Twenty Elected out of m Doubt: Tuo Independent Liberals. VANUOl YKIi. June 21. The standing 'f the parlies at clrveu o'clock tin morning showed Liberal 20. Conservatives 10. ItlKir 3, Provincials 3. Independent Liberal 2. in doubt 1. The most surprising feulure uT the wjiole election was the complete victor)' of the Conservative parly iu the southern prl or V mrmivcr Inland, liven Premier Ollver'wfiil down to defeat in the i:uidIidc there Tin- Conservative leader was also washcu ool jil Vancouver- where, trnir UbexaU-iJUAUlvvo Pruviu rials, in- cniiiing iicneral .Mciiue. wore ciccien. None nf the candidate art yet ' . definitely -rlecte! an Ihey are ilb- ivinrf went as follows: . -Jen the sbsCnfee vole and In a AMllijt.Nl Major Dick Durdo, r iinilMT .f rase lo small outlv- Indci'cudrtil liub'peudml .Liberal, reflected . .15 ili.n irU tlie rclurtiH oi which tHil vel romp in. F.lbwinir arc Uir complete relurnn l daUK 1..Imh1 -- r.hilliwark. lduin- bin, IN-Ila, Katnloois KaMo-Slo- run. Lilloort. Nanaiimi v.u..u I Westminster. Nnrtn Okan. .ui.ii iiiioima. I'Hiirf Ilunert llejel.ioke Hkeenn, Vancouver t Yale and fWimox! alive fViv.t.han- Ncvtiaollc,.' tiranbruk. Oieslon. Bewilney. LVuuJiiiall, Orand K(trk-(irrenwMl. Islands. Hoss - land-Trail. Saanieh. Salmon rm. S.uib Okanaffaii. iSiiiiilkainecii. Vniona t . j lro mciaU Point (Irey - lticli - m mil. Vancouver 2 . Burnnbv, Femie and K....H. v.......i..r luileiieniteut Liberals Alber-ami North Vancouver. Doubtful Atl in. r.ariboo, Pfmce (iforae ami Markeutie. The various seals in Hie pro- EXPEDITION METDISASTER Two Members of Mountain Climbers Lost Lives Near Top LONDON. June 21. Sir Francis Yminghusbaiid, president of he Hoyal (troprapliiral Sociely announced thai the expedition attempting lo scale Mount F.vrr-est met with disaster when almost al the tup. lwu'ineinbers, Oeoruc Lee 'lallory ami A. G. Irvine lost their lives. Details uf the disaster ate lacking. The expedition 'Is sure to lie uliint-doned for litis year. FLYERS AT RANGOON ItANOOON, June 21..--American Three Flyers arrived loduy from Bangkok. Mrs. W. T. Kergin aiiO Uaugh-ler, Miss Margaret Kergin, are expect eil liome, from Toioulo Iwo weeks from loduy, lpl. P. llorvik Veturncd by the lJrlnce Oeurgt; yesterday afler-' "'h fi'Kin a bUsluBiiM tilji. south. Willi tnull lilaiorlh over AKJ. A. Me.N'auKlilon. Umvinrml. - A PLIN Bert Krrrin. Liberal, believed elected willi n majorily of about SO over Bob Armour. Provincial .J-il. Oumhv. luiMr."returns aireaiiy in.. .Mr. sian.oii .i'Mlv! Wl far behind. Bf It N A BY 1J nk Browne: U- byr. rtecte.) wilh mjrity or 200 ,over IL M. Frascr. Liberal. CMtlMOO J. SUxIdard, I'm- vinchil. leailins by II um- J. A. Fniser. tloimcrvallve. wilh several 'poll to bear from yet. Ilesult 'unrcrthlM. l.lllla.IAf.K IJon. li. M.l Barrow, minuter of airriculture, Burns Lake. . . 're.eleated willi mnjorily of 72. Kndatp ...... . ; Barrow. 1305: J. A. McLeo.l. I'n- .Wllf rrpueobi viiveSal. 13833; J. J. MePhcc. t.n- Fori-ifH. James sei-vaiie. lura. COLUMBIA r- J. A. Burkham.MTassy Pliiins silllnit meinlwr. er-ebcled wilh Houslon .. .. majoriiy or about tin over A. M.jMape .... .. Chislndm, Goiiservallvi'. Oolsa Lake ... C.OMOX P. P. Harrison. Inde- I'SlUhg pendent Liberal, elected with Oulck plurality over V. Duncan, Con- "ose Lake .. : servalive. and (J. Fvery-Claylon. South Bulkley provincial. t:t)Vt:il..N-NFAV:ASTLIv- C. I". Davie. Conservative, elected, wilh vole or 1174; Kenneth Duncan. Provincial. 803; Sam Outline, Labor, 1030; Wynuind Walk-cm. Liberal, GC5. UllANBIlOOlv N. A. Walllhger, dliMiseivatlve. elecled with ma joriiy or 277 over John laylur. Liberal. Three small polls In hear Irom. CltllSTON Col. F. Lister. Con-MTvnlive, elecled 'wilh majoriiy cd nearly 250 over John Nor-cross; Liberal. DKL'I'A A. D. Palerson. Lib- mil, te-elecleil wilh 350 .majoriiy over i.oi. a. i.. Mri.ciaii, t.onser-valivc. DI'.WD.NFY J. A. Calherwood, ouservntive, elecled with I'y of about HO over Maxwell f tnilli. Liberal. F.SOUIMALT II. II. Pooloy. roiiservallvn, re-elecled, 1250; F. II. Carlow, Liberal, 750; Capt. H, P. Malheson, Provincial, 480; HeeM' AH'x. Lockley, Indepeudenl Conservative, 323. FJINII- 'Jiiom'as Uphill. Labor, re-elected with majority of about 200 over Dr. Saul Bunnell, Conservative, FOIIT fli:0!U!l-F. P. Burden, Conservative, . leading willi a miuUnu-d (.)" page four'i Mini; jf Public Work wan cleited for Hevcl-sluke Yesterday PRINCE RUPERT VOTES FOR BEER 4 Prince llupert voled 01 W for beer by the ;tla ami OS airainsl ul flic plebiscite yexteVday. Ill-dicalionst are that the tiieaurc bax been turned down a both Vancouver and Victoria voted heavily asaiiift il. MANSON GOES TO VICTORIA Attorney General Elected In Omineca by Oood Lead Over Others AUnnyy fU-nerul A. M. Man- mp wa elecle.1 yesterday over ln two ipimenl! Oocker and iheU lon uiui n evuieni irom me. KOl slC'MIK support at I turns Luke. Jliulak". .North Francois. lloe L.ake. Niuinnaiik ami rouin jllulkto. The detail received up lo Hit? lime of goiiijr lo pres follows: Liberal ManMni. Ooijserv alive thicker. PrliVlncial .Shelfonl. Lib. Con. Pro. K5 1 1 15 3) 13 1 to i 31 13 13 3 30 2 SH 12 3 10 10 I 25 10 1G 32 20 0 1 1 21 5. I 11 1 42 12 J 17 tJ G 2! U 5 2 HI HJ 42 11 ts 2 37 .run linger Soulhbauk . . TIdey , aiiderhi4r . . Wistaria KERGIN LEADS ATLIN RIDING Election There Seems Assured ut Several Places to Hear From H. F. Kergin, Liberal, seems likely to be eleeled iu Atliu ritlinp but nothing Is sure. He has a considerable lead which may be increased or decreased as the other returns como In. Conway, comes second, and at 12.70 Armour, Provincial, lhlrd 'I'lm detail so far as obtainable follows: Liberal Kergin. Conservative Conway. Provincial Armour. Lib. Con. Pro. Allet"Arm. ... . . Gl 53 5 AnyoJf. 113' 122 03 Anyox Mine , . . . 17 15 Maplo Bay ..... 0 o : 0 Premier' 12 13 35 SU'wart 117 42 107 Telegraph Creek . it 5 7 6 Leader uf the t' rmservattves wa beatctt yesterday in Vancouver 4 't HON. T, D. PATTULLO . ! BBBBBMBBBBJBBJ BBBMpBBBBBH ' HbI vP.bBBbI LLhbW bLLLh bbVVbbBBBH ' bBbT 'IBbBBBbLBB ' JbBBBBBH M r sc of 1-Hiid re'-elected b y subslanliat I majoriiy LOCKOUT OF OPERATIVES IN BUILDING Date Flied Is July 5 Unless Settlement Is Arranged In Meantime LONDON, June 21. A national lockout of 700,000 building o.oeratlves Involving stoppage of most bulld-"Ir-r j work throughout the country has been fixed for July S following an eleventh hour hitch In a long continued endeavor to establish peace In this Industry. FISH ARRIVALS i At the fish exchange this morn. nig about 170.000 pounds vl hah,. bui was marketed and litllo change oi juice was indicated. Following are the details: American Spray 12,00(1 lo Booth Fisher - ies af 1 1 ami G. , I-:. Neilsou 11,000 In Booth Fisheries al I3.'.0 and G. Defense 18,000 to Cold Storage at 13.80 and G. Podloek 35.000 lo lloyal Fish Co. ut 13.40 and G. Canadian Kuien 20.000 to Cold Sloruge and G. Cape Spencer 13,000 lo lloyal Fisli Co. at 12.00 and 0. Tramp 11,000, Kouyosu 0.000 lo Cold Storage at 12.80 ami 0. Thelma 8,000 Iu Cold Storage nl 12.00 and 0. Klngcombe 1,500 In Cold Storage ut 12.70 uud 0. D.S.T., II. & It. 8,000, W. & S. Ti l 111) lo ....... A I till . ..I 14 UA ivit I HO IU I iOU 1 .... .1 . Ullll u. Itennell 0.500 ly Al(iu Fisher Ies' at 12.70 and 6 , ... .Annie May 0,00-lo 'Booth I'.lslieries ut 12.70 atid 6. TAXI The Latest In Restaurant. 25 Ambulance and BOSTON GRILL Service Third Avenue. Anywhere at Anytime. '. Best of Food Oood Service. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT Private Boxes for Parly Use. MATT VIDECK, Prop. "Take Her to The Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper f . . VOI, XIV.. NO. 110. I.. -,... I'JUNCK HUPEIIT, B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 2i, 1P25. Ywlerday Circulation, Utt Slrrel Sil-, 49J PRICE FIVE CENTS. hud.,; i 1 - ' . , , -IV . JOHN MAJOR DICK dfJiiC II V HON.. OLIVER 8. M.. NEWTON HON. A. Ml. MANSON 41 Tor Premier wm dcfrutcd tn Victoria Yesterday . HON. W. H. SUTHERLAND HON. W. 'J. BOWSER R. H. POOLEY mmmmmmm.. BBBBiJlBJ l BBkBrHBBBB HBBHH'iiBBBH BE3b7 BBBBS BBBBBBiB StKiM " W t'f'' SbS BbbBW' JbBI aLsiBm B'rHBBi HviLal BEvf-r '? '5bbbB ibbbt B KtH f'iB kKft ' iHwKm Bl B BjB C jjBLB BBbIbBBBBBBBbI Ejr4 iHPHBiBH KBBBH ggp niiiyBiiii bbbIbbbbbbBb immm b1hh Iiuli (.( nli nl member for AN be in Was elected ycslerduy Liberals Have Largest j: Group in Legislatures 48 Seats and Four yet'fc Prominent Conservative was elittitt yesterday in Ksquimall t TO THE ELECTORS OF PRINCE RUPERT ELECTORAL DISTRICT 4: l-adie and Gentlemen. i Yestnrday you did mo ; be honor to re-elect me 4 lo represent you, for the 4 third time iu the Provincial 4 Legislature. 4 I am deeply conscious' 4 of the honor done me and 4 diall serve you to the utmost 4 of my ability at all 1 ery faithfully yours. T. 1). PATTULLO. 4-444444 444 4 4g,Ven -a substantial, majority. WRINCH CHOSEN SKEENA RIDING ' - Llbaral Will Undoubtedly be Elected by Large Plurality Over. Opponents lu the Skeena electoral distdict Dr. YVriuch is undoubtedly elecled as lie has a larce lead over the caii.lhlates. Tim latest fic- ures from his constituency show his vole as SCO. Dockrill 432. and Saruent Telkvva went strong! for Dockrill ami llaiellon and Siuilhers for the winner, while) Terrace was imparl ial. The de tail or the vole as far as known follows: Liberal Wrinch. Conservative Sarsent. Provincial Dockrill. Lib. Con. Pro. fCedarvale 15 Cop per City .... 7 -3 ilentaiuia 11 3 lllanall 10 0 jllazeltou 70 11 Kitwanga 12 Lome Creek . . . & 1 Moricelown .. . 5 3 II New llueltou . 51 5 7; Pacific . 7 0 5 Port Kssinslon . 23 17. .llemo 2 1 7 Skeena Crossing . .11 3 1 Smitbers 182 48 111) South llazeltou .. 3 0 I'lelkwa 17 17 94 (Terrace I0G 40 193 .Usk 23 1 14 NO NEW PROPOSAL TO POSTAL W0RKERS1!:i,s'i!,lr: 1 ." OTTAWA, June 21. The Gov ernment has no new liroiuxilioii to make lo Hie postal worker Premier King announced. Those not reporting for work will bo dismissed. AIRPLANE COLLIDED WITHXARGO BOAT HANGOON, Juno 21 A cargo bout collided will! one ol Hie wings of the U.S. Plane and damaged il. It Is hoped II will bo repaired so that the aviators will leave for Calculla Monday. Advertise la the Daily News. I W WWI SBWRJBBBMMSMBBMMbI DeTealrd Conservative Candidate In election here yesterday Hon. T. D. Pattullo was Re-elected Yesterday by Handsome Majority YVitli a majority of 218 over his runner-up. Mayor S. M. New-ton, and a clear plurality of 185 over both his opponents, Hon. T. li. Pattullo, minister of lauds, was returned at the pro- viucial election yesterday to repesent Prince Huperl district for jthe third time iu the legislative assembly. These figures do not, jof course, include the absentee vote for the district and such ) small polls that may have yet to be heard from. Iu any event, 4ihf tprfirp mid it it anrpri that fp Pntlultn lif. I.a.n ,sucb was not I lie, case in the last! clusivety that, despite the hardj campaigning of "the opposition, he still retain the confidence of the majority of the electors in Prince llupert dislricL I - As had been anticipated, theicpnu Vanderbllt Says ha Has fiphl centered betwen Mr. Pattullo and Mayor Newton, the vole polled for T. Hoss . Markay, the I'rovincial party candidate, bein? negligible. ndurna for the various poIliiiR divisions in the district as re- ceive. up to this afternoon are as ?!lu's: ' Li 'e ra I a 1 1 u 1 1 o. Conservalive vNewton. 1 rovincial Mackay. I.i!i-i.mi l'ri Prince llupert ...701 488 20j Georgetown .... 1 ft 0 llaysport G 1 0 Inverness ...... 10 0 4 Lawn Hill 2 o 3 Massetl ,.12 13 2 Port Clements . 31 20 1 Port Simpson -.9 13 1 0. C. City .. .... 5 io 0 Skidegate 7,2 0 Tl-ll' - .. 2 5 1 Tow Hill ... .... 1 i YVoden lliver .... 1 1 0 Addressed Qatherlna Afler his election hud been assured, Hon: T D. Pattullo ad-f .dressed the audience awaiting the returns In Ihe Kmpress jTbealie last night and expressed his appreciation of thn honor .which had been conferred unon him. Mr. Pattullo said: "I am deeply sensible of Ihe honor .you have conferred upon me by electing me lo represent YOU for Ihe I III lit Icrni in I luai inr tnuuie is 1101 a personal ope but that you are desirous or having a government in olllce which will work lor the upbuild. ing or British Columbia a ad this portion of, the province particularly. Thanked Everybody "1 wish lo thank my supporters who bore ihe brunt of the cam paign and worked so earnestly and hard, .Without their asslst-uuceTvou.ld.nol i)BVe eeri elected. i4.wj?h also to thank the ''tyi': for l'K 8Ul'lrt it Bul;y",, , fairness of the trealmenT It accorded iny opponents. 'The ladies also look a prominent part iu Ihe vole of Ibis constituency. If they llud (eunliaued on pago four) Attorney general was elected yesterday in constituency of Omineca The fact that he has a plurality BUILD PULP MILL IN BX. no Intention of Entering Canadian Newspaper Field (Special to Dally News) VANCOUVFJt, June 20 Corne- Iltl Vaiiilprlitlf Ir tiiI1liikv.atiB neWspaper owner of Los Angeles, (addressing the Gyro Club said he and Lu U!(slociales were niaUllg 'arranpemenls for the construe- , lion of a ni nritisb ... . . I The pushing young journalist said be had no intention rnlering the Canadian newspaper field although he had been offered a ROYAL WELCOME NAVY SQUADRON British Ships Arrive at Victoria Headed by, H.M.S. Hood VICTORIA. June-21 The special squadron n command nf vice-admiral Sir Frederick Field, headed by Ihe greatest of modern bailie cruisers li. M. S. Hood, passed up Iho straits of Juan de Fuca this morning ami dropped anchor off here. They received a :-oyal welcome. STEER ROPING HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN AT EMrTOEXHIBITION LONDON, Juno 21. - The empire exhibition authorities hav announced Ihut the steer roptng contests will bo withdrawn, following an uppeal from Home Secretary Henderson 16 discon-llnue Ibis portion of Tex Austin's Hodeo. Three steers had been killed and a dozen" cow burs In jured. ' 1 F. Aslibrldge, first aid man at Ihe local dry dock, left for Buckley Bay yeslerday i response to a wire requesting him to bring back, twp men, who had been lri Jured, I" tlie cty.