Tuesday, June 17, 102 1, Uomemad& Bread for the Kiddies! TNJ OTIIING In the world Is more wholesome for children than fresh, home-made bread, with the Hsht, snowy-whllc "crumb" and the tasty, goldcn-brown crust. mm ROYAL IH YEAST 4nP CAKES Special Jhrices Fop a Few Days Only. MAKE THE CHILDREN HAPPY AT SMALL COST. Sail Boats 1 5c - .Special 10c .'t.'c Special 25c M-lVj-S perial 35c ITtv Special 60o l.r)YSpciiHl . . . . $1.15 Motor Boats 2..V- Speiial .... $1.85 ? I. r0- Special .... $1.15 GARDEN TOOLS . 'V SK?ci.il 55c r Special 30c .,, SAND SETS AND SAND PAILS' 75c HpepaJ h 55c . 25rSjfril, . . ... 30c 'SitTi.1l 20c " 50r Si'. .. .. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON . 20c . 35c "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye l-"r pn oirv 'IliHc "llnpi ii III nil" Salmon. A row tin iii Uir p.iiilr nv alw.i handy. Slink a -upply n iHir ! :i1 Mi.i!'- a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. STRAW HATS k Light Underwear: Boys' Sweaters Reasonable Prices STEVE KING Third Avenac Phone Green 85 NOTHING BETTER The Atilm-rul of the liamiy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight In n Ik-ntiliful llox. PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE i . , WE CASH CHEQUES. Local and Personal 1J.C. Undertakers. Hayoera, Undertaker. 351. Puone 41. Phone If lla.-eball tonight C.S5. GiUvs, .S.O.C. . Pattullo's Committee Rooms- Empress Theatre Phone 135, Open from 2 to 10 p.m. dally, tf Account totalling ifl.iiD'J.'J' up lo June 1 1, were passed for payment by the cily council last night. Mi".' K. M. Karlc relurneil lo Hie cily mi the Prince (Scot-go ycslcnlay aricrniioii from a lioli ilny din soulh. BIQ REDUCTIONS for one week on Shoes, House Dresses, Waists, Silk Dresses, etc. Mrs. Grahlman, Second Avenue. 142 Stall Sergeant S. I.. Warrior, It.C.M.P. relurneil from Vancouver on the l'riuce (ienrge yes terday afternoon. Tlio Vancouver Sun (ell of a two lo one bet in Vancouver that Iho Oliver fSoveriiinenl will he re lurneil o power t'harlc Harrison relurneil from Maxell liy gasbiial last niglil ami will remain lie re until Hie eml of the week when lie will return to F.tiglaiiil. The ladle of the Catholic Church will ImlJ h Tea and Sale of Home Cooking at the home of .Mr. II. Want, All In Avenue, on WciJuc.Mlay, June IH, from 3 to 0. J. It. .Morgan of Surf Inlet I avain retortei to he. seriously 111 V. K. William. IiU partner in he lugging business, left tlii morning tiy gashoal for Surf In let. . - In a letter recehed from Xew York the information i con- eyl that there i hanlly a jfirt in Xew York tenia) with Ion? hair inine have it bobbed but inol have It shingled .almost like a hoy. . Ilarlli-ll Wakefield, who ha li.-eu attending school in the "oulji. arrived in llie-cily yrsler lay afternoon lo spend the ..11111 mer vaCHtioit with" hi parents. 1,'nilod Stale' IViusiil ami .Mr. K A. Wakefield. The new file limit bylaw wa apaui brnughl 110 at lal night'. I'ouueil meeting hul, 011 recommendation of the city solicitor. il wa ilecidi'it lo lay it over for another week mi that I lie hoard of work. aflcil by the city en- sinecr ami (he city solicitor, may Ira f I new building descriptions. the present classifications being ileeimil not applicable in lhi city. Seated' dknty A xy more pleated than ever. The AVtr Spring Styles, show tinier fileats used in groups. To mrl the vogua fer malchiog and rrlatrd R-rmfnu we have tho new' fabrica in all ilia bright Spring colon. Wa rrcommend Livinitoti & Scott pirated skirts lecaure the pirating U g-tarantrrd to Uy in plrat, Tha iViru hava full hip aite and contin uoua pre facing that will not rip. "Demers" Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 THI DAILT HIWB. i ' " PAH1 Timia Pattullo's Committee Room EMPRESS THEATRE. tf - William (iolilhloom sailed for Vancouver on (he Prince George last night. Joe (ireeij.il?! timed lo the cily al nighlflfroin a business trip to Uuckley'Uay. .. "- For quality and preparation, get Hunters ' Coal C'ZZ or Ulue 515. Harold McKwen. O.N.Il. division freight agetHVailed last night 011 I In Prince'Jueort'e for Ocean Fall. Mr. and Mr?. C. U. Srigley ami Miss Gladys l.iiifonl, formerly of Huckley Hay, ailed last night on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver J. Kvanou faih-d (o answer (o 1 charge of lrunkenuc in the cily -police court (hi morning and hail 'iiuflhe um of ?-5 wa Irealed. Jhr Phone Green If lU-lurning ollicer Mortimer ha arranged for the polling station on Friday lo be in the ulore formerly occupied by Denier on I'liinl Avenue. Union tealner Canlcna. Capt . K. Dirk-on. arrived from Any. ox and Stewart at IJ.I5 noon, lo- lay ami will ail for Vancouver and way port at 5 IhU after noon. Judge llpf'erUou arrived by t.l..t I...:.. r.. i. 1 iaii iiiiii r iiain iroiii rini George to 'preide over Couuly Courl elon here in (lie ah ence of Judge Young, who i on a trip to Atliu. Mi F. Hyatt. It.X. arrived in the city la-t night from Port Simpson where he ha been uurxing; for everal month ami will leave next week for Califor nia where .-lie expect to remain -r W. F- llitchhurn, Indian com miioner for Hrilili Odumbla returiKil by he Prince .(iem-ge last night lo hi headquarter in Victoria afler having upent ev eral day in (he district on olll ial huii)e. Mr. and Mr. V. II. Melliar and family are leaving next week for California where I hey intend lo locale. They' are pioneer rei ilenl of Ihi city and their de parture will be regretted by a wide circle of friend. Tender for the printing of account form for the city lira iirer'. depart ment were opened at la! .might council meeling and referred lo I he finance com-mittee. Mcltae Hro. hid sill I.S5 and Itose, Cowan A l.alta, U5.I0. The director of the Prince llupcrl General Ho-pital Aoeia- lion extend a cordial invitation to lie public to attend the Nurse" Annual Graduation Kxcrcisc al ine inn .Masonic Mall (over Union Hunk lo-morrow night al 8.15. The hlililie committee report ed to the cily council last niglil iTcommending the aecenlance of a lender from Hie Hig Hay Lumber Co. for lumber lo be delivered lo-Shawatlau Lake. The price is 20 per thousand plu JI0 Tor special towage. An invitation fniin Hie honi- lal board askinvr the mayor and aldermen lo be , present at the nurse graduation exereise taking place jjmiorrow evening wa received ami filed al last night' council meeting. The mayor reipiesled a many of the cily father as possib.e to A good deal of favorable com ment ha been heard of the ex cellent work of Pryee's Juvenile orcheilra, which look Pari in the program al the F.lk Hall Siilni-. jday under tlii auspice or the liiwiiiful iiiiv II i.i M.. ..I....: ...,.,.., ;, iiu-ii i'hijiii-: wa so good that it astonished many of those who had never heard iich -iuall neonle nlav o WX'll. 'I hi monlir iue of the Pacific Fisherman published in Seattle contains picture of tho seaplane G-CYI. Which was Used in fisheries patrol work here last year by Flight Lieutenant Karl .MacLeod. I he pielure wa taken In Prince lluperl Harbor. Pee. haps more Interesting is another picture showing the entire expanse of Principe Channel on Pill Island 'from an elevation of 1,000 feet. It -.was taken frnm tlijB (l-OYO.W The Quickest breakfast in the world Most cereal foods require cooking some eighteen hours, some only a few minutesbut Shredded Wheat is ready-cooked and ready-to-eat. You couldn't get a quicker meal than Shredded Wheat and milk. Take two Biscuits out of a package and pour milk over them. Crisping in the oven improves the Biscuit, but is not necessary, for Shredded Wheat has been cooked in steam, shredded and baked. Two Biscuits with milk make II. Coooer and J. Sankey. In-1 dian. aiptrared in the city police' rour) Ihi morning charged re- spectivcly with having liquor un- lawfully in possession and, drunkenness. How case were adjourned until tomorrow- morning. ", , ri"iviui-iauwn"iauie .1. .v.vti-j Ham arrived Ihi morning hav-t in custody K. .Iohnon and I.. W.f Scott who will have preliminary trial tomorrow morning before Stipendiary Magistrate Gale on a charge of stealing a canoe from Port Kdward. t ' II. W. Cameron sailed last niglil on the Prince George for Van-I couver where, as ofllcial delegate from Prince Hupert, he will at lend the Grand Lodge Masonic convention opening on Thursday of this week. It. L. Buck of Anyox went south last week lo represent hnoch Lodge al the convention SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Salurday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from I n.111. un lit G.30 p.m. and on other week-, day al and G.J 5 p.m. Tlie last bout home each dav will leu-vc (he Salt Lakes Boat sharp ut 7 p.m. bunday and holiday picnie parties specially arranged for. Launches, rowboats and canoes for Male and hire. Prince Hupert Boathouse. HEART WAS SO BAD HAD TO SIT UP IN BED r. o. e. Flltrrrald, tot ho st St. l-Kiii-,. out, vrllea:-"ln Hie Kail of Mil, I a taken III vvltn my lieart, but did nut IMV ninrh atlontlun tn It 1 v-n. on with my household duties, but teemed to become -or. and worse, and rtnally had to call In a doctor. He said I wa all run down and va a nervou wreck bad a sever pala In luy rbel which would move oer tu mv heart ...h i, k. came o bad I could not lie down, a when I did I had such a smotherlni feellnr would have to sit im in t..,i mi ,lt paised away. I Irled reverat remedlrs, but wtih no roou results, finally. I was lo.l.ire.i in try Mllburn'a Heart and Nerve rim. I took 7 boxes, ami I am now as well as I was SO years an. and 1 am now ilk v.... " old.- Mllburn'a Heart and Nerv phi. ... a. a box at all drurilsts direct on receipt of price by The T. MIL burn Co. Limited. Toronto. Ont. Dr. Mirtel's Female nils Bar aatlsUd nitura thousands ciMslut half nturr. cwractina; cauM. buildinf up an4 ..d"AINrUL MENSTRUATION NUU VOUSN ESS, BACK ACHE, DIZZINESS, .to rodMr.r.drujf SoWmItI. SHMHInp. OrtrTIN BOX with our alcaatura. DruiU .vtrrwh.ra. or dir br mall, iilaln cackaa U 00 K.kk.Wkw tn.tr C... 1 I. rnat IL a nourishing meal. Delicious with fruits. The Canadian ShreddH Wheat Company, Ltd. NUf.ra Fall.. OaUri. Shredded Wheat To keep your prints, a Kodak Album You'll enjoy all over again the week-end trip, the summer vacation and the fun yqu have just around the house, as .well when your prints are stored, safe, clean, and in order, in a Kodak album. Precious now, your Kodak album will, be priceless later. At our Kodak counter you're sure to find au album you will like. We have open and closed hack styles-most of them loose-leaf so additional pages can Ikj inserted in a variety of attractive cover designs. A complete stock. Kodak, Albums 20c. up Ormes Ltd. Save $100.00 By investing now in u p piece Oak Dining-room Suite Finish: Old Knglish or Mission Sale Price $200.00 Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. The Houm of Quality. 4 Phone 123.