Saturday, June 21, 102. Blue Ribbon , Tea The fin Quality of BLUE RIBBON TEA Is the result of experience combined with a real desire to produce the best possible article. Now that Trade conditions are becoming more normal, the Quality of BLUE RIBBON TEA Is better 'than ever. TRY IT. Special Prices For a Few Days Only. MAKE THE CHILDREN HAPPY AT SMALL COST. Sail Boats ir -Si-. 10c ;$5c SK'ri(il 25c ,'ior Si" ml 35c 7,r -SK' i ll 60c j() tfpC .ll .... $1.15 4.. Motor Boats JfV.TiO Spec m I . . $1.85 l.j( Spe. -mI . . 51.15 GARDEN TOOLS K(li- Special 55C tnr special 30c SAND SETS AND SAND PAILS 7.V -Spe. nit 55c 2.V Special 20c' aitrp-JjiMTtnl 20c iVr Special 35c SUMMER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George W 'I -ail from PRINCE RUPERT ror VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and ; frrni tc points c;u h Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX, FOR STEWART IYula. 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. Kiif tiw June :m. J '..' 1. S.S. PRINCE JOHN i..r Masset, Port Clements and BucMoy Bay,-every Monday. 8.0(1 p.m. For Skidegate mid all jmiiIs sooth every Wednesday al 8.00 p.m. PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I atrni iih-ii mm pm, r .r rnii:K ir -h;k. Mixi'iNToy WI.V Nirm, iu pointa taitrrn Cmnti, i:mvl staio. LINKS- AOtNCV ALL OCkAN STf AMSHIP rlnc. Bu.rt. Pit... ftOCll, Ticket Offlc., 621 Thlr At., p CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 333 B.C. Coast Services mniri Sailings from PrinceRupert PRINCESS ALICE - PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle June 14, 21, 25; July 2, 5, 12, 16, 23, 26 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway-- June 9, 16, 20, 27, 30 July 7, 11, 18, 21, 28 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedalo, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai .Falls, Namu, Alert By, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. - Agency for all Steamship Lines, .v Full information from t VJ. C. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION , STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. saiimr f'"i rnur impcri. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon B, and Al.rl Day, Tuaaday, 8 P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alarl Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. Tor ANYOX,' ALICI ARM, STIWAI1T, Walaa laland, Sunday, S P.M. Por PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlr Cannarl.a, Friday A.M. S2S 2nd Atnu. J. Barpalay, Agant. Prlnoa Rup.rt, B.C. r,a... " - STRAW HATS Light Underwear: Boys' Sweaters ;, Reasonable Prices STEVE KING Third Avenae Phono Green 85 EDMONTON SAYS I BRULEFAVORED Bulletin Refers to Efforts of Premier Oliver to Divert to Prince Qeorge Discussing the proposed peace Itiver railway, the Kdmonlon llul-letin says: Tim question of providing an allcrualhe, and shorter, railway outlet 'for the jrrain of the Peace Itiver district ha been enpaifiiiK attention at Ottawa, and the lone of a despatch, from the Capital which was published in The Unl it' I In last week Indicate that there, is good project of the ul-tiniale decision being to con struct the projected line northward from Ilrule. It is no secret that Premier Oliver of Ilrilisli Columbia ha been conductTng a lively campaign in hi" own pro vinre as al Ottawa, against Iho Hrule line-and in favor of the extension of the K.I), and BJZ .westward through the mountain and jiit lierly to Prince George That would open up a section of Ilritish Columliia not now served by railway facilities. And there was linked with the proposal a liupe dial the Pacific and (ireal Kaslern would" bo laken over by I he Dominion, thus relieving the Hrriish Columbia tax-payers jf an enormous investment in a somewhat unpromising enterprise. President Heally of the whie,l company is operating the K.I), and It.C. under ami I'., on the Dominion. That is at leHst negative evidence, (hat the effort to side-track the Ilrule- .ing iu Parliament the Minister of llailways referred . to "pres sure" which hail been brought to bear to influence the government BAD BLOOD PIMPLES AND BOILS Banished By BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Visa Irtw A. Matllirwa. SUynrr. OnL. wrilra: "I lliuutlil I wuiiM write ami loll you of ll riiirrlrnrr an.l liftl t liaB ilrrlvrd fnmi IturdKk Bluu1 Blilrra. S.siif .rrw month ao I u trouble lth hut bl'Msl whlrh blke nut on my fare In the nature of rlnifl, IkHU and rtnt worm, and I ant ao bad 1 rrally tiki ihI Know uhat to do. I alninrd o nywheri', and the Itchlnr and burning rauitrd aurli a terrible crim Hon pould rt ixi relief day or niahi. I ttnf day a friend advised ine to ue II ii r dork Bl.xid lllllera. I ued une bottle and retr quite a relief, and by the time had Jaken 1 bottle I a mtnplrUly relieved. I rannol praise H.ll.B. enourh and I hop ihyotie afrilrted like I wa will iret the fame benent 1 received." nurdork Mood nillera la manuradure.1 only hy Th T. Mllburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. "Juoowjuoottajwa)oowaa rtace George TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 2 ROOMS 100 itn Prfvat. Batha BURUPLAM lL.M . WINwatt 1MOMP.ON.MAN O. DIN. MMMlCHHKHKMKXKHaBtMKXKHi TIIE DAILY WHW8. PAQ1 TIIRRB. I 4BIpJBWBM3SBBJBBBBBJ CbBkIsbsSbibbbibhbp Whether you intend buying now or later, you should see for yourself why Happy Thought Ranges are the choice of more than 300,000 Canadian women. See the convenience of Happy Thought labor-saving attachments and the big oven and firebox. See the handsome appearance and the thorough workmanship. Then ask the price of your favorite model and you'll want it in your kitchen right away. SOLD BY KAIEN HARDWARE Co. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 37 mm ar MMfiwn.ri..ii... IOU.MV CO lWY Li Tf FURNACE, Irase is quoted as sayinsj'" "' choice or r mlcs. llns is that the interests of his company construed as an aduston to the would not be served by the ex- campaign wageu by Premier tension .f that road to Prince Oliver. If so, the Unlisli Colum- (ieoiKe. while Premier Oliver ad- bia leader is probably right in Ins inilte,! in an interview at Van- surmise ttiat lie lias been back- ei.uxer that lie was tiv no means ing a hopeless muse. In race ol saiik-uiiie of unloading the P. O. the definite ilcclaralion of the consulting engineer that the Hrule line is the better, the out look is that the relief for the Orande Prairie project In favor northern farmers will of the westward extension of the through Ihe eonl ruction and B.C. has failed. Official Opinion On the other side there is a ! poii ic declaration from M. If. !Ma-Lc'Hl. consulting engineer of the National system thai the road 'from Bride is preferable to the iaiternalive. To build through Hie mountains to Prince Oeorge. he I old (he Hallway Committee of I lie Senate, would cost much uior1 than to construct the proposed rut .iff on this side of the mi unlearns, and would result in a line of heavier grades and lower traffic capacity. As Mr. MacLeod is understood to have been givinir personal supervision In the pre-lliminary surveys of Hie Ilrule jline he presumably speks with exact engiiieerius' knowledge anil aUo with a sense of Ihe respousi. .bilily Involved. There is indicn- 11 1,.-, . 1 1 ilia, jir nenry mormon nj agree wiin tus ilecision. Seak- come nf a braucli of ttte national system northward froin Brule WIN BASEBALL Defeated Columbus Club In Last Night's Game by Score of 11 to 8. nil's City League baseball team was again successful last niuld when it won the league fixture from the Columbus Club by score of II to, 8. It was a real exciting battle and several bright flax lies of fielding were staged in the outfield. At the end of the seventh inning, the score was 8 The lie was broken in tin ninth when (ill's scored the win-ning Hire? runs. Ihrce pileher.s were used by (iil's Tully, lesson and Friizrll. Barry Astoria dlchHl the whole game for Hie Columbus Club. S. Baxeil-loues made u hlinie run. P. Laiiorte and Jack llatchford were umpin's. TRAP SHOOTING Dr. Talt and Jack Keefe Were Hinh Men at Park Avenue Ranfie Last Night. i ue loiiowiug scores .. were made by the trap shooters of Ihe Prince Uupert ion Club at hc Park Avenue range last night. Dr. Tail 21 Jack Keefe 21 J. V. Scott 18 B. Newell 18 J. Aklinsou 18 P. Itorvtk t; II. Nlckerson 17 I). Kenny 17 II. F .Mcl.e.xi t Dr. Doherly ll WANTS CREMATION I VANCul VKU, .1 uno 20. An appeal Tor cremation iu preference lo burial s being advanced m an educational campaign by the Cremation Soejety which is reaching out for a provinec-wnle movement. - .'it is claimed thai cremation is more hygenie and economical. Its advantages are being propagated through literature throughout the province. The only crematorium in Iho province is al Vancouver. AFTER-EATINQ DISTRESS and all forms of stomach trouble such as gas pains, acid, sour.l burning' stomach, are all relieved In' two minutes by taking; Jo-To.l Jr-To sold ty tU Druggists. I Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone tt.l - Hayners, Undertakers. 3S1. - Pfeourl For quality and prciiaration, get Hunters' Coal. Phone Greenl 022 or Blue 515. It Moose Picnic, Sunday, June I 21). to Dishy Island. Gentlemen I $1.00. Ladies and children free. 147 Frank S. Shcppard, C.X.U. travelling auditor, arrived from! Vancouver on the Prince George yesterday afternoon. Mrs, M. P. McCaffery. who has been on a vacation trip south, I relumed home on the Priuccl ieorge yesterday afternoon. Mr. Ncdden, wife of Capt.l Harry Neddeu, Is , making the round trip to Prince Hupert and Stewart on the steamer Prince ieorge this week. .St. Paul's Lutheran Church) Sunday School basket picnic Sunday. June 22. to Digby Is-I land. Boats leave Swanson' . Float al U.30 a.m. 11GI - 11. Bar! let! of the Bank of Montreal staff returned to tlicl eiiy yesieruay aiienioon anert having spent a holiday visiting I with his pa re ill.-, Ilev. and Mrs. K. It. Barlletl, New Westminster: Mrs. Victor Sansum and family arrived on Ihe steamer Prince Oeore yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, where they have been holidaying, euroute to Kispiov where Mr. Sansum is Melhodis: minister. . h. Nichols, prominent 11 t lie timber industry of Ihe centra interior, arrived from Hie soull yelerday afternoon and pro. reeded by Irain to Prince Oeorge He was acrcompanied by mem bers of his family. - I '. V. T. Kergin has ireeivet word by wire from Toronto Ilia his two sou?, Will and Fred, it their combined studies in art and medicine at the University of Toronto, were successful ir' passing their first year tcsls wU' honors. ! Church Notices Baptist Church Morning worship at It o'clock Combination services Churrl and Sunday School meet logclhei the church al school and the chool at church. Classes for all ages, hvening ervices al 7.30 Milijecl: IteeonciliatioiL and Atonement by Blood.'" Preacher. Ilev. J. J. Smithson. Presbyterian Church .Morning worship at II o'clock Subject: "A Century of Chris. .an Missions." Sunday School al 12.30. Kveninw- service at 7.30 Subject: "Why worry?" Preacher. Ilev. 11. II. (iraiU. D.D. j in ' ' 7 See our All Sled Tenni Backet at 113.50, that will not rust, no press required, and is not affected by climatic conditions. We have it in t3, 13H, and 14 oz. weights. Reach one piece Tennis Balls 50c Slazenger's English Balls 60o Postage paid on out of town orders. Kaien Hardware Co. The Handy Andy Store. Hardware and Sporting Qooda 608 3rd Ave. Phone 3 Dr. Mirtel's Fcaalt Pills Bar saaiatcd natura thonu&di eawakut half . "i.V rTr:" win Doudina? P .ti.ncth.nini; atni. rrlWrtnr DELAYXOi VOUSNESS. BACXAC8K, DIZZINESS, .tc MdiiPMiirvii. Sold Ml mi hr It I. la BmMHIi 8MldHiB( lamatiaak J aViau vTr un nu wiunrNmlin. TwwU.Ctt. OwalafaSwlwj nnmk. 0GDENS CUT PLUG NOW PACKED IN ALWAYS THE SAME I Gi l A y am. .Vam X tIfMX OGDEN'S W W LIVERPOOL 2lb.TIN ,r Lakelse Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Now open for service under management of Mrs. M. Haven. Ideal place to spend your summer holidays. Reasonable rales. Good home cooking. Comfortable rooms. Fishing, Boating, Bathing iu Lakelse Lake and Streams. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE Vx-ai:' HOT-SPRINGS. Terrace TfAaJCI Motors Operating Taxi and Launch Service between Terrace and Ludg! lauding, insuring guests of quick, comfortable trip. Also operating taxi service to all parts of the valley. For reservations and rales, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. Preferred by Gentlemen Frerywherc v A t(l Zke EMBASSY Special Old Uqueur Whisky for those who discriminate This advertisement is not publfshed or displayed by the Liquor Control Doard .or by the aovernmeift of British Columbia.