Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 5S0. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Acer, for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Pal-terns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our stock of Harden and Field Seeds, Onion Sets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Phone 68. Prince Rupsrt Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Jislrihuling, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 216. P.O Box 895. M. S. SING TAILOR, CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone 771. 820 Third Avenue Laundry Office P.O. Hox 88. Prince Rupert, D.C. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, Ji. 0. Office Hours, tei. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only Fer Special Appointments. ...... ii. nM i...t ...:u i ..i ' morninjr from Vancouver. HeH ollicers reiwirl a (in passage up Ihe co;ist via Ihe .islands with some northwest pales though tin; weather was clear. The trip from Masse) I to prince Ilupcrl was fine. The Prince John is scheduled to sail this evening al 8 o'clock on her return to the .Queen Clrar-lolte Islands and Vancouver. NEW CANNERY AT TOW HILL RUNNING Second Plant Bern" Put Ud at Massett by Langara Company Arrivals from Islands State The new clam and. crab can nery al low Hill recently built by Ihe Langara Fishing and Packing Co., of which Capt. II. D. Dabinglon is Hie, principal, is now in full operation according It" arrivals from Ihe Queen Charlotte Islands on Hie Prince John yesterday Safternnon. Another cannery is now being buill al Massett where salmon as well as crabs and clams will be put up. CONCEDED THAT DOCTOR WRINCH WILL GET BIG MAJORITY AT SMITHERS MTTfll BIIQIWEW HIS SLUGGISH LIVER PICNICKERS CAPTURE i !a.. J. , mJLI made him feel drowsy ; wounded deer near ' ffli All Irtf fl ITtV1!' hK M MAIN IS AND TIRED ALL THE TIME METLAKATLA YILLAGE Prince John Brings About Passengers and Much Freight WHIi ahoul 10(1 pasriisor on Imanl, iJV.lt. steamer Pritirr John, Capt. Xil Mrl.ean. arrivil yesterday a.flrrwM'11 at 1:15 from I lie Oilmen Charlotte IlamN. Ite. iide. her pa-wnirers, tiie vpSfCl also lirouj hi salt from Vancouver for Tucks Inlpl, sliiiiplo for AI-lTt A MrOnffrry and sfvrral lundred cans of clams from the l.annra I'islihic & Parkin? Co.'s plain. Uraliam tIond. wUicUwill he loaded for Vancouver on the Prince Ituperl toniplil. The hulk of (lie John' rar?i was, however, for the Queen Charlolle Is lands and she still has on board 5 tons of coal for Naden Harbor ami a similar nuanlily for Itose llarlwir and 100 tuns for Queen Charlotte City. Tills will he discharged on the southbound voyage. The -freight and passen ger business lo the islands ha- been increasing rapidly of lata and-it lias now become a proposition of such magnitude that i i ! vim-o your Ur tiie iurih n4 , parly of picnicker al Digby 100 ftucun- your h..l. healih .utter, ;srtIMt um, ,ho ,,,, Urave Ika .mle u. w ..ja rt a.t l.lrk lu fMllnV ' . --- - --v..! Mllblln t i ..... I rtrht 15 lu nuke your livrr nrhu Thli you Tin. iki bx U um of t ju-Utr rill they UI nlm- uUie lb 'lurrlb liter, i-kaa ay til walr and pulMUkwi nutl'r tmiit the )f- tem. and prevent, an e(l relieve, all citfcr-HratlMU arllnr tnm a Her that tu bernie' Inactive. Mr. E. lUzet. Eat nnrrflrerllle. M.B whle: "I had been troubled with mi liter and fell druy and tired all thx tkne. and u uoabie to da my-work IU any comfort I tiok yimr Vllborn'i Mta Uier rills and today I am a different man. and obM not be ulthmit thrin in Ihe bouse." Xlltorn Laia-Ltrer PHI are tie a tlal at all dealer, or mailed dlreet no. rerert or prlre by The T. .Vllbnrn Cn.. ' Limited. Toronto. Ont will he a Liberal majority in that town. The Doeloc says lie is srel-liiijr jrood support everyvhere in I lie interior and feels, .sutt hr. will he sent to Victoria lo represent the constituency. Since- the recent Liberal meeting at Terra it is evident that strong support will go to Or. Wrinrh tliere and that he will ftr the largest vote of the three candidates al thai place. lained vt'iy soon by the CN.It. IFISH ARRIVALS TODAY if it. is .In hev tfoirirl)1 laken !are.l ' of. .. NEARLY 200,000 LBS. On this voyage north, Ihe John'- sailed al C o'clock last Tuesday jElflht American Boats and Three Candlans Sold Their Catches at Exchange High! American boats sub! halibut catches totalling I7K.0OO lbs. at the Fish Exchange this morning and Ihree Otiiadiatis, 15,200 bs. n lotal for Ihe day of IU3.200 lbs. One salmon boat also disposed of a ealch through Ihe Exchange. Arrivals and sales were as follows: American Sitka, 50.000 lbs., at 12.2c and G to the Pacific Fisheries. Majestic. 30.000 hs., at. I2.fr and fie. anil Wizard. 27,00) Mis. it I. 'If and fie. to Ihe Canadian I ish Cold Storage Co. Seymour, 30,000 lbs., al 12.fic and lie, lo the Dooth Fisheries i'.anuiliun Co, r.ladys. 12,000 lbs., an.l Hilda, 0.000 lbs., at 13.0c and fie, lo Ihe Hoyal Fish Co. lbslcrn Point. 2,000 lbs. at 13.2c ami Oc, and Middlelou. IH.- 000 lbs., al 12.8c and fir. In Ihe Atlin Fisheries. Canadian Iniperieusp, 5,000 lbs., at II -1c and 7c, to the Allin Fisheries. Selma, l.000 lbs., at 11.5c and fir. lo thi Candian Fish A Odd Sforago Co. Miavin. 1.200 bs., nt 11.7c and ('.. to Ihe Itoval Fish Co. Salmon Semimde, 3.C00 lbs., at 12c Candidate Is Much Enthused Over ,uul 'c' lt" A,lln FTie. Situation and Cinnf Irlantl w ExDects to be Elected Ja,,,M ''iw""''. representing Ihe vuiernuiv mnuer unioorr As Dr. rinch, Liberal randldaln sodaliou, arrived at Lockeporl for Skpcnii, has received wordlfrnm Vancouver on the Prince from Smilhers Dial the Conser-I John (hi vovage cl deer on ;itt isolated rock Just above tidewater yesterday. They caught it and look il portrait. Later in the day Ihe nniuuil look b Hie water and swam to I h Island. The dorr wml t have lieen witimded ly a1 rifle bullet. BROWN WINNER OF SPOON AT RANGES V. M. Drown was winner ol Ihe spoon at the ranges yesterday. The parly was laken across in ll.Trrobln's boat. Follow-in ft were Ihe scores at Son, 500 and 600 yards respectively. JOO 500 fiOOTII. V. M. Drown 2 30 25 85 W. Drass H 28 SO 7t M. Lamb 2 .10 89 "0 . M. liaviesi 21 25 25 71 It. Wilson 18 57 55 70 W. Ilavies 22 Si 21 67 H. Floyd 17 27 22 50 II. W. Canierou.... 2 21 15 ' 5fi V. Ilarrobin IH 83 13 51 A." Deal U;... . 17 19 Ifi 52 :. K. .McKeoww :(.. 17 20 12 9 I. (iawthorn 17 20 J2 W A. Suire 15 15 18 18 PRINCE RUPERT TEW Players to Meet Cleveland Favor ite Knits Will be Chosen From List of Eleven The prince Ilupcrl all-star lailies' basketball team which will meet Ihe Cleveland Favorite Knits, former world's ch-amnion. nnighl "will he chosen from among the following: Caroline Mitchell. Myra Harvey. Laura Frizzell, pete Tremnyne. Eileen Stephens. Marjorie Lancaster. Margaret Oralim, Vera Shoekley, lona Parker. Lillian Lowe ami nnie Kelly. Sport Chat j sport events for Hie week are sch doled as follows: Monday night - Prince ltutert select Indies' team vs. Cleve land Favorite Knits, ex-cham-pion ladies' baskeJhall team of iiie wori.t ai exhibition nail. Senior baseball (III s vs. Knights of Columbus. Tuesday night -Senior fool ball, ('allies vs. Sous of Canmla. Wednesday night Senior la crosse. Maple Leafs vs. Kaicns Thursday night Senior baseball Knight of Columbus vs. Suns of Canada. liday Senior football, Sons of England vs. (ireal War Veter ans. -K Trap shooting at park Avenue. A record turn out i cxpeclcd at Hie haaketball game lo Ik) He is to cruise, played this ev -ning 'between valives there concede thai there niime limits held by his company, local select ladies' Irani and Ihe BRIER li FOUND FOUND. An I.O.U. Owner car have same at Daily News oflL-ii by proving ownership and paying (or this advertisement, t.f. ItOAHD nr Iloom and Hoard. Terms reasonable. Apply SIM Second Avenue. Phone fin-en ilU. . 137 LOST LOST. labhy klllen. narl Per sian. Anyone returning same lo Mrs. Maepherson. Pacific Place will lie suitably rcward-e. L 1 3 rt HltOWN Ft'H lusl on Sixth Ave.1 Iteward. Finder ples return lo Wood. Hand Dlock. I .'If. Cleveland Favorile Knit, ex-champion ladies' basketball team of Ihe world. The noted visitors will arrive from Edmonton on this afternoon's train and will proceed south on the steamer Prince lluprrt lonlghl. The Ex hibition Hall has been engaged for the match ami it will start al 8.30. The local girls have been practising assiduously during Ihe past few days for Ihe encounter and, while Ihvy realize lliut they wilt be pilled against the strongest aggregation they have ever met or are liable lo meet in many u day, Ihey are hopeful of giving gond (NiinpWitkMi by pulling forth the. best Ihey have In them. Tim besl lady players in rwn hae een summoned for the occasion and Ihe final selection will nol be made until shortly before the game open. The local players are being coached by Eddie Smith ami D. lialfour. Oil's hnsehall team will uu douhledly play belter ball us Ihe season advances lliau II did on Friday night when il played Ihe first game with the Sous of Canada. Everything seemed to go awry then and lack of practice was probably ihe reason therefor. The tobacconists may no expected, litiwever, to give bet Ice compvlilion Ihan Ihe opening game might have Indicated iey would. To nighl Ihey and the Knights of Cluinlius am scheduled lo hicet, and fans are nulle confident Hint llje ganiu will he u well conlesled one. FOR SALE FOH SALE. Speedboat Length :n feet. Ixaui wind shield, canopy lop and curtains, two auto seats uillt sealing capacity for cighl or ten pervons. powered wuh H h.p. Witilon Six engine, Disch igniiion, storage battery. Ha Paragon reverse genr, t'duio. Ma profiler. C. L. Ileindel. Oihl Storage. t FOH SALE. Sixteen mom room ing house and store; all furnished. Full sized ba-iiienl with new hot air furnace. Tenn arraiige.l. This building is right in front of Ihe Dry Dock. U29 Ambrose Avenue. If FOH SALE. Three Ihhi. Out of town client have inlruei- e us lo ilisftose of well loeas- ed resiliences. See u fr dev talls. MeCatTery .V (HJdiott. Hil. tf - - ! i FOH SALE. Ten-twelve Ions grade A while ola!ne, cheap. Price on application. Arthur T. Campbell. Mricctwn. D.C. FOH SALE. Seetlonal bookcase. Divanette, 1trnnwtck I'liono-grnph, Wilton rug. 34U-h'iflh Ave. W. Phone lllur 35 FOIt SALE. New and uel Machinery. Hosts and Engines. Northern Exchange. tf FOR niNT ID HENT. l'.on.ileley fumisbeil house, good garden, on Eighlfi Ave. East. Apply J. Carrol. 312 Mehth .We. Mst. phone Ited VJ. (3d K) HENT. To rent for summer, Wright residence. Fifth Avenue E si. Onupleiely furnlebeti. Mmlerale rent lo careful ten-anls. ' 1 35 FOIt HH.VT.-Five roomed flat. II. Lelnurneau, Sixth Avenue West. Phone (Hack 335. If FOH HENT Four room, modern. healed apartment. Apply Smith A Mallelt. Ltd. II OFFICE FOH HENT. with modem living quarters. Weslenhnver Hros. tf FOH HENT.-.palmer House for cheap rales and home comforts, tf AUCTION SALES. Ooods llought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Illuck 136 nnd lied 442 TAXI Taxi 87 Phone. 'Call Oeorge. Paul or (lust) Prompt Servlco nnd Comfort Day or Night Stand: ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Across from Empress Hotel. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Huy, Sell and Exchange New and Secondhaml Ooods. OEO. PAPADOPULI8, " 83U Third Ave. Phono (110. BEAUTY PARLOR. Lomplete up-lo-dato Heauly Parlor. Hobbing a speciality. Ilairdresslng, Hair Hoods made "P, Skin and Scalp Treatment, violet Hay. Prices Hensonabln. MRS. Love, Room fi, Stephens Illdg,, over oenny Allen Co, Phone 30. I f PAQI FOIL " THt DAILY fliWR. Muiy, June w BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManut Money mm IT eHAME. THT I "TOO LOOK. VO MAsCQE. WON'T LET "VCR CLeC TO eE TIED TQ' Orders WE. KEEP VOU IK THE roOT CHtTE 0 'M rOC MOOE. HOOjE I HOPE "YOU LOCKED JO V YILL. LIKE TVtfb NMVD POOR DOC On Norway, Sweden and HOUSE .M s fjF wvt.LE he & ijr Denmark at Current Rate, of Exchange. Make your reservations' for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickctj, Hates and Information, see- us. r-j 6 9 0M . Ut v rtltttoBt Snw. lc Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PER WOKD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for l.a than BOe WANTCB HKI.P WANTED. There are more turn i it Stewart district I ban there is work for. UrIcs 4u are a miner or have a ih lo come lu o advise you stay-ins away for Hue heinx. Stewart Citizens' Association. WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Kirhange Auctioneers. Phone C52. BOARD AND ROOM HILL FARM, TF.IlllACF.. -Hoard and residence for Ihe summer holidays. Not a convalescent home, but whnre anyone out of sorts will convalesce. Hume cooking. Home grown vegetable and fruits in season. Fresh milk and home made butler. Tennis. Splendid accommodation for children, willi playing field, etc. Kntiie charge nf children when desired. To save disappollilment make your reservation early. , For term, etc., write Lanfear and French, Hill Farm. Ter-race, D.C. HOAIID and HHm at the Inlander renlrnlljr lrated. our halt Mock from Post Office." 8311 Second Aven. phone 137. If INSURANCE, Echo "! FRED H. STEPHCNS 5 feet, Non-Hoard Insura v Hen J i, 1 1 SecMiml Floor. I-. -I MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Welnedays trft. day, close ai From the Cail Mondays, Tliurviiv, , , unUjs, t p in. To Vancouver MiHidajr. wuil f Tuesdays, Mail Thursday Saturdays Saturday CP. It. June 11 From Vancoufsr Sundays MefMleVs ... WeBftUy Fridays rHOir . C.P.H. June v l 3d. To Anyox, Alice Arm WrlirWWlTfr . s tiiir Frm Anyoi, Alice Arm Thurgily To Stewart and Premltr Sntulays . .. Frblajr .. From Stewart and Prtmltrv- Saiunkiy TumU T9 Port Simpson-Sundays Thursdays From Port Simpson Tuiilays Salunlay To Alaska Points- June , I'V From Alaska Points Inn.. II 'I I r al t H I I - Al 1 P I 1 .... -.-,131. P. !l P M, M I'M M To Queen Chsrlotta Island PoInU June anil .' ! From Quesn Chsrlotl r"- .tllliae r Ullil 111 To Nsas River Points snd Porl Simpson Thursday . l rx From Nsss ilr Points- Saturdays BOX COLLECTION (iraham .V Atlm 11 Ave. A Eight u ' filh Ave. V Fulton ' Hlti Ave. A Thumps."- si I lilt Ave, Sberbro. lv Ave t I Hit Aw, S Conrad Si filh Avn, Ai lla C"V Ave. ... (Ill Ave Hays Cuv Circle Hth Ave. A Cotton m 51 h Avo. tV MHrid' i Pro. Ihiv., Hldgs. P10V. Oov. Wharf (l. l'.P. Wharf Slid Ave. A 2nd St 3rd Ave. .V Fullon S' :tll Ave. A Olli si PRINCE RUPERT Low ..J. (l:8 il l". High Low 13.1'. I' '"' H : 1 1 a "' 20:5!) p Hi mi a in. Il ia pi". ...rl a. H. PM I tM. Al r) w av A Monday, June 9. Iligli 5::ii n . "' Low I Ml l , Tuesday, Jur J iii.i. it ttl a to , ' 6" ie,tlS ' ,T1 11:57 1 ' i 1 ft ls"- " Ii 8.0 Wednesday, J"ne .Ifl.B fi, J8.3 01