Salurda.v, June 21, 1021. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Eastern Canada United States Triangle Tour to JASPER NATIONAL. PARK On way via Vancouver. Wrile or call' City Ticket Office, S2S Third Ave'., Prince Rupert Phone 260. I St. Regis Cafe Prince. Rupert's Leading Restaurant. ,A Rakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING SPECIAL DRY PRESSING To July 1. 1 Suit , . 75c I'l.onn 771. R!0 Third Avenne VXh Jox 88, Prince Rupert, II.C. Halibut landing for Ihe wppk(.'00 pound of halibut baa been have been very satisfactory ami a good ijuanlily ha been forthcoming holh from Hie northern fishing bank ami Ui wel roal. Incoming skipper report the wcuther condition In have been very favorable ami while fishing has been done in patches il ha heen of a remunerative mil lire. 111.1.. i kit .ti tl f. ...1 ll.n I .,l. I'll .A change have heen influenced in favor of Hie fishermen owing lr ... . . .i i-mii-u piion morning in me 'fall nnil Die consequent filling up of the various eoll storage lilaiiln to lake rare of wilder !-iiuauds. The arrivals have ben marked Ihi week hy an Increased unrulier of bouts holh of I lir American ami Canadian lleelH loniderable work f sl'll being jrnrried on along the enlire-waterfmnl on boal of the home fleei which are undergoing miiJ. season repairs ami painting while owners of pleasure boat are still buy putting Iheir "pel" inlii shape. The McLean yard ) are full In rapacity wilh work being earrled out on I lie Jcnen-Shruhall halibut rh6on er ami repair lo Hie Thelma II. The Cow Hay Creek way are fully oeeiipieil wilh hoat undergo, inst repair work while Ihe billing 'yard i nlo full lo rapariiy wilii pleasure lnal umh-r ron-lruc-il ion. Fish Buelneet From Monday In Friday A 13. Brand ,To 'keep your prints, a Kodak Album x You'll enjoy all ovtT.aRam the vpck-enil trip, Jtlw suminiT vacation and the fun you have just artHttul the house, as well when your prints are ft orf I, safe, dean, and in order, in a Kodak nlhum. l'rcciou now, yourKodnk album will be priceless later. At our Kodak counter you're sure (o find an album you will like. Vc have opt-n and closed hack styles-most of them loose-leaf t.nadditio:ial can In: In-Mrrlrd in ,a variety uf attractive cover designs. A complete stork. Kodak Albums 20c. up Ormes Ltd. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED 8ALM0N Rupert Selected . Skeena Sockeye Kor picnics, Hmose "llupert Brand" Salmon. A few (ins in Hie jninlry are always liumly. HIM k u supply on your boal IIioI'm it good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Cuafcn Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. marketed on, Hie fish exchange. Caiiaiiiaiix were high al J3.Kc andi He. and low al 12c. and fic. ArnerJ iran were high ni ifiie and lr..i and low at !3.He and Cc. Arrivals, were: Canadian- Seamaid, Thel ma II.. .NauliliM, Allianee, Mar-i Kalii', .7tnt-, point May, Cape Sp'r. Seruh, .N'uha, lla, Ivlliel lime, X. A s., Iri. Toodie, )un- la. Malamule, Caypreon. Ternen,: .MarKuerile. Viola, JU'veille, Atli.i Maivin, Fannie I'., Miiinwav,: Minnie V., Mop and Arrive. American Itoyal, Vel fjord. Ilelianee, While Star. Klar. Veimr l'reiideit, lleolllle, (Hiiliioil- weullh, Hrik, F.nihlem, .1. P.' Tod. I, HardiiiK, (iladtlone. Bon anza, Ha I en i Poinl. Tyee, lirolh, Valoroii. Sadie K., June, Allen, Superior, I'ellean and Chancellor. Sterling vs. Union It wa a Krand am) ffloriou filil lhal (id, Dan treliic, kipper of the forestry palnd luiat Leila II. pul up aainl the Hoiina It., k'ippereil hy tier owner Olier Ih'Hiier, in a race from 'J'upwell Inland on Tuesday a eveiiinK. However, in apile of ikipjier An-hie'j lenacioti elTorli lln ltoina II. had her newly installed 50 horf-e power Slerlin? engine lurninir over Ihe propeller nl a rale which would have put lea in roller lidiiiff down a raiuhnw lo rhauie and lliu- pnU Itsl into piirl a hort distance aheail of the Union powered pal rol hoal. Cupt. Archie proved hinielf a pant mater at inanoe- uveritiK hif ernfl for Hitlion and an adept at rutltn? corner on one whct-l o to iiuak. Aivonl iiiv lo a paient'er on the, ltoina H. al one lae of Hie rare it looked a Ihouisli the l.eila It, would ft ahead llirtuj.'li .uper ior Ki-aiiuini-ljip but J iy clever maiiipillalion of Hie saditx on Ihe Itnloiu'x power box Hie Slcil in'.' reejneii lo cairn Hie eniliu- ia-m of Ihe occasion and jmt on neh a purl lhal l)ie roulendinir xkipper ,hivered under the trair However, depile the superior luru of fpecd of lloiua the mu Kirl l.eila It. flayed in the race li.r all she wa worth and fiu-islnil h xood e'ond. Ileal en but not diiiiay'd. - rii"pnwer hoal Wake, Capl. C. ixon, arrived from 4ieor?eliwu on Thursday morning having on hoard r. and Mr. McAfee, Weldon MiUfee, Mr. Miller, Mr. I.evinky and Mrs. Iteid, who are veiling in Ihe city. The Wake returned north on I'hurMlay eveuintj. ' , The new trim looking pleasure launch Alpha, huilt hy W. Pilling for S, Oarlou, va launched on liiurday from Ihe Pilling ways Hie Al;dia in a fine looking V-hollom model measuring 18 foot hy a ." foot beam and i powered with a new horse power liultrie engine, roiuplele unit power plant, giving her a normal sjuvd of between ? ami 8- miles per hour. i The Canadian schooner Thelma II. Capl. Hill Hanson, lias lieen n Hie Mrl.ean ways undergoing a thorough inid-suiuiuei' reuovuliug. Thelma was taken oJT Ihe ways on Thursday evening and proceeded lo I'orrhet Island op bnsines yvsjerday morning. - ' Harry Jackson has purchased , C, 1,11 He's newsliiud on Ihe gov erniiienl wharf and has opened up jn Ihe same line of business as curried on by Mr. I.lllle. - -Hanaco Towed In The Canadian schooner Ilanacn 21 I,.. .v l!ilil.lht.oP L I TMIk luMfttouiltMAnllr tnpvttlbM, Cicntjrind fl.lur. IntONDS CANADA SAW co. Lnmr Vivmicc MUhUkAl. Ju J.hi, H.I. fUILT nni rrvi. fit OLD CHUM SMOKING TOBACCO IS FOUR TIMES SEALED J 3 to and ii Capt. Oscar Young, broke her tail shaft while out on the fishing banks and had to be lowed inlo port. The craft was taken up; on Ihe dry dock on Wednesdayl for necessary repairs. II is ex pected the Ilanacn will leave again for the banks over the week end. Justice Gregory Fishes A surprise was sprung on none other than Dor Claimcrtoit On Saturday morning last. Chancing to go outside of Hie provincial doek ollice Hoc encountered ii genlloinan and , a small hoy fishing at the dock side. The gentleman seemed to he enjoying the sport immensely ami caught several j;"od tded flounders on the I k. The Utile boy. how ever was tender hearted and did not approve of the way the fish were made to disgorge the hook much to the satisfaction of the gentleman, whe proved lo be the hoy's father, fler discoursing for some lime over the fishincr possibilities of Hie north the One was very surprised In learn Mia the gentleman of so genial a manner was mine oilier than Mr. lustlce Oregory, and the little boy was his son, who is accompanying his distinguished father on the clreuil. Had the visit of luslice !reiro ry been more of an official nature douhlles the Mos. uito fleet would have nulled off some risinng manoeuvres in Ihe harbor for his special benefit. Mr. Justice Oregnry left on the nighl (rain for 1'rince Oeorge. -, The power boat Clarh X.. Cant. Oeo. Xess, is fixing un niarhinrv etc. in preparation, for' engaging in ore 8alvnire work frnm ii. wreck of the inotnrshin Kenne. colt. The famous Canadian schooner Caygenn, Capl. Jim Morrison, nr rived in port on Thursday morn (ng with a ralcli of s.tVlii pound of halibut which Went lo the Al-lln Fithcries. While in port the TV, .... 7f outerwegpper fry proof pan ffin pPer- The regular Old Chum 'mapper shoiuind name dnd trade mar k The heau tin hit The heavy manilla paper MM yI1Uri -U VKWSMRMKECUT JBJ . TOBACC- 0 i brine you the full mellow sweetness of this si Tobacco of Quality Manufactured by IMPERIALTOMCCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Caygcon will undergo painting and probably a new fuel tank 'will bo installed. The power boat Wigwam has recently completed overhaul al the drytlock and is now ready for any old nautical business thai comes her way. ... The power boat Towena, Capl, J. Field, arriveil in norl from llutedale on Thursday morning. It is probahb litis era It will en-gape in the towing business for lie (ieorgelowu mill. The launch IHxie llupcrt, Capl. lieorgc Xewcoinhe, was up to I'orl Simpson during Ihe week on business. - The Canadian schooner Toodie, Capt. Art Oswald, whh'li arrival in port on Wednesday morninc wilh 5,500 pounds of halibut is undergoing hull painting and machinery repair vyhile in port. Ihe ioo.lie will be taken up on lie McLean ways. She's a Bear All was rush and dash along Hie waterfront on Thurs.lay morning. Hay l.nve bore a dis hevelled appearance and now and again stroked his beardless face in consternation as battery after ballery he placed on the romner wniie .orman. Ills as sistant, ran hither ;md tuilhci for machinery parts and oil cans. The riU,P t,r nj JlP HUj,. bub was the refilling of Hie power launch Maeve hy her skip jier and owner Alex. McDonald. the man who put Ihe "Ire" in fire. .Now Alex does things ijioroughly when he slarls iret ling "her" really for Hi season's diijing exploits and Thurmlay tne.l no excepllrtu. Judging Jioin me number of balleries on Hay s rounler one is led i be lU've lhal veryHiinir ahoaiil will l iHivimi by "Julc" Ibis veur The craft Itself 4 a vision of Joy tuonunueu on page tlx) - ft- Prince Rupert. Beer stamds Hp BeerrilkmtiiPm NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Free Delivery In ll Cascade" to every test of - purity the lest of the chemist the test of Ike food expert the test of the coaaoisseur Insist on M lb Uovornmeat I.luur Mur VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Tin advertisement is not published or dw played by the Muuor Control Board or by ths Ooverument of Ilrhiih Columbia. V I .1 ft ,. PjsM-.,. , 1 1 s a T 1 s a ;