colonel, wpo is hip clemency" of Ihe weallier tins ex. favorite lo win I lie series, a i.,,...i.i....l 11.. l.nl,v -nil I tin.llrnn. for his money ionium, rs- (l.e fnr-1 lliat Ibo urounds . will necfatlf in view of Ihe fad Ilial ' . 1 - .1.. : . -'.. . I .... I.. 1.1- have lo undergo a gooil lleiji or llie.ianer iui imprnvVineiit before ganie may hesj furni recemi) he slaiceil has shut out the ni'.IC Jicahilily for Ihe lime being al , AUCE ARM leasi. 1 lie reprrseiiiHi n-s 111 I......... I.......I...M -n,r f... .11 ...!! . ....... ..!... II...,- wl... Inlne- -r. ' ruiiin.M .; !.. 1. ...1... .,.1 ltl,l ivl,.n.i.,l li lentil Mini "'" i-n m j..m HnniniH I, MUH llliran; in 11 miiuii 1 11 1 .. In I1t iiul ii4 rir Ilia fhADMilU I - , Honing of grounds this spring. ",,,r- H"'"''' ' II. ..I il : .... Is. Ilwt ui.iwl I IW I " ulp "r "I""''"- lit i.L II. 1. Illieresis iiii;iiis-m in rti- 59 I wo new - ' rale with the Hoard of Works 1 , In eneevinir ..ill lli tieeessiirv unmuin l-J ' i .v. ,.- ,.eii.... . Al I'alconer, lesperlively. he expecleil in u very short lime. Hy the arrival of Ihe next fin II. F. Kergln. M.I'., is erecting km... .r ii. .a. a resilience on v h.u 1 uii.n I above Ihe railway I rack, and N Sulilovlrli is building on alh lload. flev. J. llerdmaii of Anyox showed a series of lanlern slide here on Wednesday. Alice Ann moose are prepar lug lo receive a visit from the member of Anyox Lodge pro Ibahly i. ii April 27. - There was u .lance to eeb-brale Hie opening of lieorge Heaiidiu I new- store on First street. large crowil al tended and re fres li n will h were served hv Mrs I J. Vale. fieo. Ilruifgy was.M.O. rnn aai m iiovernmeni wiiurr ue.i as ll lieu' slnn.l Vim. Ill-mr.ii lots, one I -acre lnl al Terrace. I'rihre Heorge, lnt to ami II. block III; lots 10 and II, block I In; lots 28 and 20. block It7; lot n, hlpek 151. Apply A. 0. Little. Seeond Ave. nue. (15 OH SAI.K Four ronrfi dwelliiiB, modern, one lot. 221 Sixth Avenue. 2.5no. Term- IfN 250.00 rnh, balance over five years 7 per eenl. Ileiils f;tl Month. II. li. Hettiersou. Lid. MM FOIl SAI.K. OihiiI lot fin- dwel- ling on Fifth' Avenue, tin rwi easl of Mcllridi'. 0r,0.OU cash. 11. i. Ilelgerson, Ltd. HS FOIl SAI.K. New and used Machinery, Duals and Fjigine. .Northern Kxchauge. If FOIl SAI.K. Small four roomed houe and lol on llonlen SI reel . I'houe Hllie 2U3. (lit SAI.K in km'I O recti 325. FOR hwt yOU HKXT. llooin, in i.rivai" home: newly furnished; harbor view. Apply .Tin Fourth Avenue Kat. Hi'. FOIl HKX IV-l'ivi HMdiied fur- nislied house; nil modern eon venienres. phone lied 1 8.1 By George MclVknm VE-b O.NQDY HOKOUUUU 3M TivERaOiO' r r y i n I " ... - TWm-w Daily News Classified Ads, a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taknn or L hn ROo WANTS! person coming- lo I'rinre Hit perl. May I, position as rook, housekeeper or rhamliermaid. Write K. like, Oeneral IHiv-ery, Vancouver, ll.O. 85 -1 .ZZZ t WAXTKO. - Iy enpable refinol 1 J" II SAl.R. Five roomed houej PRINCE nUPERT"TDE3 on Second Avenue. Iluildiny on 44 , FOIl R.M.R. 25-10 h.n. Slerling engine; Itoseh ignition; complete to and Including coupling. 1750.00 3ft foot cruiser, 20 h.n. Just overhauled. toilet, galley, f 1.000. M. M. Stephens. If FOIt SAI.K. Power boats of every description Including plensure, troltiny and work boats, al reasonable prices. Apply X. M. McLean. Cow Hay. Wednesday, April 9 llisli t.o i, il, 1 i; o: p. m I H I.AW in. y a.m. 2.52 p in t.H Thursday, AprHMO. Illgl; 1:52 a :i I8:H p m ' ltW tl a in. . 3:3 p i. ' i rlday, Aorll 11 llilli 5:10 a in. i 10:2ft p in, 1 lw I2:.'ll p m4 Saturday, April 12 High n 59 a m I t 20:.iC p fit, I l.iW 0 i aljii Jlft 13 I'J pW MAIL SCHEDULE a For the East 11 Mondays, Wednesdays and I r dnyn, closes at 5 10 n in, From the Easl Mondays, Thur4liyi J).d Sal unlays, IJn p.m. From Vancouver Hunrtay . P M, Wednesdays 1 M Fridays A M I n li i. Jl m SH. a ,.. If in tli)V ' To Vancouver . Tuesdays, Mall cluses at 4 I' M Fridays H.t5 A M baturdaye r . i. A M, C.l'.ll. April II nn.lf 87 To Anyoi, Alice Arm, Stewart, Pramler Hiil.y imggy aim cno vVi..llui!,v4 ... . ' l. Hi P M roiidilioii. i.i ' t i """ rrom Anyox, Alice Arn Stewart. 1 Premier Fridays . A M To Port Simpson, AHce, Arm Anyox, Stewart' and Premier-Sundays ' 7PM From Port Simpson; Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Tuesdays AM To Alaska Points Fiflh Avenue l-jisl.' M'ro . i aoo - OFFICK FOIl IlKXT, willi modern living uuarlers. Weslenhaver Hros. if forts. LOST If LOSIV Coral drop earring vvllh blue enamel helling. Finder return lo Daily .Sews ..nice. h7 TAXI Taxi 67 Phono. (Call Georg9 or Oust) Ross Brothers. Prompt Service anfl Cortifort Dny or MkIiI Slaiul: Q ret to Cigar Store, Third Ave. Prom Aiatna poinis April II ami To Queen Charlotte Island Polnti April I .' and 2ft. ' From Queen Charlotte Polnti i ....ii i ...... .it Ftill ItKXt.-I'almer House for! D' . . , , iu iia.i niivi rviiu. aim i - Clieap raie ami inline rom - OooiU AUCTION SALES. Houglit, Sold HoldimStwi Fait-Es .utt'mg or Kxchanged H. H. HEMMINQS. Auctioneer. SIMONDS SAWS tmoHDS CANADA SAW CO. MONTsrsL Vascouvih If. Jons, n.B. I'M LTD, Simpson- Thursday 10 P M From Naas Hlvor Points Saturdays AM, la TIMBEft SALE X G003. KM tM!-r u.ll ! nel. I.V t I'lltrirl I'.Mi'.Irr, im.i liter linn n Ilia .nil. Il.v ,.f li.rll UK. 111. rlsne M Llrritre Si (imi:i. lwr Stiwp Mir, Mllrsi.rn li. Ul.rilli !'-. ' riil .ttMuo f.li.iii. r ll-mlM h, H: SWUfr, ami cnlir s,ni.,r Ton I HI Mr. mil li lll(i ll f ninval tit lli.il.or . .. rilUh.f liarllritlars i.r IDIT' O'f' ' Iit. Vlflfiru. or llw PiMlf rJl'ii I'rimn lOHfri. H.r '' j ... ..... ..... . .. .. . .. rf. iil.r viii unr ill AIM... I.'",., iq' ."" .. .. i. . n . I'-liane rlinu i.r of I Lirrnre ircnm X Vr.llll r.mi 1A1 ifli .UI.II rurnuure ami urocnery. Jii'inr to nil .; I i. . ..... ..in. i.mrsi r,fcrrrt it f n 'I'l.l,..! i... Im im'h k 1'ii.nx; i'ilin . iml kn.i i'r.it in.t ..ii" . r 1.1..1.. iuii '. '.r II- u'-k, Sprtire tint llaknu lii US i.f (llnlifr Phones Hlack 130 and Red 112. Twn Twn in.)Mr ili,m .ll I iwMn..e.i 'lluwfil f. (inovil nov.l TIMBER SALE X6101. il Tn.lfr will l.e 5. ifil I" ' I riire.irr, nni lt' lsn in 1 I'lirllvrf n. I llriil.tr. .,f tlio-JJil'' ' ir, ' I . Vifl.trla, I l"l r the bMriii iTimr iiiiKii, ! LAND SCTj (Notlci of Intinllon lo Appl In i hh I ami r.Htn, !. I...., ... ....I . . I ... I A...rii..l. V ill I . ilf.! ' 1 ' Iie.il " liii i.i n..-fii.( .nil -if.i" I 'liiltit. 1.11 the l.i.rlli l.raii.'li nt 11." " llilvrr. near Oremilr . innerY.. ... ... Tads .Vnlirs thai I. firu( " .Thiulirr, or rrlnfo liupertrP .!. Knxinwr. inlewu to n.ly fvr iff'1 ID lease III fiilWwIha ilr"Tll..ll !(;..tt.n.rnrliix it 1 m.i laiill,uil in' " .Hillirrly iwlnl mi Hay llai.l; H'""' j Itlierly iii.I wnlcfly.: tl.iii.s artiiil."" '..' traslarly j rnllowin- llm ltiuHillia ' . alinr tltie in 1..1H1I or .oiiiinrii"mi't' leinitaininv till aer.a. nn.rn r.r,,""-. .. Dite.l rebrutry tll.,4il,