PRINCE RUPERT The Latest In Restaurants. Fish, and Meat mm BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Poultry Best of Food Good Service. Market Phone 671 PRINCE' RUPERT Private Boxes for Party Use. Northern and Central Brkiih Columbia's Newspaper "Take Her to The Boston." VOL. XIV., N.O. 14: PIUNCK Hbl'HIt'l', H.C., TJUK.SJ)Ay, JUNK 17, 1 024 . VMUrtfiy'i Clrculttion 1.TTS. Strut SlM 4S4. PRICE FIVE CENTS. editorial ( THI8 IS BUSINE8S, POLITICS. The question uf who sliu represent Prince Huperl in II next legislature is wilh man) people u mailer uf business. i i nut what is iiMJully kiiuwu a a political question but has tu ilu largely willi dullura and tents. If Prince Humeri is properly represented by u member uf the (mcrumcul and by une wliu is i miutlclic with (lie Urn em inent ul OUawu, u i lu be ex .....i.. i ii. ...... i n. ,.,. i .'lltV. ...v. w U V. liili'li ill llie Man fur ileveloh- . i ..r i r...- 1 1 : llun man with no standing and fillle ability be chosen, Prince llupert cannot expeel inucli. 1 anyone here bold enough (u say that Newton could have secured for this city llie erection uf (lie court house? In dealuiK wild IhW purely business matter, it might be well to look over Mayor .Newton' civic record and note what if anything lie Inn done for (he city, lias he done anything? I there one Hum? during Hie Jears nf his (enure uf office (hat can be oiu(ed (o as something that lie dill or thai he secured for (he uyr i'(iiiiiy mere is some- mux. ii i, ins supporter would like to have it us an expense fur Iheir continued port. Let us be fair with Mayor Newton, We have Wl during the past vear and a half uf office had to take issue. with him on any public question. He has carried on circumspectly, but he ha dune nothing. Jli Influence has not been fell. i If (he Mayor itiol able "To ,huirb ins iniitienec icii nere. where he is known, and if he ?,iaiK tne null empty at a little r meeting til Port Clements, how I i he In be expected tu slir the: J .if?ll.',lii.f uf ltr,fi.ti f !ji1iiiiiI.Wi I into action ur influence thej if Oliver (iovernnicul to which he; f is so bitterly opposed? RAILWAY BOARD HERE TOMORROW I Commissioners Will Arrive from i Jasper and Oo South t Vancouver to -, , .prices remain high. Influenced On lis way from Jasper where dial the ,,,,,, i,. ,iy ie 11PWS It has been holding a session ln!cc ,., iv ,e enforced Vancouver Hie federal hoard nf com(l1R vvlntcr and necessi. railway commissioner will ur- ,nljr (, mltr f tie rod rive In the clly on its special car. , p . , 0 p cft!ll , or tomorrow evening. Accompany- iug Hie parly will be . II. .Man- ders, I....VJI. general ireigiu trallle inamiger, and a icpre-eii-',,,,,,, wu jllru f which lallve olllcial of Hie t;.P.Il. as well;,.,,, ,, 1H,lin.iK Was brought In us other railway in.-n. The parly will iai south on Hie Prince Ilu 'perl Thursday night. The board of railway com iiiitsioners consist ot turn. Frank Canell, elder commix- Commonwealth, OO.noo, In Pa. 'sinner, lion. Frank Oliver, A. C.cfR Fisheries, al 11.10c and Oc. Iloyce, Or J. llulheiTont ami A, I), Carlwrighl, secretary. ROTARY HOLDS CONVENTION Twelve Hundred Delegates Expected to be In Toronto by This Evening TOItONTO, June 17 - Holarl-ans from 2(1 couulries are here attending the international notary convention which opens today, l.asl iiighl Ihey witnessed the historic pagennl cominemor- aling .nor, Ihau a century or.TWENTY DROWNED i..,.,-,-. AS peace neiween 1 lie unueu states and Canada, Oelegales are arrivlhg on every boat and train as well as in au-los. Twelve thousaml delegate and visitors are expected, South America, China, Japan, Australia, .New Zealand ami South Africa being represented, The International olilcers were tendered a lunch yesterday by Lteui .-Oqvnwp Cockshutt. Tumultuous Greets Message From Perry, Prince George Pattullo Tells People of Benefit From Grain Prince Rupert PHI.NGK (SKOIKii:, June 17 Hon. T. I). Pattullo addressed a. crowded meeting in the Hex Theatre lust eeuiug in the interests of the candidature uf Harry (i. Perry. The candidate i cull fined to an r'dnioutoii hospital a Hie result of an attack of appendicitis, and will not be able lu reach the province until the contest Is out. Hon. Mr. Pattullo read a characteristic message .from Mr. Perry which was received with tumultuous applause, lu it Mr. Perry aid he had waged a successful fight in (he Peace lliver NORTH WILL GET NOTHING FROM BOWSER Conservatives Criticize Court House as Waste of Public Money (Special to Dally News) VANCOUVER, June 17. Every Conservative speaker In the south describes the Prince Rupert court house as a waste of publlo money. Clearly the North may expect nothing from the Conservatives. Most of theVancouver betting Is on the Oliver majority. Liberal gains are conceded In Yale, Lllooet, South Okanagan, Cranbrook, Dewd-ney, Esquimau, Kaslo and Slocan, where the opposition Is split. Vancouver will go strongly for Oliver on the freight rates. HALIBUT PRICES REMAINING FIRM Close Season In Winter Is Affecting Demand For Halibut Locally in spile of the large quantities of halibut arming in port, Hie ( , t e ,,, a t,at (jm, T)Miuv at,ut 200.00(1 pound o i.v ,.,. Aini.rir.iii bonis. Catches were as follows: American llesoltile, r.n.OOO. to Cold Slur- '..,. ,,i 13.HO0 ami 7c. Hrisk H.OOO. Kmblcm 1,500, .l..en to uiic against, wm the Ascot I.. Cohl CI. at ..I (J I 1. -. r 111111 ...... here I....... I.uliiv !i t.5(io. to Storage 1 1.70c and 7c. Harding, 3,500, to Booth l ish- cries, at 1 1,80c. and 7c. Oladstoile, 22,000, to Itoyal Fish Co. al 1 1.300 ami 7c. Canadian Alliance.. ,0(I0, lo Allln Fish. 1 .1 .... cries, at ij.oiic ami c. Margalire, 10,500, lo Allin Fisheries, at t3.00e and 7c. Azores, 0,000, to Cold Storage, al 13.700 and 7c. Point May. 3,100, lo Cold Storage, at 13.30c and 7c. Cape Spear,, lo Itoyal Fish Oo., al 13.80c and 7c. STEAMER WENT DOWN CHIIISTIANA, June 17 Twenty persons, mostly women and children, were drowned when lhe Norwegian mail steamer Haakon Jnrl was sunk yesterday nfter u collision wilh (lie steamer King Harold, Silbeoribe for IU Dally News. Applause That Town They Will Business Through section unlirMie was stricken down, ond he pased the torch along to the people of his home town willi every confidence that they would give him a majority on Friday equal ut least lu thai Iwhich would he rolled up by the lelcelor lu .the north. Hon. Mr. Pattullo eitiphasized 'that the present was the time for isettling the local questions. The jfate of the goernnlent did not enter into Hie election as Prc- jmier Oliver would be returned jwith Mich a majority as would place hi government in complete Icon I rot over all factions. The development of Hie grain trade llie said was the greatest thing which had come to British Col 'iimbla in many years, u was a ;bulnc which would spread to ; Prince Huperl and with tbo de velopnvnl of I lie, trade out nf tin' northern port. Prince George. wduliLbe arrally beni'Tittcd. Mr, PanullA)Ytrm out strongly in favor of JliA completion of the P.O.H. Ilalluiiy. PATTULLO STRONQ ON THE ISLANDS Arrivals from Masselt Intel this morning stale Hint Paltullo is running very strong on the Islands. He will have VJ clear majority at Porl Ch'Hieuls, Hie place where Ncwlun talked the hall empty, and at Buckley Hay lie will have a large balance tu the good. They say I here thai Newton is impossible, according to the same aulhorily. SCULLION IS ASCOT WINNER Audlem Also Won Big Gold Vase With 650 Sovereigns Added ASCOT 1IILVITI, June 17. Scullion, owned by O. Hardy, ut Stakes -of 2.000 run today. Lord WolavliiKlon's Kcror- came second wilh Sir Henry Larson's IMiwuui third. A gold vase of 250 sovereigns wilh 550 sovereign added, was won by U. F. Kcnyon'x Audlem al 100 to 7 ajralnst. Taltersall's Baton Houge camo second, wilh W. M. Ouxnlel'x Pullemlen third. THIRD INTERNATIONALE REASSEMBLING TODAY MOSCOW, June 17. - Sixty countries, including Great Brit ain and Canada, are represented in the firth congress of the third Inlcrnallonale which opened here today. GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP SA.N FHANCISCO. Juno 17. Willie Hunter, former British amateur golf rhaniipiou, lias decided to enter the PaciHc North west golf championship com' menciug Juno 22. Hunter is : resident of Jos' Ac PRIZE WINNERS FOREST ESSAY Winners ut f!rt prizes in the Provincial Forestry department essay competition in (his district go in each case to the very small -ehools in oullying sections. Miss Vera. M"ltuies of .North Hulkley gets-( lie High School prize, Miss ; .Nancy I'eece of Iriflwol selMMil' near Smithers gi-ts Hie prize int the senior frade and F.lvin llraalen ot L'nclia Val- Icy beat aH.coiiiel,s iu.llic Inter- mediate grade. The complele list of winnerM follow: " High School . ' .- - M. J. Verna Mclnnls, Norlli Hulkley. f; 2 Lilian J. P. Taper, Pacific. 3 Leifur hrblh-lfson. Ocean Falls. Hon, mention: iternlce Stock-forl, Porl Clenieuls and Alice Pillsbury, I'rinco liupcrt. Senior Grade I -Nancy B. piivce OriflwooJ Cr-ek. f Mary H. Vi1miii.' Kitsum- gallum. n 3 Boridby "Palmore, Prince Huperl, . Iloil. nienllm'i: Niirina V. Scale. Huckley Bay and Joan W. Vel Prince llupert., Intermediate Grade 1- Elvin Braalu, L'ticha Valley. -Y 2 Sheila Stewart, piinee llu pert. ., 3 Oeorge Minns, Prince Ilu. pert. f Hon mention: Mmiica Leresch Stroatham, near Ootna Lake and Hose Cane, Anyox. British Cqmmons Take Issue ) With lords and Return Ml Without Change: no Election MIXIKLN, June, 17. The after debuting the government eviction of tenants bemuse of iiou of unemployment, rejected all the House of Lords. Liberal voles supported the turns lo the. House uf Lord in The Labor (lyveniment will still be in jxiwer in llie fall in llm opinion of Premier Macdonald, who declared in Hie House of Commons, he was perfectly certain the November session would be reached without a general election. Newton Says to Retract False Statement Would be. Awkward for him Ross McKay Reports Ileferriug o the statement that has been prominently published by S. M. Newton, the Uowser candidate, that Boss Mackay had been repudiated as the official Provincial party candidate in this district, Mr. Mackay staled this ufternooit to the Daily News that lie had taken the matter up with Mr. Newton and requested him to retract thai statenieuL Mr. Mackay explained to Mr. Newton that he had credentials .that would prove Mr. Newou's statement entirely untrue and these credentials he offered to .show Mf.' Newton but the latter refused lo see them 011 the grounds thai he was loo busy. "H you are he gentleman I think you lo be I am sure you wilt relracl your stalemenl wilh the same publicity with which you made it." Mr. Mackay reports A Public Will he held iu lhe EMPRESS THEATRE, Thursday, MEXICO TOLD TO WATCH HER STEP .abor Government Is Not on Very Pleasant Terms With Republic LD.MiO.N, June 17. premier Macdonald slalei) in Hie House of Coinm'ou thai Hie British goverumet regarded (he action or the Mexican governinenl against Herbert Cummins, British agent ill Mexico, as a grave breach or iulcruatioiia I courtesy. The premier said lie informed llie Mexican government that hi Hie event of its lakiug steps against Hummins in which Britain did not concur the mission of Sir Thomas Hopler to Maxico might be cancellelj. HELICOPTER IS SUCCESS Hovers For Several Minutes at Ten to Fifteen Feet From Ground ALDERSHOT, June 17 The helicopter built by Louis Bremen, the English Inventor, for the air ministry had a successful tryout today. The plane hovered at a height of from ten to fifteen feet above ejeeund for several minutes. Elaborate precautions were taken to keep the trial a secret. It was witnessed by half a dozen experts. House of Commons last night. bill for the prevention nf the - paymenl of rent, as Hie result amendments proposed by the (ioverumenl and 'the bill re lis original condition. that he told Mr. Newton. "Now that would be a ve'ry awkward thing tor me to do, Mr. Mackay, wouldn't. it?" the Bowser candidate is reported to have replied, Meeting June 19, of PATTULLO of Lands. at 8.15 p.m. In the Interests Hon. T. D. Minister Opposition Candidate are Invited tu Address the Meeting. Seats Reserved for Ladles. Everybody Welcome. - -. -. - . , . ,: .7, . . , Elevator Concern is Busy in Old Country Getting Plans for Building at this Port It seems as if the Prince Huperl drain and Klevalor Company wilh head offices in London, Kngtand, is actively engaged in promoting the interests of the concern over there. A clipping has been received in Hie city from Glasgow from the "Industrial Oaily News" as follows: LO.NlJO.N, May 21. An Inipurtanl project for the 'construction of a large grain elevutor at Prince llupert, British Columbia, is now under negotiation. The promoter of the scheme is U. A. Copping, who has been coiidiicling the negotiations with the Prince llupert Board of Trade -t.. and the Canadian National Hail- Pl&TPCT VATUT Mr. Coiming recently arrived in (his country, and has registered the- Prince Huperl Grain and Klevalor Syndicate, I. hi., of which details were given in Hie "Industrial Daily News" for May 22. Interviewed at Sentinel House, Si nit tin riiritmi Hun l.fifiil.m W It I, Hie registered ollice of the Syndicate, Mr. Copping explained that the Prince llupert scheme is one involving aboul E,00,000. Ho- various oarlies rnnrpriw-o are now practically agreed, and HW l,er lo ,,e iUe fine!,l P'ivale certain negotiations which Mr. U,al ev,'r e,Uere,, liriMl Copping has been conducting '""""a waters wa 4 he cruiser wilh the Canadian .N7,(7onal Hail- amona which was In porl over-ways are likely lo be concluded al n,fMt .boU1"1, from bo,a' a"-an early dale, a high o.llcial of ?,na- ,0 Aiiel-Ofasre, Alaska, with I he Hailw ays being sho--tly ex- ,,er, ow",'cr- Mr- H,,,.e- a retired peeled in London. r?a .l's,a e ma" of, the Syndicale has undertaken lo erect storage capacity of 500,000 bushels, and machinery eapable of dealing with 1:000,006 bushels, to allow for future ex- tensions. II is proposed, however. nff "eu ,or a pleasure trip along said Mr. Copping, lo double these figures, and lo construct storage ther -Ma9an coas- , 0f 120 gross tonnage and 80 for 1.000,000 bushels, and inslaP, on register, the Samona is 120 machinery capable or handling - ,. ,, ...,.,' 1, feel long and Is propelled by three J?" Q&ptotoM :tn--lional lnf sclews. Wed r P e .Wie ,UP al lhe Pr,nc! UuPerl Loal .Ul'U.lll'l? UUSIICIS. Th-nlractrWrthc'Cosrue- wilik. eouijTrlslhg .,alnl .he extensive rei.rforced con- . . crele siruclure or llie elevalor,, ..,..11.., i.i.1. v.T.arf. un.1 r,l' siding accommodation will pro bably .be entrusted to the North ern Construction Company, ot Vancouver, though no final de- eiion has been made. Similarly, the installation of lie machinery, and the general laying out of the elevator, will carried out by Ill's John S, Melcair Co' Lid., of 51. St. Francis Navier Street, Montreal, but here, again no, definite, onler has been given. Mr. Copping is prepared to consider offers ot machinery and equipment 'suitable for an elevator oT this size. The power will be electric, current being ob tained from the city supply. Offer from firms willing loa undertake the supervision or the scheme, or lo carry out Hie complete work, would also receive consideration. Prince llupert has a population ot 0,303, is a Pacific terminus of the Canadian National Hail. .ways, situated aboul 350 miles 1 north of Vancouver. It has a Jgood harbor, open all lhe year round, with 7,010 reel or wharfage and a Grand Trunk Pacific dry dock, 600 reel by 30 reel deep witli a capacity of 20,000 tons. Four steamship companies have regular sailings us well as local t rattle. POSTAL EMPLOYEES ' VOTE FOR WALKOUT ..... . . TOHO.NTO, June 17 uuiciais of the Dominion executive f the Canadian federation of postal! employees indicated last night thai returns from t lie strike vole received so far, including a large portion of the Dominion, has shown a majority for a walk, out if the schedule is ad tie red to. LEAGUE BASEBALL American League New York I, Cleveland 2. Boston o, Detroit 3, Philadelphia 2, St. Louis 10. Washington 8, Chicago . National League Pittsburg 1, Boston 9. Chicago 3, Philadelphia 8. Cincinnati i Brooklyn 5. St. Louis 2, New York 7. ON COAST WAS HERE MONDAY """-oa ojr newrea lot ngeiea Business man,penv l,,n m rorv . . i . described by those who ,' a"" , ,,,,1,,7'VI?, "u,e " ' "V" ;-'- f'1 h1ere al15, 0 ,asl ec"; u ,nv"-"au VB:. "r- rh,'r . 13 'u la an, lionse. ... , ,, 'the Aflpr Completing Alaska cruise, Mr. Hole contemplates a. trip around the world on luo Samona. GERMANY MUST PROVE FAITH Must Show That She Means to do Right Before Report put Into Effect PAIHS. June 17. Gavea Doumergue, Hie new president of, France, in his first message to parliament today declared that Germany before the reparation experts' report is put into efrect must prove tier good fuitli and not rrom mere engagements without previous assurance of rullil- mcnt. LITTLE OPPOSITION HON. T.D. PATTULLO QUEEN CHARLOTTES General Agent of Insurance Com pany Finds Sentiment Favor of Government Candidate Lillle opposition lu Hon. T. D. Paltullo is to be expected on Ouecn Charlotte Islands, according lo Kenneth Ferguson, general agent of the Imperial Life Insur ance Co. who arrived home from there last night. He spent a week 'on the Islands ami finds, every ..I.... i.- vaM S 1 1 il IWlttfT fun II... vv -miuii IV7I IHI7 government candidate. Ross Mackay Prov. Party Candidate, Will speak tu METROPOLE HALL TONIGHT At 8 on Party Policy. New'ton' charge ' or -"Selling Out" ami Hepudiation will be answered, Mayor Newton and Liberal representative invited; also tho ladle.