i Tortured for Threelfear Helpless (rem Rhennatiwi Util Relieved Bj "Fraki-tiTes" VaHia and MiK&elL "A Corwa ry. Trio ty,. x J 1 if expr hi pteasrr af the, playier d lie tud and aid.BiBsher AUrnd C GOtSSlNOT Xo wonder pof4 rrfirj "Fruit Iitm" as a faithful faauy frv4 and arc to fcifrr to tetl a tit it has dooe for them. AIV'yrr of io-'erinf, thy appreciata the woxvdrrfcl pofn of this (nut trrv.tn.nit In rrWitf thraa of pais uJ misery and diveoarif rural. At Mr. P. R. Roisiiaot, of LiBroqcfri. VJuu, wrote: Tor thrr )rxry, I bid to file np work ; say arms wrre o soiVa and I was so ek. I felt I would neirr be able to work ca the lira sore. Bat one day, x eeuta eaMtosetMaadJitsdtnetoueuFraittitMn. X, I tm la pood hahh. I rest wrU ul Jo aH ttj ork. I cu rrooaasirtd Frii-a Iiim" for Kbromttttia that made mt safer Bach irul X thatV ys tr tiu good remedy. " Fruit- ties it the w-oaderfsl taedicii made from the 'sice of appfes, eraafee, ff and proaes aad toaies and is the only complete tmlsxtt cirr discovered tor Rbenrnttitm, Piia La the Rack, I ambtgo, Xesrattria, Headaches d other treaties da to the improper aetwa of th iUantK. bowek and kidneys. 25c aad 30c a box at ait dun or from Fruit a Urea l imits, t i, ot The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday,, the Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Minarinr Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDiTlOS gjgOawrday. Jun l. PUPILS' RECITAL AT able Musical Event Before Examiner- and ethers Mt- M. and X. I-amrrar. In th ;ardn. rlrh WALKER'S MUSIC STORE-31' 31 - -The AtiiMo HiH ;lrt Mi.- R "'the f h. tss Way's Students Give Enjoy- ft . . a a na- av a am wu nnq, 0fMi M. Caark. LalUK Nx-)li. Lma Han Wi ApartaUrty Wim; aM-' i "CaaP t JrT Mare tmx f M. Waj aW aj "T . U" xwrriati- rarV. arere kaid Wk w uctr. PK3QC FOR NURSES Virro KiU. fr the osaaaHMV IT UTVinJAI I DCAni Tnnl lir5.4TT of Mu-k., Al MUliLuULL DLAUi faPRIZE Utxia? I re FOREST ESSAY WHtUn by Miss M. J. Vera Mc Innes of North Rulkley, High School Student PROVINCIAL SERIES I A few vcar aso the (Hkular tr-ry Ifarwustuit I lie Hullley Valley a "Ituru off ibV freU an.l briny in muw ut." j Man prtij.le bejej I be rnr aiht niiiuerou fire ere iarlei ! mi"puiie. uuiixkiitaU wti erie under lb' imrsvn ibat Ibe remiil of liml-r a een. lial to I he development of the rtxintrj- Tbey .lid xhX iUft t. Ibink h- the etler wpr JC" trt make txwie wilhiHit timW-r. r ta Ine durtnr the Uxijr inter nuntb sttbnui ime inrtxne hu-h i nwlly 4lerivrt frnm lie. nukinr a rut loain; in thi eorlbem rurtto. They fonrot that durinr the summer month treat numheiv f lKjriU c .thnntrti Aur emtMry and btimp a la pnweei ibe aiertrl hi aray I bey rrn Ike nwt ,frca Ibe mm and the rret at j fixer- t not erflr; &b4 de- ;trwy ibe farm land. FreK -ere a bona ; fr fur. iheannz aniaaal fctarb are mi-f4her i fre wf vevaitb to Wrt lrminre. 'ren leaxe an ran ia rata and Ibe man! de mmt tfarrlud r try nnd tne (danf J. f nl 1 1 Ri r-iaiviffll ya I iranaoir laff f Ik feneral bo- r qaieV. The xah f j'' ""d . by th .iftrtr. fry.i roye4 in 1J a fn.. a l j Mi AsaeMa P.bsry. r. ) A WaUr Hejay . jii K. A J S.r " " Mwtia. -Mkt in Rarh', Mi J. BMr&i. rcii Cjrr, Ma4er RJ rer. AKejrr uad I id rata lOeibenli A Barb, Mi KdMi Kmn. "ld Ffk at Hnene." Intrae- tin Mi K, lWir. r i TarantelU idiOM) Mi E.! Mlley. Ires MilrbeH. In Ibe (arde,' en Brady. A Sierra" deanmli Le. "Avakeix f th iLans Mi (iMttUoeri Mi- a. VtnWv, . ;a erw me ,n mill in. .tnMr ! fMdirvr .ffji Tan and I- Hanon. for sale and hire. Marrh HoJ! Mi Conni Pnnr Mrrn. luei tannrh. nntw-jm.'T-r i.- ruiwm r4 r it-j. III. -and Omen. Ike-., . rtrMii. ru.- Ru;iK Boalbnu. Ar.dar J Haydn rih ih Dilr Neva. "Worth $100 to Me Relieved Eczema and Piles" Vk. Penar A. Palmar, Saklxn. SnaL, trriteat Dt. Ckate't OiEtBest has completely rebVied mt of ecxenu and pSet. I Lo sited lias CKntzseat for tay baby. bo broke out ia ears:. A few appucauoM rre a9 that was necet4uy ia her cac Dr. Qiaie's Otatnieal nas brea rorth a hanired dolats to me. tefore uucs it 1 had apeat a treat deal more than that ia nasoocrstfu! trean&tnt fraa doctors. Ve have alto nsed Dr. Cbate's auSer taedlclnes. , lie Nerve Food having restonnj nVf' beahh after saf eiing front severe aen e trouble vfcea a prL" i"Vfi I A en a by rant f heart Forrl em ew Hke lite rkarrd llrk. Dr. Chase's Oimtmieat j Rest Fore it Sarrica eta. a hot. all deaier or rdarama. Bate a Co, tad I Xo fxr r rsn av h forest from fire un!e) t is. " ma daily nryvh ;r jf" thiu hi Iik fr -we rie neMfr. Where I tbi mat in rw tmm if Urn the tMber ; rW? HMtrit ihM raw in Maek lar aal htl f eharre her i tMiral I he prosperity and veaHh liriU-b Otlnaabia mill lfe nie,l. The lime ka turn vtven v buM rre aranuns aaW r. feet mt farelj Alm4r tAu prui7 t hae a number f ftre an4 m,nih kae hmr alley fill! wilb aeke. TKe air i tiflinr 4 i axtt tval (high nfi la W Me fewin. you wih . im .ld " tH.d necessity o or Forests rorrsu GarneaGoH ee; srw ! 4nc. .mm. n i Mi Iknm rir?. Jrwn Vblnn Jenn Robert n: rental um, flMon refrrbaaej rre nel , - jMr. J. Iwresme: piiof.ine lar-an irm.L nndr lb uper-' of f ' , B Art Tfcn...' of Mi MrCaal, and Ih " . " . " . -Pa4rmiii . Mmir ; rrnwpj ninjr ma enk.yablv rw-nl in 11, f r. Mr MufdAeb th fdayin; ..f same anl roi- i..... . . .4t, manilr .nnnr. J " . RV? eonrert. a-in wa ifwlntced 4 , "jja a i twit ii apainM - tre in th f.rl? It u AL1 LAKh StKVrLE Dmbr our fore! rule nhen The Innrh ?3 i5-anAn'5 Float on ill (narhh .-Satarday and nday afternoon !rry half hour from 1 pjs. R-JHI 6 JO pja. and on other week-Way. al 2. i and .15 njn. Bird" I Th lat trfttl home Aeh d T piasct. Mi V.inrttl lv i.v.. a."i Krekiky. is. Kradt ad SlWjUarp at 7 pan. A. ThnHiMi. ! .SurMlar and tI L1 r "Trwinfduil Marrh,- iparU neriallr arranxed for. Lauarbe. rnUal and ranoe 'arilineh a ftrl M.I r la nur l-.i. i. - ui. c ic rn lur ravine : j r-nm -j m. Thursday,! Mr S and refrhnit ANYOX PREPARES tr-nahnn Afler l were r CIGARETTES Kitd &nd Extnx Fine 20for25 barked by )uUk wvxuan aiM ag hee4f an antle f Barest pewlerUon ant nrMjrJe Ibe uH hy ev ta U by irep. ; Sa' tb Caret and ,prprriy la all. I Nat Th f.rfeMnc vriilen by Ml- M. J. Vera Me Inne. aar4e4 fir I (rue fur Pnacw Rai-ert 4irH in lb IHj in e4. I FOR BIG CELEBRATION AXYOX. Jut.e S. - The (.r.. smard. rram for iie rtrhraln of Im a hairier happen they have to aainfxi ay m Ayi a arranseiLaii - . t a a . . a . I j.m.eri an iet..w mem an4 no y in itfamuaiM Lraru mH mm mm mat pier or ground, sne a -4 ariely if enteriain. nhen (lr attaek a forei. lb(nsnl. and w-uld eent lo he ihe ,lre are unable in enape St- bbo.! ansiMlii: effort yrt ai- flatue. tenudrd. There mill I- nsaraih.1 1-el ii iraacin a hatlle Keva rare for mn and hoy. Iwr, ha.i j- " iirr: me iwti nn rant neiaren Keirtjiaan: (lrinr hard lo defend M1X and Anyoi Vtn. a Imbi' tnur.! A?ainl Ihe ibe fire whieh It find! nament. a f- iball malrh. a f.dii a veritable Hydra or I-erna. Ti afierm.n of field pir . nuiperj llnp of the I all tree ar Ik 1.. the ,ii,,r ball Mayer, ibe roul and lhy ).ay In and tr-in the Mu ky Momn by a hrt and o"jreed only liy a rren !-noke. The J.ir. ar IwiMennp atvt iDf ing lb eir melodi anions lb braorbe and the animal fearinr no danger, are btuily en. SSe.1 pntvidins fond for ibr yoiuijr. The smaller tree ar lnting lullabie lo Ihe plant at Iheir feel when they ar informed of lh apimarlintr nehiy. Apreal noi i heard nhirii i th roarinir fjr. The bird and animal whleh'have beart, Ibe warninr hax laken lo fliphl ; hut lb Mho ar ! fnrtu. nate ar tntwlberrd. Tlte frl I no malrh for th foe and' MMn nmhinp i left Ia tell th Mnry but a few burned lot and CANADIAN BOILEDDINNER a A com; i Cetaixe ready to ptete meat and , course, aQ cooled heal and serve. To 1 Work bate ii rfe! hjomld iwnV Hia In b bnlMriv: anVr boruni an i-dand h in a He nawn the nnfanac nsi. U" work tb a taawv Ibe rysMMMta. Th' prut far tW field wet 1tt he tW Mit alanine r fferl m AwytH. ran ntm hmk ihrr bWHE te i f bnrVM), ham nrk f ftir. eir. ! Tfae Mm in the Mood SAYS fnry 4artnvs4V e-a fmr twrrrr atlih Ibe tMbtmtm lb nedrr of hiUmi,. ,.f u.. fal ira. rForet F1re. 'heir effrt and trmtf . ui .ibr 4etrur!t hov to areiMl 'heaa." Mi Me. lane I li year f ace and i a - . nV.P "T1 b Ur4 there- wtwM l- a tars' Event and Have Mod Fire tenT lhee adhan. eriry hj Tbr wrrrj Eajoyabie Tuaa Jiare and an IM! Ibr er r a r-J anaay tfce fcarral ao4 j tmn thnn&and firr.- A bawl frre fned f tb Mod! pfmt.l A '"-hnacred tbniaM dJlar nw TV prrtcran fdknr: !-r mk"" e;er!aind at pj firefj:btinr. I not tfct mt ne .anai iwut THIS t I Hrrleaebr i Mi R. n. Ikwk liri iMKer r.r aaiar e-.i Vrel are eearT tm ieaf Lrt fnr iWi rf.rrirt sill nah. w a 'alley brante thetiuhM fr !. :- Uave ) WHAT PARENT-TEACHERS A.W0X FAREWELL TO TEACHING STAFF; VkA. and adan- rrtHn. MiJl?'??1 ?"h ia, d d it m lend t .--rer-"Mr" ' ' rradnalr n iih The proran, a re. .w A4rrr Mal .Wd-LTTJf rhrht d lb isalVv' iLaxpe; Th Mi WsWaa.:" jnadmr. RINMXO far beinc I duaft ww4erUnd i nrtale rt exnlwd .rer wni ftttijr !--- bdM b. . amlt . n. mami bmm f e- -- an mam n wnn anwnv i" f AXYOX. Jifft l. TV Ul PMg tMietaml raiHaay wilh fnwtinr f ibe Parent Tearter anajiaw pee au maatua? UWatana Wore the eU.ttf f d in IW hu.ine... a in Ibe naJnrr "f, " a fif.7 to Ibe earner 'r- ai rM W deurtinr n her y are t ntorn Me nbr, nrMMt ha I he otlb fllr. and Wre. Ont an eiirn- He rCTm nad hern ar. SOW inn! Ibe eleedann are all rance4. xl vitb la re4ef I. hai ntaad EHlmc ilma la Mr. O. K. leayer in eir. am.,nine fcar a a- rruuiair esa A I . . . wtki w a ; th Xnr- IrainiBr rtMd by r . . , , . . . WeKn on?. bb Vlel VV ill Ibe ? nail nan Mllle nbiW n- bsia. !Mi Rtth MrCant. raalrM and . f t.r . ' "T Omen; Frnli.nn4ian keira JtenTd Ibwk I a a Tnrt. T tb rra.taa1 an1 k u a. u..,,. .... Mater 4tk. and Itamtay: Iar. ! T y In Jt . lain I m nee. naaM u mi! r " nnd thn more1 Yet I nmnld shw Ilk tm brk And bate il Ihcwrht 1 eddQ't do nty btl. m14 ratir diy and lae And) gm earty i any a-rat Than ha y in In I a nl fit. INDIGESTION riie.d in l nunvite ilh JO-TO t . arid. "J r l rn -,z '-akarl wk r n !! J. -T- tli 1; b J. s ave $100.00 Oak Dining-room Suite Finnd) Hi-4 firliti or XI ' Sale Price $200.00 Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue The House of Quality. TTamatco ItnnJvKMwU Itrjiivr i I'.njr . o r rroni U m a'e r Home yikh Sol rr;t Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 116 and 564. Short Term Vacations to Europe and Return aBaaa m ManV daaHLaninininfcBaiBnlninininininininV Thre- f f". r a- f- ! (eol n I j eland ! -heaidy ( ,ni mxiniajn r ianri m ooiilnx - M Juiy : l-ana"- J A-JS . and ia.- . Itli iaftrlai- rd c Phcne 121 $170