1AV Tiutrylny, Qrliiir 30, let PAGE TV0 '-.TKH DATL7 irTSVS ... , ; n m , --rr-r-- . y, , . ALASKA ELECTION 1 I Swhit PEsrntfTio.N or rnnrrnTT. i it nave or rr.nsit.N tAssnssrn. t ii NOVEMBER FOURTH TAX SALES Appeal Made to Elect Progressive Republicans In that Territory Prince Rupert people will be interested hi the election next week in Alaska where an appeal is being issued on behalf of the Progressive Republicans, (he men who are opposed to try ins lo force business out of its natural channel in order lo benefit the sicamsliin. railway and other in tcrests which are exploiting Al aska for their own benefit- Fol-Invvinir is' the anneal made throuirli the Alaska Fisherman: , "Fishermen, miners, working men. the ,1 small businessman, must remember that our victory is not complete until after the November election. November is the late. The following men are your candidates, pledged to protect vour interests. There is great danger in scratching: Dan Sutherland, for Delegate to Congress; John Ruslgard, for Attorney fieneral; Forest J. Hunt,, for Senator; William. D: Glint,' for Hepre sentative; v '. D. Ferguson, for Represen tative; - - Perry M. Hern, for Represen tative; William I,. Paul, for Represen tative. We stand for Alaska for Alas kans in a real sense; abolishment of the fish trap; a lax on non resident . fishermen; the Con troller Rill; Flection of all prin cipal Territorial ollicers; a decent workmen's compensation law; a fair and equal tax, on all industry without favoritism; abolishment of the J. R. lleckman scheme of closing the . fishing season on August 20, this last as being un fair to rannerymen and fisher men. being in the interests of traps, and not a correct conser vation measure for "If you bree late fish, you will get late fish Sidelights on a Great Industry A BAR TO INDUSTRIE PROGRESS A conrplrf? consonsus of Ihc husinps-i men of Hritish Columbia, outside the lumber industry, see in the 'limber rioy.-tlties Act of 101S a very serious obstacle indeed tn the industrial progress of the T'nivince. Important trade organizations all over 1U". have none on record a, demanding the removal of Ihe impedimenta in the Act to the free expansion of our trade and commerce. II is agreed that when conditions seem favorable, as they now do, for a trade revival it is peculiarly unfrjrlunate thai Ihe presence on mir statute book of this out-of-date piece of experimental legislation should threaten to paralyze tjie chief purchasing power of Hie province. Apart from being an all-round hindrance to improved business cniiilil ions the present Timber Hoyallies Act has many inherent defects that justify its amendment. 1 It i" a pre-war instrument which .is mil applicable to a postwar eriinonric situation. In com-on with many other 1911 measures it has no justification for exisiance in the vastly different conditions of today, f i 2 II is founded on an absolutely unsound pconomic basis. Hoyall.y is essentially a levy on a raw material. The present Act taxes wages, equipment and every factor entering into the cost of producing and distributing the. manufactured product. There Is no precedent for a measure of Ibis nature. , The H.C. laimber Industry is due for a revival cwl lb resultant fcood business all round. Hut the Iloyally Act of 1011 effectively bars the way. This -scries of articles-communiealed by the Timber Industries Council of Ilritish OolumMa. V.. J. Conway, field .engineer for Ihe flranby Co., velurned to the city from Siiiilbers on last niKlii s train and will proceed lo Anv x on the Venture this Sales of Land for Unpaid Delinquent Taxes in the Prince Rupert Assessment District I 1IEHEBY f.IYE NOTICE tlut, on Wednesday, the lth .November, A.H. 194, at the hour of 10 .in., at the itfrice of'tlMi ....... i ... ii....... ,n ..... .. ifi... it..,....i 11 r i u-ill ell t Putill,. Ani-tlnn the land mi the 111 licreiliaricr set OIIU I I U 111 Id I .lll l-lI , III IITC l.llj ... I c ,,i,.r ,, a ... . -. . .... ...... . . - - .... ..p i... ........., t.. ik. i.t ii.,. itmMjn.rui, a.i ..., r...- (.( itiiini iiii.i iiiiiiaiil liv unlit tterMifL iitl lib Hllln dav III Jlllie. 'IVVli and for Uiteresl. penalty, cost and eiiieiises, inriudlns; the cost fur advertising- said sale. If the total amount due for the period t-iiillnfr 3 11 neccniDer, ttgi, is not Hiiir paid. ..... . Tlx' Collector will Iw pleased to receive any Inrorniallon reKpertlnr the rollowinir Hal where the owner was a uirinher or the Allied. Forres and entitled to the benefits of Section til of the "Taxation Act," 10. NAME OF FEHSON ASSESSED. firlffin, Arthur Edwards. E. Horace .. Oalliene, V. E Conkey. Bober Arthur Morrison, J. It. Conkey, John A Uuritsnu, reler Robinson, George Oray, niatlrs n. K. Tlm-oder. VaUrni- . Sklllen, W B, "5s'v1v " . . i.'i . . . Klndlay, Durham & Brodle riiullay. Uurnam . isronie Lockerhy. Cordon Clark, W. II .Mrkcniie. Mann ; co. uo. Iloundy. Frank It orlh Const Land Company newm v sons, i.m J. A. Wood. l. i. MeArthiir. C Reynard, J i Jin .McLean, aiia n. ,ie.nniir Doyle. Ilrnry Bacon. F. O Hevan, Arch A : Corbet!, C. V Hevan, Arch A ." Hath. Oeorire . . Irvine, John Thnrnhlll .. imyie. rranm r .. Lenhardt, 11. I) F.llarott, C. II Clark, i. It Kurkwell, Martin Tallerday. Walter U; . Seolt, ll k. S. . . . Seolt, Miss. K. S. ... Moore. Frank Wlsi,n. W. Bldirway llauke, k'nute L Lynch. W. J Fluiunierfelt, A. C. ... Flummerfelt, A. C. . . . Flummerfelt, A. C. . . , nithet, H. I Kllhet. It. I'. Kliiinnierff It, A. C . . Flomniei felt, A. C. . . Flummerfelt, A. C. flray, .John II. . 4'4 t' . i .North Coast Mod Company, Limited North Coast land -Coiupany, Limited North Coast Land Company, I.I mi tot .North Coast Land Oiuipany, Limited North Coast land tympany, Limited North Coast Uod Company, Limited North Const Land Company, Limited North Ooast Land Company. Limited .North Coait Land Company. Limited North Coast Land Company, Limited .North Coast land Company, Limilc.1 .Nnrth Const Laud Collllianv. Limited Farm Lands Investment Company, Limited .North Coast Laud Company, Limited North Coast Land Company, Limited North Coast Land Company, Limited North Coast Land Company, Limited North Coast l-Jnd Company, Limited North Coast land Company. Limited .North Coast land Company, Limited North Coast land Company. Limited North Coast Land Company, Limited Sclinur. Philip I' Scbniir. Philip P North Coast Land Company, Limited Klllikle, John C Hunkle, John C Slater, Amos B Miller, Charles Howe, J. A Keith, James Cooper (Estate) Cattleman, S. J. .'. Castleman, S. 1 - Caslleman, S. J Keith, J. C. (Estate) Yonnr. D. B. (Estate) Har?e, J. L Tavlnr. Fredk. Oeorire Jenkins, Florence L. E Sorenwn, E Humphrey. Frederick Ward, ll. T peers, lionald Arthur . Ilolroyd, James .E v... Arkenbach, J. C. Uklnftin, Thomas n. Uarner, Wilson (Estate) i Huntlnr, Wm. Oeo.. Joshua, Mary Jane, -siarioa a. aim rniuer rpiMm . Slples, pies, L. L. J. 1. . .. . .V .V..... ....... .Itu iuklM-s, James Abwlml i,V.'. ;'-.'''' nhvs-. Plillllii.JAiBeS r'. -v'Vi -,j3('cS,1 II ll he; Clark. T. F. Pliimli, Oeorre F. . Sewall. Samuel I). Kimball, Oeorire . . . Pavldson, John C. Otituhar, ,Fred. Michael .......... SI Hirer, Joseph Vanliesputte, Emit Mrllmoyl, Oeirre Wood. William Henderson, Alex ' Siarov. Oeorire k'ayama, Katsuzn k .Noda, Tamylro Keere, Pat lick O McCltinr, llerlierl Bobert Wakerield, Thomas Alex Storks. F. M haw sun. William James Martin, James Iiawson, Mrs, Jane Irrlnir, James nobert Irvlmr, James Bobert McCoy, Lena , Summers, S. ill summers. S. II t Jensen. Jen. niriuirt, Jonathan Holmes, W. C Holmes, r.eorre. , McCoy. Ij-na Weslman, John Summer. S. H smith, Alice M flsre. Mrs. W. !V Thlsilethwalte. .Charles. (Estate) .... smith, Alice M snillh. Alice M Hurt. F.lhel S. fEstate) lames, Mrs. W. II J... enen. Jen Jensen, Jen Pslrd. Mrs. oeiilne ,A anroTTiees. S. 'H Thltleihwlte, Estate of Chas, li.'ld. B. M 7 Tnnnlev. Cora nmiivaiH. nr. James Calder, Ponald Mclntvre Alet n. Woortcnller Oiistave 4' LIST OF PROPERTIES! shout DEScmrTio.N of rnorEHTY. RANQE 2, COAST DISTRICT. Lot till). 160 ac RANQE 3, COAST DISTRICT. Lot Ui, Asd. Lot (i. .45 acre! Lot 14, Her. io. 3lJr L.lt.K. VlrturU .76 acre IM 8, N4. SIS acre WV4 of .NW'54 Stf. SO. Township I, 4.tfl acre of Fr. H4 of SVi4 Section 4, Township I 4U acre EV of SKVi Section 4, Township , -t acre oi RANQE 4. COAST DISTRICT Lot 308. I'art of .Northerly I'orllon. SI.7S acre RANQE 6. COAST DISTRICT. Section if. niojji i. 34 acres ..." Section s, Ithifk I, to acres S, Assd. Lot H t.OS arres Ixit IV. Southerly lurtkm, 9 acres of .. Lot 6, liifl. (4 Interest In 136 aerei ... Ijni iui, i imi. ft 'inicreM in ii aciT .. Lot 1 1 . 7 acres of Lot l7, I5S acres Lot SB, 360 acres Lot 514. IS acres Lot 1311, 160 arres 11 tSl E 1'ortti.n, 7S.i acres Lot 131 W I'c.nlon, 100 acres Lot 136, 1,55.3 acres Lot tltf, 1 7 1. I'll acres I.t 1948, 136.6 acres 1,1 ?i35. 141 arres ,. Lot 73. ItnsMlxlivhleil poril-in le lllrhl-of-way, 11.09 actes Lot 88. 106.06 acres IM 4 44, ISO acres Lot J40, :J0 acres Ixit 3070, 74.4 srres Uit 309S, 344 seres M 3UWB, su7 acres lux 4600. 161.40 acres IM 4IS7. I0 acres 11 4779. 70.6 acres IM 4780. 147 acres Et of SW'M Assd. Let 1. Section II Township I. 13 1-3 seres WW of SV Assd. Lot 1, Sertlon 14 Township 1. 13 1-3 acres NKV; Ad. Ut 3, Sertlon IS, Township 1 i-s acres NWVJ Section 16, Township 1, 37 acre.. xt.Yi section IB. iovnnip l. ita cre. E or Assd. Lot S. Sectlfen 21 inwiikiiin l. u i - j arrrn SWVJ Assd. Lot 4, Section , Townshl I, 6 -3 acres SEW Assd. Lot 6, Section 29. Township t 46 -S arres SWVi. 1- Interest. Secllon 9, .Township I, In 11 acres CASSIAR DISTRICT, Lot 468 fnd. 4 Interest In WVi of Assd ni'KK ll, .x36 arres Lot Mi. IIS arres . . Lot IWI, 30 acres . Lot .40. 30 acres . i.ot t03, 30 arres Lol 101, 610 acres . Lot 105. 640 acres . I.ot 106. 610 acres . Lot 107, 30 acres . Lot lios, 640 acres . imx lov, aiu acres . Lot 11, 640 arres . Lot 113. 64 acres . Lot I SUA. Lucres . I.ot 134, in acres . Lot 13S, 640 acres . Lot issa, so acre .. Lot list. 3o acres . Lot 1335, 40 acres . Ud 1337, 640 acres . lt I33S. so acres . 1339. 640 acres . I.ot l9. 160 acres . Lot I30. 160 arres . Lot 4I9. 640 acres Uit 0, 640 acres- Lot X937, so.3 acres IM 3 40. S. portion 160 acres Uit 3103. S14. 30 acres U.t 3108, S55 acres Uit 3410. 6J3 acres lot 341 1. 384 acres QUEEN 'CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, l.ot IS, Block 3, .8 seres ...... j. IM IS, Block 4, IM acres Uit 15. Itlork , .85 acres lot 15. Block to. 4.6S acres Ut ISA, 0t jcres, F.I. 3 acres shown on, Plan attached to i;. pi j. .-o. ttnn IM 9, i- Int. in 6 acres Uit 308, 4 acres Uit 401, SEV4. 160 acres Lot 410, Block A, 160 acres Lot 417, V of SV' 80 acres Uit SS4. 160 acres Ud 561. SWVi, 160 "" Lot 750. iN'Vi, 160 acres Uit 77., 61.06 acres Lot 863A. KEVi, 10 arres I Ml 867A, SEVi, U-,cre Ud 99. SEV4 or NWVi. cre ... Ud 103, sw,.16fl acres , IM inn MWVi. 155 acres Lf 113 lt) acres ...... m its. jnswi'ii-'. - Uit 135S IJTacrer Uit 1364, 7 acres i fit r.n? ka. acres Lot 1517'sthly. 9 acres as tr I'lnn at tachert to cernriraie no. U.t IBHO. NWVi or SWV 39.6 acres .. Uit IBS, SWV4 ' SEy,. 39.40 acres . i ... itu au. i- Ni-'f. 473 acres Lot 163. xs of s4 of swk & st4 or yL or SBVi.,80 acres Uit 163, SM 'of SH of SWVJ. 39.5 acres Ixt 163 NV4 or NW'4. cre Uit 1633, 68 acres Ixt 1646. 71 acres Ixt 1666 160 acres . . .- Lot 1668, 160 acres Lot 1740, 640 acres Uit 1767. SEV4. 166 acres Ud 1793 NEV, 160 acres Lot 197. 639 acres Uit 1973, 630 seres i... mnt.i m..lr k JKf. acres N' u. end.' V Int. In 30 acres. Sec. 34, Tup ft SV.. Vnd. K int. In 30 acres. Sec. 3. Twp. n , Plan 401, Subdn. ef Part Sections 32, 33, and 4. Townanip i, nnv . , Ixts 19 and f0,. Block A Of Lot : lits 4, 5, Block B of Lot Uits 1, . Block B of Lot 3 U.t 9. .Block A or Uit 4 Lois I In 5. Block A or Ixt 6 Lot I, Block B or Ixt 13 Lot J. Blink B or Lot 13 l ots 9. 10. Block C or Lot 13 Ixt 6. Block B or Lot IB Ud !.. Block C or Ixt 18 U.t I, Block C. or Lot 17 Uit . Block C or Ixt 18 Lois 3. . Bloc C or Ixt 18 lot 9. It lock A or Ixt 10 Ixis S. 6. Block B or Lot 19 Uit 19. Block C or Ixt 19 ixt 1J. Bl.ick n r Lot JO lot 1. nier r. of Ixt JJ Ixis 19. 0. Block ll or l ol 3 i.os s. . in. Block or lot 4 tc 4. . Bine r, or ixt 4 I.ols 8. 9. 10. Block C or Lot J I lot 5 'lck ' Uit 4 Ixts 0. irr! Block n or Lot 5 Ixt 5. Block C of IM 7 Ixt 6. Block A or Ixt 48 pi.n TPS. Sib4llslen ' nd Frse. ,N'ij Section 4, Township VRangs B, lol 9, Blck 9 Ixt II Block Plan 783, Suhillvltlen Lot 80, Bangs 6. Lots IB to 18, Block 6 . S8.00 8.00 4444 3 1,90 41.00 IA'4. 9.61 Ji.00 JO.OO U.OO 6.l VS. .Oil 6S.n 8.71 lis.uo I64.t 36A.0-0 8A.0O fS.OO 16.49 17.50 7.l ,309 1(3,45 14 4.00 1147 ISt.VO .7t 4tUH 7J.O0 8A0 3 s 11.10 IAO.9 1 131. i 37Jrtl 198.6 14.90 17.50 2. 38.93 163.10 1B.30 8J8 . 17.00 10.50 3K.39 56X0 IO.(lO ' iift.00 4 96.00 46.o 488.00 40.00 488.00 4KI.SO 496.S0 4(8.110 3.0 103.94 SIS.OO 64.041 158,59 387. S 517.18 438.48 517.18 18.00 18.00 73ft.U0 736.00 H.ii 1110.60 100.00 313.73 3.30 4 5.00 17.55 116.11) I9.9 78.43 11Jf.l 1 1 0 .00 4.J7 18.00 44.11 14.00 31.43 41.06 39.00 . 1.'0 r,on " .oo 4 0.00 18.00 T.3 1I,00 11:3? , 17.30 497.84 363.00 39.60 39.70 631.10 80.00 .49.25 80.60 717:75 71.00 140.00 t40J)0 30 00 J8.00 18.00 S59.IS 5.M.J5 55.00 160.0(1 160.00 6.00 1i 6 00 5.60 6. (Ml 6.00 6. on 1 6.00 .1.00 t. nn s no 6 oo Jt oo A 00 S.A0 s.oq .6.00 610 5 on .5 0 , c on B 00 6 no 6 on 6.00 6.00 6.00 Z.H 1.47 7",7S nam 7,44 1 8 ,88 1,48 5.44 3.39 -.U4 , Iu.78 16.6ft IIA 1.46 6.C8 7.9 61.10 I3.6H I. 4 .98 3. 9 J.07 1.60 4.37 4.48 1.91 7.0 4. 6 .48.00 l.7t 49.6 7t.33 37.36 3.87 38.30 S3. OS .I7 3.40 68t' 6 "to-SS. 03 M3 4.90 4.90 .9S 1.73 3.69 47.34 15.641 47.36 9i,96 01. if, 98 45.60 9.08 9.3S 9.96 88.9 4.36 33.60 94.7 11.84 47.48 71.19 94.97 79.JO 91.98 3.6A tl.CS I4t.40 14,40 4.45 18.30 46.40 64.36 71.43 ' 4 4.54 6.13 4 6 AC 7.7 31.73 133.68 1.39 .71 B.ll . 8. t.6 5.41 7.77 8.11 10.37 A HQ JUO I , o." 5. I 1 5.16 2 94 3.46 131.79 64.4 6.74 6.76 139.08 13.60 8.98 15.85 lit. 16 1.07 6.0 J6.J0 31.40 5.9 4 B. 104.6 103.14 9.34 7.0 .7.0 ;I;I6 !l.14 .87 1,14 1.16 1.16 .1.14 .87 il 16 .87 1.14 .98 1.14 .87 .87 1.16 1.14 .87 .87 I 14 I .87 I .87 I I 14 1l14 t.16 $2 13.73 13.75 13.75 I3.7S 13.71 13.75 13.71 13.75 13.73 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.75 13.71 13.75 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.75 13.75 13.73 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.73 13.75 13.75 13.75 13.71 13.71 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 J s 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.71 13.73 13.73 13.75 t3.75 t3.75 13.73 13.73 13.73 1 3 is 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.75 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.75 13.75 13,75 !3.7S 13.73 13.73 13175 13,75 !.7Jn CK'!'74 4.14 T. I 13.TB I3.7S . 13.7S 13.73 13.73 . 13.75 13.75 ' 13.73 13.73 11.71 13.75 (13 75 13.75 13.75 "13.75 13.75 11.75 13.75 13.75' 13.75 13.75 JJ.73 il.75 S 75 3H.7S ,f. 11.75 .173 1 75 l.TB I1.7& i:7s 1.75 l.7B 1.7B l.7B I 75 l.7B M 75 75 75 l TS 1.7B it 9 M, U 75 i.73 II, la O 46.99 3.i 64.01 3 1. ft 65. IV 136.8.' 24. 31.19 37.14 27.79 87.1. 128.1' 93. ll 3.9i 198.4: 203.91 434.8: 107.lt 46.99 33.22 34.34 4 6. Of. 49.41 41.37 182.2: 7.3:: 200.93 40.76 301.75 101.41 30.77 444.41' 01.01 168.87 S9 : 365.4 ' Sl.tt J 4. 6: 57.51 9.2 204.8 31.6! 47.21 47.2'. 33.7? S3. 9i si.s:- 317.11 399.3.- 317.11 ?'!' 40.86 85.1 391 47. It 4o.sr 4 6. or . H6.21 44,9f B6J1f 40.1 34.31 743.31 413.1 60.0' 60. 803.9' 107.3.-71.9' 119.2' 872.6' Si.s' 179.01 1T9.9 388. If 46,r 46.9t 677.59 668.1' 78.11J oo.o: 200.9: .'19.94 19.91 1 8.6 10.91 '19 fl .1001 19.91 18.69 .I9.M r.f 19 91 ,18.7 10 91 18.69 1 a r, to o 10 o '18.69 :1'6 10 91 1 8.62 1 69 1901 fl 91 14 01 19.91 Sklllen, W. II. Sklilch, V. II. Sklih-ii. V. .U, navies. Thomas ij..yie. I. ...... ray, jaincs n. Moore cnanea r, ............. Ahtlerstiu, Altei. , W.y Hewlni.lt Sou, U""' Ford. Ella . H Ulna. Marie Cnrrall, Joseph ThoihpMiii, James II, lioyes. Kill. ... Aasn, . Jlieepnilie fiennls, :E. . . .:. t. . . .North 0oal Land Cniniiany. I.liulied . orih tttiast land Ctriniutny, Llinlled . .ot III Coa-t UihI ComiMiliy, l.lllilteil . orlh Cial Land Cinnpany. Umllesl . orlh Coa'l land Company. Llinlled . .North Coast Land Coniiany. I.lmlleil . Vi.rlh Cuast Land U.inwaii.v . I.linlleil . orth Coast Land Comiiaiiy. Limited . orlh Coast Land Company. Llinlled . x'orlh Coal Land Company, I.linlleil . orlh Coast Land Company, Limited North tloa't Land Company. I. Untied . orlh Coast Land Cmiiiny. Limited . ,orth t:oa4 l.aml Company. Lluilleil . North Coast Und lu.miiiy. Limited . North Coast Und Company. Limited . North Coast Und Cxmpany. LMnlled . Jorth Coast UihI Company. I.linlleil . North Coast Land Company. I. Hulled . Vorth Coal UihI i'.nman. I milled . Nnrih Coast Land Cwuiiany. Umlied North Onast Land rxmpany. .inniru North 4:oas Und Company. I.linlleil . North Cjiast Land Coniiany. Limited . Norlh Uia4 Uixl :ompan.v. I.Hiilleil . Norih CoaP UikI Coiiipanv. I.lmiust Nnrth liast Land Cnnian . Limited Norlh Cuast Land Cimumny. LlmJlrd North Coast Uud 4miiany. Limited Norih Uiast Und iXnpanv, Limited North Coast L.11HI Oimiiany. Umliol Norlh Coast Uml Coinpany. Limited North lV.sl Land ('Miifny. Limited Norlh Coast Land l.injainy. I.unllesl North Coast unit dmnany. I nulled iNorth Cat Und Company. LlrallMl Norlh Coast Land Company. l.litMied Norlh Coast Und Company. I.lmlleil Norlh Coat Uml Company. I.liulied Norlh Coast Land Company, limned Norlh Cxait Uml ixmiiaiiy. LmilHnJ North Coast Und iVunpany. Llmliesl North Coast Und ilMHpanjr. J-t'"'."?! Norlh Coast I .ami CompartY. Llw ted North Coast Uml Company. Uni ted Nrih Coast Und Company, t.iinile.1 Hull, Ulla D,, ... t. f Tlnslej, F,J. ..,..... Tlnsley. K. L ' '-1 ' ' ' 't "v.V '! Wlsss. FJdwanl .t.i..-.VA.i..l4. . sn.llh. Alice Mar,u. . ..jyf . .(A.y Pearce, N llllam t . ........ ... tertiiane sproce Lumter Co. .td Borle. Oesirre (Trustee) Tlnrler E. J ?;?'! vayer, Oeorse S. 593 81 j ,. """ INW 29913:1' 593.8: I I Mobley,. Frank A .Palerson J.W v 370.7 j 4I.3H ' 243.3V 89'si' Klnl Cfimpsnri Llnrfled 31f ! . 47251 iJU'Hcaudin. Oenrsr ?! 'Jit Balk. Jhn tr.i'.ir, ' ' JJ;:!ltlrher, II. O 42.4' I 23o'r ,luXrtm' Freilcrlck 41I.8C 477.6T 303.31 North Coast 4 and Company, Umlled North Coast Land Comiany, I.lmlleil .. ''Hh Cxiast Uml rxmpany. IJmlted JJ'i; North Coast Uml Cutiiiaiiy, Llinlled TMS orHi Coast Und aiipany. Umlled 12-- Mh Oiasl Land IXnpany. Limited 11.91 .North Coast land Onpany, Limited . .lorlh (xaT Land CoHiimny. Limited 'oj'S Norlh Coast Laud tiiliiy. Umlleil 2S.J. Norlh Coasl Und Coinpany. Limited '!"' .Nilh Coat Land IUhhiuhi). LiiiiIIcI " .Norlh Uiail Land Comiumy. Limited 66.9S- M.nt, Ciuiii und Company, Limited iu.d 1 1 50.61 fli.ls 4 no i to i? 75 I 0 1' 6.00 I(I6 l.7B I9.0I 4.00 ,tl 12.73 IT.4I llatrls, E. S. I... lireen, Oeorse E. I lohnson, Alfred . . Ives, Fred - Mayer, OeotKC H. Wllsorsiljtj xcker, J Iraves, nr. C. A. satlerrorri. T. J. . Iinhnrr, Lillian '. . simHinr. AiHlrew ........ Hanson, T. -8 . Laurl, Aurust Murphv, Allierl Oeorre , Murphy, .Albert (ieorse . Massev, Ixulse Lucille , vinrphy. Albert Oeirre CenUils, Joseph Dupiils. Anna yurphy. .Allien Oeorre , pixke, Kenneth nh hard sun. Charles. p. ... "lesnia Comnsnv. I.lmlleil kleanta txuipany. I.lmlleil Kenney, Estate P. II Birtlelt. W. I. Wakatuyashl, Toraklrhl lnompure. Jean . trnew. A. W Porteniis. 'Alexander trnew. A, W. . ; . , anew. A. W. ,. . Arnew, A W tlessndee. Msrv 0. T. I., O'tlelll, Kathertne'Llly B, nle. E II I'sele F II hawle K , Off, W J Uils I to , Block 17 I..U 4 til 28. KliM'k 18 Ixts 18 lo . Block 0 Plan TS4, SuMl.lslon of Lot S. 'srt It'i I SWV Stili'11,.Twsil't.- . UiU I, 26,27.39, 4. 4. 53.nu.44 tul4.7 UilS 28. 29 Ixts 31. 33 : Plan SIS, Bubdltlslon sf ' M7' eUags B Block 13. i.33 SCO'S . . 4 block 26, i.j.i acres - Plan 89. Sutxllf IsIoa f Lsl A. .'r t.c. 16. Township 1, 4if .! i IK. ll Imk 7. 2 arres . i Plan 1001, SMbltlsln.of Ut ,11 of 0, Ixt 3, Blmk I Ifcirk jM. 10 acres .fftangs d Plan 1000, SuMltUtoo sf Lt H744, Range B liluclt, k. 8X acri'S ...J Plan 1012, Subdlflsla f Lst ,134. j Block 6, 10 acre Itlork 8. 10 acres Hkirk 9, 10 arres UUhU lit, 10 acres . . . . Hock 1 a, 10 acres ... Block 16. 10 acres mock II, 10 acre .. .. thick 24, 10 acre tlork 2s. 10 acre .. 11 Hie a , in acre hloik 27. 10 acres Bturk 2S, 10 acre blisrk 10, It) acre ulock SI, 10 arts Mark 32. 10 arres ..e Matt. S3, 10 acre . .ilurk 3i; 10 acres lltork 13, iv acres . Itlork 36. 9.9 acre ilurk 37. 9.V rre Muck 18, I arres . .Hna , wan" . ...... a ilurk in. to ai'r v -.. Block 43, 10 acras thick 41. m acres ....1, itturk 44, t. acre .... ......,. .Ibirk 43. . re ...... wiiV.. ilkirk 46, 10 acres ...f llork 47. 19) scree itlork is. ! artw ...fi, Hock It. lo acre Hock 50. 10 acres . ill.irk 31. 10 acres illock 1. . acre Block 53. 9.9 acre Block 31, 10 arret . it turn it. to sere . Hlock 36, l acre, tmek 17. I acre -Kiosk IS. 10 acres . Bturk 39. 10 acre ...... j lock 60. 9.9 acres , iltick 41, 9.9 acre liock 62. 10 acres i 8Mk S3, 10 acre .Plan '104, .SnHltUUn t.si.44S, ; Rang B illurk I. 4.61 acres Block 32. 19 acre ...4. Plan 1061, Svkltlls f Ll 424) Qn Chrlttt il4ss xl 17. Blork I llork 18. .4 arres PUn 106S, Suk4ltlln, Part, Ll 172, Rang B 1 Ilurk 4 ,N W 4, . 4 21 acres Plan 1071, SuMlflslea PsMlLtt Ml. Rang B. .It 3, 6. Block 37 Plan 1079. SuMlflsloA Part 11 744, Qun COrtu Isltnla. '.XU 4, j. 6. Block 3 4 '. , ixl i. 6. 1. S. u to 4, Bbk 38 .... xt 4. Block 42 ,ot 8. . 10. Block 43 : xl 8. .Its Ixt IT. St4 Block 41 :.oie I 10 : 11. 12. Bioik;i3 Ixt 7, AsmI. Ixl B. Ilkxl'14 ,Mt I In 4, 8 9. Block ll Lots I. I. BWck 31 ,'. V. XI 4. Block 34 Plan 1117, Suksltitltn S)y f LstiSTA, Rang S. llnck I. 32 76 acres 1 Plan 121S, SvMltlsUn. f ksl. 14SB, . Rngi. . i ' Hock 2. 2.3 acre' .-. : Man 1222, Suk4ltlsln tl M Lit J 07. fa ..i . 1 . -ot II. Block I ....... Jit 19. Bloc r -. 'XI I. Block 4 1 Plan 12S3, BuMltltlMi u 24, CsssiUr xt 2i. 2 acres r. lan 17SS, Sik4ltltl Ul 44t,, RMg 3 Lot 114 ' CLAXTON TOWIUITt. Plan SBt). xlt I lo 36. Blmk I Ixl I to 36. .Blotk 2 Ixl I lo 36. Blork 3 xl I to Sr.. Block I Lot I to in. Block 5 Ixts I 10 33, Block 4 Lot t to 111. Block 7 Ixl I lo 30. Block i ...'.;..... Lots I to 30. It lfl 9 : ..... .ol I In 21, Block 10 ;', Ixl I In 31, Rtink ,.i xl I lo 24, Block i . . . : xl I Pi 20. Block I) COPPER CITY TOWIUITt. Plan j, ' ' Ixl 1. Block 4 Ixl 89, HMk .1 ...... DCLKATLAH TOWfltrTt. Plsn 1032. " XI 5. IIIIMk7 , . s. , Lot 3. Block 17 Ixt 6., Block ,34 , ..... PUS J244 4t,.'-v,-r Ui ijf .repr,lCi4 of BjeiiMfl'gcres Plan 1032. '.nl 19, Block 3 Lot 14, IS. Block 31 .:..t....:.. -xi 17. is, II 101 A )t , ISSINQTON .TOWllilTS. ; ' Plan B37A. " xt I. Blm-k 12 A M 3, Block 13 xt . Block 17 v .. ORANfJV BA7 TOWRllTt. Plsn 1007. Uit 9, Block 4 ;. HAVSPORT TOWIUITt,, Plan 949. Ixis 25 lo 32, Bloi4t 8 Ixts 60 tn 61, RliM'k 10 Ixl 73 VI 76, !Block 10 Uils I A 60. to 72, IHock.il ....... .ols B1. 59. 39, 60, , Block II .... Lots r.B, 56. Block II Lois I A 93 Block 13 ixt ib, Block it ' ; KITSCLAS T0WNSITI. . Plan 971. Block I . . I ,.l. I m a m.l, Ixl 3 .A t. Block .1 'nil ' Lot ill), ' itii.' N Ixt 3 WV4., Block ,4 klASStTT TOWflSITI. Plan a a Lol 3 A I. Block 4 Lot '3, Block is ; ; ); ; porrr iidward .towhsiti , ,Pan 1033. xl 0. It lor k 14 Lois 27 A 28. B1n( 17 lots S. 6, 7. Block l . " Ixts I, 2. Block S . . " l.ou 4. 40 10 . Bin,, ii ixl 7 ui lo.iriock 109 POUT SUe-PSON T0WN9ITC. .01 3. Blocv- ulp.to"- I .nl 4, Block i3 (Plsn (443. lull I 1, B Block lot I Block B " Ixl B, 4. Block 'C 1.01 8, Block C " ' ' t ' 4.IIU .69 1, 5.20 ,13 , a.. ,.M I.IW I ,49 j . ; I 27.3 4.00 4.UU 10.00 1 1. till ?1. SjSI I2,l 10,14 IvllS 10.14 ,10.13 ID;tl 10,13 10.14 110.13 iiv.11 I'l.ll 110,11 10,13 111,14 Idjll iio'li 09.13 110.11 IU.I3 10.11 I'M i ,!. JlO.II 10.14 16.11 10.14 I?.I4 . 14.13 to.il II9JU W llisjtl !t6jl3 10.11 14,13 10.11 16.11 10.11 IHIl llfll 1i.11 lf.13 'Uill 1 1. 34.4 3 1141 8.04 12.98 1.44 Urn JJ,t4 a:j A?a 1 IJ.H 1.75 i ' 11.34) .' 7.4 ;:,40 .A.oo 't IJ.40 2J.40 2J.4K !! 23110 10.40 .10.20 0itl ! Vl 4jlW n I !J .f j5i ii ' I ofl 1 .; 'r -17.10 l.o 9146 ,12,44 s,4J '64.no ,M0 'MO 4 01) 4S4 4.40 S A 8,00 '4. OA 4.10 .1 AO 14 VI I ii 4 I y4.0 4 on 4 nh B 60 Bon 6.00 III 'i(i6 1 13: !' i!i 1 12: 1.70 1 9V l.l I It, .I3.2U 1 v t Iitl I : 12 : 1.71 12 v .1.70 I : 1.71 tt : .I.7U u : 1.71 1 : 1.70 I : 1.71 ii : I.Jo it : 1.71 If : l.1 I : I.J I lV. 1.70 1 1 : 1.71 ii : 1.70 it : 1.71 it 1.70 it : I.JI it : l.7 1 : 1.71 l : I.7H l : I.JI tt : 1.70 it : 1.71 U : 1.70 1 1 ; I.JI it ; I.J ! : I.JI i : I.JO 12! I.JI u v I.JO It : I.JI 12 t i.J it T I.JI lr : I.JO lv I.JI 12 V I.J6 I? v. I.JI 12 V I.JO 12 7 I.JI 12 V I.JO 12, it l'j ir I.Jss 12 V Til If V I.J0 l.i I.JI It T ;l.J l V I.M I 12 V 7.l 1 12 V id ' 1: i, .1.1 I 12 V 3.41 1 12 V .68 lt.1 I IJ7 I If: l.ts i ir 1. 34 ' i v I7.IS 12- 23Jt tt : 135.13 ' It" 4.42 it. 22 ' i i,4i - irv 3.19 12... I 43 t" .71 t ' 12 7 .84 ' It I. It ' 12' 1.97 t V I. II I' 4 94 4.9S lit' ill Ml t.13 III 2.13 .1.73 1 V I.JI 1.71 1.44 .47 12 V .47 12 - .33 I ..1'. I .13 i v .33 12 7.48 1.04 if iS ;ts 1 LIS l7'. 1.22 12.7 1.22 r p" v7 17' B.J 4 I 1'. 1.00 IfTr--1 14.18 t.1 I n: 17 13 ! ' 9.5 l.f .4J lJ 6T V , I I. on I 1.11 I .43 I it'.' ll' .48 I7' I H .H ll.1l 12.71 11 .As I i?' It '1 .6 t tr, , ', .23 I 11 ,64 C", l-ll .64 IS Alt C l 466 t.ii ... , III T M.03 U.73 1 It .85 .SB 1.11 .7S I '4 It 173 t I."