PRINCE RUPERT Fish, Meat and Poultry Market Phone 671 VOI XIV, NO, 120. VII TOltlA, May 29. Forty re-iniiu- officers throughout (he .. .lll .11 liiuuifrow Ik re. POLICE MAGISTRATE . FOR PRINCE GEORGE VIUTOIUA, May 21). Appoint Jnents liy order In council include, J. M. Mef.oan lo he-police niayisirau for l'rlncc ueorvd. holh on Maxell Inlet mid at low llfll mid the concentrate- will he brought to Maell In boats for which a special dock will bo hufil. Rotary Pump .. ........i. ... ii... m Tin iieu Pitiful will InHiide a i-lir iMMliliiaiii'iie ' . . . . .!,... ...till. t.'K ... 1 1 1 1111(1 M The ' Liberals ' have 10 raudi- ow irwn mr mum. .-cb w..-r . . . ... ... , ..111 t ..IJ1I....I I II. m rt..ur fi.l.l dales I' r io sews, .viucriii nun " i ..rri..i..l lii I In Hiiil mIII In reluineil while IjOIiI1 liriMH vtiuioiit uiiiviiii " - i ...... n.i..i..- 1 1 lii sand i reduced about twelve l.lliri , 1 ii,ii'itii-3. - .... The r roervalivex have candi-i'" n iien.rf Helm: -meneu. l.lirw ni rri rifling The "oineiul l'ar( ha- i2 ,' "WU" mntutriioiH hip pai i 1.... ... ii... r.i.i . hi.'inr iiiniiiii! mini mipmi iruii-. !. i. - t n. t:.. t f.i.t.1. Hfiiiit' ry nirc muinu'iw of jrM I ,1 If MH 1. i t ... l ...... iim iiiimi iiriiiav "iiirnii i ca v llll.lir III rimll ii mhi'i ... i...t i,a ....... il .Nnlurn Iv I ho onraUrH are IlilF J I ! iril IU; .isai-i .Ii ll i ... ... ii ..ii.- inn away iiirir mmtiwi Hi- LalHir .arly ha tu nanOU mnmMH wmiiiik. imk.h ' lau'w iihiii'-u. i i 4. I I I.m ria.i.i -ix . i nil" uiikiiiiii: i ii. ii iiic iiiiiiivi There are lwi Iinlepeildenl "pernior ien nown. ..r n... iti. I.. .n.i Pi.k-l !" i'ew eont-ern win iinnme II ih expi'rleil lhal there will heJ"' l"""'1' kiuw 100 nomination- Tur Ihe in j-ealn other" eiphl Inn- of roncenlrnte a day. MISSIONARIES waxlieil from Ud Ion- of -and on Speaking of their wxirk Ilie pre. Idenl nml vice.pre-idenl Ihi-morninu' -aid Ihey had no -lock for -ale Ihey were finaiwin the projrel tliiMii.-eve-. I'liarle '.nl i ic ra I- Mi cir niJinaxrr and milling engineer. They nre Imp iiiK lhal n heller -learner cervice will hi- j:ii'ii Ilie ilaini- -iniii. a? llieir iinlu.-liy will add very r.. uui.ii.. gnH Twni Orlont-'malei tally lo the luiMnes- Hone als Are Held In Chinese iu'f. Mountain Stronghold I'KKIN. May 21. ('.. B. Uliani-I'flaili, lulled Hlule; vl-e-con-ul at L.anlon, hiis Bone lo V lichow lo ure action hy local anthuri-lie lowanN ohlaining Ihe te-h-a-e of four iniwsioinrles lu-rliidln? Ilev. II. A. Jaffray. the anadinn liud of Ihu Ulirintiiui MiM-loiiarv Alliance at W'uehnw. and Iwenly Chinese who were re cently taken captive hy plrales who faplured (he innlor hoal ii ... ... . i IWIllllllkn lU'll I'llllllll 11117 American and niMhcr an AuMrii. lian They were taken lo Ihe iniiiiiitaiii ulnmshold of the piiati'- Tim Klory of Ihe nil nek .tl II... I II. ..Iu .....l....n l.n ', "IH-lll It VIII llll'll lllMIIII I"-- riime pnhlie when Ihe hand re- lea-eil Hip Chlne.-e cnilaln so lhal he inlglil give notice Hint the lnl-ftimi iirhtoiiers would he re-i..,.-...i .. ii - i - ,i-ii uiini (in) imyineiii oj h lill'Se rinimini. D'OISY CONTINUES IN BORROWED PLANE EN ROUTE TO TOKIO SIIANOIIAl. May 2'J. Caplain D'Oisy, Ilie French avialor, look tlpi air ;il five o'clock on Thurs day morning and continued hi nielli lowards I'okio in a plane loaned him hy (he mililary guv ernor. PF.KINU, May 2U dipt. K.'olsy arrived here from Shanghai. DUMPS EXPLODE AT BUCHAREST Much Loss of Life and Enormous Damage Results IIUtillAHIIST, May 2U Arsenal niuiiiiiuilioii dumps on he ouU skills of Ihe clly were destroyed liuliiv hy a ' lerriflo explosion Knoniious dannige was done and great loss of life Is reported. The cdfla?rut!or. M IHI roym?. mm macdonaldTs APPEAL JUDGE Appointment Is Officially An nounced Succeeding .Late Mr. Justice Eberts OTTAWA. May 29 -Olliclal an-iiouuceminl wa snade ye.-lerday of (he appointment of M. A. Macdouald, K.C. of Vancouver to he a judx' of Ihe court of appeal for the Province of Britl.-h Columbia -urceeding the lale Mr. Ju-licc I'Jicrl-. , Mr. Muedouahl yt- hi- v-poluliiH-nl fnun (he Covernmenl at Ollawa allhuuvh Ihe -alarie-of all JuiUe- are paid hy I lie Provincial '!oernmi'nl. Ilr i an Onlario man. hating le'ii horn nl (loudcrieh and edueatiil.lhcre ;ind al Toronln L'niverily. He practiced law al London. Ontario and IhIit al t'ranhrook, B.C where he contested Ihe IikmI eal ill Ihe Provincial election- and WH- defeated in lyil'.i. lie moM'ii lo Vancouxer and wan idecled I here al a hy-rleclion In I'Jlfl and for ioiiie lime spoken oT a Ihe coininx leader of the party and premier of Ihe pro luce. He became allomcy general lhal year hut rciigurd later, lie was i candidate al (he la-t iKiiiiiuioii election hut wu defealed. Mr. Macdouald is he-l known In the public as a but he I- an able lawyer ami had tiilt up uu exteu.-ixe practice in Vuurnuer and I- generally looked upon a- well filled for the position which he is about lo lake. TOURIST SEASON ABOUT TO OPEN C.N.R. Trl-weekly Service Starts Next Week C.P.R. Tourist Boats Coming The annual tourist season Is about lo open and Ihe opening of Ihe month of June will see Ihe augmenting of eoat sleaiuslil) sen ices to provide for II. Ncxl week Ihe C.N. II. Iri-wcek- ly sen ice commences, starting June 5. Ihe steamers Prince (iconic and Prince Unpen will arrive In lurn on Mondays, Wed-nesdays and Fridays and sail for Ihe soulh on Monday, Thursday ami Saturday niulits. The Anyox run will lie done hy Ihe boat ar-riing on Wednesday and Ihe. Slewurl iuji Iy Ilie Friday boat. C.P.H. slVamer Princess Mary will be In port tomorrow morn-Itiu bound fipm Vancouver lo Alaska ports. This will ha Ihe hist fit n of Ihe Mary north this season. On June. l, the, Princess Alice will arrive here bound norlli marking Ihe opening of I ho. Alaska tourist season. The Prin cess Louise will run opposite the Alice, giving a weekly and five duy senttio. prince Rupert Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMtlNCi: IIUPKIIT, B.(i, THURSDAY, .MAY 2'J, 102'.. British Government in Danger of Being Defeated Tonight on VMUfJijV Circulation 1664 a Resolution of Disapproval salary of (he minister of labor, it will go before the country In a general election. Thai (he government's fale i- iu Ihe balance loniglil with Ihe issue doubtful is admitted by (he llaily Herald, the Labor organ, while '.political writers concur iu Ihe declaration thai the administration will find itself in n lighier corner than ever he- fore and can iu any ca-e e.vpcel only a small majority. The is-uc centres around Ihe Conservative motion to reduce tne -salary of Tom Shaw, minister of labor, this beinx a technical expression of disapproval with the government's policy toward relieving unemployment. YANKS OUT OF OLYMPIC SOCCER PAMIS. May 2D. -- The American Olympic soccer football Irani was defeated today three lo nil by the I ruguayau leani. They are (hereby eliminated from further compcliliou for the Olympic lille. ROYALS DEFEATED VANCOUVER LACROSSE NIIW VF.ST.MI.N.STi:il, May 2'J. The lloyals, Ihe worlds chain piun lacrosse leani defeated Van couver last uiulil len goals to one. CHIEF INSPECTOR OF MINES ENDS CAREER VICTOKIA. May 2'J. The death occurred here today of James Mcdregor 03 years of tine, former chief Inspector of mines from 11120 lo l23. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League Brooklyn 5-2, New (York 0-1, Cincinnati U-5, St. Louis 0.3. Philadelphia I, Boston 1. Pillshurtr 0, Chicago 9, American League Boston l-l, Philadelphia 2-0. Si. Louis 3-7, Detroit 1-0. Chicairo 0-13, Cleveland 5-0. New York 7-U Washington 1-0 SHIP CATTLE TO BRITAIN First Lot of 250 Steers en Route Edmonton to Glasgow MONTItKAL, May 2'J. -A .shipment of cattle, expected to be Ilie forerunner oT a steady trade between Alberlu and (treat Britain is now enroulo over the Canadian National Hallways from l'dmoii-lon to Quebec. The shipment comprises ;30 lieail or steers and it is Ihe first lot of a delivery of four hundred head that will bo forwarded lo (ilasgow before Ihe cud of June under an arrane-ment entered into some time ago by 1 he lvliimiilon Feeding Com 1 pany Willi 1. J. irwin, a weu- '.nown' Scotch live-lock dealer. Altogether. I.Odti head of Alberta cat lie will be shipped overseas by this firm and the balance of the 000 head are now being picked up at various points iu Alberlu. In order Unit a favorable impression may be created Tor Ibis class of Canadian cattle In Ureal Britain considerable core has been exercised in the feeding of the animals being shipped and Ihe claim Is made for the first shipment lhal they are one o the finest looking bunches of s leers ever sent oMt of central Alberla. BABCOCK WINNER OF STORY COMPETITION TOIIONTO, May 29. John P. Babcock of Victoria, fisheries eoioM'issioner, won the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire prlie for $200 fur the best short slory In Ihe order's annual short story and play competition., I'bu slory was entitled "Peace Hiver Joe." Miss Dorothea BJdwell of Victoria received honorable mention (or he,rislory. was horn. Strttt 404 M. Paul Camhoii was horn 20, 1813. He was called to Ihe. Parisian bar nome 'H) vears! Th Latest In Restaurants. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Private Boxes for Parly Use. "Take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. MACDOf ' ? I) . INDICATES AN EARLY ELECTION e ' GOLD INDUSTRY WILL BE IMPORTANT ONE FOR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Claims Being Staked Graham Island Black Sands Near Massett New Smelter Will do Custom Work and Will Handle all Concentrates Offered. good drul of lite foreshore or the peuiii-uln norlli and ;;Ph of Muvetl. unhiding Norlli lleudi, lia- hern staked,, in ,;actr ilium (nJ registered hL Quern Clitirlolle Ci(y, and nnt cf 'lie people of that pari of Hie inland are roiilcmplaliug going ii -rj fhe gold washing bu-uies. and will ship llieir conceniraies l.i lie Hiielter which in l he creeled al Ma-sett by the r.H.C Mi Co. Ltd. The president of the company, (ienrge V. B. I'lr her and M Fletcher of Philadelphia, and (he vire-presi- II lllllllllfl lllfl II " l,UU,l,,ll( M, - IVH,l,n , MMLOMIt, UMINAilUNS IN TOMORROW: iDActAfl That There Will oe Some 1(8 Candidates For 48 Seats In Legislature evening In complete me purciiasc I f nijcliiucry md mali-rial for 1 hp plant, tiiui'li of which Iih al. 1 ready been purchased here. They will ri'lurn home and ex pect lo lie hack here admit I he HiliMlf of July. 1 Tlie company will wah gold BRITISH MINERS MAKE SETTLEMENT WITH OPERATORS wazrs was defjnilely set- (led 'Inday when a full .ronferenec o f miner-' delegates voled 173. lo3ll (o urrepl Ihe terms of Ilie agreement reached hy the miner' federation rcpre- scntalites willi Ilie owner on May 15. .; LONDON. May 29. A prolonged dispute over Ihe question f coal miner!' ! A FIRM HAND AT THE HELM PAULCAMBON RAILWAY SHOWS DIES IN PARIS! IMPROVEMENTS Was Instrumental In Arranalna Treaty With Britain and Other Important Work PARIS. May 2SJ. Paul Cauibon. former French ambat.-ador to London died la-t night. Even Merchant Marine Better Showing Than Previous Year OTTAWA, May 29. lit, lerms of optimism liun. George (J rail a in, minister of railways, presented (o the House of Commons Hie airnual statement of the Can- Pierie Paul Cambon, eininenl!ad'an Aalional Hallways and the French -talesman and iinlnmat.!Ul,,a,"an 'Ovemment .Merchant if : ,n. . , . won Inlernaliunal fame in ,e i"ru:c. mc sn.uemem. uav a early days of the present century operalins revenue on the for Ills elforls m behalf of ie,'a,,"aJr" " cti.mi.iu- Anglo-French agreement of ApiM,3'"' I,ie 19 a revenue of 93,- 8. 1901. when Ihe powerful andiVJJ'-J4 a" crPae oi ?K,iy,- far-reachinjr Knlenle Cordialei-' Che C.C.M.M. had a deficit last year after all chiirjres1 including depreciation ami interest of Vi,- jon.oii). I ills i- an .improve- later, and after len years of ad-menl of ?20,808 over the pre minislralive work in vnriniiH tov-, ,uua Jl-a:. rnmenl denarlments, was transferred lo Ihe diplomatic service and Appointed minister plenipo I.1J.1UV .(UJ m 1 I Slltll .-. J .MUIUUIIUIU III 11! speech iu the House of Commons today clearly indicated thai, if ' 'a! "'''I in London when, (he soieriinieiil is defeated (oniirht un a million In reilnce theix ars later, (he relations he tentiary al Tunis. In. 1886 he became French ambassador lo Madrid, and (wo year later went !lo Constantinople in ' the .same i.i. v It. I UiU I... ,,...anl.,l .11 m-jw I'l trr-WUlVU hi.- creilenlials a- ambassador to I Ihe Courl of l. James. Iweeu England and France had reached a critical stage over the Faschoda incidenf in Egypt. Kiiift Edward VII., workin carefully and secrelly, had launched his program In read just hurope'.s equilibrium, and bring Italy, France and Itussia lojrclher as a means of olTset-lint: Ihe powerful Triple Alliance between Germany. Austria and Italy. The late Thcophilc. Del-casse repre.-enled France in Hie treaty negotiation while the British interests were looked after by Lord lansdowne. Paul Cambon acted a- intermediary during Ihe negotiations, ami II was largely through him that Ihe many dilliculties were ironed out. The announcement j- lhal an agreement had been reached came suddenly lale in 11)01, and. astounded the entire world. Treaty Terms The basis of Ihe treaty pro vided for the French surrender hailed as the "Entente Uordi'de," or the vehicle by which France and England were brought to-pelh'T in political. alliance. Hard ly less important to Europe was the fact thai Itussia came ih- iireclly into the agreement through her previously existing alliance with France, hence King ICdward's uniting MERYILLE MEN GET $100,000 Damages Awarded for Destruction Caused by Fire at Set- -. -tUment-Two;:.Yeara., Ago VANCOUVEJl, May 29. Forty-seven Menille, soldier setllera will receive approximately $100,- 000 as a result of Ihe decision of Mr. Justice .Mac'Donald. The Coniox Logging Company is held responsible for this amount of damage wrought hy fire which swept down upon the Vancouver Island settlement two years ago. The (rial lo settle responsibility for Ihe ilisa-ter last spring at which claims for personal damage from victims resulted in awards amounting to l 3,000. v NO PROPOSALS ON HOME RULE Deputy Leader of British House Answers Question With Respect to India' to England of certain Ions stand- LONDON. May 29. The Brit- ing rights in Egypt, while Eng-;ish government is not prepared laud conceded that France oc- to make any proposals hi connec- cupicd a privileged position iu lion with the extension of home Morocco. Aside from settling rule to India, II. 11. Clyne. deputy these cardinal points, the treaty leader or the House of Commons, also wound up many oilier mat- stated iu answer lo a question. ters of controversy between Ihel two. nations. The treaty was'MAMAIMft WIWQ IN I1IU1IIUIIV II111U III FIRST AID CONTEST Results of Recent Competition In Province Are Received by Hon. William Sloan VICTORIA, May 29. Hon. William Sloiin ns nrsi,lniil ..f II... original purpose of ,,ri(l!tl, ColuiMia division; of the Ihe three countries Ambnbuiei. ssoei.,n,.,. Ihrouifh such a treaty was ac-v,.t.pivPl n saPni(.nl or tiae complished. awards for Ihe rerenl firsl-ald M. Cambon negotiated and cm,,PliUons In ambulance work sisned Ihe final draft after Del- Xanalmo A team comes first with casse auu i.ansuowne nan agreeu-,, l(lta o( 2C8 marks; Cumber- npou oie esseunai icrins. While its liuportance was not under-esli'njated even al (hat time, there were perhas none who foresaw Ihe tremendous effect Ihe Knlenle Cordiale would have len years later, when the World War swept over Europe. M. Cambon cac prominently tq the front in IUH, and played an important purf In frustrating Ihe efforts of (lerinany lo separate Franco and Ureal Britain on land second vvilh 259 V4 : and Xaiinimo B third with 233 Yt. IRTH A daughter was born nt Ihe Prince Hupert (ieneral Ilosplhil on May 29 lo Mr. and. Mrs. W. .V. Boss. Eighth Avenue West. the eve of Mir greasliuale. He resigned tils pos in "November, 1920.