PAOR BIX. OGDENS CUT PLUG NOW PACKED IN . ALWAYS THE SAME Beer by the Jlb.TIN Glass ogden's liverpool WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 TOM MIX in "THE LONE STAR RANGER" By Zane Grey. Once again Torn ;mi his Winder II re "Tony" romp through a tirr.Ujf story i rom.tcfo- idvcnturr. X dramatic laic of tearless men in . tVar-insnirtrf country. The Lone Star Slate, when bullets were more valuable thaw, life lkring. resolute gallant and valorous were the men of the Tas l.afcgrrs, A photo-play deleting a man's sparking courage and a woman's lasting Ioxx Rillie Dove and strong casL Imperial Comedy "Monks A La Mode. International News Admission 35c and 10c It's Cheaper It's Better It's Draught It's Colder It's a B.C. Product s ;?s-ugrs re now: IV-iitct tvr irm Ihe Injovr lorr is too rusnr. Insist on 5c Beer They havr tlte equipment lo Veep il rvnl ami vl-aUWe It is to tmIVy to tie carhrvl a rvmMrrd with the enll sckAces uf spirits. But Still More Important ncer n uie is s a temerance measure. It is dc-Mptel first ami foremost to rvtluce the con mi nipt ion l dil(llct srts anj their in sacc to foster av a subtHtite. the dnnkmg of malt lvcrapes r a low i kvkvvc cxMttenl. IncHtentaily beer is a lUli lrvJucl I mi miHtey svent on it remains in this vroviuce. i MODERATION LEAGUE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Gordon Ross, Sec'y., PROPOSE PAVE ATLIN AVENUE Bylaw to bo Introduced Providing for Work In Westvlew The oily council decided lusl nlphl, (n motion of Aid. Collail seconded by Aid. Casey, In have Urn Hoard of Works consider Hie lulvlsuhillly of brinping in a local improvement bylaw to provide ror Ihe paving of Allin Avenue front Morse llrrek bridge i Sevonlhecnlh Sltrfl. The mailer was brouphl in cornier I ion with the adutnrini.' of bylaw providing for (lie paving! of All in Avenue from Seventeenth Street to Van A'rsdol Street. AM. Cmv suld that all of Atlin Ave wa In h bail condition ami AM. Kvill tuulificd that statement. refcrrutg particularly to the dau-ecrous section between the bridge and Ihe junction of (Sruh.-tm Ave-. Motorist using the present plank roadway there had expressed the fear thai the street on the curve might give away and I here- would 1h? serious consequences if ears were preefpatatrd into the milly at that oinl. It vvas accordingly decided after further technical ilicuslon to take lej 'toward having a paving bylaw inlroduc- ed. Local improvement bylaw pro viding for I lie paving if Has t'ove Avenue. Hays t'-ove Circle. Kighlh Avenue West and Hilton Street hMvveen Hie Kiftli Avenue Sixth Avenue lane and Kighlh Avenue were further advanced. COUNCIL DISCUSSES ! HOSPITAL FINANCES In answer io a i-omunimcalioti from S. K r.a-'npltcil. chairman of i tie li.'sniiai txa'i finance f"mhi "if askig f t- a better Uiiiler- ai ilinc wrii re.spe.-i ! Cash & Carry Scma of Our Regular Prlcas Swift's Premium Ham, per lb 30c lUt er tin . . 30c IVas and I'orn. 3 tuu . . 50c Tomatoes. JH , j tms 50c (ihiranlclU's Chocolate, t lb. tins 50c CltirartlelU's Uiocoiat. 3 lb. tins $1.40 Sweet I'ieklcs. J5c quart 11 1 SOc Fets Xaptba Soa 90c Hidsway's Tea .. .. .. 90c Farmer' Tea just a good 65c L-ganberrie. Js 25c Strawberries, 5. 5 for f 1.00 Strawberries. J's. 5 for $1.00 Small White Means. I lbs. fr 25c Itest Jap Hire. 10 lbs. . . 75c I'bnic Hams. pr lb. ... 20c lleint Scr pickles. VUe value 35c Jetty lvwtfer. jrr Vt. 90c Assorted Pare Jams, t Hi. tin 75c Phore Blue 42S. Orders of $5.00 Delivered FarmersMarket SPECIAL WEEK on No. Terrace Potatoes Xc I Trtra-.- ls.iaties. jwr It 525 No I Teicare IVrtatoes. So lb $1.25 We recommeiMl to yvi No. t )amQ- Hutler. One of the best butters on the market, tiive it one trial and hj will reet your onler. No, I IVomtmy 1 tatter, per H 40c No. I lonomj HuUr, er 5 lbs 75c N 1 t'xonomy Uutbsr. ter per It IU Imx .... $4.75 ur l'resh Meat depart -ie ? is at ur service and tsi j!ir insteeiKta. Ml heavy rters deliveml iive ns a trial ECONOMY STO IE Phone S, 411 Slh E. Till DAILY NRWft Tuesday, June J 7, tOSt, Optician and Optometrist If troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANGE of Glasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years experience. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think It over. If not satisfied return them and get your money back less 10 per cent. Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Induce menL SILVERWARE A targe shipment Just arrived. Moderate prices, latest designs. Max Heitaer Diamond Specialist the financial aiUn-e the city will sive in coiiuection with rc-mii to te efriclel at the hospital in compliance with recttiu-iiieiolalions of the provincial fire marshal, the city cHiiieil last niiMil dccidinl tu retterale the stand fonuerly takrn rceoiii-meihlin? that the hoptlal ixNtn borniw the money weeessary frmii the bank and nreed with Hot work on lUi uuderslandinz that the eily will make a further pranl at the end of the year if such I necessary. AM. Col I art felt that Ibe city sary. Aid. Casey dbl not ce what clearer unferstaHttinf; lh law-pilal board evabt want. Net Safe or' Necessary The mayor Lfceti sucselijl that the rost iavtttve! be ascertained by Ihe eily ami hospital finamr eomHiittre and that the eily asree lo defraT tl. This ucetk met with the ofoi-li.i of AM.' tMlart on the ground thai il wa neither afe nor nedessary. llie eily w.mld not permit bsnifal bills to so u it paid. At Ihe 4m& of last year the council had dome lo the assistance of the hospital board with an additional i-'rant anil it woubl do so azalfl this year if necessary. AM. Manlonahi felt that the hospital board wtHihJ not exenl any more money I ban was neces sary' a'Hl that Ihe matter nujilit le left lo it. The word of t counetl that tl woubl be lak n care f if necessary wmld ! suITicieut be tboticht. Liquor Profits AM. MrMimlie pnlel .ml ilu' the liqiKir nfMs KOins t- iu hpital larl ibU year wi- lereaier than attt IctpatH and ' Iniishl not e ixcessary ! P'a jibe Jiospitat any further (ue certainty was aot in lav: d.'inc o if it ) not neeesyT lln nniion of AM. U 1 1 a : ' secmtel by M. MrMirnli !ic f.-rmer sland ( the cHiiiril was rf-iierated. RIYIDLS ON TRIAL TODAY ; Having successfully unUerp c. ,ber dock trials the ftixnlis. r- (ml of lh fisheries atrol cruis- er built at Ihe dry dock here. -ool on her tnal-lrip uday. Th ixeset i beta? ifiven a sa-hiir corrtinuous run and aboard her are J. H. Pillsbury, maaaser -f jibe dry' dock, Mr. 0hui. "-npn. -r superinle4nl. and John W Allen, engineer fr the fisheries aVpa rtni cat. The Rirsdis wsH leave in a fw days to le rsansbae! n service with headquarters at a -n lUy. H. S Osmeron will be the overseer H. T I. Patlulro it expected lo return l JJrioce HcH or XVesrnoday aflfFRoon after asl- resstnp a larj- ansl xecy frea.Hj mssriuiF fripce tieorjre. He alx. ske St Terrace Salarslay RiFW aban? Wrtneh. i Suhertbe t tie DsBy Ns- LOOKS FOR ERA OF DEVELOPMENT HERE Former Postmaster Back From Toronto Says Prince Rupert Will Qet Many Tourists It. I.. Mcintosh, former poft-mnstcr here, who returned lttl week from Toronto, expects to re- main in the city indefinitely, lie is looking for a period of rapid development hero ind say that the port is comuiandiHR a lot of attention in Hie l'.aL With the building of a louri' ship by the C.N.Il. fur the Alaska business, Mr. Melntuh think that a hotel here will be the next logical development and that it will bnuK a preal volume of tourist buslnes to the city. A. T. Ituinholt plrudcd cuil'y in the city police court yesterday o a charge of assault iiik M.vMc titl'M'ii u f ikmiox Avi-iiue and a bound over In the sum of tnoo mi tiis own recotniiHlice In keep the peace fur six otoliths. r was ato wnli'mt .. ltve ttie i iiy' which he did. gttiiiK I'nt on la! niphl s train. tratat. Iter lolfe MM., tt f v'rftMk. tun UI UMr . coubl she no more definite un-l lakd act. ueriakinir. in rowncn ne wa Iri.m. ( iioti u sure vohiW give ttte hospital such assistance as wns necessary at the end of the year. Aid. ManlotsaM rwMiel I bat he hail explained his views to the hospital beard that Ibe eily LU4. e. r. jm.s. ot i-ierk la sivmu uae Puinri. Iwi M Nrt mt C4i. iaa Miat UBftau uad. Ttte Sotlcr latl ilnm t St WW tad Jtan Mratts. rf Msaer rrl (mfltnti MMarua ttral tad ntt. la- Mat tl t aMawa tl aw ati m t tT ti mw rin raa r taeiau iita4 in assistance at the end of Ibe year. iuna; naj tMommt Ow mmmio of . . nm law ! tuih mrr liar tment iiteeiinj: me wmmc c-i of HHmt to iw pf' t nanMKon 'impnocnients projected if neee. There i scarcely any letlinjr locally hi lln clectlwn. Any money that is lieiu? put up is on the majority that' I'allulbi will receive. len f peple have btfti trying to set trai;M lH hi Paltullo but there seems to be no money ottering. tmc coneoaATioa or tmi cm Of raimcc auetaT. Ttr uUrr llMt I HU l lviHII Ufn- Uw txtiirti uf 11m r.l nt marr RMssrt r-ts-ruar tk Tut i.iwtu ! ihr tUitr at runrlratltt Mr Buy ta lu.Jr mm fir i nn, tad an cssnuas la tomlwt I llu BMtirr K Milted b it ttmi Slt. t utj artl na Vmin taS ntltam t.teu ren. awr r w t e. a.visiTm a ivje s!' " i ti Hua a.' MhI rtni. rr w. t vvtuJAMs, Afrat W itti. WATER NOrtCC. (OittrsWa t4 Um TUC Villi! thai Maaar a "'' a an art tr. ul. awl o- r aatrr MM mt m aataa t 'ail Ta tlr win Se attarass ma Ua pmm4 M pmal ttaaat f fisH aarta nt Mr aortk .! mr nt MrV HI 7, aua Oarva I'jMrtnltr l.tuxl. tad WW Iw a4 far MMta.truU aarrw m tttr Uad r rrit-sl a aavk tt ti I 7. aua tl. var CturMM Istaaa. Tin. aWr at. aioOsI mi or r fun ad lis ilia air mt Iff I. A nai uf Ibo anwrr .ml aa IM rim par .MM tarrrtr, aat ta lk -Wtlrr in tail - via t rtM ai ar -trvr r lis. Wtarr nwawtir tl Craarr ttmfrx tana in itv aaamraunfi aii tf nM vnS Or mm Wttrr tfrnUr nr alts Skr ar wiw mrM. pmBMi naiwiars. xa-twtt. nr. anaaa nrt- d. atarr la rrl aaVraar UkM aanrr a a kat arser. Tn ! if ia rirsl HMritka at IkH KnUrr H Xt tia Itti. h a. avatxamv AataaranL Dainty Dorothy would mention Our real courttous attention HHiabb- w-ifc fan p' fr -an.! ;:!!.. " e ))ai i.ay -xi'---' ni a' t) S Sli 'p e at'1" x -- a i i- t , .mm Wit S7T 0: I'to-iK- ., rait f..; y -ur garments. If ywu want to r. u f er with u about clean, in? ur advice is alwas at Your r-innian.1 Our rapH rbsariinr an.l ,nrssu r.-t mn i -jlr .ri-el. PHONE ft KVhJ 60X392 St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Arenes. I Cash and Carry Specials for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday THESE SPECIALS WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (No Deliveries) (No Telephone Orders) Until Further Notice this store win open at 8.30 a.m. and Close at 5.30 p.m. dally. $4.95 Three Day Special on Men's BROCK HATS s k I. tteil ami I ;c.J, All sue-' lie? l.00 an I ' ?-.. 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON BOYS' SUITS. We tire gi'ittor to reilio c our loi k, of llovs' S , Uiis three da h'i mI. Kverx suit marked at reg our entire slink s on sale. Included in otir r,,i e-Fatuous Artrrufl .Sml lor Ihtvs, m Fancy F,iib1iIi Serges, Tweeds, lliimespuii, and Fox. Serj:es; S lioiilile llrcaslcd. Also tuauy with extra liloomo -.' tu a. See This Line In Our Window. 95c Men's Work Shirts 95c We have doxi-n- l .i.t.l !u.c of nik SIim liriikcn iiiics. . 1 1 1 ihms: t a . Hcfr . t: v.iliie. Ml sues in this oL HAMSTERLEY FARM PUnE STRAWBERRY JAM k lb Puis 65c each. I. Mint tin- lo each nstonter. flu sale 11 M- h ssSaaaaaaaaaaaaaV Ladies' Shoes fui u k. r i." Shtc ami joor i are reasonable ." Never a d br rrcetve nnt-uinplilileiil lUdtfs .Sh- Icj 3 DAY SALE OF Women's White Bleached Duck One Strap Pumps wilh li.ilff lUbbcr Heel . . Sale Price Women's Whit Canvas One Strap Pumps - W tf latent leather Trimmings jlalf llnbber , Sale Price Women's White Canvas Pumps Women's White Canvas Oxfords Slmti Vnii- uilMI ,ir lieel Sate Price Women's White Canvas Oxfords, i.r One sir; P'trnj-s While tUnrred l.ttis Heel. Sale Price Women's White Canvas Oxford With ltr a Le ithci Tcimmnip- nJ Heel Sale !' t SIM 9Sc $45 SZ.75 $i5 Cornflakes, 3 packages 25c On s.ii. at sti.c Icjd Huck Towels 55c Per Pair It iid ue.-.4rx t.. protU-m n-ni the It -xahat a re.l c ml Iht- iv The siie i X::. av.'l Ue p tit is limited. i our tvi e is to thse ho rre t is to pet here early. GIRLS' SPORT FLANNEL PLEATED SKIRTS W ith sfdeiidid H"tlitv t""dt..n T in Sand. I'ca- ocs . Sixes. C to t xcirs Spedsl SJ Handbags I'artu ulariv plcasmjr are these latest arrivals--de? 5 an-i shades to miiI the must tastHlnni- tatr fruit cxer jjKjlar "palenl" to the most iqi-lo-datr flat "T 1 l -i.ter Arm" in Hlark ami White and all Black Hr Ihers in genuine jnl skins with cute little hand-' I k-'i on fe outside. Prices Ranging from to 1&25. Fels Naplha Soap, H m . artoi: Special, 75c earU Lmtit txv- eai b nier. On Sale in Un I Universal Trading Co. WaUh for Change of Advt. on Wednesday.