i 11 t J Sift 1 a ..in inn lr. it a 11 v'" " TAB DAILY NRW8. PAQB THREE. EversharpPencils The Most Famou Pencil In the World on 8ale at Greatly Reduced Prices Mure me a few (if Mid bargain offerrd : Salver plaK'd, piniii . s .r plated, mingou s it filled sic -ling, plain sterling. li I . . . (mill Ml"), pl'illi (Olid li MUCH, mini, fllilseu riniTii The Rexall Store. V" Formerly I .r0 ronnerly a.'.'. Formerly :t.i(i Formerly .,.(( Formerly t.."0 Formcrlv 4.0(1 iiiriiieiiy Formerly $l.rn l..u VA Now $1.00 Now $1.50 Now $2.00 Now $3.00 Now $3.50 Now $3.00 Thli advertisement Is not jiublUhed or illsl'laird by the Lli Uoard or by the Uovernuiect of llrlMsb Co'.uffibJs- Now aow 53, $3.50 . . . .... Til Hule will ooii he over. 4vl your Kvcrfiurp now ORMES LTD. The Pioneer Druggist. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Sail from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Point Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and AN VOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. 8.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, April 12 and 28 PASSENOt.lt TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I rare Pr lore nuprrl .U pjn, for PKIHCE CIlOnCE. EDMO.VTO. WIS- ffirto, u pijioH ririi c4. cwnt it. AOINOr ALL OCCAM STCAMSHIP UNIS. C'ty Tltkat Offke, X TMU At rrlnta ftuparu PMm 20. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coait Services S .tilings from Prince Rupert S.8. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle, March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 18, 28 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For luted al a, Swanion Bay, lait Bella Bella, Ocea.v Flt, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamihlp Lines. Full' information from W C ORCHARD, General AgenL CAfnrof 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sauiofi from rrtnee Rupert. re VANCOUVtK. VICTORIA, 0M fall, a Sweae Taf. r.m. ft VAftCOUVI. VICTOWIA, Alert Bar, ei lii Bar, S.l.m, m, ff AUTOS, ALICt STtWAAT, Walt Itlaa. naf TM. Far P0T UirtOD ai4 Nat ait Caanael, frlaa, A W. It to Attou). i. Bela,, AL Prlott Rvpart. B.C Agent for Society Brand Clothes w liuwmjj Sprmi: I'ut-iri'iin uml Stylcj Thor Johnson Second Avenue : Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Hlarion Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hour, 9 to 0. Phon 686. Open Evenlngi Only For Special Appointment. cBeer without aPeei The hetter beer pure palatable high in food clemcnt3 At al! GoVl LiquorStorcs VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Llquor Control THE WHOLE FAMILY II WAS LAID UP WITH SEYERE COLDS On tin- firtl iiM-iriiire of i cxjgb or roll (,ur tiinre iu you it In get rid of II Ix-forr II hi i cliri- lo Krow wo rue; gets Drilled on lli lunga, ind ctie brom hlll, inuiiKjiilt, or oilier nerloui lunir trouble. rr. Wood-! .Nory Plus 8yrup will linini-dialely relieve the. cold or cough on llirefillim. Mr, luvld Ayn-, Kearney, Onl., write: "Our wliolu fimlly hii laid up wild never rulda, and we didn't wiii lo (lilc to get tny relief from iiiylliliig we UM-d until, one day friend ramr In and told me ue would lie Dure to le-t rid of our told If we Uiwrt Dr. Wood' Norway lite Syrup. I decldwl to take Iter idolre, and In no time our cold were all gone, ow. know iilnir the value of your nuMly, we will alway krip II on land a t'l hare It In rae of eiiM-rgeney, lir WikmI'i Norway pine Hyrup la J Sr. Ixilllei 'Urge family aim Cor; put tip only liy Tim T. . Unburn O... Limited. Toronto, Out. ilIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS SAYS EDITORIAL ARTICLE lliiM-i1 m no liigKr liH'iiacr lo Mii'iHy today tliaii I lie mnMli1- oihi imtivhliial who will twillu-r allow Iiimi'I f, or liiio-ilf, or m'm aiiyoiic rUr lo IKi- in iiup (Hiio ami f'OiiliMilim-iil xayn an xi-lianpi'. Ami after all liappi nen-i i ofli'ii en xliurl llvi-il lliei'e i a faint whiier in Hit air. .nun1 mallriouK ierxon ralclie it in ilx tlivlil and larl it llouliny in rliaiincU which will eventually reach an otherwise tiapiiy and atiiulely "innocent (eriii, and prenlol oni, jf not Iwi. live are wrecked flmiily lie I'liU"' MtmetuHly "did not lililid liei- .iwn hiifinc." Tin nocliieMiu lir of per "ii liai alway eitcil I uppoe ami il i.riu IwpHrAK In ex perl n change, hut "Work" N I lie try het remetly. Tlio-c li" are ,C4intanlly kept nuy mindinv I heir uwn afTalr" have no lime or inclination lo oieildle wild atTairi wtiich do not Concern lliciu.- Salnn ran alway find tnix'liief for the idle, anil llicrc ih no more deadly harm nrconi plilicl than Hint hy Hie person Willi the eri'iil loniruc who etid forth iMiiMnui venuin miIIi lln- object of makinu othc individual a low ami Oa-e aw liimoelf. Till world wc lie in i a urclj' KmI 1J, place, jiiuj 'I ran Ik- Hiodi' very iiiuch heifer and hnpiiier when ilo.e wlm iia I fii oitcii it m their lirtcf nun of life larn to obey the lie loir niiwritteii eomiuaml t'l Mind y"iir own huie.." Vrlverl." n 'lie ljiv New ANNOUNCEMENTS . Hill C Chapter. I.O.O.F.. Anin- 'riir Thca'rical. April II. Salvation Army l.adie' Home 1 .ensue Sale. Wcilnevlay, April IG. ,. 4 Prt'-hylcriau ('... I.T. tknicerl Anril IC. Kmnre Thisilrc. tf - Women of Mooeloutrt l.etinii. Tea ami Home Cooking ale. Kimid lllock. April -.. Oueen Mary Clnipler I.O.O.H. I l i irod 11 Hall, lii'li-r Monday. If Concert for Auclicau Cliiirch at F.uipiv Tliealie. April 2H. hy Symphony- Orclietra. Ticket 50c. 4- C.nlhollc t:iuiiTli Spring' Sale anil Social cv ruing, Mctropol" Hall, April 'U. l.lk' MIiisIitI lii)W May I. Truupo. Find Itidley llonic llataar. May I. T.R.C Taaialalaa'i ftataaiatic Ciaialti For Rbtnmatiin, Lumbsjo, Sciatica and Neuritis, Canada's standard lem edy is Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. T.R.C'sstop the pain by removing from the system the original cause. Send ua 0e for gnrou aamplr. Cie 90c and tk coupon we cncloaa with rack aampl, lo your dtuf gilt and ke will give you full tita $1.00 bot of Tcmpleton'a Khaumalic Capaulca, TEMPLETON CO.. TORONTO TJO For Dale by Ormes Ltd. Local and Personal II. C. Undertakers. Phone 41.1 Hayuer. Undertaker. Pboue 151. Mlli' Smoker tomorrow, llux- ing. Music. Hlngiiu. Ilmlio, Moose Whlsl Drive and Ounce,! Meliopolc Hull, Wednesday, April Hi:- Monlay. B5 Jim Urnt will leave on tumor-1 row niglil' train on u bulncl I rip lo Terrace. . Dan MrKcnie arrived fronil An) ox lal niylit uml I regislcr- -il at Mn- Cent nil Hold. Iitl i N'rgra may not dance hull he will please, her audience all Ilniline Theatre m-xl Another 500 tons WcIHiikIoii Lump Coal rived. Tins hel yd. McCaftcry, U1. .Vanaimol jii!t ar- Alhcrt & IH llainlresxiiir' Mam'l Wavinjr. Mmome.al (tllatiiic Pack;. Miix Itorvik. liy appointment. Phone lied 511).' tf CUT FI.OWKIt?. POT PI.AXTJ5, Curdcu Seeds', FcrliliierM. Mr, McCarthy. TIIK FI.Oltl.ST, Kinad Itlock. Open Saturday. tf A. C. (Andy) Anderson left on the fleamer llanleiia la -1 iiilil for Vancouver on a viit lo hix iler, Mrf. Perdue, iu Vancou ver. Oreat War Veteran half ycar-l ly general meeting will he held I in the room tonight. April t all 8 P.m. Hleclion of Ollicer. . A full attendance of member i rciielel. It. (!. Joluiton, manaKcr of the hivernei. caiinery, arrived lal night on hi fir I a - i 1 to Prince Itupeii nfler having iienl the winter iu the -milli. He and Mr Johiilou relurniil lo liiverue from (he oUlh lal Saturday. . Y. Kevin was fined ?J5 in the police court Ihl morning for intoxication. Ha wa creating a ili.lurhanee at the King ficorge lintel lat ni'.'ht ami wa arroflcd hy Serjteanl Mctliichy. A gun wtiich lie wa -carrying wit con .'i.CHted. The lirector uT the Prince Ituperl lieneral llopital Aoc Ml ion e.vlend a cordial invitation 'o the public lo attend Hit opening of Hie new .tire Home, louiorrow. Thurday al 1'Jtil p.m. I lie building will be open for Inspection from ?.30 to 5 p.m. and riinn H to S p.m. -I). C. Mcftnc. preidelil. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. lilliltY ISI.A.NH. llainlug. calm: barometer. .iy..'i:i; lemper-aluii', til; cii Miioidli; H.lu p.m. poke sleamer Mo-ul left Stewart bound for Auyox. OKAli lllKi: POINT. calm; barometer. Ilu.O'J; letiiperature, t'.'; ea moolli. Iiri.l. HAItllOll. llaiiiiug, calm: barouieler. 3(1. "JO; lein-perntMie. 10; ca iiloolh. Noon DIOIIV ISLAM). Cloudy, calm; barometer, :in..'i:i: temperature. 50; ea miiooIIi; II a.m. spoke leamer Prince John due lluck-lev Hay J.;i0 p.m. northbound; 11.10 a.m. spoke sleamer Jeffer son alicaui tiiven isiaiui mi;;iii- liouud; noon spoke sleanit : Al aska due Ketchikan t p.m. southbound; 11.10 a.m. spoke slcamcr Admiral F.vans abeam l.uey Is land soulhbouml; Prince tieorge lue in at 3 p.m. UKAH IUKF. POINT.- Jver- cnl. calm; biiroinetera niSO.OV; tcinpcraluro, 5i; sea moolh. HUM. HAIIHOU. . Haluing, fnyih southeast wind; barometer, 30. 52; temperature. 17; ca smooth; 10:15 a.m. spoke steam er Cnrdonu eliicriug .Miu.aiiK Sound southbouml. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert n i: .IiiIiii.Iiiii. Iiiverne! V l.alng, Victoria; C. ti. Vivian, Vancouver; J. Christian, Pre mier. Central Dan McKeiuie, Anyox; 0. S.. Xellson, C.N.H. Prosperous advertising means regular ooutinuou advertlsinif. rLw iBaT a Use enough tym ISk,ii"iw,,k ill ik. tak kaM kHM l.lt r,,.. tkiakff; ika 4t at fmt aw kaaj llKM(k ,a. "t m.tk him, C'Kiwi atakM ika i.b. ika 4, aM. ,44 mt Lm lio. With Rinsq snowy white clothes fust by soaking eoaking in Rineo tude looeen dirt. SIMPLY o that it rinse right out The old wearing method of rubbins op on the clothe and then rubbing the clothes U done away with. There is no need of it with Rinso. Only the dirtiest places where dirt was actually ground in will need just a light rubbing. Where this is necessary, use a little dry Rinso. Rinso is made by the makers of LUX the largest soap makers in the world. It does the family wash as wonderfully a Lux does fine, thing. Pinso GERMAN ARISTOCRATS AID THEIR OWN CLASS Ha a Membership of 15,000, Does Educational Work and Looks After Aged LF.IPSIC. April The Ao, cialion of Oermau Aristocral lias more than trebled in mem-' bership during (he last three years. From an' organization founded by 30 noble- Prussian ome 50 years ago. it now claim an enrollment of I5.00U . I I -.....il I,,.. !..... .nw very active in education work. and ha established schools iu several population centers where member of aritoeralie families mav take course in cooking. household management and niir- iug. ami learn other duties per taining to the Imine. tjiisider-ulile attention, too. has been uaid by the inenvber of late to teach ing oeial' hygiene. . A recent report of the director. set forth Plan for additional housing fa cilities for old people rest t home conducted by the associa-J lion, where deneiidcnU used men! and women of the society may pend their la! da in peace uud comfort. CANADIAN SOCCER TEAM MET MATCH VANCOUVER ELEVEN VANf.OI. VKII. April The all-Caiiadiau occer football team which will leave on a three nvonth (our of Australia uml New Zealand tonight played a one o one draw yetenlay evening .villi u picked Vancouver team. AFRICAN ELECTIONS . TO BEMIDDLE JUNE CAPCTOWX, April - Premier Smut of South Africa announced In Ihe legislative assembly that the election would be held some lime between June 15 ami June 20. C.N.ll. sleamcr Prince (ieorge, Capt. Harry .N'eddcn, from Vancouver and wuy port, N due in port ut 3. o'clock this afternoon, an hour ahead of time. The train from the Kat is on time at I.30. HEMORRHOIDS Do not suffer another day 1th Itching. lileauing, or rrolrudlng rile or Hemorrhoid. No surgical operation required. Dr. Clm'a Ointment will relieve you at once and afford laatlnn benefit, too a box: all dealer, or ndmanaon, Uatos & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample lox free 1 Soak fth r' CfcMfcM M lh.M l..ti. 4, if? lo," loaacr Ik., a.ll .. kmat l. 4, M IkM it riau. ri.ht V 'I " 'T ikbi.,ri aaf !,. ..4 ,M, ma4 fciJ STiSlI"' V "... Far tki. hfkt nkb.a I.M .vriakl. . MU 4rr Riaaa n(kt Ik. faaric. "Dn 'I rat w ynlk , does the whole job Madekytkeraker. with ft 'VOU WA TIO 0tW SOflp of LUX EASTER Apparel Dresses-newest modes New Spring Suits Exclusive Coats Smart Skirts Blouses of Springtime Loveliness Exquisite New Millinery VENUS HOSIERY. IRIS BRASSIERES. DEMERS Phone 27, P.O. Box 327. QM0KED FSH AT ITS BEST There are just Two Rule to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Rules are 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand." Hiiperl Hrund is always ite-livered lo Ihe slorss in clean new boxus clearly stamped "Rupert Brand." 2 Vrup in cooking paper, cook in moderate' over for 20 lo aO minutes, remove paper and serve at once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. At all Fish and Meat Markets, and Grocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We have Hardwood, Fir and Cedar Boat Lumber. If you are tired of Kalsomine and Paper, try Fir Veneer Panelling. If you are thinking of building a house-, we have any lumber you require, also Sash, Uoors, Glass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay Phone 383.